The Devil In Me

By elizpua

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This is AU as the original family do not have any supernatural abilities, though that will not stop them from... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46

Chapter 45

1.1K 31 5
By elizpua

The Virginian sun, warm and all so familiar crept through the leather of Caroline's glove as she lent her arm against the window of her childhood room. She looked down and over the lawn, ringed by trees and a pond where Mrs Pierce kept her Koi.

The green lawn, watered at great cost was punctuated by white dresses and sun parasols swaying in the late summer sun. The sky was cornflower blue, wisps of cloud drifting lazily. Childish laughter pulled her attention below, and she saw Ellie run out of the house, hotly pursued by Jeremy Salvatore. Caroline saw Rebekah by the pond, calling them over to feed the fish, her British voice cutting through the gentile American murmurs of Caroline's childhood.

The trip South had been long and arduous, as Caroline well remembered, yet, the sight of Ellie and her father passing the day chatting, reading together, looking out the window, as Klaus regaled her with stories of distant shores, and adventures, had filled Caroline's heart up enough to forget any hardship or distance to be endured. Between them, there were few words, long gazes, and secret smiles. She had started to feel complete again, whole for the first time in so long, as though a missing limb had been returned suddenly, and she could function again completely, or a missing heart. The long days dissolved into long nights, of tangled sheets, lowly burning fires and whispered confessions. Each night, each inn, they passed the night exploring each other, remembering each other, relearning every slope, each curve. Telling and retelling stories, so many days to recount, so much missed, so much time to reclaim.

Since arriving in Virginia, Caroline had felt as though she was living in a dream, one she treasured and feared simultaneously. On their various social calls and trips, she had tried to avoid thinking about what lay over the hill, a small way of, really, especially by carriage. Though, she had not seen it since that night, she was sure that little remained, charred ruins, a family of dust and painful memories. She avoided it at all cost, and yet found her mind returning to it constantly.

There were only two things which were able to capture her attention too completely for her mind to dwell on the past. One was outside, and the other, she could see in the distance, walking with his brother. They cut fine figures striding across the estate, dressed for riding, smiling and talking together, Klaus and Elijah. From the look of their discussion, Klaus was attempting to give martial advice, and Elijah was humouring him by listening. Caroline smiled as Klaus suddenly lifted his head and caught her eye. His answering grin lit his face up as he took in her outfit and then lifted his pocket watch from his pocket and tapped the large face. Nodding, Caroline backed away from the window, and surveyed her outfit once more. Not quite the outrageous ensemble she had subjected her husband to at Westmere, yet, not too decidedly matronly she thought satisfied as she tugged the tight leather bodice into place a last time and left the room, gathering her crop and hat.

"I am sure that Katherine will be satisfied with the preparations, considering she is responsible for most of them" Elijah was saying as Klaus motioned to a nearby groom to prepare his and Carolines' horses.

"Even so, a surprise, a romantic gesture, trust me brother, if there is not something you feel proud of inventing on the day, you will feel it keenly... benefit from my experience of the matter" Klaus said.

"And I suppose you feel the day of your nupitals lacked something? I am certain Caroline did not feel it."

"It wasn't everything she deserved" Klaus said in a final tone, as he became distracted by the sight of his wife appearing through the door, her form encased in tight brown leather and well cut plaid. The plaid of Westmere. He swallowed as he saw her approach. In that moment, he might have been transported to years before, before separation and tragedy had cursed them so completely, before his father had set out to ruin his life and take all from him. At the thought of his father, his mind instantly darkened, as the note, carelessly scrawled, it's words, cold and calculating. He had still not told anyone of it, and he did not plan to. Mikael was dead, he had done the deed himself, and he would not let his demons, imaginary or real, seep in to this, his second chance at living.

"If you'll excuse me brother, I have some more pressing matters to take care of" he murmured, his eyes never leaving Caroline's as he started forward, presenting her his arm, leaving an amused Elijah in his wake.

"Lady Mikaelson, you are quite stunning, as usual" Klaus murmured as he pulled her close and started them in the direction of the waiting horses.

