(Y/n)'s Awakening

By Green_Arrow_Fury

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We all know the story of Dante, son of the legendary dark knight, but only a few know of (Y/n)'s existence... More

Your gear
The Devil Arms
Chapter 1: A New Era of Evil
Chapter 2: Baby Steps
What the Future Holds
Author's Note
Chapter 3: The Duel
Chapter 4: Help Wanted
Chapter 5: Hell's Most Wanted
Chapter 6: Dante?
Story info: It gets complicated
Chapter 7: Answers
Chapter 8: The Conflict
Chapter 9: Reunion
Chapter 10: Second-Story Work
Chapter 11: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 12: The War Begins
Chapter 12: Part 2
Chapter 13: Evolve
Chapter 14: Break Every Sword
Chapter 15: Siren's Shriek
Chapter 15: Part 2
Chapter 16: Shall Never Surrender
Chapter 17: The Boys Are Back In Town
The Next Phase
Chapter 18: Ready Your Blade
Chapter 19: The Bane of Pain
Chapter 21: Brothers Requiem
Chapter 22: Seeing Red
Chapter 23: Ulterior Motives
Chapter 24: The Fall of St. Paul
Devil Arms #2
Chapter 25: Home Training
Chapter 26: House of the Unholy
Chapter 27: Swear On My Father's Grave
Chapter 28: The Evil Within
Chapter 29: Fate
Chapter 30: Merry Christmas
Chapter 31: ...And a Happy New Year
Chapter 32: A Hero's End

Chapter 20: Devil's Bane

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By Green_Arrow_Fury

???'s perspective;
The sound of a thousand agonies suddenly and unexpectedly turned into commands and eagerness. The booming had begun.

My position grew crowded in a matter of minutes.... or hours.... time flows weird down here.

A horde of unsuspecting heathens made their presence known through howls, grunts and bellowing. They passed me by in an all familiar trance, the seeking of power.

I followed suit. The crowd lead to an abhorrent opening. It was new, different than the rest.

It seemed to lead out. Out.
(Y/n)'s perspective;
Through the open gate, I made my way inside. There were no guardians standing watch. Interesting...

(Y/n): Helllllllooooooo......

The inside was like a bottomless pit. The interior went down deep, in a way the interior went down more than the exterior went up. It lead to the blackest place of the universe.

...The Demon World.

(Y/n): Long wayyyyyyy down...

I kicked a pebble down the pit. Man it's deep!

The Devil's Bane. One of the original 3 towers. Gates, to Hell.

There's the Devil's Bane, Temen Ni Gru and Arnoldininki Adanic.

Out of all 3, I happen to be trying to climb the largest one...

(Y/n): Better get goin'.
Nero's perspective;
I reached the tower entrance. Everything was quiet... too quiet...

Nero: It's never this easy-

Jackass: HuMAn!!

Nero: You again?!

???: You two know each other?

I turned my head to the right. Trish was standing upon some debris overlooking me and Jackass.

Nero: Trish? What are you doing here?

Trish: Awe. You're worried about little ol' me? That's sweet.

She hopped down to my level and began to sway her hips. My cheeks heated up. Damn you!

Jackass: WhAT??! TwO?!?!

Trish: Lets finish him off!

Nero: ...right!

Trish's sword took on the form of a scythe. She tossed it in a circular motion towards Jackass's legs!

With Red Queen's exceed gauge full, I let her rip!!


I began to hack and slash at his torso as Trish took to the skies! Yellow lightning danced around us as we all exchanged blows!

Trish: Have a bit of this!

I watched as Trish came down like a falling star! I was kinda mesmerized with her combative action. One move after another, the skills...


Jackass's hammer slammed into me like a truck! I was thrown into the wall of the tower! Damn.

Trish: Keep your eyes on the prize, kid!

Nero: ...It....wasn't like that...

That smarted! By the time I was back on my feet Trish had taken care of Jackass.

Trish: Done and done.

A bright light engulfed Trish. After it died down Trish had a new weapon.

Nero: Oh cmon! When am I gonna get one?

Trish: When you kill one.
Dante's perspective;
There I was, watching my partners in crime battling a horde of Pride devils from overhead.

Patty: Watch em drop like flies!

Ash: Stay focused.

The silver chick was using some sort of bow staff. She's pretty good.

My eyes moved up past the debris. The tower was just beyond this point. I looked to my 'friends' again. They can handle this.

I hopped over all the destruction. I couldn't wait. Curiosity and all that jazz. Could this be what Silver was talking about? The danger I must prevent in order to save the world?

We shall see.

(Y/n)'s perspective;
Holy shit! These stairs are endless!

*Demonic battle cry*

(Y/n): Now what?!

At the top of the stairs stood some kind of guard. Finally, I was beginning to get bored!

(Y/n): Hey! I'm looking for the elevator. Can you help me out?

To my surprise the devil pointed to a round platform. Damn, that actually worked...

(Y/n): ...Oh, why thanks my good sir.

It was right before I was to step on when he maneuvered into my path.

(Y/n): Um, excuse me?

I tried to pass around him but again he blocked my passage.

(Y/n): I see, in order to pass... I gotta go through you....correct?

The devil readied his flaming sword.

(Y/n): Cmon wimp!

With Agni and Rudra in my Hands I started slicing away!

(Y/n): 1...2...FINISH!

Then came the red hot sword! I hopped over his weak attempts to severe me in half! A few times I came in contact with his flames but I've touched hotter.

(Y/n): Lets see if I can do this.......

I hopped in the air with my swords spinning! A wall of flame surrounded me as I pushed the deformed giant back and forth!


In retaliation, my opponent opened his belly and shot out a flaming laser!

I was forced to hop about while dodging the red hot beams! Six or seven at a time!

(Y/n): Fight fire with fire! Take this!!

My blades impaled the ground as a stream of fire blasted off and collided with a beam from Hot Head!

We canceled each other's move. I'm not finished though!

With Agni and Rudra equipped, I rammed them into Hot Head's exposed belly!


He erupted in twinkling flames before igniting! The explosion was mediocre....5/10.

(Y/n): Amazing...

Agni: Undefeated!

Rudra: We are!

(Y/n): Oh, right! The elevator!

I hopped upon the rising platform and took off. Making progress!
Neo's perspective;
So far the plan has been a success. I reawakened the Devil's Bane, I lured my brother and the son of Sparda out of hiding. Only two more goals.

The sound of the platform's mechanism echoed loudly. He's here...
(Y/n)'s perspective;

The platform stopped finally. I found myself in a large room with a cubic structure in the middle. Atop stood Neo, my brother!

(Y/n): ...Of course...should have known!

Neo: Brother. Welcome.

Neo revealed his right hand from behind his back. He was holding something...a sword....The sword...

Neo: Let's welcome chaos...

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