REMEMBER // Calum Hood

By hoodmood

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The night she can't remember becomes a love she will never forget. / Complete / More

One // that night
Two // michael
Three // beer pong
Four // this house
Five // homework
Six // dance
Seven // breakfast
Eight // old days
Nine // under the covers
Ten // bark
Eleven // studio
Twelve // tattoos
Thirteen // restroom
Fifteen // take things slow
Sixteen // no one
Seventeen // communication
Eighteen // magic
Nineteen // babe
Twenty // torture
Twenty one // fine
Twenty two // mission
Twenty three // ignore
Twenty four // sundays
Twenty five // truth
Twenty six // flight
Twenty seven // impressions
Twenty eight // game night
Twenty nine // surreal
Thirty // babylon
Thirty one // safe
Thirty two // coincidences
Thirty three // gold
Thirty four // company
Thirty five // couple
Thirty six // naked
Thirty seven // last day
Thirty eight // airport
Thirty nine // day off
Forty // family lunch
Forty one // normal
Forty two // last week
Forty three // realization
Forty four // 5:05
Forty five // goodbye
Forty six // absence
Forty seven // delivery
Forty eight // time
Forty nine // georgia
Fifty // christmas
Fifty one // elisabeth
Fifty two // new year
Fifty three // home
Fifty four // two
Fifty five // past
Fifty six // valentyne
Fifty seven // love
Fifty eight // stay
Fifty nine // cutie
Sixty // hate
Sixty one // ignore
Sixty two // birthday
Sixty three // surprise
Sixty four // pancakes
Sixty five // band trip
Sixty six // key
Sixty seven // together
Sixty eight // all about you
Sixty nine // announcement
Seventy // blink
Seventy one // frat party - Part 1
Seventy two // frat party - Part 2
Seventy three // insecurities
Seventy four // radio
Seventy five // drew
Seventy six // lies
Seventy seven // hurt
Seventy eight // nightmare
Seventy nine // empty
Author's note
/ Sequel /

Fourteen // wine

1.9K 52 17
By hoodmood

I can hear my phone ringing somewhere in the distance but I don't want to wake up yet. I lift my head from Calum's chest looking for my phone. I groggily get up from the couch to reach for my handbag, where the sound is coming from.  I trip over Julie's shoe and almost land on the floor making enough noise to wake up everyone in the room. Shit. I answer the call on my way to the kitchen.

"Hey sis" My brother greets me on the other line

"Hi Aaron" I clumsily say

"I'm on my way there" He says "Are you ready?"

Shit. I forgot about our traditional family lunches on Sunday.

"Not really, I need 20 minutes"

"Okay, hurry up"

I run back to the living room not knowing what to do. Aaron will be here soon and I'm nowhere near ready. Ashton and Jules are cuddling on one couch and Calum is snoring lightly on the other. He looks so cute and peaceful that I don't have the heart to wake him up. After the charity dinner, Jason, Jules, Joey, Ashton, Calum and I went out for drinks. Holly obviously wasn't invited but if looks could kill, I wouldn't be here anymore to tell you this story. We were hanging out around some random bar when a few girls asked to take pictures with Ashton and Calum and since everyone was getting drunkier by the minute, we figured it would be better to come to our apartment. You know, for some privacy. I always knew they were famous but it was really weird seeing them with fans. They look so normal to me that I never really thought about them having fans. Or about how they need to worry about their image. About getting drunk in public or taking pictures holding bottles of beer. It's all really weird to me. But anyway, we all came to the apartment and everyone ended up crashing here for the night.

"Joey" I shake the boy sleeping in my bed "Joey, wake up"

"What?" He grumbles

"Get up, I need to change" 

"My head hurts"

"Get out, Joey" I push him out of the door

He mumbles something I can't comprehend on his way out of my bedroom while I try to choose something to wear. Running on my way to the bathroom for a quick shower, I see Drew and Ashton are already up. Since Aaron is gonna be here any minute now, I get ready in record time. I walk back into my bedroom to find a very sleepy Calum snuggling up in my bed.

"Good morning" I chuckle at the cute sight "Did you sleep well?"

"We would've slept better in your bed" Calum pulls me on the bed with him "But honestly, I was so drunk that I passed out"

"I know" I comment pecking his lips "You snored. I didn't know you snored"

"I don't" He protests "It's called heavy breathing"

"It's called snoring" I mock "Calum Hood snores"

He rolls his eyes at me but holds me tightly against him when I try to stand up.

