Maze Runner Imagines

By skyler7m

14.5K 70 20

Newt & Thomas & Minho & Gally imagines as the first girl in the glade. Suggestions welcomed in comments but n... More

How You Meet (Newt)
How You Meet (Thomas)
How You Meet (Minho)
How You Meet (Gally)
What He Calls You
Your Best Friend
First Kiss (Newt)
First Kiss (Thomas)
First Kiss (Minho)
First Kiss (Gally)
How He Kisses You & You Him (Newt)
How He Kisses You & You Him (Thomas)
How He Kisses You & You Him (Minho)
How He Kisses You & You Him (Gally)
How You Hug (Newt)
How You Hug (Thomas)
How You Hug (Minho)
How You Hug (Gally)
You Get Hurt (Newt)
You Get Hurt (Thomas)
You Get Hurt (Gally)
You Have A Nightmare (Newt)
You Have A Nightmare (Thomas)
You Have A Nightmare (Minho)
You Have A Nightmare (Gally)
I've Got You// Newt
It Doesn't Hurt At All/// Thomas
Never Let Her Go/// Minho
A Little Push Goes A Long Way/// Gally
You Get Sick (Newt)
You Get Sick (Thomas)
You Get Sick (Minho)
You Get Sick (Gally)

You Get Hurt (Minho)

605 4 0
By skyler7m

Your POV

"Up you get angel, lets go" A familiar voice sang out. You groaned as you rolled over on your bed, burying your head into your pillow to block out the sunlight streaming in the now open door

"Come on you bloody shank, we've got a maze to run." The voice teases chuckling at you. "Bugger off Minho." You groan. 

There was silence for a moment and you were about to move to see what was going on when two hands gripped around your ankles and yanked. Your sheet was pulled off you and you shrieked.

"Bloody hell Minho I swear to god I'm going to-" He cuts you off by placing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. When the two of you pulled away breathlessly a smirk graced his face. 

"What were you saying?" He teased and you giggled before wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him down and pulling him in for another long passionate kiss.

"If this is what kind of greeting I get every morning, you can expect me up bright and early." You mumbled against his lips. 

"Is that so?" He said playfully and you giggled before slamming your lips onto his. He moaned softly against your mouth as you pull him towards you and onto the bed.

"I know what you're doing." He whispered as he lay on top of you smirking. 

"I'm not doing anything." You say cheekily. "No matter how tempting your lips are, we have a job to do." He says and you moan in annoyance as his weight is lifted from you. 

"Ugh fine."


I let myself bath in the hot morning sun as I walked across the glade. I was greeted by numerous boys but not the one I was looking for.

"(Y/N)!" A thick british voice calls out and I grin when I spot Newt running towards me. 

 "Hey Newt." I smile hugging him when he reaches me. 

"Did you hear?" Newt asks me as he follows me towards the maze door. 

"Hear what?" I questioned. 

"Thomas, the greenie, he's doing his first run today." Newt explained.

"It'll be interesting to see how the greenie holds up." I smirk as I spot the greenie and Minho waiting at the maze doors. 

"Apparently he tried to punch Gally, what do you think will happen, trouble?" Newt asks eyebrows slightly raised. 

"Well Gally's a slinthead, so probably not. I mean hell, I would punch Gally in a heartbeat if I was given a chance." I say and Newt chuckles.

"Don't you have chores to do?" I ask and he groans. 

"Go on then, go do them. I'll tell you how the greenie holds up tonight, okay?" I say patting his chest once while laughing. 

"Okay." He laughs before walking off. I giggle and shake my head before heading over to the two boys.

"Hey (Y/N)." Thomas smiled. 

"Hey." I smile back. Minho smiles and snakes an arm around my waist and I resist rolling my eyes and just smirk. He was so over protective.

"Okay are you guys ready to go?" I ask and they both nod. 

"Thomas today we're just going to show you around, is that cool?" I question and he nods. 

"Cool, lets go then." I instruct and Minho grins. 

"What?" I ask. "You're just so hot when you're bossy." He laughs and I scowl and move to push him when he turns on his heel and dashes through the doors into the maze. 

"Hey!" I shout giggling slightly before running after him, Thomas following behind you.

The three of us run for a while until we reach a small clearing. The three of us stop for a break but Minho and I don't really need it. I was barely out of breath, considering I did this everyday. Thomas however was gasping for air like a fish, I understood though, I was the same on my first couple of runs.

"You better get used to that greenie." I smirked as I watched him in amusement. I scan the clearing and furrow my eyebrows when I see area 3 is open. 

"Minho look." I murmur and he follows my gaze. 

"Why is area 3 open?" He questions. 

"I don't know." I whisper.

"I'll go take a look." I say. 

"I'll come with you." Minho says almost immediately but I shake my head. 

"No, you need to show Thomas around, get him familiar to his surroundings." I explain and he sighs. 

"Well then I'll go and you show Thomas around." He offers.

"I've been running this maze almost as long as you have, I know how it works inside and out just like you." I say folding my arms. 

