Do Overs

By jasminejoie

56.5K 1.3K 235

Aubrey has been wrongfully sentenced to do years behind bars for something he didn't do, he comes out looking... More

fiftyfive: final chapter.


1.1K 25 0
By jasminejoie

"You ready?" Baka said to Aubrey, Niko and Chubbs. To which they all replied with a nod, placing their ski masks on over their faces. Baka took 4 pistols out of a black duffle bag and handed one of each to the men. Chubbs was the driver so he would be sat in the car till the job was over, but just in case anything happened, he'd need to be safe. They remained in the car for a few more minutes before leaving.

"Let's go, it's dark enough" Aubrey said, making everyone else get ready and exit the car.

They made their way into the warehouse, the warehouse was risky because they had no way of knowing who was in there beforehand. But given the time and the fact that they had guns, all should go to plan.

Meanwhile, Camilla was in the middle of meeting with her father Lorenzo. She wasn't too sure what the outcome of this would be, but she was eager to see. Despite Camilla's negative feelings about her father, a part of her always wanted that father and daughter dynamic.

"Cami" Camilla's father, Lorenzo said starting the conversation as he sat opposite her at the dinner table. He had arranged for them to have dinner at his favourite restaurant in Ajax, a city just next to Toronto.

"Father" she gave him half a smile. Camilla stared at her father for second, he looked fairly different from the last time she'd seen him. His hair was pulled into a small low ponytail, given the fact that his hair had grown a lot; he was dressed in his usual attire of a long business jacket and suits; but he had lost some weight. Camilla's reasoning for agreeing to see her father was based on curiosity, she wanted to know what he wanted.

"You haven't ordered anything" he spoke, looking at Camilla's empty plate.

"We probably won't be here that long, I'm sure of it" Camilla sighed, looking around.

"Still as cheerful as ever" Lorenzo smiled. "You drove all the way here?" He questioned.

"Yeah, a long ass way too" Camilla pouted.

"Don't war with me. You're my child" Lorenzo laughed. "How have you been?"

"Today, or the past four years that you haven't bothered to check on me"

"I keep you in my prayers, Cami"

"You pray?" Camilla asked, pretending to be shocked.

"I always pray for you and your mom, doesn't matter how you both feel about me" Lorenzo took a sip of the white wine in his glass. "So, tell me. What's new?"

"Nothing, still the same old" Camilla tapped her knife against her glass. "Actually, I'm thinking of opening up a business" she added.

"Really? You take after me more than you think, you know?"

"I mean a legit business, not a business that involves-" Camilla began to speak but stopped, realising where she was. "You know what I mean" she finished.

"Same thing, tomato, to-mato" he fanned his arm in the air. "I can give you $30,000 to contribute to this business of yours"

"In exchange for what?" Camilla raised an eyebrow, thirty thousand dollars would be more than helpful, but she knew this would come at a price.

"Who gave you that?" Lorenzo spotted the now faded, hickey on her neck as Camilla adjusted one of her earrings.

"Oh dad, please, I'm 24 years old" Camilla rolled her eyes.

"Don't give me that" Lorenzo hissed at her. Lorenzo was a typical absent father, had no clue what was happening in Camilla's life but liked to comment. Camilla could've been married with a few kids for all her father knew. "If I give you the money, I need you to convince your mom to see me"

"I'm not doing that" Camilla scoffed. "You seem to be confused. You think I forgot all the things you've done to her?"

"Why so harsh, Cami?"

"'re just- you're not trustworthy. You disappear for years, drop a 5 minute phone call every now and then, randomly come into town and now you're asking me to convince my mom, the woman you used to treat like shit and  talk down to, to see you?"

"I disappear within good reason, why do you think I'm such a bad person? Anything you used to ask me for growing up I gave to you. People make mistakes"

"It's a mistake when it's once, more than once isn't a mistake. Maybe you're a different person, but so is mom. I'm asking you to just leave her alone, whatever you were doing for these 4 years, go and do that again"

"Cami, I miss your mom...and you" Lorenzo furrowed his eyebrows together. Camilla paused for a moment, her mind wandered to the idea of having a stable relationship between her and her father. She wasn't buying her fathers act at all, of course she always wanted that dynamic, but she knew her mom was warning her off of her dad within good reason.

"I really want to believe you, but I don't. Mom and I have gone a really long time without you, we don't need you now. I'm sorry" Camilla stood up, getting ready to go. Camilla was replaying the bad experiences she had witnessed via her parents.

Back to Aubrey, at this point they'd been wondering around the warehouse for nearly half an hour before finding something.

"Look" Niko spoke, shining his flashlight on an odd placed cardboard box on a shelf. This provoked Aubrey and the rest to come over and analyse the box,

"Yo, what the fuck is in this" Baka placed the box on the table adjacent to the them, realising how heavy it was. Baka sliced open the cellotape on the box, letting it open to reveal a safe.

"Shit, he really does keep money in here" Aubrey looked on in disbelief.

"Not that smart, clearly" Niko raised an eyebrow.

"What would he have on the code for this?" Aubrey kissed his teeth.

"Fuck that, stand back" Baka said to the others, firing a few shots at the safe till the door of it popped open.

"Is that?- no way he really left all of that here" Aubrey shon his flashlight at the inside of the safe, seeing the large amount of money inside.

"Like I said, clearly not that smart" Niko chuckled.

"This is a fun Tuesday night, eh?" Baka laughed, throwing all the stacks of money into the duffel bag. "You know what, let me leave him something" Baka said, leaving a ten dollar bill in the safe, closing the door to the safe and putting it back in the box on the shelf.

Aubrey thought that he would've felt guilt towards taking the money from LD, but as far as he saw it, LD was lucky taking the money was all he did...

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