"I have to get ready" I tell him

"Where are you going?"

"Family lunch. My brother is coming to pick me up"

"Wasn't I supposed to be the busy one?" He jokes and I let out a genuine laugh "You're always on a tight schedule"

"Thats because your band is on a break and I'm a college student with a regular job" I explain and Calum rolls his eyes at me once again

"Nope. I think it's because you have a secret identity. Are you Michelle Obama?"

"Yeah. I could be living in the White House but you know... College Campus is so much better" I joke but Calum still pretends to be mad "Don't make this face at me"

"You're basically kicking me out like an awkward one night stand" He pouts and I can't take his cuteness any longer

"First of all" I say holding back the urge to kiss his entire face "I wouldn't know how to do that because you were my only one night stand, so I'm not that experienced. And second, I'm not kicking you out. I'm sure the boys are having a Pizza, Fifa and Weed Sunday today and you're more than welcome to stay"

"Pizza, Fifa and Weed" Calum repeats my words letting it sink in "I'm more up for a Netflix, Late breakfast and Sex day"

Of course there would be sex involved. We hear the doorbell ringing and I remember that I should be getting ready.

"Well, I don't know about Jason but I'm sure Drew is up for it" I joke making him laugh

I quickly put on some makeup while Calum joins the others in the living room and I can hear the boys greeting my brother. I throw my charger in my purse and put my shoes on. For the record, I'll be wearing Vans for the whole week because my feet are destroyed from walking in ridiculously high heels last night. When I enter the living room, I'm surprised with the scene in front of me. Jules is sitting on Ashton's lap letting us know that what happened last night wasn't some drunk mistake and surprisingly Jason is not bothered at all. Joey and Drew are sharing a joint on the balcony and Calum is interacting with my brother. He and Jason are telling Aaron about the dinner and I'm smiling like an idiot.

"Hi fams" I greet my brother with a kiss on the cheek

"Yo man, you know who was at the party yesterday?" Jason tells him "Stephen Curry"

"No way" Aaron is impressed "The guy is a legend"

Aaron and I share the same love for basketball. We grew up going to NBA games with our dad.

"I know" I agree with him "Thank you. No one understood why I was freaking out"

"Did you talk to him?" My brother asks and I blush


"She couldn't speak" Calum takes on "She freaked out"

It's true. After my hideous encounter with Ayesha Curry, Calum took me to Stephen's table so we could properly introduce ourselves and talk to them. But basically, Calum had to do all the talk while I just stood beside him mentally passing out.

"That's why I don't let her go near celebrities" Jason clarifies

"Clearly, you haven't been doing a very good job" Julie mocks him obviously referring to Ashton and Calum and I freeze

I don't want Aaron to know about Calum and the band yet. He won't understand because he still sees me as his little sister that must be protected at all costs.

"Should we go?" I ask my brother and he nods

"Bye guys, bye Jules. Nice meeting you two" Aaron waves to everyone and heads to the door

"Good luck with all the testosterone in here" I kiss Jules on the cheek "Bye Ash"

I walk over to Calum very aware of my brother's eyes on us.

"Have fun" I tell him "Jason always aims left, in case you choose Fifa and Weed"

He must be very uncomfortable with Aaron's presence because Calum barely looks at me.

"Noted. Nice family lunch" He says

I wave to the rest of the guys and follow my brother down the stairs towards his car. I make myself comfortable in the passenger seat and ask about Tara since she usually always tags along. I have a great relationship with my brother where I feel like I can tell him anything but Aaron is very similar to Jason, which means he almost doesn't open up about his life. 

"She's meeting up with some friends for lunch today. So... Tyler and Lis are going out" He is quick to change the subject

"I know, it's super weird" I comment making him laugh "My best friend and your best friend together. It feels wrong"

"They seem to get along" Aaron shrugs

That's my brother. He doesn't care much about other people's business. He doesn't gossip, he doesn't judge. He's honestly the nicest.

"He said he went out with you that night and it was great. Bottles of champagne, VIP section"

Aaron doesn't gossip but Tyler... I curse him and his big mouth under my breath trying to look unaffected while Aaron keeps his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, some new friends" I try to keep it casual "They knew someone at the club and got us into the VIP"

"Would Ashton and Calum be these new friends?" He casually asks

I know he's just looking out for me but I hate that he keeps digging for information.

"Smooth" I mock him

"Would Calum be the friend you spent Friday night with?"

