Royal Pain (Rewritten)

By romolavinia91

568K 25.9K 4.8K

This newer version of Royal Pain has a few mature scenes and more added detail. I hope if you're a rereader o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Ch. 31 The Origin
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (Embracing Pain)
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 55

6.1K 240 24
By romolavinia91

The castle felt like a new home to Adamarius. The large Greek pillars were not the traditional white but a grey, almost black marble. They lined the massive hallways and important rooms. It was as though the entire castle was remodeled. The majority of the sculpted trims and moldings painted the history and beauty of their kingdom. Marvelous wolves, heroic vampires, and yet also the pain and suffrage were not left out of the vivid picture.

Shimmering silver dust highlighted the carved images in the marble giving it a subtle contrast.

His own footsteps were accompanied by two other pair as he turned the corner. They echoed in the large corridor. Adamarius understood why he had extra security tailing him. His brothers were still uncertain about his intentions. He couldn't necessarily blame them. He had been away a very long time. He was somewhat of a stranger to them not realizing that for Adamarius time away from the vampire world was paused.

It was frozen time of blurred, agonizing torture. He woke every morning with a hunger he could never satisfy; with a yearning he could never quench. His mind during those days was a prison cell. He held himself together for Kaia's sake. She was his dearest friend and everyday for ten years she did her best to fill the creases of his shattered soul. But he himself not knowing why his heart and soul were in such despair to begin with.

Now it made sense. His body knew the feeling of holding his soulmate and missed her. His lycan mourned the loss of losing Deva. There were lost pieces and deep down he knew it. Kaia managed to distract him, to lessen the pain. They traveled, spent nights at the grandest hotels, and lived like royals, but the feeling of loss was still inside of him.

Kaia was a witch and undoubtedly used whatever spell she could to numb Adamarius from the reality but it wasn't enough. It was all a facade and he saw it for what it was, even then.

She could never replace Deva.

Although the past flooded back to him, time before he left, it didn't feel the same. Ever since getting his memory back nothing truly felt recognizable. As if the pieces weren't altogether complete. The massive differences around the castle did not help him jog whatever memories he thought he was searching for.

Even the conference room where meetings were held with the council was transformed into a strong representation of their new dynasty. It was a mosaic of Darius' favorite blues.

The long narrow table was already occupying 30 something people.

Adamarius composed himself sitting next to the King and in front of the vampire and lycan council. He had his family's support but the council saw Adamarius as a complication, or rather an unknown.

"We should have discussed his coming home before announcing it to the public." Zander was a liberal, military veteran vampire with enough worry for the entire kingdom. His passion derived from his unyielding love for his country.

"What difference would it have made? Adamarius is staying here with us, his family." Izzy defended her choice to out him as soon as possible. "This way rumors can't circulate. We need the people's trust."

"How are the lycans taking the news of his return?" Deva was anxious to see if their plan worked. Could the lycans relate to Adamarius' situation and understand the pain of losing her to his brother was too much?

Ofelia, the oldest living lycan to join their council, heard the whispers of her people. She was well respected and had ears everywhere.

Adamarius remembered her.

"Many accept Adamarius' reason for leaving. Many already have soulmates and can understand the pain. It was a brave thing to talk about." Ofelia tilted her head in Adamarius' direction. "It was a brave thing to do, to leave."

Adamarius took a much needed breath. Leave? Was he truly strong enough to leave his soulmate? His evergreen eyes shifted to his beautiful other half. Outlining her features with his eyes gave him goosebumps and his heart an indescribable ache.

Her glowing pale skin looked as smooth as silk, her long brown straight hair was meant to empathize dominance and authority. She craved and needed power but not for herself. No, his beautiful little Queen never wanted the crown. She needed power in order to protect her people, her loved ones. She didn't, couldn't trust anyone else to do the job. 

Could she trust him again? Forgive him for leaving?

Her unnatural velvet eyes, the one visible lycan trail, turned to him. She was the reason he was back. He remembered countless nights waking up in a pool of sweat dreaming about those tortured, vicious, loving, passionate, adoring eyes. They haunted him.

