By jlarry

80.4K 3K 335

Having a childhood that could only be seen in horror movies, Emily Springs finally finds a safe haven when a... More

Chapter 6 - DONE
CHAPTER 13 (not edited)
CHAPTER 17- NEW PLAN (not edited)
CHAPTER 22- breath of fresh air.
CHAPTER 24- reunited
Chapter 26
Chapter 27- Big Reveal
Chapter 29--Big mistake
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- DNA
Chapter 33- RESULTS
Chapter 34- Deal breaker
Authors note

Chapter 35- So long, farewell

4.3K 109 32
By jlarry

It had been exactly a week since the “deal breaker” and Emily had seen Ash one time, and that was one morning on his way to work. He was leaving for work the same time she was leaving for her early class. No interaction was exchanged; not even an eye contact.  They hadn't talked since her threat to ‘bash’ his face in. They had both avoided each other whichever way possible.

To say she had been busy would be an understatement.  For the past week, she had been getting ready to leave the marriage. She met with the lawyer the day after the incident; due to her relationship with Mr. Hurley, the lawyer had been nice enough to accommodate her on a Saturday. After hearing her story, he gave her some legal advice then proceeded with the paper works.

Once the legal issue was handled, she started looking for accommodation. Mr. Hurley surprised her a great deal by gifting her with a house where she and the baby would be living. It was a three bedroom house in a gated complex. She had been floored when she saw it; it was everything she dreamed of and more than what she needed.

Even though it wasn’t as grand as a mansion, it was equipped with everything she wanted. With a two car garage, a big front and back yards, Emily couldn’t ask for anything else. Aiden now had his own room which she painted blue and decorated as creatively as she wanted.

In addition to that, Mr. Hurley had found her a job working as a secretary for one of his close friend's company. She knew the job was a favor since she didn’t meet a lot of the qualification listed but she had promised the owner that she would be the best hardworking employee he has ever had.

She was very grateful for the job since the pay was much better than what she was making at the charity organization. Her bi-weekly paycheck would be enough for her and baby Aiden to make do.

With just the utilities and other miscellaneous spending she was confident they would be ok.

Mr. Hurley had been so helpful with the whole process of starting anew. He had also helped her get furniture and every other things she needed for the house. He also went further by paying the lawyer fee.

She adorned the man more and more with each passing day. When she thought about the misconception she had about him when she first met him, she felt like writing a lengthy apology letter. It was rather judgmental for her to think he wanted to take advantage of her but with her history she had to be very cautious

She was so glad she accepted his offer and mostly important she was glad he had chosen to remain in Aiden's life.

If Ash had any idea of what was going on, he didn't show it. He probably was dying for this day to come.

Michael was another help. He had helped her move her things and the baby’s gear into her new place. He too had apologized for giving her hopes that Ash would come around. After telling him I told you so, she told him to stop it then hugged him as a gesture of forgiveness.

Emily finally got the paper works from the lawyer on a Saturday morning. Not wanting to live in the same house as Ash any longer, she decided to leave the same day. There was nothing else stopping her.

She walked into the kitchen holding almost four month old Aiden. He was going to be turning four months in three days.

She grabbed his tiny hand when he reached for her earring.

"No" She kissed his hand and he smiled showing his one tiny teeth that was just coming out. He looked like his dad more and more every day. She wasn't ashamed to admit she was hurt he took none of her features. She knew it was still too early and it could still go either way, she just had a feeling he would look exactly like him. Like she needed a constant reminder of Ash.

Of course she wouldn't love him less if he looked like his father but it would be nice if he also inherited some of her features. After all she did all the work and all he did was provide the Y chromosome.

 "What’s that face for?" Gladys asked as Emily got close.
“What face?”
"The look of a child who didn't get her way" Gladys explained.

Emily frowned; she wasn't aware she was pouting. "I just think it's not fair Aiden doesn't look like me" She muttered in a whiny voice.
"He does look a lot like his dad". Gladys stated as she stared intently at Aiden.
"Gladys!  You are supposed to say he's still growing and can still look like anyone"

"Emily he is still growing and can still look like anyone" Gladys echoed Emily's words back to her. It was clear she didn't believe those words.
"You are terrible" Emily accused giggling.

"Here". She handed the baby to the older woman. "I have to go see Ash in his office"

The sympathetic look on Gladys face didn't go unnoticed by her. "As soon as he signs the paper, we will be leaving".

Gladys nodded then kissed Aiden on his chubby cheeks. He smiled then reached for Gladys’ nose.

Emily's heart swelled at the display and got teary eyed. She was going to miss not having Gladys around.

