The Fire Angel (ATLA Fanfic)

By Darkninja7

297K 9.8K 2.6K

Water.... Earth... Fire... Air A long time ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. The skies were fi... More

Book 1 - The Beginning
Training 101
Following Orders
Grandpa Ping
Visited By Royalty
The Prince and Angel
Goodbye or See you Later?
You've still got a friend in me!
General for the Crew?
Shadow Snake
Packing up!
The Open Ocean
Beneath the Scars
Time, friend or foe?
Lillian AN
Shattered Glass
Sibling Salute!
The Thorn in my side
The Avatar
The Harbor
Island of Kyoshi
Blast from the Past.
The Necklace
Winter Solstice Part 1
The Winter Solstice Part 2
The Scroll
Crystal Nightmare Part 1
Crystal Nightmare Part 2
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
Why Me?
Lillian Alone
The Siege of the North
Book 2
The Path of three flames
Royal Pain
Iroh & Lilly's Journey
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Desert
New Beginning
The Freedom Fighter's
Walls, Walls and Tea!
The tales of Lillian in Ba sing Sai
Authors Note
Lake Laogai Part 1
Lake Laogai Part 2
The Earth King
The Jasmine Dragon
Author Note
The Crossroads of Destiny
Book 3 - Operation "Extinguish Fire"
The Awakening
Arty stuff
The Headband
The Beach Part 1
The Beach - Part 2
I Got Tagged
Lillian's healing.
Rise again
Nightmares & Daydreams
Day of Black sun: Part 1: The Invasion Part 1
Day of black sun: Part 1 The Invasion Part 2
The day of black sun Part 2: The eclipse.
A Crazy Escape
The Western Air Temple
The Firebending Master's Part 1
The Firebending Master's Part 2
The Boiling Rock: Part 1
The Boiling Rock: Part 2
Manly Arts... (Special chapter)
The Southern Raiders
Why didn't We Listen?
The Sky Temple Part 1: You're Dead!
The Sky Temple: Part 2 What you didn't know
Hidden in Plain Sight
The Ember Island Players
Sozin's comet Part 1
Sozins comet Part 2
Sozin's comet Part 3
The Prophecy (Teaser for Part 4)
Sozin's Comet Part 4
A Time for Peace
The Sequel is OUT

Dying in Agony

1.3K 28 10
By Darkninja7

"Your the Descendant of the great Dragon Prince Natsu!!!!" Shin and Shane cheered

Zuko stared at the twins, "what are you talking about?!" 

Shin jumped forward, "You and Lillian are the prophecy! No wonder Grandpa likes you so much!" 

Toph raised her hands, "Hold up duo bro's, what does this have to do with Lillian trapped in a Crystal prison?!" Toph growled. Shin hid behind Shane's shoulder's at the sight of Toph's annoyed face.

"Lillian and Zuko will bring peace between the Tenshi's and the land walkers. Our kind have been waiting for this for centuries!" Shane stated, 

"Excuse me? Land walkers?" Toph picked her ear, "That's us Toph..." Sokka shrugged. 

"What peace? I thought the Tenshi's chose to hide from us? That you were all just myths and stories." Katara asked.

"We were hunted like animals. Our weapons, wings and crystals were things humankind wanted but could never control. We were forced into hiding by the elders." Shane said sadly, "but now... Lillian and Zuko can bring the two worlds together! We just have to get rid of Damon!" Shin continued from his brother.

"Who?" Zuko's ears perked at the new name, "Damon... one of the Superiors sons from the other temple. Lillian is betrothed to him." Shane stated. "We can discuss this all later! Can we Please just get Lillian out of there!" Aang growled.

The gang stared shocked at Aang, "What? My friend wants to kill me and we need to get to her before she does, so.... What do we do?" Aang turned to the twins.

Shane and shin gave each other a nod before stepping back, "We have to bring Lillian to her senses... We have to break through the dark crystals energy and help her see the light before the darkness consumes her." Shane said.

Everybody took a step back and prepared themselves...

"Aang and Toph, use your earth bending and remove the crystals, everyone else, getting ready for one hell of a fight!" Shin yelled as he took a fight stance.


"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light..." Lucy smiled at Lillian and placed her hands on Lillian's shoulder's. 

"When you leave here, you will only see darkness... but remember, your friends are the light. Listen to them, they'll always be there to save you." Lucy smiled and then faded.

"Hello?! Lucy!" Lillian called but there was no answer...

Lillian was alone....


Aang and Toph took their stances and began moving the crystals... Zuko stood behind Appa and held his chest, the pain was getting too much but he had to help Lillian, "Zuko! I told you stay by Appa!" Katara barked, "Don't make me tell Toph to encase you in earth!" Katara added. Zuko growled, "You need my help!" Zuko said walking towards Lillian but was stopped, "Listen to her man, please!" Sokka begged his friend. Zuko mumbled before climbing back onto Appa, "Just to be sure you don't do anything stupid... Appa YIP YIP!" Aang ordered. Appa took off with Zuko and Suki to a distant area.

"Get Ready!" Toph yelled. There was a rumble and then everything was set alight by black fire, "What the heck!?" Sokka was shocked seeing the black flames consume the red ones around them, "The crystal is consuming her, we have to move quick!" Shane ordered. Aang nodded and bent water onto the black flames, "Lillian?" Sokka called as he stalked slowly to where the crystals were, "Hello?" Shin called from behind Sokka. 