"Well, you must know that this is the first time in a good while that I have endured the rigours of such a garment, how women are supposed to ride comfortably, heavens knows" Caroline muttered as she kicked the long skirt to the side, already growing irritated with the latest fashion for a female riding habit. Klaus chuckled,

"May I ask what purpose it serves then?"

"Why, to look good of course, to entice men... is that not the purpose of all female attire" Caroline replied sarcastically.

"I hope I do not have to remind you that you remain a married woman... therefore I might enquire why you would subject yourself to such a physical punishment" Klaus asked lightly, watching Caroline's expressive face, it's expression alive with humour, as she tilted her head to the side and caught his eye.

"Why, for you of course..." she replied with a smile, before sweeping ahead, already eager to make contact with the horse prepared for her, it's chestnut flanks gleaming in the sun.

They rode away from the estate, with Caroline leading the way. She picked up a trail that she used to watch others take when she was young, and still unable to ride herself. They moved over open fields, and entered a beech wood. The leaves were barely beginning to turn, and the sun fell through the gaps, moving lazy over them as they slowed and rode in companionable silence, side by side. The air was fresh and warm, and they finally stopped at a secluded stop by a river.

They picnicked by a river that ran along the border of the Pierces' estate. Klaus helped Caroline down from her mount. His hands running up the sides of the snug corset, before lifting her down, standing so close that their bodies slid against each others. The silence of the place, the gently running river and soft snort of the resting horses settled on them. Klaus reached up to pull Caroline's hat from her head, and smiled as her golden hair tumbled from it, already pulled from it's pins. Caroline shook her head back, as she ran her hands up his chest, feeling it's hardness under his fitted riding coat.

"You look awfully uncomfortable, I think, as your husband I am responsible for your well being, therefore I should remedy the situation." He murmured as he reached behind her for the leather corset ties.

Her hair hung between then, their faces close. She could see in his, the same boyish expression she had once known, once of teasing and ease, his blue eyes bright and alive.

"Hmmm, my Lord, I suppose that is true" she breathed she felt the stings loosen and drop, the weight of the infernal garment fall away. The entire ride, being close to him, it still felt such a novelty, even after these past weeks. His upright back, his capable hands and strong thighs directing his horse with ease, golden hair shining in the sun and grin following her, it was almost enough to cause behaviour unbecoming a lady, as Mrs Pierce might say.

Caroline bit back a laugh as she thought of her guardians face if she could see them now. Caroline's chemise was now being pulled away, and her stays and other wisps of cloth were disappearing under Klaus's determined hands. At last the sun fell on her naked form, her skin prickling as the light breeze brushed over her and Klaus sank to his knees before her. Ran his hands over her, his eyes drinking in the details, the artist never resting as he lowered his head and took one of her swollen nipples into his mouth. She gasped and wound her fingers through his curls, tugging his head closer. He finally stood, when she felt her knees might betray her, and urgently took her face between his hands, kissing her breathless. He rested his forehead against hers.

"My love... you must know that you need nothing to entice me... but if you ever wonder, then know this. This is my preferred view of you, stripped bare, for my eyes only... my personal heaven" as he spoke, Caroline started to unbutton his coat, tugging if off his broad shoulders and pulling at the ties of his shirt. Her hands finally found his skin and he groaned as she carefully guided him backward to a saddle that lay discarded, allowing the horses to graze unburdened. He sat on the hard leather, steadying himself as he gazed at his adventurous wife in surprise as she cast off the last of her clothes and sank down astride him, her arms winding around his neck, her legs wrapping around his hips.

As his initial ecstasy and shock wore off, she began to move, ripping a deep growl from him, his arms went around her and pulled her closer, impossibly hard against him, lowering his head once again to feast on her rosy tipped breasts and her head fell back as they were swept away in each other.

"And what of this one?" Caroline asked as she inspected Klaus's palm, holding over their heads as they lay scantily covered on the picnic rug, by the sun-dappled river.

"This one, I do believe was from a knife fight, though I recall little of why and where it was" he murmurs, his brow creasing as he gazed at Caroline's slender fingers running over his calloused and scarred hand.

"And these?" She said, indicating further scars running up the side of his hand, and clustering round a crooked finger, which looked like it had been broken before.

