Diabolik Lovers: The Emo Girl

By Animefan446

38.9K 998 139

Meet Ayame Takashi, she's not your average school and tends to stick out as well. Ayame is an emo girl and sh... More

Character Introduction
Sometimes I Wish I Can Be Free
Everything In My Life Was Perfect, But Now, It's Falling To Pieces
Meeting The Sakamaki Brothers
My First Day At Night School Will End Before It Can Even Begin
My New Partner In Crime
Music To My Ears
Every Time The Rain Comes Down
You're Special To Us
You're Never Alone In This World
Meeting The Mukami Brothers
Sometimes Being Different Can Be A Good Thing
Being Here Feels Like I've Got Family Members
Sing-Off! Ayame VS Kou!!
I Wished I Had A Big Brother Like Him
What's Ayame Hiding From Us?
The Truth Comes Out
The Girls Sleepover
One Crazy Night
The Time To Strike Now Approaches
I Can't Keep Quiet Any Longer
I'm Half Vampire And Half Human

Stupid Hentai

1.7K 49 9
By Animefan446


I was working on my English homework and we were told to write about the books that we read earlier in the week. The one that I borrowed from the school library was a horror/fantasy book and I was on a roll with it as I worked on it since it was my favourite book. I checked my essay and it looked great before I started printing it off. Once I was finished with my homework for the night, I took a stretch and I started to get changed out of my uniform. Before I got changed, I sensed someone nearby and I had a feeling who it was.

I quietly walked over to my wardrobe and I shouted.

"Laito! get out of there now!!"

I opened the wardrobe and then Laito fell out of the wardrobe. I frowned angrily and he sat up from the floor and he said to me.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Laito, I know the oldest trick in the book, NOW GET OUT!!!"

I yelled before I threw him out of my room. I slammed my door and I growled angrily before I got my casual clothes and I went into the bathroom. After I got changed into my casual clothing, I fixed the beanie on my head.

"You look adorable with that cat ear beanie."

A tick mark appeared on my head and I glared at Laito who was laying down on the bed.

"Ugh, don't you have anything else to do other than hit on me?"

Laito teleported close to me and he had his usual smirk on his face.

"Not really, besides, it's not every day that we have someone feisty like you."

Laito stroked my chin making me look at him with a disgusted look on my face. I smacked his hand away from me and I said to him.

"I'm warning you Laito, don't touch me so casually or else I'll end up beating you to death."

"Ooh, lala~ you're getting angry again, mind punishing me here and now?"

"I'm not even gonna give you that satisfaction, now if you'll excuse me."

I said as I grabbed my pouch of Yugioh cards before leaving the room. Laito got in front of me and he asked me.

"Wait! where do you think you're going?"

"Out, now get out of the way!"

"Not until you tell me where you're going."

I frowned angrily and I kicked Laito in the privates making him fall to his knees while clutching his privates in pain.


I left Ayame's room while in pain. Just then, Kanato and Ayato appeared and they laughed at me.

"Ayame just texted me about your pathetic state! ahahahaha!!"

"Hahahahaha!!! that's what you get for trying to flirt with her!!"

I frowned at them and I said to them.

"Laugh it up while you still can, when she gets back, I'll make sure she gets her punishment."

"Hmpf, good luck with that."

Ayato said with a smirk before he and Kanato left.


I decided to wait for Ayame to come back in her room but, she was still taking some time to get back. I sighed a little until I saw her essay on her desk. I smirked and I decided to hide it but that was when I saw her diary hiding under her music sheets and some of her notebooks. I smirked when I saw it and I decided to have a read at it.

"Let's see what dirty secrets you've been keeping, goth-chan."

I read the first page and she mostly talked about how she got kicked out of an all girls' school and how mad her father was. Ayame also wrote about her first impressions of us.

Today, I met the Sakamaki brothers. I knew right away they were vampires and it almost shocked me but, I managed to keep calm about their identities and I was also surprised how different their personalities are.

Shu looked as if he doesn't care about the world around him and he's such a lazy bum, how can he complain how tired he is when he hasn't shifted his butt off the couch?

Reiji...well, he kinda acts a bit like Sebastien from Black Butler judging from his strict composure and his bossy attitude but, I'm sure there's something good about him that he's hiding underneath that strict glare of his.

I also met the triplets as well, they look similar but they're VERY different. In short words, Ayato: rebellious and funny
Kanato: A child and...a little creepy
Laito: A massive pervert!

Subaru nearly scared me when he punched that wall (poor wall-chan). But, when I looked into his eyes when we first met, there's not a sign of anger within those ruby eyes of his but sadness.

I was surprised when she described me and my brothers. I chuckled a little and then the door slammed opened and it was Ayame.

"Laito!! what the hell?!!"

Ayame yelled angrily before she snatched her diary from my hands. 

"This is private!!"

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have left it lying around for the whole world to see your little secrets, like how you thought about us when we first met you."

"Don't even think about telling the brothers about this!"

"Aw, why not? is there something about us that you don't want us to know?"

"That is none of your feckin business! now get out or be thrown out!"

"Now, now, there's no need to get violent, I'm only trying to have a friendly conversation with you."

"Violent? violent?! I'll show you violent!!"


I shouted as I grabbed my bat and I starting hitting Laito with it.

"Ow!! ow!! ow!! Goth-chan!!"

"Get out now!!"

"OW! all right! all right!!"

Laito ran out of my room and I pointed my bat at him.

"If I catch you going through my personal belongings or stealing my underwear again! I'll use a butcher knife to cut your thing off and feed it to the dogs!"

"Now, now, let's not go that far, hey wait a minute, how did you know I was the one stealing your underwear?"

"Who else has a dirty, perverted mind, other than you? you know what, allow me to fix it, by putting you in a coma!!"

"Wah!! no need for that!!"

Laito shouted before he teleported out of the hallway. I smirked after he ran away and then Ayato and Kanato burst out laughing. I held my bat over my shoulder and then Ayato said to me.

"Hahahaha! nice one Goth girl!"

"Hahahaha!! I knew Laito was gonna get into trouble the minute you came back!"

Kanato said after laughing so much. I smirked at them and then Ayato said to me.

"You look like Harley Quin with that bat."

"Well, a girl's gotta be on the defence and these things are handy to deal with intruders especially with that stupid hentai running around."

I said as I went back into my room and I placed my bat on the bed before I got back to work on writing another song.

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