"Adamarius' return has caused confusion and some wonder if they should pledge allegiance to him." Ofelia continued, dragging Adamarius out of his trance. "Adamarius is technically their rightful Alpha. He is in their blood. Even though Darius has been a righteous King for them; it's difficult. It's our nature to follow an Alpha. But I believe showing a united front will help. Adamarius choosing to give up leadership will pursued them."

She already knew their future plan. Ofelia was Deva's personal advisor.

Darius glanced at his half brother. He wondered if he was having second thoughts. Would he decide to take on the role of Alpha and raise a rebellion against him? He dismissed the traitorous thoughts. Adamarius loved Deva too much to hurt her in that way. He knew Deva would never forgive him if he tried to do anything like that against Darius.

He refrained from accusing Adamarius of being the enemy. Their goal was the same.

Adamarius sensed his thoughts and wanted to bury the suspicion once and for all. He stared his peers in the face, every last one of them until he landed on his brother's.

"All I've ever wanted for my people was justice. You have provided that brother. I have no desire to overthrow you. You have created a world where lycans and vampires coexist. There is nothing more I want but to be with my family and live in peace."

"What he says is true." Deva examined every word out of his mouth. Darius could trust no other person than his wife and her ability.

She wanted Adamarius with them. She could truly admit it now. She no longer harbored hate in her heart for him, nor did she blame him for her parents deaths. The years apart gave her peace and sanctuary. He was a pawn like the rest of them under Asher's control. Together they could heal. Together they could finally grow and live the life they were supposed to.

"Adamarius will be more involved. Our unity will show this kingdom nothing is more sacred and precious than peace, family, and unity." Darius was demanding their support.

Every member in the council was reasonable and held the kingdom's best interest at heart, always.

They agreed. Unity was power.

"I believe we're also here to talk about the Relic Moon." Nathan, an active long time member of the council, skimmed over the topic.

The Relic Moon was still a confusing matter for the vampires in Darius' kingdom. Lycan's were nearly considered extinct in the kingdom until recently. When word spread of a hybrid Queen many lycans migrated to fall under her rule believing her to be somewhat of a savior.

"The Relic Moon happens every 72 years." Adamarius began. "For a week the moon turns purple."

"I always wondered why it turned purple." Marcus leaned over the table curiously.

Ofelia started telling the story.

"Long ago there was a witch by the name of Malika. She was one of the first of her kind. It was said that Malika fell in love with a lycan. But their love didn't last long. The lycan betrayed her. He loved a vampire and in Malika's anger she cast a spell on him and every one of his kind." 

"What kind of spell?" The obvious question was asked.

"When the moon turns purple all lycans develop an uncontrollable thirst for vampire blood."

It was a tragic twist. A broken heart convinced the witch to hurt the man she loved but also his people.

"She cursed them to kill vampires even if they don't want to." Marcus didn't see the logic in it. 

A lycans bite was one of the few things that could kill a vampire.

"He was forced to kill his vampire lover. Malika wanted him to shred her to pieces himself."

It was a cruel ending for what should have been a wonderful thing. He was cursed for falling in love.

"That is why for centuries we hide ourselves underground in chains, so that we won't harm anyone." Adamarius took the matter seriously. Any attack on a vampire would have meant death for his fellow lycans.

It was one more excuse for Asher to kill them and finally pluck them out of existence.

"But why 72 years? Such a random number." Lucian asked. The number must have held some kind of significance.

"That's how long Malika and the lycan were together."

"Uh huh." Marcus leaned back in his chair, bewildered. "And here I though the moon turned purple for the heck of it. Freaking mythical land with all its strange wondrous curses."

"We've made arrangements, preparing for the Relic Moon. I have Max working with a team to build steel bunkers for the lycans to ensure everyone's safety."  Darius spared no expense. He wanted everyone safe.

The project had been on going for months and it was nearly complete.

Luckily the council's faith in their King and Queen had no bounds. Their trust was solid and true. The kingdom had not see such glory and strength since the reign of Darius' grandfather whom he admired greatly. The kingdom was restored and prospering with potential.

"The bunkers are more for our newer members. The older lycans like myself and Adamarius have lived through plenty of relic moons to control our thirst. We'll be there to help the others." Ofelia nodded to her new companion. She and Adamarius would have much to discuss before the unadulterated event.