She walked anxiously down the corridor to Ash's office. He had been cooked up in there all day. She figured they must be swamped at work or he could be using it as a way to avoid running into her. She took a deep breath before walking in.

"I told you not to ever come in my office" Ash snapped at her when she walked in without knocking.

"Yea you did" Emily returned nonchalantly. It was one of the warning he had given her; she wasn’t allowed in his office and bedroom. Since their wedding night when she went exploring around the apartment, she hadn’t returned to his office.

His office was small but functional. Like the rest of the house, it was very modern with white interior and black tilled floor. A white shelved housed his books. Ash was sitting on a black leather chair behind a class table. He had his laptop and another desktop on the table.

"Then why the fuck are you here?" he bit out

She shrugged then added that she didn’t care of his instructions of not entering his office.

 He glared at her and she glared right back. Days of her trying to please him were long gone.

"Emily, I swear to God if you don't leave now, I wil….".

"You will what?" She dared him. "What more could you possibly do to me?" She asked then stood in front of him with his desk separating them.

"I could do so much worse than what you have seen this past couple of months" he threatened leaning back on his chair with an evil grin etched on his lips

His words just confirmed what she had concluded; Ash was a lost cause and she had made the right decision. Not that anything he said at that moment would sway her from getting the divorce.

She rolled her eyes at his threat. She saw him clench his jaw and fist his hands. Oh, someone's getting angry, she thought smirking. He was too easily riled up.

"What the fuck do….” He stop mid-sentence when she dropped a file on his desk. He looked at the file then at her

"What is this?" he demanded as he eyed the file.

She opened the file, picked up a packet then handed it to him. "Divorce papers".

He blinked then stared at the papers for a long second before taking them from her.

He scanned the documents before returning his eyes to her. "What did I do to receive such amazing gift from you?" he asked with his signature arrogant smirk.

 Emily wanted to punch the stupid smirk off his face. She held the edge of the table to stop herself from giving in to her urges.

"This is the best birthday gift and it's not even my birthday" he continued like the a** he was.

Emily couldn't help but remember his last birthday. It was when she was still trying to make it work with him. She had learnt from Gladys that his birthday was on September 9th. She decided to make all of his favorite: beef wellington with sautéed spinach and red velvet cake for desert. She had set the table up for him but he didn't come home until late.

That was normal for him; he never came home early on weekends, at all. The day being his birthday he was later than usual. She waited for him but when the time read one am, she gave up hope on dinner.  There was no way he would eat dinner that late, dessert would have to do then.

She had placed the dinner back in the fridge before continuing her wait.

She jolt awake when she heard key jiggling and a female laugh. Her stomach dropped at the sound. Of course he brought a girl home, why did she think he wouldn't?

They came into view, smiling at each other.

The girl came to a sudden stop when she saw Emily sitting on the couch. "Oh hey" She greeted hesitantly.

Emily couldn’t find her voice as she looked the girl over. No surprise she was beautiful with beach blond hair and deep blue eyes. Emily dared look at Ash and the look he gave her had her shrinking back in the couch. He had warned her to stay away when he brought girls over.

"Who are you?" The girl asked returning the once over.

"She's my maid". Ash answered her before Emily could. His words brought tears to her eyes but she didn't dispute his statement.

The girl continued to look at her suspiciously and looked like she wanted to ask questions but Ash had tugged her gently up the stairs shutting down whatever concern his date could have had.

"Oh you already signed it" Ash's voice brought her back to the present. He signed the paper then handed it back to her. "You finally realized I'm not going to yield right?"

He shook his head then added. “Women. When will you guys finally come to terms that you can’t change a man? Not even a marriage or a baby can do that".

Emily knew he was right. She was never one of those girls that set out to tame a man. She didn't want to change him however, she had hoped he would do it for his own child.

Speaking of Aiden, she handed him the next packet. "Sign this as well" she instructed.  

He eyed the packet before taking it from her.

"That's termination of your paternity right to Aiden" The lawyer had advised her to get him to sign away his right to Aiden, that way he would have no say concerning him. Because they were married at the time Aiden was born, he had been automatically placed in the birth certificate giving him as much right with Aiden as Emily.

 His eyes cut to hers when she continued "Sign it and you don't have to worry about him anymore"

When she explained to the lawyer that Ash had said he didn’t want anything to do with Aiden and was not ready to be a father, her lawyer had added waive of paternity to the document so full custody could been given to her.

 He looked down at the document then back at her. He read the document briefly then just stared absentminded at it.  

Her heart seized beating when he picked up the pen then turned over to the last page.