"Besides I'm pretty sure that makes me in charge of you just as much you are in charge of me." I grin and he rolls his eyes knowing he won't get you to change your mind.

"Fine but if you aren't back in a few hours I'm coming to look for you." He says firmly and I smile nodding at him. 

"Don't do anything stupid." He warns. "You too, take care of the greenie." I reply. He smiles and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Be safe." He mumbles. 

"I will." I whisper, kissing him one more time before sprinting off. He sighs watching after you worriedly before turning away.

I ran through sector 3 until my breathing was heavy and short. I was so confused, the route was the exact same. Nothing had changed. It had just opened a week early. 

I sighed and looked up at the sky knowing I should start heading back around now, not wanting to get stuck in here overnight. I began to jog back towards the Glade, I had just reached the center of the maze when I heard a loud clicking kind of noise.

 I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I walked through the large blades, suddenly the blades started to shut. 

"Shuck." I whisper once I realize it's cutting off my path to getting back to the Glade. I immediately begin sprinting towards the open panels but they were always one step ahead of me. 

I ran as fast as I could not caring that I was starting to feel tired. I was reaching the end when I leapt in front of the closing one and just barely made it through. My leap was so horizontal I couldn't land on my feet. 

I hit the ground and rolled into the maze wall, whacking my head against the concrete and the next thing I knew everything was black.


As my eyes slowly fluttered open open I groaned at a headache pounding in my skull. I leaned up against the wall and touched my forehead, when I pulled my hand away I saw blood on my smeared on my fingers. 

'Shuck' I thought. I groan as I try to pull myself onto my feet, using the wall as a support, I stumbled slightly as I try to get my bearings.

It was only then that I remembered everything that had happened before I blacked out. I whipped my head up to look  at the sky and my blood ran cold as I saw the sun setting. I went to take off running but  almost fell over again from dizziness.

 I ran as fast I could without falling towards the Glade. The only thing going through my mind now was that I wasn't going to make it back to the glad on time.


Minho's POV

"I have to go in and look for her." I said worriedly as I paced outside the entrance to the maze. 

"Minho, she'll be back, if you go in there now there's no guarantee you'll find her." Newt explained.

"She should have been back by now!" I yelled and the rest of the boys look down at the ground. 

"She'll get out. She has too." Thomas said.

Suddenly the whirring of the doors begin to start and Minho looks up frantically. 

"No no no no. Why are they closing! It's early!" I yelled desperately. 

"I have to go in!" I says but before he could take a step Gally had grabbed me. 

"You aren't going in there shank." Gally hissed and I struggled against him desperately. 

"She's going to die in there!" I yelled. 

"Well why waste another life in there then?" Gally said and I glared at him as I struggled. Some of the boys came to pull him off me.

"Guys look!" Thomas shouted. I looked to see her appear at the end of the path. 

"(Y/N) come on!" Newt shouted. The boys started screaming as she began to sprint. Her eyes were darting from door to door watching  as they came closer and closer together.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled. 

"Minho!" I heard her shout as I struggled against Gally. She started to run faster and faster. I knew deep down she was't going to make it but I wasn't giving up I wasn't going to think of that.

I managed to get free at the last minute but the gap was to small for me to fit. I pressed against the closing doors and  saw her tear filled eyes before the doors slammed shut.

"No." I whispered desperately as I leant against the doors. 

"No." I hissed as tears began to stream down my face. I slid down the door and pressed  forehead against it. She was going to die out there. 'I never should have left her go alone' I thought

"No, no no. Open!" I hissed as I slammed my fists against the doors.  

"(Y/N)!" I shouted as tears slid down my cheeks.

 "She might live." I heard Chuck whisper and I turned to look at him. 

"You know she's already as good as dead." I hissed before turning back to the maze. 

"I never should have left her alone, now she's gonna die and I'll never see her again." He murmured under his breath.


Your POV

It was pitch black dark now. I had been sitting against the wall scared , cold and alone. I had run out of tears an hour ago, now my cheeks were just tear stained and my eyes lifeless. I was going to die, so what was the point of trying?

Suddenly I heard a screeching noise followed by movement and I stiffened and pressed myself against the maze wall. A griever. Suddenly my will to survive kicked in, I don't want to die. Maybe I could survive this.

I scrambled to my feet and whipped my head around to look for a hiding spot. I managed to dive under the plants that grew on the walls just as a griever turned the corner. 

I covered my mouth and held my breath as it walked past me. It was the most hideous and terrifying thing I had ever seen. I watched as it walked up to the doors and looked at them before turning around and walking past me. 

I let out a breath of relief when suddenly the bushes I was hiding in were ripped away and the griever let out a bone-chilling screech as you let out a scream. I sprinted as fast as I could away as it crawled after me. The metal legs hitting the ground with loud clangs was the most terrifying sound I had ever heard.

I turned the next corner and leapt at the wall and began to climb up using the vines. Once up I ran fasted jumping over gaps, the last one was a huge leap, by now my breathing was more like hyperventilating. I looked back to see the griever following me. 