"This one, I do recall. It happened in France, when I was living on the Dubois farm. A horse was caught in an old cart, during a storm, it risked killing itself in it's fear of the thunder..." he mused as he flexed the hand, feeling the familiar clicking of the formerly broken joint. He looked down to see Caroline resting her chin on his shoulder, her blue eyes watching him fondly.

"I do believe you are the biggest hearted fool... for animals that is" she teased.

"Well... perhaps that it true... but I have a similar weakness for Mikaelson women... two in particular".

"Tell me more of France... What did you do in your time there" Caroline continued, resting her head back against the nook of his neck.

"Well, I worked the farm, no small task I assure you... and I... I-""

You?" she prompted, hearing him fall silent.

"I... dreamt of you. Of Westmere. I would sit at the window of the cottage and stare across the sea, fancy I could see you there... and you were happy, safe and loved. I would not imagine what you were doing, or who you were with, as I had given up the right to those thoughts when I left... but my memories of you.. well, they were mine to do with as I pleased. Some days, I would picture us together at the farm to the extent that I would be unsure if I was awake or not" he said with a rueful laugh, and felt Caroline move over him. He saw her lean up and gaze down at him.

"I... dreamt of you too" she whispered, and he caught sight of tears gathering behind her eyes. He pulled her face down to his immediately.

"Shush... sweetheart, no more tears... for I would repeat every miserable moment to be here with you, to still be loved by you... to know Ellie... I would do it all again." He murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I have something to show you" he said suddenly, surprising Caroline out of her melancholy by standing.

They rode for an hour, until the sun had past its highest point and the entire valley was awash with a warm afternoon glow.

Nerves had been building in Caroline as she had started to recognise small indications of their destination, and her hands were starting to feel clammy on the reigns. Klaus was up ahead, and she thought of calling him, asking him to stop, to turn back before it was too late, but there was another urge, a deeper one, pushing her on behind him.

They joined the drive from the left, and started up the rutted road, long overgrown which wound for a mile, turning this way and that. Nerves seemed to gather at Caroline's throat, choking her, silencing her. She felt paralysed with fear, with memories. Klaus glanced back over his shoulder, coming to a stop when he saw her white face and frozen expression.

"I thought it was time... we lay our demons to rest" he said, coming to her side, and gripping her hand. Her eyes remained fixed ahead, and he slowly squeezed her fingers.

"I understand if you wish to turn back, though I wish you would continue..." he murmured. Caroline swallowed and nodded, her eyes fixed over the rise of the hill. They started forward slowly, and before long, they had topped the slight rise, and Caroline felt her stomach clench as she looked down into the valley that had held her childhood and her family.

Klaus sat expectantly at her side, and her heart pounded as she took in what was happening. Her throat felt thick as memories assaulted her.

"Well, what you think?" he asked, and she realised he was afraid of her answer, afraid he had overstepped, rushed the intimacy of their rekindled relationship, pushed his position, in her life again once more, too far.

There were no ruins of the charred end of her idyllic childhood, no sign of how it had come crashing down. There had been, of that she was sure, but she need only take note of the men moving around, the work being down to realise that all of it had been taken care of. The ground had recovered, it was green again, new growth there before there had only been death. There were sakes planted, the rough outline of a home, a new one. She saw the men cease working as they saw Klaus from the top of the ridge and the foreman called a break.

"Caroline?" Klaus asked, his voice vulnerable, as she spurred her mount down the road she had trod a lifetime ago and never thought she would return to.

Tears stung her eyes as she got closer and saw the painstaking work that had been carried out. The foreman was moving to greet them, and as he drew closer, Caroline gasped, through her tears, as she smiled in recognition.

"Matt!" she cried, sliding down from her horse.

"Caroline, or I should say, Lady Mikaelson" Matt said sheepishly, glancing over at his boss. Caroline gripped his hand hard.

"To you, I will always be Caroline. How did all of this come about... you – working here?" Matt looked to Klaus, standing behind Caroline watching them.

