My babysitters a slut ~ jenzie

By jenzie_isreal_dirty

179K 1.7K 300

Hi I'm Mackenzie Ziegler. At school I'm known as nerdy Ziegler but no one except a few people know who I real... More

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By jenzie_isreal_dirty

A little dirty

Kenzie's POV

I called Lauren and told her what just happened and she started squealing. I was still sitting in the same spot Johnny left me in because I couldn't feel my legs. I tried to figure out a way to change so I tried standing up but I fell on the floor.

"Owwww." I whine.

I let out a loud sigh.

"Johnny!" I yelled.

He soon came in and saw me on the floor.

"Why you on the floor?" He asked.

"Can you just help me?" I said reaching my hands up for him to pull me up.

He sighed and pulled me up. The second he let go of me I almost fell again. He chuckled and put me back on my bed.

"I fuck ya that good, did i?" He asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"I bet you're so happy. You were practically begging for me to fuck you." He said.

"Shut up! No I wasn't!" I lied hitting his arm playfully.

"Yes you were don't lie." He said.

"I wasn't lying. I was just horny." I say. Not fully lying because I was really horny.

He rolled his eyes. "Ok sureee" He said sarcastically.

"Would you just help me change?" I ask.

"But the party isn't until 8:30 pm and it's only 12." He said.

"Well I can't sit around naked all day." I said.

"Why not?"

"Are you kidding?"

He shrugged.

"Come on it'll be fine." He said.

"No!" I said.

"How about if you're just in you're bra and underwear?" He asked.


He walked over to my underwear drawer and grabbed my black thong and a black lace bra that still exposed half of my boobs.

"Here." He said handing it to me.

I glare at him as I take them and put the bra on, but I still needed him to help me put my thong on. He slowly slid it on and then started checking me out.

"Stop! I already feel uncomfortable without you doing that!" I whined.

"Ok I'm sorry, let's go." He said reaching out for me to grab his hand.

"What if someone comes?" I ask.

"No ones coming over, and Carson isn't coming over till later." He said.

I took a deep breath before taking his hand. He smirked as he pulled me up and helped me walk downstairs.

He sat me down on the couch before walking into the kitchen to get chips and I got a call from Annie. I take a deep breath and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey Kenz! Lauren called me and told me what happened!" She didn't sound mad.

"You aren't mad?" I ask.

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I didn't tell you.." I said.

"No I'm not mad. I know you were probably so caught up in what happened you forgot." She said.

"Yeah I'm really sorry." I said.

"No need to apologize, so can I come over?" She asked.

"Umm... no..." I said


"I might not be able to feel my legs and Johnny might have convinced me to only where my bra and underwear until the party." I said. "And I may or may not have to give Johnny a lap dance later..."

"Omg you can't feel your legs?! Aha hahha! And you're sitting in your underwear and bra?! Ahahahhah!" She laughed. "A lap dance?!? Ahahahah!"

"Shut up Annie." I scowled.

"lol I'm sorry it's just funny to me... well congrats!" She said.

"Thanks." I said with a chuckle.

"Ok well I guess I'll see you at the party!" She said. " I love you babe bye."

"I love you too babe bye."

Just then Johnny came and sat on the couch.

"Who was that?" He asked, sounding a bit jealous.

"Just Annie." I said with a sigh.

I started at his shirtless body for a few seconds before looking away.

"Hey if you get to stare at me I get to stare at you." He said noticing my stare.

I feel my cheeks my heat up and He pulled me closer to him. I lay my head on his chest as I watch him play on his phone.

It's 7 o'clock and my legs are no longer numb but we've still been sitting in the same spot all day under a big blanket, I just woke up from a nap and Johnny's still on his phone.

Suddenly Annie and Carson came through the door and saw me half asleep laying on Johnny's chest.

"Omg!!" Annie squealed.

I let out a sigh and rubbed my eyes as Johnny chuckled. Annie ran up to me and pulled me upstairs. I saw Johnny looking at my ass as Annie pulled me away.

"You have to tell me everything!" She squealed.

"Alright annie! You're going to pull my arm off!" I complain as I hear Johnny chuckle.

She pulled me into my room and gave me my dress to change into;

I did my make up and hair and Annie did the same. This was her dress;

As we were getting ready she made me tell her exactly what happened.

"Omg that's so hot!" She said after I explained what happened before he walked out.

I chuckle.

"Do you think he likes you?" She asked.

"No he just had sex with me because he knew I wanted fucked." I said with a shrug

"When you say it like that it doesn't sound as cute." She sighed finishing up her makeup.

I chuckle and we walk downstairs to a full house.

"You do know you're still his babysitter right?"

"Oh yeah..."

We walk into the kitchen where we find Carson, Johnny, and a two girls flirting with them. I can see carson and Johnny trying to push them away but they wouldn't budge.

"Leave him alone slut." Annie said to the girl flirting with Carson.

"Why should i? Who do you think you are?" The girl asked.