I almost choke on my own breath when he says it. What? How does he know? Did he notice? He couldn't have possibly noticed. I barely talked to Calum in front of him. Did Jason tell him? I gonna kill Jason.


"I'm not stupid, G" He chuckles "He was getting out of your room today when I got to the apartment. You can tell me, I'm your brother"

"I know" I sigh "It's just... There's nothing to say"

"You're a grown woman and I trust you to make your own decisions but..."

"No buts" I cut him off "You did great with no buts"

"But" He continues "You just got out of a long relationship. It's normal to go a little crazy and act out"

Excuse me?

"I'm not acting out" I'm quick to defend myself "They're nice guys and we are just hanging out"

"You're gonna tell me you didn't hook up with him?" Aaron challenges 

You remember what I said about Aaron not judging and everything? Scratch that.

"I'm single. I didn't do anything wrong"

"Of course not, G" He says "All I'm saying is... You're in a vulnerable place. You just broke up with Ryan. The guy is famous, he might be used to using women"

"Wow" I let out "You figured it out from the 2 second conversation you had with him?"

"I'm not talking about him, Gia. He seems nice, but..."

"No buts, Aaron" I insist "He is nice. Plus, I'm not dating him so you don't need to worry"

"You're the jealous type" He adds looking at me sideways

Like I don't know that.

"You don't need to remind me of that" I huff

"And I bet he has at least another ten girls in his sleeve right now. Just be careful, okay?"

The second we park in front of our parent's house, I jump out of the car and towards the door. I want family cuddles and fun talk. I don't want to keep having this conversation, especially not after the amazing night I had. Aaron is not being fair. He doesn't know what he is talking about. Mom is waiting for us with the table settled and filled with our all time favorite dishes. Mom is the best. It's been a while since it's been just the four of us because usually Aaron always brings Tara. I adore her but its nice being just us sometimes and I haven't realized how much I missed it. After lunch, we sprawl around the living room and catch up. Aaron doesn't bring up our recent conversation and I'm glad. Mom is showing me some old pictures while we watch Aaron and dad play golf in the backyard when I feel my phone buzzing.

From: Calum

Going home now

Might have to take Nia out tonight


No, I'm not okay. I thought we were okay, Calum. I thought those Nia dates would be over but I guess I was wrong. Why would it be? Just because we had a nice time? Don't be pathetic, Gia. As much as I try to tell myself otherwise, I'm getting envolved with Calum and I don't think I should.

To: Calum

Still at my parents

Have fun

"How was lunch?" Jas asks as soon as I shut the apartment door

"My mom made cherry pie"

"And you didn't bring me a piece?" He whines and I roll my eyes at him

As if my mom would let this happen. She spoils Jason and Drew like they were her kids.

"She sent one for you" I hold the pie where he can see it

I leave it in the kitchen and we sit on the couch in silence for a while. I check my phone for new messages but nothing really interesting comes up. No new texts from Calum. He must be on his date with Nia. I have to remind myself again and again that Calum and I are nothing. We have nothing. We hang out and its fun but that's it. The second he goes out of my door it's all over. We have nothing. It's just... it doesn't feel like it when we are together.

"Have you spoken to Calum?" Jason asks in a weird tone


There is something off about Jason bringing Calum up for no reason. I know Jason enough to know something is not right. He's not suddenly interested in my love life.

"Why are you asking?"

My friend sighs and looks at me with an apologetic smile. I hate that smile. Nothing good ever comes with it.

"Drew called. Calum is at the restaurant with that other chick"

My heart drops. He took Nia to Drew's restaurant. He probably didn't know that Drew worked there. I try to keep my breathing steady as my mind runs wild over last night's events. We had the best time. We had fun, we danced, we laughed, we talked. At least we didn't have sex, I think to myself. Thank God we didn't have sex. I would be feeling like trash now. It doesn't matter how great of a time Calum and I have. Nothing changes. It doesn't matter. Without thinking I pick my phone on the coffee table and type furiously in it.

"What are you doing?" Jason asks with concern clear in his voice

I jump out of the couch and head to my room to get ready.

"Where are you going?" He follows me

"Out" I simply say picking my tight leather pants in the closet

"What are you going to do, G?"

My phone buzzes somewhere in the room. I pick it up to see a new text.

From: Kevin

Deal. Be ready by 8p.m. X

"I'm going out" I casually say

Jason snatches the phone out of my hand and reads the text.

