The Game to End all Games [CO...

By Shortwriter51

856 107 4

The Rebellion is over but the Games aren't. After defying the Capitol and Coin, it is Katniss' turn to pay. P... More

Author's note
Prologue 2: The meeting
Author's note 2 (p.s. this is quite important)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Authors note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Author's Note

Chapter 9

21 2 0
By Shortwriter51

Dedicated to Elizabeth_0703

Cinna and I walk quietly down the pristine corridors towards the Remake Centre. I walk with my arms away from my sides, in what Katniss calls "the Rue pose". The material that covers me from ankle to wrist to neck is black and silky, not unlike Katniss' Unitard. However, there has been not even been the smallest hint of fire, for which I am thankful.

The Remake Centre feels cramped with the 12 glossy chariots and their equally shiny horses, not to mention the other tributes who laugh with each other or send me pointed glares as we make our way to our chariot to wait for Portia and Lyam. Cinna turns to me and I'm shocked to see small tears threatening to spill onto his cheeks.
"Go out there and shine, Prim," he barely whispers. He kisses my cheek gently and flicks my loose hair over my shoulder before disappearing into the crowd. I stand by the horses, taken aback by this outburst.
"Want a sugar cube?" a steamy voice slurrs into my ear. It's probably trying to sound seductive but after hearing it so many times, the effect's worn off.
"No thanks, Finnick," I respond, turning to face the admittedly good-looking mentor. "What are you even doing here?"
"Same thing your sister asked me a year ago when I turned up at your house unannounced," I remember it vividly and since then he won't stop showing up. They got to know each other through Snow who had been in contact, before his death, with all of the Victors about the possible Rebellion. "Travel between the Districts is no longer restricted, I told her. And it's not restricted here either," w ith that, he saunters off between the crowd of nervous Tributes and disappears. I spot Lyam and Portia weaving their way towards me but I turn my attention back to the horses. Their muscular, silky bodies are coal black and shine in the bright overhead lights. They really are divine creatures.
"Just as you're going out, press the button on the inside of your left wrist," Portia tells us. I fiddle with the slightly padded patch where my pulse is beating. "Actually," she corrects, "only press them after a bit, not right away. I need to go and find Cinna. Good luck, you'll be great," she blows us kisses through green acrylic nails and is sucked up by the crowd that appears to have grown.
"I thought they were supposed to stick around," Lyam comments, pointing out a woman with violent violet hair and orange lipstick, the reverse of Flavius' style.
"Guess they're going to sort out our interview outfits..." I feebly offer. He shrugs and we watch as the District 1 tributes roll out amidst a cacophony of calls, shout and wolf whistles.
"Shall we?" Lyam asks, extending his hand to help me get onto the carriage. The horse canter to the entrance.
"Switch them on when we get to where they are now," I suggest, nodding to where the District 11 pair are. The guy stands tall with broad shoulders and an arrogant air about him. He could be from 2 if it wasn't for his dark colouring. The girl is small and her outfit is badly fitted; the shoulders hang half way down her biceps. Before I can begin to comprehend the costume, the chariot jerks forward abruptly. I lift my chin up, plaster a smile across my face, and wave.
"Now?" He whispers.
"Now," we press the buttons. A small breeze tickles my neck. Twisting slightly, I am astonished by the change. Out of the back of my plain, boring unitard a pair of gauzy, fiery wings from between my shoulder blades have sprouted. Each is about a metre long with jagged feathers running along the edge. They burn with a determined, intense ferocity. I turn to Lyam, my face probably a mask of shock and delight. His features are lit by the unnatural glow radiating from the feathers but he has regained his composure. His wings are larger and more powerful than mine and flap slightly as he continues to wave to the adoring crowd. As we stop before the President's mansion, most of the other tributes eye us up. Most nervously, some enviously but the look the boy from 10 sends towards us, sends chills down my spine. He glares at me almost sadistically, a smile twitching at the corners of his lips. He jerks his arm quickly and a lasso sails in my direction. I duck just in time as it skims above my head. He grins sharply and turns away as President Coin's speech comes to a close and the music returns. A bouquet of flowers fly towards me. I catch them and send kisses in the general direction. The chariots file through the open doors of the Training Centre. I spot Katniss and Peeta as they come over to congratulate us. She is about to offer her compliments but her mouth shuts abruptly as she sees the flowers. For the first time I look at them for what they really are.


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