Do Overs

By jasminejoie

56.5K 1.3K 235

Aubrey has been wrongfully sentenced to do years behind bars for something he didn't do, he comes out looking... More

fiftyfive: final chapter.


884 22 6
By jasminejoie

Aubrey was enjoying a romantic night in with Camilla. She hadn't been herself as late, it was nice for the pair of them to have time to themselves given the hectic time that it took to run a successful restaurant.

"I miss nights like this" Camilla said, re tying her hair into a bun and taking off her towel to replace it with a bathrobe.

"I know baby, I can't wait till we just get to chill" Aubrey held under Camilla's chin and began to kiss her.

"I can't wait to be your wife" she spoke, her eyes slightly welling up with tears. "I've never told you this before but I never ever wanted to get married"

"For real...why?" Aubrey raised an eyebrow.

"My parents, I guess. They were kinda like us, each other's first everything" she furrowed her eyebrows as she took in what she just said. "But my dad changed you know, dealt with the wrong people and all of that. I just saw marriage as lie, but then I guess, you changed my mind"

"You changed my mind too" Aubrey flashed a smile at her. "You already know what it was with my parents, but I didn't really care about marriage. Never really thought about it, but when I finally did take it into consideration I always said the woman I marry will never have to feel the pain that my mom felt"

Camilla let a tear fall from her eye as she listened to him, she wasn't really sure why her emotions were kicking in but she wasn't mad about it. Camilla had been known to suppress her feelings a lot, finally expressing them was a relief.

"I don't even know why I'm crying" Camilla laughed, wiping her eyes.

"The ice queen has melted" Aubrey chuckled, moving Camilla's hand so he could wipe her eyes. "I love you for real, C. I say it all the time but I mean it"

"I know, and I love you"

"This time next week you'll be Mrs Graham" Aubrey said, picking up Camilla and planting a row of kisses along her neck, causing her to let out a large giggle.

"Mrs Dean-Graham" she laughed, correcting him.

"We're still doing this whole hyphen thing?"

"Mhmm, I like my name" she laughed.

"Maybe I'll try to convince you" he smirked, still holding Camilla but pushing her back against the wall.

"Oh really?" She bit her lip.

"Mhm" he said as they began to kiss, wrapping their tongues around the others. "You ready?" He asked, to which she nodded. Camilla let out a gasp as Aubrey positioned his member inside of her, these gasps were then followed by the sounds of moans. Camilla held Aubrey's head against her chest as the sounds of their bodies made a thudding sound on the wall.

Before they knew it they were fast asleep in bed, Aubrey was awoken by the sound of his phone ringing. It was Baka.

"Fuck" Aubrey croaked, looking down at Camilla fast asleep on his chest then answering the phone. "What's up"

"Leah's got enough information and she's ready to go home"

"This couldn't have waited till tomorrow?" Aubrey spoke, realising the time was 2:30am.

"Nigga, she needs us to come and pick her up"

"Baka, look at the time" Aubrey slowly moved Camilla off of his chest and got up off the bed.

"I know, I'm sorry man. Just roll through"

"Alright, give me like 10 minutes" Aubrey sighed, slightly frustrated.

By the time he had gotten ready to go, Camilla had woken up at the sound of all the moving around in the house.

"Aubrey" Camilla opened her eyes to see Aubrey exiting the bathroom.

"Sorry to wake you up, baby" He spoke, somehow regretful for waking her up because this was leading to more questions.

"Where are you going?"

"Bakas got a bit of an issue, I gotta go help him. I'll be back soon though"

"Oh...please keep yourself safe" she sounded worried. "What's his issue?"

"He's stuck somewhere near Ajax and wants me to come and get him"

"He needs to get his license back" Camilla laughed. "That's cool though, be safe"

"I will" Aubrey laughed, bending down so that she could hold his face and peck him on the lips. "You want anything on the way back?"

"Maybe a- actually, no. I'm good, thank you" she smiled.