"The moon doesn't phase you anymore?" Deva sounded hopeful. She didn't want to be a monster in the eyes of her family every 72 years. She couldn't imagine thirsting for her husband's blood and not being able to stop.

"No." Adamarius smiled encouragingly. "By the fourth one it gets easier."

"Fourth?" She groaned.

"And we're supposed to trust you can control yourself?" Zander, the sceptic, was never truly fond of the lycan elder. Then again he wasn't fond of a great number of people.

"They will all be locked in the facility. The only one who can let them out will be me." Max felt compelled to silence the hurtful untrust.

"Zander, you are welcome to the lycan community. Why don't you judge the precautions we've taken for yourself?" Darius was confident that after his stubborn council member saw the improvements they've made that he wouldn't have any reason to complain.

"Perhaps I  will."

It was still early in the day, just before noon. The meeting had taken all morning but Adamarius didn't seem tired of hearing about the kingdom.

"The blood bank is always full. No one is denied access." Elle praised their progress as they walked onto the terrace and into the garden. The sun was bright and warm despite the end of summer.

It was Darius' vision to begin with but as his list of duties increased Elle volunteered to take over.

"We only approach humans with no future or family. Usually orphans or people starving to death because of poverty. We bring them here to the vampire world and give them a new life. We give them food, shelter, and anything else they may need. Because obviously we need them to survive."

It was always the plan. They would target the people who needed something to live for.

"We also take in addicts. We help them and get them straight. They become part of the community. Everyone pulls their weight."

Adamarius was impressed. Darius' kingdom far surpassed Adamarius' visions for a new order. Darius was the King they needed. He had the will, the passion, the love, the strength, and dedication the kingdom needed in a king.

He admired his little brother.

"Dad! Daddy!" Alcide yelled off the top of his lungs. He came running frantically from the castle and into his father's arms; Zara, the warrior, on his heels. Darius searched for the threat but there was none but his wife who was fuming with frustration.

Although the cry of wolf put the entire family on alert the only threat Adamarius saw was his soulmate. Deva threatened the burning torch in his heart.

"Alcide Ironside get your little butt back here!" Deva shouted after him, folding her arms across her chest to keep from blowing up.

In her annoyance she pursed her lips. She was a strict mother. She had to be when every member of the family spoiled her only child. Alcide was a good kid but stubborn by nature. Deva would argue he earned that trait from his father but knew wholeheartedly she was the culprit. Her stubbornness was not comparable to her husband's.

"Save me daddy," Alcide buried his face into his father's neck.

"What did you do?" Darius tried hard not to laugh but his son reminded him so much of himself as a child.

Darius had the tendency of running to his grandfather when he was in trouble.

"He's been giving his teachers a tough time. Now he doesn't want to go to his lessons." Deva clinched her jaw. She had a strong desire to yell at the rest of them for spoiling him.

Izzy bought him everything his little heart desired, while Lucian and Marcus taught him things she rather didn't approve of, and her sisters, knowing Deva the best, educated Alcide on what to say to get out of trouble.

Deva knew her son wasn't a bad kid but her siblings weren't helping. Alcide was the first heir, the first child in a long time to roam the castle and live with the royal family.

They all wanted to shower him in affection but never discipline him.

"I want to go with you today." Alcide whispered into his father's ear.

Deva raised a furious brow then rolled her eyes knowing her husband would melt to a pile of mush and cave. But there was no way in hell she was letting him off the hook.
Alcide was expected to learn twice as much as other kids. He was a prince. He was the heir to the throne.

It wasn't like he felt the pressure. His family wouldn't allow him to especially when they suffocated him with love and everything else he ever wanted. This was the one thing Deva did not bend. He needed to learn. He needed structure and discipline.

"Why don't we take you-" Lucian comprised knowing Darius' busy schedule.

Deva raised a hand to silence him. "He's going to school and if any of you open your mouth to defend him I'll have your tongue cut off."

She was not in the mood. She had been on edge lately. She was hoping it wasn't because of Adamarius.

"You have to listen to your mother. You have to go to school. We all had to." Darius supported Deva's decision not only because she threatened to cut his tongue off but also because he knew he lacked a firm hand with his son.