I took a breath before leaping across, I just managed to use my hands to grab hold of the ledge as I pulled myself up. I let out a scream as the grievers metal leg dug into my calf as it jumped across after me. I tried kicking it away trying to ignore the pain and scrambled up using the vines and began running on top of the wall again.

I could hear it behind me, I tried turning to look when my foot caught on a vine and I tripped, grazing my arms and hitting my head again causing my vision to start to blur. Crawling as quickly as I could as I tried to get up but my leg was burning in pain.

Hearing the griever I turned on my back to see the griever towering over me. It let out a snarl and it's slime splattered over me. It brought out it's stinger and moved it to jab me in the stomach but I rolled to the side and watched as the barb hit the ground where I was just lying seconds before.

In a panic I brought my feet up forgetting about the pain and kicked it in it's head. I managed to get up and ran quick enough to escape and I ran and ran and ran. I continued to jump from wall to wall until eventually it came to a dead end.

I whipped around to see the griever running towards me and I stood firmly as it came at me but at the last second I ducked and rolled. It was big enough for it to walk over me and when it did I shoved it up and over. 

I looked over the edge as it plunged to the ground. It hit the ground with a splat and I peered down to see it's guts and body parts completely splattered on the ground. It was dead. 'Holy Shuck' I thought 'I just killed a griever'

After  making sure it was completely dead I cautiously came down. I could barely move my leg and I knew I was losing a lot of blood but I needed to get a closer look. I looked at the dead griever for a while, fascinated at it's make up when I spotted a red dot.

Making a disgusted face I sifted through the slimness and pulled out a metal cylinder thing. I wiped away the slime to see a red number on it. 3. I had wasn't sure what it meant but I realized I was in section 3 earlier and it was open so maybe it came from there. 

I turned it over to see the letters W.C.K.D plastered on it. I had seen those in the maze and the Glade. I held onto it and stumbled my way back towards the entrance. 

After a couple of steps though I couldn't take it anymore, the pain was too much and my vision had started to blur over again. I collapsed the ground lying there too tired to move. 

Knowing I had to get closer to the doors I slowly pulled myself along the floor for a while until I saw the bushes I had hid under last night around the corner from the doors and lay there unable to move any further. Hopefully no more grievers come out to play tonight.


Minho's POV

"They're opening!" A voice called. All the gladers were pressed against the doors as they opened, I stood at the front, my cheeks were tear stained but I didn't care. I had stayed in front of the doors last night and didn't sleep, not one bit. Every time I heard a griever shriek I grimaced wandering if that was the moment she died. As the gates opened we waited in deathly silence.


I felt my eyes watering again as the Gladers' face fell from no sign of her. Some of them patted me on the shoulder and began to walk away. I was one of the last to move but looking at that maze was to painful. "Look, there!" Chuck suddenly yelled.


Your POV

The bang of the doors opening was what stirred me from my unconscious state. I started to drag myself, literally, towards the doors. My leg was still bleeding and I had lost a lot of blood. Rounding the corner I couldn't tell if anyone was there my vision was still too blurry but there I heard a voice call out. 

"Look, there!"  'I know that voice' I thought. 'Chuck?' 

More voices started to call out but one stood out and it was getting louder as they got closer. Minho. 

"(Y/N)!" Minho called as he came to kneel beside me, I smiled weakly and he must have realized I were injured. 

"(Y/N) hey look at me" he pleaded holding me in his arms. 

You giggled feeling slightly loopy from the blood loss. 

"Hey you" my voice came out as a whisper as I felt my eyes start to droop. 

"Hey no come on keep your eyes open, look at me, come on" he begged as he scooped me up and carried me back towards the glade. I could hear boys shouting as my vision started to go black.

"Is she okay"

"What happened"


But the last one I heard was Minho begging me to stay awake just a little longer, but I couldn't, everything felt heavy as I faded into unconsciousness.


My eyes fluttered open and I realized I was in the Med-jacks hut. Looking down I see a huge bandage on my leg. I turned to see Minho seated on an upturned crate next to me.

"Minho." I murmured and his head shot up and he hurried over to me. 

"Hey." He smiled softly as he pulled the crate to my side.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. 

"Alright, my leg feels better but it's still sore." You whispered and he nodded. 

"They said you have to stay in here for a couple more days so it can heal." He explained. 

"I'll have you to keep me company." I grinned and he shook his head letting out a small chuckle. Only I could make a joke in this situation.

"I found this, in your pack." He said pulling out the silver canister from the griever. 

"It's from a griever, I killed one, Minho." I whispered and he looked at me with wide eyes. 

"You killed a griever?" He asks in disbelief and I nodded but grimacing slightly from the pain. 

"Careful, mind your head" he says gently 

"Minho this might be a key to getting out of here." I explained and a smile spreads across his face.

"God I love you." He admits and I blush.

"I love you too." I reply and he leans down and places a gentle kiss on my lips.

He looks down at the ground and I'm surprised to see tears slide down his cheeks.

"Minho? Hey are you crying? Why are you crying?" I ask worried

"Because I thought I had lost you." He admits and my face softens and I smile at him taking his hand in mine.

"Your not getting rid of me that easily."

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