He stopped before the pen could hit the paper. "You won't come back demanding for things when I sign right?"

 She shook her head no "You won't ever see me or him anymore. He is no longer your son".

Uttering those words felt like been stabbed in the heart. She willed herself not to cry, well at least not in front of him. She watched him sign the paper and her heart broke into pieces.

People often say the pain of child birth was the most excruciating pain EVER but at the moment Emily would have to disagree. Having experience child birth and without any pain medication, the pain she felt watching Ash sign those paper was quadruple the pain she felt when she delivered.

Her body felt like they were locked together while a knife was continuously been dragged through her heart. It took everything in her not to slump down on one of the chairs.

 A small part of her was hoping he wouldn't sign away his right. She was hoping Aiden meant something to him and his anger was what was driving his action.

She blinked back the tears in her eyes as she took the signed paper from him. What did he ever do to you? she wanted to ask him but held her tongue. She didn’t want to hear anything from him anyway.

She placed all signed documents back in the file.

The hurt changed into anger when she looked at him to find him smiling.


He was smiling and happy to be free of his child.

"Since the divorce was your idea, you don't get anything from me, you know that right?"  

She rolled her eyes at him. It was always about money with him. "I don't want anything from you. As of today, you are dead to me. You heartless piece of Shit"

She saw his jaw clench for a second time from her insult but didn’t have any comeback.

"Have a nice life Ash" she bit her as she walked out of his office.

"I will now that you are both out of my life". She heard him say before the door closed behind her.

As soon as she closed the door, the tears fell. She fell back on the wall as she shed the last tears she would ever shed for Ash. When she was done, she wiped them off with her sleeves before walking into the kitchen. She didn't want Aiden to see her cry; he would start crying as well.

"We are ready to go". She announced when she walked into the kitchen. Gladys looked away from Aiden to her.

"He didn't". Gladys whispered.

Emily nodded. "Yea he did. Everything". She sniffed then blew out a breath.

"I'm sorry" Gladys apologized.

Emily took baby Aiden from her then rubbed her arms.

"We will be alright." She assured the older woman who looked on the verge of tears. "I got a new job now, Aiden is enrolled in a day care and Mr. Hurley has promised to help whenever we need him."

Gladys smiled as she blinked back her tears. "He is a good man. Nothing like his son"

Emily smiled back then nodded. She would be forever be grateful for everything he had done for her; from offering her the job and helping out with Aiden.

Gladys demanded to babysit Aiden

Emily chuckled softly. "Of course. Come over anytime you like. You know where the house is". Gladys had helped her pack her stuff into the new house. It was more of Aiden things than hers since the little one seemed to have more properties than she did.

Using her foot, she pushed the luggage containing the rest of her and the baby’s belongings.  

Gladys offered to get them but Emily shooed her away insisting that Gladys hold Aiden while she gets the heavy stuff.

Emily handed the baby back to her so she could use both of her arms for the suitcases.

 "Oh don't act like you are doing me a favor. Aiden is heavier than both luggage combined" Gladys teased.

"I'm sorry. I forgot his chubby behind is heavy" She laughed looking at Aiden with those cute rolls. He was on the heavier side but she had been assured by his pediatrician that he was a very healthy boy and should continue with whatever she was doing. So far all she had fed him was her breast milk. She grabbed his cheeks then kissed him on the mouth. He was just too cute.

She tried to take him away from Gladys when she realized that she wasn’t doing the older woman a favor but Gladys waved off her by stepping away. She told Emily to get the luggage instead.

Emily shook her head playfully at the indecisiveness. She placed her diaper bag on her shoulder then tugged the two roll on luggage behind her.

"You are so cute. I'm going to miss your so much" Gladys cooed while they got in the elevator.

"We will keep in touch" Emily promised as she pushed the button for the grand floor

"Please" Gladys begged softly.

Emily felt touched by the sincerity in Gladys eyes and she promised her she would keep in touch and keep her updated on Aiden’s wellbeing. Since Gladys didn’t have her own personal phone, Emily had the number of Gladys’ son who she was leaving with; it was the number both her and Ash used to get in touch with Gladys when they needed something.

The elevator stopped at the fifth floor and a guy walked in.

"Hi" he greeted.

 "Hi" Emily returned softly moving to the back corner of the elevator. He was cute with low cut, military style' and grey eyes. He was wearing blue ripped jeans and black shirt. She noticed how toned his arms were and could clearly see how fit he was. His pecks were also showing through his tight shirt due to how tight his shirt was.

She wondered if he was in the military since he had that demeanor about him. He looked back at her, over her then smiled. She gave him a weak smile back; she was suddenly feeling shy.