Deva softened. Darius was trying and it was enough for now. She believed he coddled their son because of his own upbringing. From what she understood Asher was cruel to him even as a child.

Alcide's pouted, fake tears in his eyes and Darius was on the verge of caving if it wasn't for Vinnicus. His right hand man interrupted their family drama to remind Darius of his commitment in the city.

"The corporate offices are waiting for you, your majesty."

Again, like on so many occasions, Deva was left to fill the role of the strict, mean parent.

"I can hardly remember the alphabet and I always mix up colors. Do you think I can go with you to school?" Adamarius got up from the table to come to the rescue.

He had the urge to be involved. He had missed so much. Barely knowing his nephew was burdening him. He wanted to make up for lost time and know as much about his nephew as his siblings knew.

Alcide's mouth fell open. "You want to learn with me?"

Adamarius went to his knees to reach his nephew's height. "Yes and maybe after we can go get ice cream or something... if momma let's us. What's your favorite flavor?"

"Strawberry!" He jumped up and down, grabbing Adamarius' hand.

"Mine too." He smiled, cherishing their little connection.

In that moment Darius envied his long lost brother and the simple joy he could bestow upon his son. How easy it was for everyone to warm up to Adamarius like the very first time he arrived at the castle and their mother took him under her wing. Everyone adored him. Even Deva who hated him the moment she saw him eventually fell in love with Adamarius.

Would the past repeat itself?

Darius tried brushing the jealous to the very back of his mind. He would not allow the past to effect the future. It was not the same.

"Ok. Let's go." The little bossy prince began dragging the hybrid inside. "Come on."

Adamarius smirked and winked at his siblings. A spark of unbelievable warm shot to Deva's heart. Adamarius in their lives was going to be a good thing.

Deva slipped inside her husband's arms as their son disappeared from sight. "When will you be back?"

Darius frowned. "Late."

It was always late work for the king. He hated the time his duties took away from his wife and son. He wished he could be a full time father but it wasn't a realistic goal for a king.  Luckily he had his family to fill in the parts of his son's life he was missing.

Marcus fed his pregnant wife grapes as she stretched on the patio bed furniture. Her poor feet were swollen and aching. Julia was not a fan of pregnancy.

Deva was honestly surprised Marcus convinced her to have children so soon after marriage. Julia was the waiting type. She would have waited decades, considering they were vampires and had all the time in the world.

"I'm ready for her to come out any minute now." Julia moaned when Marcus began massaging her sore feet.

Deva comfortably laid next to her best friend since her husband had departed for the city.

She rubbed Julia's belly. "Don't listen to mommy. You still have a month in there."

Julia mumbled, "Don't encourage her."

Max, their highly intelligent cousin, came through the terrace doors dressed fashionably GQ. He spent most of his days cooking up new inventions to better the new lycan and vampire community. He understood the necessity for unity.

Max was a brilliant scientist and lately his devotion was towards the lycans.

"My Queen." Max bowed, in fun pretend. They were never truthly formal around each other.

"How are you?" Deva smiled. Over the years she had come to trust him and rely on him more than expected.

"Good. Everything is going as planned. Is Adam here? I thought I'd show him what we've been working on." Max naturally agreed to give Adamarius a tour and rundown of the progress he achieved in the lycan community.

Accommodating to the lycans was a new, exciting, and challenging job. Max found his new post stimulating and wanted to help the lycans prove their worth to the vampires. 

"I want to come too." Izzy was willing to take time out of her busy schedule to see the newest improvements to the kingdom. She had been gone for months.

"Do you trust your entourage to survive without you?" Marcus teased, knowing it would nearly pain her to leave the kingdom's affairs in their hands.

"Of course. I trained them well." She began texting her list of things she needed her assistant to look over.

"Marius is inside with Alcide. Let's give them some more time." Deva wanted them to bond. She wanted her son to trust him the way she did.

Max nodded, knowing the affect the little prince had on someone.

Deva rose to loop her arm within his. "Shall we work on our projects till then?" She compromised.

Max grinned. He enjoyed spending time with his cousin, the Queen, but he loved it even more when he got to test on her. Deva had approached him years ago asking Max, the mad genius, if he could help her understand what it meant to be a hybrid.