"I'll be back soon, love you" Aubrey said, walking out. Camilla dozed back off shortly after that.

It was nearing to 4am by the time Aubrey and Baka had gotten to Leah. She was seemingly tipsy and annoyed.

"Guys, I'm not doing this anymore" Leah said, folding her arms. Aubrey and Baka had just come to pick her up from the corner of the club. "It just feels wrong, like, this guy has feelings"

"This guy is also involved with a nigga that put me and Drizzy in jail, are you forgetting that?" Baka hissed, leaning forward to prevent himself from taking out his frustration on her.

"Leah, we're not going to force you to do anything" Aubrey said sighing, while he kept his eyes on the road. "What changed your mind?"

"I just-, look you're not going to find out anything about LD through him. All he told me was LD rarely comes to the club, he comes into town at the end of the month and LD has a wife and a kid"

"We didn't think he'd tell you LD's life story, we just wanted to see how much he'd talk about" Aubrey spoke once again.

"We just wanted to test his loyalty" Baka chimed in. "And now we've seen his, we've also seen yours"

"Don't say that, I risked my life for you two selfish niggas" Leah choked up. "You had me meet up with a random guy, he could've killed me or found out who I was. But you guys weren't worried about that, you were more worried about this childish shit"

"You were ready to entertain this so called, childish shit when you thought it'd make Aubrey wanna fuck you, right?"

"That's not true" Leah looked on in disbelief. "Look, all I'm saying is I feel bad for the guy. He's clearly confused, he doesn't want to be involved with anything LD is going to do to you guys"

"Going to do?" Aubrey perked up.

"He said that LD  will be in town by the end of the month but that he knows that whether you guys retaliate, LD will probably do something"

"You were right" Baka chuckled to Aubrey.

"Huh?" Leah looked at them both.

"Me and Baka try to keep a few steps ahead, we weren't expecting the restaurant ambush but we were expecting something else"

"So I'm just the decoy that's supposed to confirm your suspicions? That's even worse"

"Stop being dramatic" Aubrey and Baka said in unison.

"You really think we would've let anything happen to you, if we even thought that some shit would happen to you, you wouldn't be doing this" Baka shook his head at her.

"For real, give us some credit-" Aubrey began to speak but was stopped by the sound of Camilla calling him. "Leah, stay quiet"

"Hey baby" Aubrey answered.

"Hey, you with Baka already?"

"Yeah, he's here"

"Yo C, you're not usually awake at these times" Baka said.

"I know man, but I can't really sleep not knowing where your friend is" she laughed. "Anyway, I'll leave you guys"

"I'll be there soon, baby"

"Alright, bye" Camilla said, hanging up.

"Doesn't she know what's going on?" Leah asked.

"No and we're keeping it that way" Aubrey briefly turned around to look at her.

"Right, C doesn't really deal with all of this shit too well" Baka added.

"Don't you think it's dishonest to be lying to your future wife, you guys are getting married next week. It's your rehearsal dinner in a few days" Leah teased.

"Don't you think you shouldn't be talking shit to someone who took the liberty of driving your drunk ass home?"

"You brought my drunk ass here-"

"Alright, let's stop before this gets out of hand" Baka interrupted.

"I'm not arguing with her, I don't argue with women, especially her type"

"What's my type then?"

"Cheap" Aubrey chuckled. Baka sat in the passenger seat, trying his hardest not to react to either of them.

"We'll cheap I am when I tell Camilla what's going on" Leah glared.

"Threats like that get you fucked up" Aubrey kissed his teeth.

"Leah, chill man" Baka tried to diffuse the situation.

"After I take you home, make sure you don't hit me up" Aubrey shrugged, evidently pissed. "That shit is mad disrespectful"

"What? You started it" Leah's mouth fell open.

The rest of the journey was silent, Leah had eventually fallen asleep in the backseat and when it was time for her to get out, Baka had to wake her up. Aubrey didn't take to kindly to her threats and was not interested to anything she had to say at the time.

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