"Well... I was contacted by Lord Mikaelson, asking if I wanted to oversee the restoration of ...your home"

"Our home" Caroline said quietly, still smiling with joy at her childhood friend, reappeared after so long. Matt shifted a little, bring Klaus into the conversation.

"My lord, I hope everything is to your liking" he said respectfully, and Caroline could not take her eyes from the man that she had known as a boy, always hanging around the estate, with his father, the caretaker.

"Indeed, it is, though, I must admit the real judge is here now, and I shall rely on her good opinion." Klaus said, telling himself not to mind the way Caroline's hand still gripped his foreman's.

"Of course, well, I shall prepare the plans to show you further your husbands' ideas" Matt was saying as he strode off toward a cart set up on the far side of the site. Silence fell as Klaus watched Caroline's reaction, as she kept turning around, looking at every detail, her eyes wide as they struggled to take it all in.

"Caroline –" Klaus began again, as she turned to face him suddenly, her expression expectant, quickly turning to alarm, as he suddenly dropped to a knee. She stepped back, her eyes widening.

"Klaus, what are you doing?" she asked, and gasped as he took her hand.

"Caroline, I want you to marry me again, in front of our family, here, where we will build our new life, and say goodbye to the past once and for all... marry me again, be mine again..." Caroline stared, robbed of words.

"But we are married" she whispered, tears gathering in her eyes, unable to break the connection with his blue gaze.

"Marry me again regardless... let Ellie carry the flowers, and let us make our first family memory together, here, the site of our future... if you wish it. I have wandered the world and longed for you so long, please, marry me again, vow your love, and put your trust in me once again... and I swear, every mistake I ever made, shall never be repeated, for this chance at redemption is a gift..." he implored, his low voice speaking to her heart. She broke his gaze, and looked around. The site was bordered by waving grasses, and she felt the afternoon breeze move them gently, they swayed slowly, undulating under the sun.

"Shall I ever marry? Or am I truly destined to be an old maid"

"You shall marry. Not once, but twice"

"Twice? It mustn't be a great love then..."

"No, It shall be a great love, an epic love. A love for the ages"

Caroline felt like she could almost hear Bonnie's voice, drifting through the meadow, whispered by the grasses. She was transported to the Pierces' parlour in London, the fire before her crackling, teacup with leaves swirled in the bottom in her hand. She felt then the weight of fate, her destiny, which had brought them together, ripped them apart, and reunited them, the stormy seas they had battled, the heartache they had endured, to finally end up on this sandy shore, this new beginning, this second chance. The circle completed.

She felt his hand grip hers harder for a moment, and brought her attention back to the man on a bent knee before her.

"It should have a solarium, just like... our home had, and a beautiful stable" she whispered, tears filling her eyes as she imagined a new beginning, together as a family.

Klaus smiled at her words,

"May I take that as an acceptance?" he asked, his mouth quirking into a grin, as she found herself smiling madly back.

"You may" she said, and squealed as she found herself suddenly in his arms, spinning around, her stomach tumbling. Her breath came out in a rush, as her feet found solid ground, and his lips met hers.

"Lord Mikaelson, I believe you may need some lessons from your brother on how to act in company... you are worse than ever." She laughed as she leant away, smoothing her hat and her riding habit, flustered, though her cheeks shone rosily with happiness. Klaus watched her with a smile, his own eyes possessive, and happy beyond measure.

"My dearest wife, if I have learned anything, in these past years... it is that society can be hanged for all I care, I will not waste one more moment with you, or Ellie, one more moment where I am not showing you how much I love you" he said, and Caroline's heart felt squeezed. She swallowed thickly.

"Try that explanation on Katherine, if you try to announce our recommitment before her wedding" Caroline said with a laugh, bit off but a suddenly yelp as Klaus wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her suddenly to his side, pressing a kiss onto her forehead.

"I am sure I can manage the wrath of Katherine Pierce" he said nonchalantly.

"Oh... you have been away" Caroline laughed as they started over the wild grass toward Matt.

"Yes, I have. And I intend to stay away... this place will be our escape from the world, our refuge, where we need not worry about society, and proper behaviour and all that nonsense..."

"As though you ever gave it much thought before..."

"I admit I have never cared much for it" he said, shooting her a wolfish grin, before continuing.