Elle wasn't a hybrid. She was never bitten by a lycan and therefore her lycan blood was never awakened. Not yet anyway.

Since Adamarius was banished she had no one to help her transition. She was the only hybrid they knew about. Max graciously agreed and they began experimenting. Experimenting on things like how long she could go without food, how much control did her lycan half have, and how impenetrable was she. She wanted to know exactly what she was so she could better protect herself and her family.

By the end of their session nearly three hours had past. Deva took a shower, changed, and quietly peeked her head into Alcide's classroom. Zara stood her post by the door. The room was on the second floor, the walls were painted a light blue and a large white board covered the front of the room. It was meant to look like any ordinary classroom. Alcide had two professors, both with more degrees than Deva could remember. 

A smile crept on her face when she spotted Adamarius scrunched in the desk next to her son. He was built like a bulldozer and as tall as 6'5. She wondered how he hadn't broken the tiny seat.

Magnas, the gorgeous white wolf, pivoted his head towards her to alert Adamarius of their new visitor. His timid emerald eyes sought her and they stole a brief moment for themselves.

Marius. She purred. Her lycan had desperately missed their mate.

Deva shoved the sensation into a dark corner of her mind. Now was not the time. She strode inside bending down to kiss Alcide's cheek.

"How's my love today?" She stole the nickname from Marcus who had used the enduring pet name for as long as she had known him.

Alcide's eyes sparked with mischievous excitement. His adorable dimples overpowered his face; giving Deva the impression that they had been up to no good.

"Uncle Marius and I are writing a story." His little hand curled over a pencil and he continued writing in a notebook.

"What's it about?" Her eyes skimmed the words.


Her heart pounded and she wasn't even sure why. "Me?"

Alcide nodded, bouncy his luscious locks of curls. "He said you liked to walk in the woods when you were little too."

The first time she saw Adamarius he was in wolf form and she was young, lost in a forest of trees. He was her guardian, protector even before she could fathom what he was. Adamarius dedicated his life to her after that.

"Yes but I wasn't alone. He was there with me."

Alcide had the tendency to sneak away into the night. He hated sleeping and enjoyed the company of moss covered trees instead. Security was tight around the castle but somehow Alcide could find a way. Being a mother it naturally frightened her thinking of her son alone outside the castle walls.

Alcide frowned. "I'm sorry momma. Can he go with me next time?"

"We'll talk about this later but right now I need to steal Marius from you."

His adorable little pout wouldn't work on her. "What about ice cream?"

"We'll get some when I get back." Adamarius assured him before getting to his feet, grateful for the break.

"Ok." His nephew seemed satisfied.

In the corridor Adamarius began to stretch and Deva laughed. "Were you in the desk the whole time?"

His wolfish grin tugged at her insides. "Yeah. I needed the full experience."

His muscles, his biceps, triceps, and back were a beautiful unit of mass glory as he flexed. He wasn't this big before. It was as if he had hit the gym the entire ten years.

He noticed her gawking and provided an explanation. "For years my mind wouldn't stop racing, it wouldn't stop pounding. I began tiring myself out. I had to physically make myself exhausted in order to sleep."

She was washed in guilt. "Sorry."

Deva quickly picked up her pace. Distance was a suitable thing between them. "Max is here. We're going to show you the lycan community."

"You're coming too?" He sounded surprised.

Why? "Yeah." Why wouldn't she?

"Doesn't a queen have better things to do than walk an old mutt around?"

She stopped moving. Was he being sarcastic? She used to call him mutt years ago before she herself became one.

"I like mutts now and don't mind the walk as long as he's on a leash." Deva winked then resumed walking towards the foyer where the rest of the members were waiting for them.

Max was genuinely happy to see the long lost prince. Being family he knew the real cause of Adamarius' rapid departure. He had the pleasure of developing a brief friendship with him before he was forced to leave. Max found Adamarius to be an intelligent, open, and dark creature of the night.

Adamarius shook his cousin's hand before pulling him into a bear hug. "It's good to see you again."

"And you."

"I heard you've put that beautifully genius brain of yours into use for the lycans."