"I'm the girlfriend you hoe now leave." Annie said pushing her away and kissing Carson.

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"You should leave too." Johnny said to the drunk girl trying to take his shirt off.

"Why? You have a girlfriend?" She asked.

"Uhhh... yes." He said obviously lying.

"Who?" She asked.

He froze and I could see he needed help. I took a deep breath and crossed my arms.

"Me." I said making Annie Carson and Johnny to look at me.

"You?" The girl asked.

"You better believe it." I said with sass

She took a couple steps closer to me.

"I don't think so." She said shacking her head.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Your to ugly. Johnny would never date a faty like you, He's better off dating someone gorgeous like me." She said turning back to Johnny.

He mouthed a help me to me and I sighed. I cleared my voice and grabbed the girls wrist turning her back around.

"Be careful what you say bitch, I may not look like it but I can beat you to the ground if you take another step near my boyfriend again you understand me?" I said.

"I still don't believe he's your boyfriend." She said trying to act brave But was whimpering because of my strong grip on her wrist.

"Than I'll prove it." I let go of her wrist And walked over to Johnny.

I wrapped one hand around his neck and had the other one on his shoulder and kissed him. He was soon to kiss back and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I heard the girl storm out and I pulled away from Johnny.

"You're welcome." I said to him.

"Y-Yeah... Thanks." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"And this also means I don't have to give you a lap dance later." I said making Carson spit out his beer a little.

"Ughhhh Fine." Johnny said in a whine.

"Wow Kenz I didn't know you were such a good actress." Carson said.

"I try." I giggle.

Johnny opened the fridge and handed me a beer.

"Thanks." I said. "Let's go dance!"

We all walked out of the kitchen and walked onto the dance floor. We all started dancing and sing to the song while drinking. While we were dancing some guy came up behind me and started grinding against me. I turn around and push him away but he grabbed my my wrist and put something in my drink when I wasn't looking. I took a sip of it and I got really dizzy. I started to fall but he caught me. Without knowing it I let him lead me upstairs. I almost fell tho and I tried pushing him away put he pulled me upstairs. We walked into my room and he laid me down on my bed. I stretched my arms up and my dress went up with it. I tried to pull it back down but he stopped me.

He may have put something in my drink but I didn't take a big enough sip to go completely out of it.

He grabbed both my wrists with one hand and pinned them above my head. With his other hand he lifted my dress more and I tried kicking him away but it didn't work. The music downstairs was too loud for anyone to hear my screams.

With his free hand he licked two fingers and moved my thong to the side then slid them in me. I scream and cry as he pumps in and out of me.

"STOP!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" I screamed.

He pulled his fingers out of me and slapped me. Then shoved three in me at once pumping fast.

"STOP!!!!" I screamed.

He pulled his fingers out again and started to take off my thong. I kicked him hard in the gut and he fell to the ground. I quickly stood up and pulled up my thong and my dress down. I ran out of the room and downstairs crying. I looked everywhere for Johnny Annie and Carson but I couldn't see them.

I heard the guy coming behind me and I ran through the crowd of drunk people. When I finally found Johnny I was a foot away from him when the guy caught up to me. He grabbed one of my arms but with my other one I reached out and grabbed Johnny's wrist. He turned around and saw me crying and being pulled by a random guy.

"Johnny help me!" I scream.

The guy pulled on me hard and I almost let go of Johnny. Johnny grabbed my arm with two hands and tried to pull me but the other guy was too strong. He pulled me one more time and I let go of Johnny and I slipped through Johnny's hands. The guy dragged me back threw the crowd and I saw Johnny trying to fight his way through.

"Johnny!" I cried out.

The guy pulled me into the bathroom and pushed me on the floor. He locked the door and got on top of me he lifted my dress up and pulled my thong down. I screamed and squirmed but I couldn't move and no one could hear me.

He unbuckled his pants and slid and condom on.

"No stop!! Please!" I begged.

He slammed into me and I let out a scream. He thrusted in me fast and I cried even harder.

"Stop!! STOP!" I yelled.

"You know you like it." He groaned.

"No stop!! someone help me!" I screamed.

Suddenly the music outside stopped and there was a loud "awww" of disappointment. Maybe Johnny's looking for me I thought.

"JOHNNY!!  JOHNNY HELP ME!!" I screamed and the guy slapped me.

He thrusted fast and I tried to push him away.
The door suddenly swung open and Johnny started to punch the guy and I put my thong back on and pulled my dress back down. Annie then rushed in and hugged me. Carson followed her and helped Johnny throw the guy out, literally... they picked him up and threw him into the yard.

"alright everybody out!" They yelled and everyone left.

Johnny came and hugged me and I cried into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Kenz." He said.

I shook my head. "Its not your fault."

He helped me stand up and walked me upstairs into my room.

"Will you sleep with me?" I asked. "I just don't want to be alone."

He nodded and laid down on the bed next to me. He pulled me closer to him and I cuddled into his chest and soon fell asleep.

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