"You're going on a date with Kevin?" He eyes me in disbelief "Why? You don't even like the guy"

I ignore Jason as I continue to run around my room to be ready in time.

"You're not going to make a scene, are you?"

"Of course not" I roll my eyes "I'm not even going to talk to him"

"So why are you doing this?" Jason insists

"I don't know"

I'm not really thinking about it right now. I'm kind of hurt. He thought I'd be okay with him taking Nia on a date? What was he thinking? Kevin is waiting by the end of the stairs when I get there. He is looking handsome in a white button up shirt and dark washed jeans. I follow him outside to his car and we try to come up with things we have in common to start conversation. It's mostly college parties but I try to keep myself interested.

"Do you know where you want to go?" He asks me while starting the car

"There is this place" I say "I thought we could go there"

"Fine with me" Kevin shrugs

I give him directions while we listen to radio songs. I try to ignore this guilty feeling that says I'm using Kevin. He probably only wants to take me out so he can get in my pants. Because that's what he does.

"That's it" I point to the restaurant

"Doesn't Drew work here?" He questions me

"Yeah" I say

Kevin doesn't seem to mind either. The valet opens the car door for me and I follow Kevin inside the restaurant. I look at the hostess' name tag that reads Misha. I know her for the things Drew says and I know she slapped a client in the face for being inappropriate. You go, Misha. I also know that she and Drew had sex in the storeroom. She leads us to a table in the middle of the room and I try not to look around. I want Calum to see me but I don't want to make eye contact with him. Kevin orders our beverages without asking me what I want to drink and I pretend not to care. I'm looking at the menu when Drew approaches our table.

"Hey man" Kevin greets him

"Hello you two" I can tell Drew is trying not to laugh "Out on a date, I see"

I try to ignore the look he is giving me. I know Drew knows what I'm doing and he knows that I know it. We both know we know it.

"Yeah" Kevin answers "Gia wanted to come check the restaurant you work in"

"I wonder why" Drew says and I shrug in my seat "Can I take your order?"

"I haven't chosen yet" I answer

"I can see that" He gives me a meaningful look and I just smile back pretending not to understand

I meant my order, Drew. I haven't chosen my order.

"I think I'll go for the Green penne with garlic sauce" Kevin says and I roll my eyes

Who orders garlic sauce on a date? Thank God I'm not here on a real date.

"I'll have the Risotto" I tell Drew "You know which one"

I've been here three times and I ordered the same thing in every single one of them. Some cheese risotto and expensive steak. He nods and takes our order to the kitchen leaving us alone.

"I thought you'd never been here" Kevin observes

"We order takeaway" I lie "And sometimes, Drew brings us leftovers"

"Your friendship is cute" He says "And it's a nice way to save money"

I smile at him in agreement.

"We get along really well" I comment "They're nice roommates"

"That's why you and your boyfriend broke up?" He suddenly asks making me frown "Did it bother him?"

Seriously Kevin? Is that really what you want to talk about? Why my boyfriend and I broke up?

"Not really" I simply say sipping the champagne Kevin ordered

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it"

I nod at him and pretend to read the menu once again. I didn't think the whole thing through in my mind. Kevin and I have nothing in common. I don't know how we'll manage to keep a conversation through the whole dinner.

"Excuse me" A blonde waitress approaches our table with a bottle of wine "Compliments from the gentleman over there"

She sets the bottle on our table and I can see the confused expression in Kevin's face. I sit up awkwardly in my chair not bothering to look around for Calum.

"Can you send it back?" I ask politely

"Are you sure, ma'am?"

"Who sent us wine?" Kevin asks and I freeze in my seat

Please don't say it. Please don't say it. Please don't say it.

"The gentleman from table eight" She points towards the table but I refuse to look at him

Kevin looks over his shoulder then back at me.

"Do you know him?"

Oh God. I want to go home. I shouldn't have done this.

"Do I send it back?" The waitress asks and I nod

"Yes, please"

"Who is that guy?" Kevin insists and I stand from my seat

"I need to use the toilette, excuse me"

I grab my purse on top of the table and rush to the bathroom. Drew sees me and follows. He politely waits for the old lady to leave and locks the door behind him when its just the two of us. I thank him in my mind.

"Breathe" He chuckles

"He sent a bottle of wine over to my table" I say

"He said it's your favorite one" Drew says with a smirk

"You knew he'd do this?" I swat his arm "Drew!"

He laughs at my misery and I am so fucked up I end up laughing with him.