Max nodded, grinning and stepped back. "I want to show you."

The lycan communities was magnificently tucked away into the deepest parts of the woods and in the highest parts of the mountains. It wasn't a location one could simply stumble upon. The woods were thick with darkness; easy for anyone unfamiliar to get lost in. It was a sanctuary for lycans. Vampires weren't forbidden to enter but access depended on who you knew.

King Derick asked his powerful witch friend to cast a protection spell over the entire area; at Deva's request. The magic was supposed to keep out any creature wishing to cause harm.

The outdoor city was built with the most modern material. Every house and building was made with marble and stone to camouflage with the rest of its surroundings of nature. It was a city designed and created by lycans.

Huge wolf statues stood guard all around the perimeter as if watching over the inhabitants. Further in, the intravenous square was sculpted into the mountain rock. It appeared more like a mystical castle formulated into the malted rock.

Adamarius was amazed and struck with overwhelming shock. He could never have imagined such a city. He had hoped but once he realized who his mother was and what kind of an evil king she was married to he never thought it possible for the lycans to ever thrive in this particular kingdom.

When Deva was crowned queen he had some hope restored. He dreamed he would be the one to help her build back everything their people had lost but it wasn't so. Deva and Darius had accomplished so much without him. That revelation stung him.

Many of the people recognized Adamarius as the long lost Alpha and approached with respect and curiosity. With Deva by his side the people accepted him with gracious warmth.

A brawny man with massive shoulders of a bodybuilder met the group of royals in the center of the city. This city hall was overrun by joyous kids, teens, and adults. To the outside eye it looked like any other ordinary town but it was vibrant with lycans and very few vampires.

The man stood with protective authority. He was important, Adamarius had decided. Deva smiled with a familiar assurance.

"Ruben," she pointed to her left. "This is Adamarius."

He extended a hand and Adamarius politely took it. His grip was firm and tougher than necessary.

"And my sister in law, princess-"

Izzy quickly interjected. "Call me Izzy." Her corked smile brightened flirtatiously as she thoroughly checked out the lycan representative.

Deva covered up her knowing smirk. Of course Izzy would be attracted to the opposite species. Ruben was a beautiful lycan and even more gorgeous human.

His sapphire eyes remained neutral, due to years of vampire neglect. His trust was even harder to earn.

"El e frumos," Izzy whispered, nudging Deva.

"Da, foarte." Deva responded back in the foreign language.

Izzy took it upon herself to learn Romanian so she could grow closer with her sisters. Deva was Romanian, Julia, and Elle were also Romanian.  The best part was her 3 brothers never learned. So much of their time was committed to the kingdom that they had no spare moments to learn.

It was the sisters' secretish language only they shared.

Ruben directed his stare to Izzy. His dense glare was questionable. "Multumesc."

"Shit," Izzy muttered. He knew Romanian as well. She disguised her embarrassment and Deva saved her from the awkwardness.

"Ruben is the overseer of the community, elected by the people." She admitted proudly.

Ruben had become their trusted friend. Although it took him awhile to warm up to a vampire king Ruben now considered Darius family.

"Loved by so many." Izzy pointed out darting her eyes at the overwhelming number of lycans. She had never seen so many in her life. Lycans always seemed like a myth growing up in the castle. She knew now she was way too sheltered by her conniving father.

"It's nice to finally meet the infamous Alpha who saved our Queen and started this all."

"I don't deserve the credit." Adamarius retracted with modesty.

"Let's begin the tour." Max spilled into the details over design and architecture.

He and a team of skillful minds had built cells made of the strongest metals inside the mountain. Every room had walls with six inches of steel and a five inch open strip with bars on the door. It was the only way to see inside. Cameras were mounted down every hall for security reasons.

"I'll be able to monitor everything from a safe distance just in case something goes wrong." Max implied.

No vampire was permitted within hundreds of miles during the relic moon including him.

"What about Deva? She's half vampire. Her blood could set the others off. She's not safe here." Adamarius added an interesting twist.

"I have thought of that." Max hated surprises and was prepared for nearly anything. "There's an old abandoned vacation home my parents forgot about in the middle of nowhere. It's 100 miles east of here. I've been adding small improvements to it. It will be done and ready for Deva by the Relic moon."