"MOVE!" Toph panicked but it was too late. Lillian's figure appeared from the smoke. Her eyes glowed a hell red and her wings were tinted black. The veins around the crystal were black and throbbing deeper into her body, "Lillian! It's me, your big bro Shane!" Shane yelled as he watched Lillian's still form, "Come on little sis, lets go home!" Shin spoke stepping forward.


Lillian stood still staring at the floor.

"What's going on?" Katara whispered, "The crystal is pushing itself through her veins, we need a plan!" Shane called over his shoulder. Toph pointed at Sokka, "He has plans!" Aang kept his eyes on Lillian, "I'm going to try and talk to her.." Katara said smiling.

Everyone went quiet as Katara approached Lillian, "Hey Lilly, it's me, Katara... Your friend." Katara spoke slowly. Lillian's form shifted slightly when Katara came closer, "Lets get you out of here and go get cleaned up." Katara reached out for Lillian's hand. Toph walked closer, "Come on dragon girl, lets go rest... we've all had a long week..." Toph reached out and took hold of Lillian's other hand. Lillian lifted her head and stared at Katara and then Toph, "Katara... Toph..." Lillian whispered under her breath. Katara smiled, "Aang! We're getting through to her, we need help!" Katara cheered. Aang smiled, "that's great!" Aang rushed over and smiled up at his friend, "Hey Lilly! remember you still owe me a-"

Aang choked at his words as Lillian's hand wrapped around his throat in the blink of an eye. Katara and Toph were pushed back into the water behind her..

"Avatar.... We finally meet... the prophecy foretold my duel with you." Lillian spoke in a deep dry voice. "WHHAAAT!?" Shin and Shane gasped. Lillian raised her other hand and bent black fire at the twins, "Lilly, don't hurt your brothers!" Aang gasped for air as he tried to get through to his friend, "Brothers?" Lillian whispered. Aang noticed the change in her eyes, "Yes, your brothers. Shin and Shane." Aang spoke. Lillian's grip around Aang's throat loosened, "Shin... Shane.." Lillian whispered gaining the attention of her brother's who moved closer. Shin smiled and stepped closer, "Yeah, your big brothers." Lillian's gaze fell on the twins... 

"The brothers who left me!" Lillian growled with flames escaping her mouth.

"HEEELP!" Shin yelped as he ran away.

Shane face palmed, "We were close..." 

Aang stared at Lillian, "I have an idea, but we have to move quick." Aang shouted.

The gang sprang into action and took their places.

Everyone stood in a circle around Lillian, "What do you think you are doing?" Lillian mumbled darkly.

Aang blew hard onto his whistle for Appa, "Step aside land walkers, I wish to fight the avatar!" Lillian ordered at Katara and Toph who bent their element ready at her, "Calm down Dragon girl, we're just getting sparky for you!" Toph smirked.

Lillian clenched her teeth, "I don't care what you are doing! MOVE!" Lillian screamed and bent a large black wave of fire at Katara and Toph, "That's it!" Toph yelled as she encased Lillian in earth only to have it blown up, 


There was silence as Lillian stopped her outrage.

"Who said that!" Lillian growled. 

Zuko stepped forward grasping his chest, "It's me Lilly." Zuko whispered as he walked towards Lillian.

"Stay back or I'll incinerate you!" Lillian barked but Zuko kept walking forward.

Lillian gazed into Zuko's golden eyes, "Do it..." Zuko said stopping right before Lillian placing her hand at his already blistered chest. "Kill me Lillian, burn me, hit me... Do it..." Zuko growled leaning into Lillian causing her to back away, "Whats the matter? Kill me!" Zuko yelled. Lillian clenched her fist and swung at Zuko. Aang was about to step in but Lillian paused at Zuko's face, "Nnnoo.." Lillian stuttered backing away. Zuko walked forward, "Come on Lillian! DO IT!" Zuko yelled.

Aang watched as Lillian's eyes flickered and then, he enter the avatar state.

Zuko looked over at Aang shocked, "What are you doing!" Aang shoved Zuko out the way and grabbed Lillian by her throat, "Aang!" Katara yelled out.

"Hm, just as I predicted. If she doesn't kill the avatar then he will kill her..." The slayer hissed from his imprisonment. 

Lillian's eyes began to close, "A-ang...little buddy..." Lillian gasped... "Thank you... for everything..." Lillian's eyes rolled back and he body completely went limp.  

Aang laid Lillian's body down gently and closed her eyes. When Aang returned from the Avatar state he looked towards Zuko who had tears in his eyes, "Did you..."

"I'm sorry Zuko.... I had to..." Aang said as he began crying.

"NO! Our little sister! This wasn't part of the plan!!!" Shin yelled as he clawed at Aang but was stopped by Shane, "Enough brother!!" Shane mumbled as he cried.

Aang looked away as he cowered down onto his knees. Katara wrapped her arms around Aang's shoulders, "Aang... what have you done?" Sokka gasped at Lillian's form.

Zuko stared at Lillian before falling to his knees, "Lilly... " Zuko's eyes filled with tears... "Don't leave me please..."

Zuko took Lillian into his arms and cradled her as his tears fell, "Don't go..."


Hey guys....

Don't shoot me!!! I have an update and a cliff hanger just to keep you on your toes.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Vote and comment please.

Darkninja out !

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