'Yet, it brought me to you... so I could never truly abhor it."

"And what of your daughter? Shall she not be presented?"

"Do you American's keep up that antiquated tradition?" Klaus asked, and coughed his breath out as Caroline elbowed him in the side.

"Our daughter, will have whatever she desires... she may grow up wildly, roaming the hills, swimming in the creeks, riding horse, bareback, just like her mother, and if she wishes society, she will have it, grand balls and townhouses and if she wishes to travel, adventure and see the world, she will have it... She and you – will have whatever life you desire, and I shall give it to you" he said, and Caroline glanced at him, seeing his determined expression, fixed on the mountains in the distance.

"And, what shall we give you in return?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Just... your company, and I will be a blessed man" he murmured as he turned to look at her. She basked in his warm gaze, her lips curling up at the corners, as she regarded his solemn expression.

"I believe you are getting sentimental in your old age, Lord Mikaelson" she teased suddenly, drawing a laugh from him, as he drew her closer again, pressing a kiss on to her head. Together they walked over to the foreman, soon drawn into discussion of the estate and how it should be designed.

Klaus watched the stable hand finish brushing down their horses, and turned toward the house. Night had fallen, just after they had returned from Caroline's former family home. He strode across the lawn, toward the lights of the house, shining in the darkness. His mind wandered back to earlier, asking Caroline to marry him again, this time, with his daughter, and this time, not to be torn asunder, never to be parted. He had felt inexplicably nervous as he had built up to asking. Caroline would doubtless be upset to know that, yet it was true. After everything they had been through, after all the times he had seen a beacon of hope glow in the distance, and his hopes had been dashed, or stolen away in a spectacular way, he was afraid to hope, to believe, that something good could come of his efforts to build a life for himself, and his family.

Yet he was a comrade to his brothers again, accepted and loved, a source of support to his sister, and he was a husband again. Somehow, she had let him back in, opened all those doors inside and they had managed to forgive each other, to forget the pain, the apartness. He walked past the Koi pond, and saw the lights of the house reflected in them. His life had taken so many strange and cruel turns, and he knew he was far from blameless in them.

He was not only some innocent man, tossed by the winds of misfortune. He had actively created some of the problems they had had, his tumultuous past with Caroline, his father, his reputation. He had not expected kindness from the world, and had recoiled from it, even as he had reached for it, in the only way he had known how, desperately and viciously.

He reached the house, and saw flaming touches lining the stairs and footmen waiting just inside the hall. He ascended the stair, and paused as a butler approached carrying a package. He felt a pang of nervousness in his gut as he look at the brown paper, and note. He had not received anything further from his mysterious source, not a surprise seeing as they had been travelling for about a week, and had departed almost immediately.

He nodded his thanks to the butler and took the note and package through to one of the studies.

Inside, he closed the door, and set the offending items on the desk, frowning as he search for some sign of delivery, of which there was none.

He finally grabbed a letter opener and sliced the string tying the brown paper parcel. It was soft, and he easily tore the paper, his hands stilling as he saw the contents.

A doll, hand-sewn and delicate, it's pale skin and blonde curls so reminiscent of his daughter, and seen often tucked in the crook of her little arm. It was Ellie's doll, Tabitha, Klaus thought of how his daughter never allowed the item far from her sight.

But, what froze his blood in his veins, was the side of the jagged cut, a slash, running from one of Tabitha's ears to the next, her stuffing sagging from her gashed throat. He swallowed, feeling a surge of pure anger scorch through his body. He carefully put the doll down, and picked up the note.

The dirty fruit of your bastard loins next, boy.

He felt his hand tremble with supressed rage as he read and reread those lines. Someone was threatening his family, someone, if the tone of the note was to be believed, who should be dead.


Caroline lingered in the doorway, she had changed from her riding clothes, wearing a simple dressing robe over a bathing gown. He turned toward her, leaving the items on the desk, hidden from view by his back.

"Is something wrong? The dressing gong rang 10 minutes ago, and you know Isobel... she already despises you enough..." Caroline said with a light smile, watching his face carefully. She walked toward him, her hand going to his cheek, as she leant into him, and stroked the side of his face, her eyes missing nothing.