It was enough to settle Adamarius' nerves... for the moment. The lycans wouldn't realize they were attacking their Queen. She couldn't be near the rest of them. Adamarius wouldn't risk it.

They returned to the castle as night fell. Yet in the courtyard where the darkness should have ascended was a magical display of lights and fireworks. The royal family was gathered around a pit of purple and orange fire. Deva watched wide eyed as Darius and her son enjoyed the spectacle. Julia and Marcus, Elle and Lucian were all present but one face she did not recognize.

A short woman with super curly hair turned to the sky. She raised her hands, sparks of some sort of electricity formed from them.

"Jay?" Adamarius maneuvered in front of her to better assess the woman.

His face lit up brighter than Deva ever thought possible, for this stranger? Who was she?

The mystery woman immediately pulled him into a hug. He lifted her off her feet in pure excitement and joy. They definitely knew each other.

Adamarius had thought perhaps his eyes were playing a cruel trick on him but no. She was here in the flesh, solid as the ground beneath him.

Deva walked over to her husband for an explanation but the woman introduced herself. "I'm Jaylyn. I'm Adamarius' sister."

"Sister?" Deva could hardly speak the word let alone believe it. How come he never mentioned her before?

Adamarius explained. "My father left me in my uncle's care when I was young. Jay's mother was my uncle's girlfriend so we grew up together. She's my big sister."

He could easily remember the countless, restless nights he had as a boy and Jaylyn always there to comfort him. She was the loving big sister, his only true sibling for most of his life. Often times she was his voice of reason. She helped shape the man he was.

"Oh." Deva mustered a smile. "It's nice to meet you."

Jaylyn although poised and elegant; looking wise beyond her appearance, was radiating youth. She had to be over 500 years old if she spent her childhood with Adamarius. It might have been the subtle piercings: nose, ears, and a micro dermal on her cheek that gave her a teenage look.

"Jay's mother was one of the very first witches."

"Which makes her a very powerful witch." Elle gawked at the fireworks while saying so.

Jaylyn was the culprit illuminating the sky.

Adamarius had never seen her as the most powerful witch, not growing up in the same household. Jaylyn was the loving sister teaching him about the world and kissing his scrapes after a terrible fall.

Jaylyn's sparkling hand stretched out towards Deva. Deva froze, hesitating to even touch the powerful creature. She couldn't explain it but she had a feeling the witch was not extending an invitation of friendship. Yet it was disrespectful not to take her hand.

A strange surge flew through her entire body. Deva acted as though it didn't affect her. Whatever the witch had done would eventually be revealed. Or it might have possibly been nothing.

Jaylyn smirked in a similar fashion to Adamarius, side corked with mischief.

"I believe it's past Alcide's bedtime." Deva sought any excuse to avoid being in the presence of such an intimidating being.

But no one else seemed to share her thoughts. Her entire family was memorized by their newest family member.

The spoiled prince about cried as she tore him away from the beautifully magical painting Jaylyn swirled into the dark night.  Was it supposed to make Deva aware of how powerful her guest was? A warning perhaps?

After forcing her son to close his eyes and drift to sleep Deva dreaded joining the rest of the family who were bombarding Jaylyn with inquisition. She found them all in the living room and in the proper light Jaylyn looked a lot less threatening.

Her auburn hair spiralled wildly yet beautifully around her face and down her back. She had a very distinctive voice, loud and sharp which traveled farther than the walls of the room. Her eyes were a lovely jade color, outlined in a thick elegant black wing.

With Deva's little knowledge of the witch world Jaylyn looked like a cute pixie fairy. Was it offensive to think so? Were fairies even real? If vampires were real why couldn't fairies be.

Having his sister in the mist of his chaotic situation was a God sent blessing. Adamarius whole heatedly trusted his sister. She spent most of her life protecting and looking after him. Not that he didn't trust his soulmate and other siblings but ever since arriving back he had a weird feeling not all of his memory was restored. Were they purposely keeping something hidden from him?

He couldn't ignore the nagging feeling.

Deva remained quiet the entire time but observant. Jaylyn answered the family's curious questions, most of them about Adamarius.