Even though she has had guys check her out, some creepier than others, she never seized to shy away from the attention. It also made her very uncomfortable.

She rolled her eyes when Gladys smiled sheepishly and wiggled her eye brows. Leave it to Gladys to try to play match maker in an elevator.

He looked back at her again, opened his mouth to say something but clamped it shut. His eyes left her then fell on Gladys holding the baby. He looked back at her, gave her a weak smile before turning his head back to the elevator door.

He must have figured both women were together and the baby was Emily’s and not Gladys. It didn't take a scientist to figure out Gladys was too old to have such a young child.

Emily knew having a baby would damper her love life since most men didn’t want to trouble themselves with single mothers but she wasn’t concern about it. Getting into a relationship was the last thing on her mind.

She was even convinced she wouldn’t date or get married anymore. Unless if the guy was Michael then and only then would she consider being in another relationship.

The elevator stopped again but this time on the ground floor. "Ladies first" suspected military guy muttered as he held the elevator open for them.

Emily mumbled a thank you as she pulled the luggage behind her with Gladys and the baby in front.

He smiled at her again before they parted, walking opposite ways. He went towards the lobby while Emily and Gladys walked to the garage. Emily wondered if he lived in the building and why she was just meeting him for the first time. She had always been so oblivious to the building; she didn’t even know any of the resident. The only people she was familiar with were the lobby attendants.

"He is cute" Gladys commented when he was no longer in ear sight. Emily nodded agreeing with her.

"You agree?" Gladys asked surprised at Emily's response.

"I'm not blind. Of course he is cute" he was attractive with grey eyes and strong jaw.

“Then why didn't you talk to him?" Gladys questioned bugged.

"I did talk to him" Emily defended herself as they walked to her car. Because Ash lived in the top floor he had designated spots that contained their car; two of Ash’s and her new car. Another peck of living in the top floor was how close the spots were to the elevator. It was rather convenient since the building had a large parking lot.

Gladys stopped when they got to her car. "All you said was hi"

"That's all he said to me"

Gladys argued that she should have flirted a little and engaged him in conversation.

Emily laughed at Gladys "Did you see his face when he saw I had a baby. Nobody want that" Gladys dismissed her comment, telling her elevator guy probably thought Aiden was her brother and not her son. She argued that as young as Emily looked, no one would believe she had an almost four month old.

Emily didn’t even know why they were having this discussion since it was pointless. Feeling resigned she said "Well next time I will flirt. Give me a break I just got a divorce"

"Oh honey, you were never married" Gladys stated as Emily loaded the truck with their luggage.

Emily mock gasped "low blow glad, low" even though she knew it had been a joke, she couldn’t help the truth in that statement. She had been married to Ash for almost nine months but they never lived as married couple. The only thing that indicated she and Ash were ever married was the wedding.

The thought of wedding had her looking down at her now empty ring finger; she had removed the bands and left it on the dresser in her former room. Ash could do whatever he wanted to do with it.

Gladys laughed then handed the now sleeping baby to her. She put in his car seat then scrapped him up.

Emily strengthened from the car to find Gladys with a more serious look; gone was the playfulness.

"You tried Emily. I don't want you to think you failed your son. Take care of yourself and this beautiful boy" she slide past Emily to kiss Aiden forehead.

Emily promised her she would take care of herself then urged her to do the same. They hugged each other fiercely and she blinked back tears as they pulled apart.

Gladys was the closet thing she ever had to a mother and would miss her immensely.

She closed the passenger door then walked over to the driver’s side.

"Did you see the arms on that boy" she heard Gladys yell out.

"I knew I smelt cougar in you when I first met you" Emily returned then laughed. She remembered thinking Gladys was one of Ash’s flings when they had met. She was so embarrassed for jumping to that conclusion.

Her door shutting drowned Gladys laughter.

Once in the car, she turned to look at Aiden who was sleeping securely in his car seat. At that moment she was happy she met Ash because without him she wouldn’t be blessed with such a perfect little human being.

She threw the car in reverse, waved at Gladys again before driving away from the parking lot and out of Ash’s life for good.

                                                                  ~THE END~


Yay! It’s done. I finally completed the book. Phew!. I know the ending sucks but I warned y’all they wouldn’t be a fairy tale ending. I haven’t decided if they would be a sequel so this is the end. I’m going to be editing it gradually so don’t be surprise if anything changes.

Thanks to my loyal readers, the five of you I think. I appreciate the support. I’m going to start working on my other book but not now. School just started back today so no more play time.

I love you guys for reading. Muah..


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