"That was a terrible idea" He says

"I know" I whine "I just want to go home and cry"

"Crying is the answer" He rolls his eyes "Sure"

"What does he look like? Can you take a picture of him? I want to see how he is looking" I plead "Is he in all black?"

"You should look for help. Medical help" Drew tells me "I don't fucking know what he is wearing, Gia"

"You are no help"

"Are you good? I need to get back to work" He gestures to the kitchen

"Yeah, thanks" I give him a kiss on the cheek before he leaves the ladies room

I touch up my lipstick and take three deep breathes before going back to my table. I feel like crying when I see Kevin drinking the wine. The bottle of wine is back. It's opened and Kevin is having a glass.

"What happened?" I ask as I sit back in my fancy stuffed chair

"The guy sent it back" Kevin shrugs "Said he insists"

I roll my eyes as Kevin pours some wine in a glass for me.

"You don't need to say it because it's obvious you know this guy" He rambles "But he must be loaded. This wine costs seven hundred dollars a bottle, can you believe it?"

I don't like that Calum spent that much money on something for me but since he is doing it just to spite me, I figure I could have a glass. Or maybe two.

"Good, huh?" Kevin asks after I take my first sip

I recognize the taste. It's the same wine I had at dinner in Calum's place. I never said it was my favorite but I did drink a whole bottle by myself. He must've figured it on his own.

"I can't believe someone would spend seven hundred dollars on a bottle of wine" Kevin is more impressed than I am "And he's not even going to drink it"

I quietly sip on my wine thinking of how I wish I could be somewhere else.

"He must be doing it to impress you" He concludes "He saw you with another guy and is trying to make you..."

I space out for a moment when my phone buzzes. I discreetly look at it to see a text from Drew.

Gray shirt and black jeans

I smile at my phone because I have the best friends ever. Calum must be looking great in a gray shirt. Our meal is served and I eat in silence. Kevin doesn't seem to notice because he hasn't stopped talking yet. I don't think I've ever been to a proper date before because Ryan never took me on one but I know this is a shitty one. First of all, I'm not even here for the right reasons. My food is delicious which makes up for the embarrassment I've just been through. My phone buzzes with another text, this time from Calum.

Enjoy your wine

I ignore it and continue to eat my food pretending that my heart is not pounding against my chest. Behind Kevin's shoulder I see when they get up to leave. Calum has his hand in Nia's small back while he leads her out of the restaurant. He doesn't look at me because he doesn't care. I wish I could say the same.

The rest of the night goes on painfully slow. We both finish our dishes but Kevin insists that we stay for desert when really I just want to go home and sleep off this hideous night. I am being a terrible company but I couldn't care less. This whole thing was an awful idea. I order something called Chocolate Volcano and Kevin goes for a Red velvet cake. I can't remember what we were talking about because I wasn't paying attention but I do remember freaking out internally when Kevin tries to kiss me. I pull away in shock.

"I'm sorry" He immediately says

"No, I" I stutter "I don't know"

I don't even know what to tell him. My mind is long gone. Somewhere near Calum's place where he probably is with Nia.

"I'm sorry Gia, I just never thought you'd accept going out with me and it's being great..."

Seriously? He thinks it's going great?

"I'm sorry Kevin, I'm not feeling very well and am probably being an awful company" I admit "Do you mind if we go?"

"Yeah, sure" He nods

Kevin gestures for the waiter to bring our bill and insists on paying. We leave the fancy restaurant together. Kevin has his hand on my back and I am hugging myself because of the chilly wind blowing. I feel a lot better now that I told him the truth. Well, half of it actually. We  make pleasant small talk on our way back. Kevin enters the campus garage and kills the engine close to our building. I turn to look at him and he does the same.

"I had a great time" He says

"You know we live in the same building" I chuckle

"I know" He laughs "But it would be weird saying it in front of other people"

He doesn't want other girls to see us together. I smile at him and nod. Kevin is a player but at least he assumes.

"Thank you for dinner, Kevin"

I lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek.


We both step out of the car and head towards our building in silence. It's a comfortable one though. We say goodbye once again when we go our separate ways and I almost sigh in relief when I get inside my apartment. But it doesn't last long. Jason is looking at me with apologetic eyes and like I said, nothing good ever comes with it. On the other hand, Drew has a stupid grin on his face and I bet he is having fun with this whole mess I made. My night is far from being over because the mess itself is sitting on my couch shooting daggers with his eyes. I wanna kill my friends. Why did they let Calum in?

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