"I'll show you to your room." Deva assumed her role as hospitable host as the end neared.

Adamarius kissed his sister's cheek. "We'll catch up tomorrow."

He was so incredibly happy. Why did Deva feel a twinge of jealously in her bones because of it? She should be happy he was happy. She should be happy he was reunited with his sister.

The awkward silence down the corridors were a sure sign of indifference. "May we talk inside?" Jaylyn asked as Deva opened the door to the guest quarters.

"Of course." The pit in her stomach knotted even tighter.

The room was styled in hues of light blues and purples, white trim, silver and black furniture, and a king size bed fit for a queen. The balcony even had an amazing view of the crescent moon.

"I know exactly what you've done to my brother."

Deva exhaled, the anxiety washed through her.

"We made a pact years ago. We'd met every 20 years at our favorite cafe in Paris. He never forgets except for this year." Jaylyn circled around her, not in a threatening manner but rather to evaluate.

"I never had to worry about him. He's a hybrid, the strongest species in the world. Yet when he didn't show my blood went cold for the first time in my life."

Deva couldn't imagine, didn't want to imagine it. She loved her brothers and the thought of them in danger killed her.

"I was in Cambodia healing sick humans when he came to tell me about you. Not our usual meeting so I knew it had to be important. He told me he found his soulmate. You were a child back then but he wouldn't shut up about you. You turned him into a teenage again."

Deva smiled. She wished she could have known him as a teenager. How much different was he then?

"I knew he was staying with Kaia lately. She's also a friend of mine. She hid the truth from me, afraid of what I might do. She didn't tell me you were 'erased' from his memory or the pain he was in because of it."

Deva remembered Derick compelling Kaia not to tell so even if she wanted to she couldn't.

"I found her half alive. In his quest for answers he brutally tore her eye sockets out, severed her fingers, and ripped open her chest."

The guilt in her conscience could not be measured. In the end Deva was the root driving his madness. Jaylyn stood in front of Deva. Her eyes held no empathy.

"He told her that was what it felt like without you. His eyes haunt him with pictures of you. His hands were constantly reaching for you and his heart hurt so much he wanted to rip it out."

Deva was a strong woman but even she could not hold back tears.

"I helped her as best as I could but the inner scars will always be there. He almost killed his best friend to find you."

Deva didn't have the strength or desire to defend the decisions she made.

"I came here for him. If I could I would use a spell to make it easier for him but messing with lycan, soulmate shit is tricky. And probably won't work. That bond is stronger than any supernatural shit I could concoct."

Deva felt added pressure press against her chest. Jaylyn stood 3 inches shorter than her yet all the fierceness of a ravenous lion could not measure up to her intimidation. Her eyes darted to Deva' mark, now scar. The evidence was clear.

"You had your husband bite over Adam's mark?" She asked in disgust.

Deva hand rose to cover her neck.

"No wonder he couldn't find you sooner." Jaylyn jerked to the side, pivoting her head as if the sight of Deva made her nauseous. "The rejection is as bad as death."

Deva couldn't believe that.

"Your resistance is useless. You're both bound to get physical. I just feel sorry you dragging your poor husband into the equation."

"No." Deva bit back her bitter anger. "I love Darius. I would never cheat on him."

Jaylyn laughed, a piercing pitch that would forever haunt Deva, unintentionally. "As if you'd have a choice. You're part animal your majesty. Your carnal natural will draw you towards each other."

Deva arched a brow. "I didn't realize you were an expert on lycan soulmates."

A dark shadow followed Jaylyn as she inched closer. She was no longer a pixie but a sinister sorceress that probably wouldn't hesitate to curse a queen. If it wouldn't hurt her brother. Jaylyn was only trying to protect her brother. Deva could see that.

"I've lived through more war, heartache, and supernatural bullshit than anyone breathing in this castle. I was raised by witches and lycans. I know soulmates never stop loving each other. It's primal nature. You can't live without the other."

Deep, deep, down Deva knew she was right.

"Since I don't know your intentions yet I'll be here to watch over him. I won't let a spoiled queen destroy him."

It was a promise.

Deva wasn't sure what her intentions were either.

I hope you enjoyed. Please VOTE 😘😘

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