"Klaus, what is it, let me in, I beg of you. We shall be different this time, did we not promise?" she said softly, her eyes implored him, and he could not more deny her than he could his need to breath. He sighed and picked up the note and doll from the table.

"Is that not Tabitha? Ellie has been driving us all crazy looking for her." Caroline's eyes grew wide as she stared at the slashed throat, instinctively raising her own hand to cover the delicate column of her pale neck.

"Who did this?" she whispered.

"I confess I do not know. I – I can't be sure... it's impossible" Klaus broke off and strode over to the fire, drawing Caroline to an armchair positioned in front of it. She sank down, all the time watching him, his agitated movements, and grim expression.

"Who? Tell me" she demanded as he started to pace in front of the fire. He looked back to her, and then handed her the note. She stared at it silently for a few moments, the blood draining from her face. He sat down beside her her.


"It cannot be... he –"

"He is dead, I know." Klaus said, drawing her into his side, and wrapping an arm around her.

"Can you think of anyone else? Someone who might want to hurt you... us?" she asked. Klaus shot her a sardonic look.

"How would one narrow such a list. I have lead a disreputable life... and I have earned many enemies. But..."

"How do they know about Mikael, about your relationship with him.... Only he would speak to you like that" Caroline whispered, and Klaus nodded slowly.

"I am not sure. Perhaps ruining me was worth disappearing for so long... I do not know."

"But, he was dead, I saw... I saw you kill him" she said, and Klaus gave her credit for the fact that her voice did not shake. He gave her a pained look, and she stroked the back of his hand soothingly.

"I barely remember, I only remember... you saved me, you protecting me" she said.

"I was too late"

"No, you were just in time." She said, and looked back to the fire as a log fell, showering sparks. She heard the sound of heels on the polished marble floor outside.

"Dinner... we must dress" she murmured, trying to cast off the shadow cast by the news. She stood up, and pulled Klaus to his feet also.

"I'm sorry to burden you with this"

"My love, the only burden I cannot bare is if you keep things from me...whatever this is, whoever it is, we shall face it together" she said with a reassuring smile.

Together they went upstairs, avoiding Isobel as she came down, already dressed, fussing at the staff. Klaus slowly climbed the stairs behind his wife, and wished he could feel her certainty, instead of the creeping cold suspicion that everything they had built was about to be destroyed.

The next few days passed in a state of anxiety for Klaus, who watched the estate and everyone he and Caroline came into contact with, with a suspicious and wary eye. He did not want to worry the rest of his family, not now and here, one the eve of his brother's wedding, one that had been postponed much too long. Ellie was kept in, which she rebelled against greatly, and he escorted her outside whenever he could, took her riding, always only along the perimeter of the estate. Caroline was often occupied with the other ladies, and looking after the children, and he felt safer knowing she was protected by company.

The night before the wedding approached, the evening where male and females would be divided until the church the next day. He went along with the preparations, and helped his brother to relax, drank some, gambled a little. However Elijah, true to his nature, was not interested in mindless diversions on the eve of his wedding. Klaus looked for him, noting his absence from the card room, on that evening, and saw the balcony door slightly open. He poured two glasses of fine scotch, and stepped out onto the moonlit terrace. His brother was standing against the railing, looking out over the palely lit Virginian nightscape.

"Trying to escape your own party. I always knew we had something in common" he joked as he reach Elijah's side, and offered him the glass. His elder brother smiled, and accepted it, cradling it in his hand to warm it.

"We have plenty in common, brother... much of the traits I have, and am proud of, I believe we share"

"Such as?"

"Commitment to family, dedication to the women we love... to our children" he finished, and Klaus managed to keep the shock of his face.


"Katherine is with child" Elijah confirmed. Klaus nodded, rocking back on his heels, he shot an amused look at his brother.

"Who would have thought it, the good and proper Elijah?"

"Well, change come to us all..." Elijah smiled, and Klaus was struck by the warm look in his eye.

"She's changed me. Challenged me... showed me a different world." He continued and Klaus found himself nodding. After a period of silence, he looked up to the moon and asked sardonically.

"How on earth are we deserving of these women?" he murmured, and then turned to Elijah.

"Of course, you have a much better track record than I, without a shadow of a doubt. Yet – how did reserved..."

"Stuck up, cold and snobbish Elijah ever capture the heart of Katherine Pierce, without a doubt the most challenging, infuriating, inspiring and fascinating woman to grace this earth.."

"One of them, anyway" Klaus smiled, his mind flitting to his own personal enigma. They stared out at the moon, and sipped their drinks.

"To us, brother, for..." Elijah turned to Klaus raising his glass, and trailing off as he found he didn't know how to capture the words.

"- being so much luckier than cads like us had any right to" Klaus finished, seeing him smile echoed in Elijah's face as he nodded.

"Looks like I am missing the real party" Kol called as he joined them on the terrace.

"What are we toasting to?" he asked, popping open a bottle of Champagne.

"To our inexplicable good fortune" Elijah said.

"I will certainly drink to that" Kol said with a smile, as the Mikaelsons toasted again.

"I do not plan to get to sleep late, and I am not drinking anything and feeling horrible tomorrow." Katherine said, checking her hair was still pined perfectly to create perfect curls for her wedding day.

"You have to have some champagne" Rebekah said indignantly, and scowled as Katherine firmly shook her head.

"No – I must look like a princess."

"I have never known you to turn down vintage drinks before..." Caroline teased, missing the look Bonnie shot Katherine, one of amusement as the soon to be bride made excuses about not drinking.

"I have waited long enough for tomorrow, I will not spoil it now"

"Well, if we are not drinking, what are we supposed to do?" Rebekah asked, before turning to Caroline.

"What about a card game? I leant my set to Ellie"

"Yes I know, I had to take them off her... mother of pearl inset cards... she was using them to dig tunnels for the Koi to swim through"

"Do not tell me one word more, or I may have to reverse my opinion on the good and fine breeding of Miss Elspeth Mikaelson!" Rebekah cried, as Caroline laughed at her outrage.

"I'll go fetch them" As she went to the door, Rebekah suddenly called.

"I am certain she would never have gotten such an idea before Niklaus returned, and corrupted her manners and sense of social decorum. You have your job cut out for you with those two, thick as thieves in their bad behaviour..."

"Looking forward to it" Caroline called with a laugh, leaving the sitting room, and starting upstairs. She slowly went up the stairs, watching her feet in her skirts. Her mind was preoccupied, and she was grateful no one seemed to have noticed that she had not partaken of alcohol either.

It was a terrible idea, she knew that, yet there was nothing to be done to prevent it. This was what happened when two people loved each other, and lay together. And yet, Bonnie had warned her of the dangers if she were to fall pregnant again. She sighed as she reached the top of the stairs and moved toward the nursery. The house was quiet, the lamp light a soft glow, and the fresh flowers that had arrived for the wedding tomorrow were almost overpowering in the late evening, with all the windows shut, making a greenhouse. Caroline caught a sharp note in one of the displays, and paused. It smelled rotten, for an instant, stale and offensive. Then, the next moment, it was gone.

Shaking her head, Caroline started forward again, thinking of her first pregnancy and the number of phantom smells she had been victim to. That, the heaviness and a slight nausea in the mornings were quite sold evidence, however, after the wedding, she would ask Bonnie to examine her, to be sure. She wondered how Klaus would take it. It would be his chance to get back those precious years of youth he missed with Ellie, and yet, if he knew the risks, how would he react, she wondered.

She arrived at the nursery doorway, and paused, seeing the candle were already out, and the fire casting only a soft light. She saw Jeremy and Lexi curled up in their beds, and Sheila in her cot, and yet, Ellie's bed was empty. She frowned, and looked around the room, yet there was nowhere for her wayward daughter to hide.

Caroline started back toward her and Klaus's bedroom, located in the family wing, separated from the main house for privacy. There was nothing Ellie loved more lately than to sleep in her parents' bed, now they actually shared one. The novelty had not yet worn off, and Ellie loved to be the centre of attention, cradled between her mother and father, and neither of them had the will to send her away. Caroline walked the quiet halls, feeling quite calm and peaceful. Everything was prepared for the wedding, the bride and groom were more than ready, and afterward, Klaus and her would begin work on their new home in earnest.

She reached her door, and quietly opened it, finding thick darkness greet her. She leaned out to the hall, and picked up the prepared candle waiting beside the door, lighting it and slowly stepping into the room.

"Ellie, sweetheart?"

"Mummy?" Ellie whispered, and Caroline felt the hair along her arms crawl slightly at the tone of her voice.

"What are you doing in here, love?" she asked gently, and froze as she smelt it, the smell, the rotting, refuse scent, it was strong in here. She recognised it now, not as old ripe flowers, but as unwashed and unclean man. She surged forward into the room, her eyes searching for her daughter, her heart suddenly in her mouth.

"Why... she's with me..." his voice was rough, rougher than she recalled, worn by time and hardship. The candle trembled in her hands as she spun around trying to locate the source. She suddenly saw Ellie, sitting by the window, her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around them, her tear stained face pale, and her scared eyes shining at her in the darkness.

"Ellie!" Caroline gasped as she started forward, and then gagged as a cold, dirty hand clamped around her mouth, silencing her, his unclean fingers slipping against her teeth, cutting off her breath, and his face was suddenly by her ear.

"Quiet down, there's a good girl. We are going to be nice and quiet, and prepare a lovely little surprise for Lord Mikaelson when he returns. Now, can I trust you to be quiet?" Caroline swallowed, beginning to feel faint at the lack of air and the putrid smell of his hand. She nodded. He cautiously withdrew his hand, and she took a deep breath, before instinctively opening her mouth and letting out a blood curdling scream. It was cut abruptly short as he hit her hard across the jaw, and she felt her teeth rattle as she fell to the floor, dropping the candle in the process, the room going dark.

"Mother!" Ellie whimpered, and Caroline shook her head trying to clear the pounding, and crawled toward the window, reaching out her hand to clam her daughter.

"Shhh, it's ok sweetheart..." she said, and moaned as she felt her hair being yanked, forcing her to her feet. He held her head close to his, his stinking spittle flecking her face as he spoke.

"Listen you worthless bitch, no one can hear you up here... your family is far away, your husband drinking and gambling. Keep your mouth shut, or the next time I hit someone, it'll be the girl, understand?" he asked aggressively. She nodded, fear coursing through her.

"Good. Now, make her stop whimpering, or I will" he said, thrusting Caroline in the direction of the window seat. She landed hard against it, and let out her breath in a rush, collecting herself, when she felt little hands on hers.

"Mummy?" Ellie sobbed. Caroline sat down and pulled her daughter into her lap, and held her tightly, rocking her.

"Shhh, it's alright my darling, everything shall be well..." she whispered, feeling her lips beginning to swell already, her voice muffled by a lisp. Ellie hiccupped with her sobs and finally started to quiet.

"Well done. At least you have some use." The man snapped, and Caroline saw him bending to fetch the extinguished candle from the floor, her eyes finally adjusting to the moonlight. As he straightened Caroline gasped, his face finally in view.

"You" her voice an accusation, and she flinched back as he made his way over to them, his eyes narrowing.

"Me" he confirmed with a vengeful smile, as he sank into a crouch in front of him. He looked over her, and Caroline felt sick as his eyes lingered on her body lavaciously.

"I must say, you look much better than you did the last time we met... Lady Mikaelson" he murmured, his fingers going to her chin and jerking it up for his inspection. She shot him a venomous look, and pulled her face away.

"Do not touch me. My husband will kill you" she promised, tightening her grasp on Ellie as the man came closer, suddenly grabbing her hair and jerking her head roughly toward him, his vile lips touching her cheek and forehead as he ran his nose across her skin.

"You smell so... clean... so...enticing" he breathed and eventually leaned back, and Caroline, unable to help herself, spat at his hovering face. He let go of her face, rising before her.

"You are going to regret that, My Lady. And as for who is going to be doing the killing, and who will be dying... we shall see... now we just need to wait for Mikaelson, and we can get on with it. How should we pass the time?"

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