The Devil In Me

By elizpua

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This is AU as the original family do not have any supernatural abilities, though that will not stop them from... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 37

672 31 12
By elizpua


"Katherine, I must have costume, Tyler will arrive any moment."

"I cannot believe you are allowing him to escort you to my engagement party" Katherine huffed as she pulled a box from under her bed. Elena laughed at her sister in the mirror.

"Well, I remember a day when you thought Mr Lockwood quite the appropriate suitor for Caroline, sister."

"Well, that day is not today, and I do not approve. This is my night, and I do not think a date is necessary." Caroline rolled her eyes at Katherine's outrageous statement, before grabbing the box from her and pulling it open.

"I agree, I do not care for Mr Lockwood, though I hope you take this opportunity to enjoy his attention, as in two weeks, at my wedding, all eyes shall be where they are supposed to be... on me" Rebekah announced breezily from the mirror. Caroline sorted through the garments in the bag, trying to make sense of the costume.

"I did not know you do not care for Mr Lockwood Rebekah, may I ask why not?"

"It's not that I dislike him...simply he is not..." Rebekah trailed off, catching Caroline's eye in the mirror, and the girls fell silent as they were always apt to do, whenever he came into the conversation. Caroline looked down into the box, and gasped, pulling a pair of feather covered wings out.

"Katherine, this is beautiful!"

"I know" Katherine said with a self satisfied smirk.

Caroline pulled out the long gauzy white gown, and gold mask, touching them gently, as though afraid of breaking them. Katherine watched her out the side of her eye. Her plan was coming together nicely, with the exception of Tyler Lockwood, who she hadn't known had asked to accompany Caroline this evening. Well, no matter, he decided. Nothing spurred men on faster than competition.

"It is a shame Bonnie will not join us tonight." Elena mused.

"Bonnie is far too busy growing another human being inside her, and looking after the unruly Salvatore-Mikaelson mischiefs. I swear, this family is going to grow so big we will need the entire row of town houses to accommodate us." Rebekah said.

"Well, I am afraid I plan of having many more, to fill up all those houses... Katherine, how about you?" Elena asked.

"I think two is a good number, three at most."

"Three! That sounds altogether too tiring" Rebekah joined, and almost naturally the conversation lulled as it moved to Caroline who was caught in a half laugh, laugh sigh for a moment.

"I think one is the perfect number... for me" she said quietly, pushing her chin out, straightening her shoulders against their sympathetic gazes.

"Right, well, will you not dress? We do not want to keep your admirer waiting" Katherine said bluntly, knowing how it irked Caroline to be seen as pitiful or sad. She watched as the blonde moved behind the screen to dress and turned her attention to her own costume. She was nervous, incredibly so, but something had to be done. Both of them were so damn stubborn they would let time pass ad infinitum as they both refused to move even an inch toward each other. They needed a push, and luckily for them she was more than willing.









The venue was beautiful, and the costumes heightened the other worldly feeling of the night. Tyler escorted her respectfully, and they went first to the refreshment area. He handed her a glass of champagne and she accepted with a smile.

"I swear, the town will talk of this party for months to come. The Mikaelson's have arrived, and doesn't everyone know it" he said with a smile.

"Well, Katherine is hardly one to shy away from attention. Though, I am surprised at Elijah, he usually prefers a more low key atmosphere." she said.

"Perhaps he has waited too long for that which matters to him the most, and now, he would do anything to make her happy" Tyler suggested and Caroline gulped her champagne, as his dark eyes searched hers.

"Why! Mr Lockwood, how wonderful to see you" Isobel Pierce's voice had not softened with age, rather the opposite in fact, and Caroline smiled to see and John again. They had travelled up from Virginia, and were now staying in the city. Suffice to say, Isobel, having given up hope that her daughter would ever marry, was beside herself with happiness.

"Caroline, my dear. You look splendid" John said, kissing her on the cheek.

"As do you" she replied warmly.

"You must make time for us to drop by this week, I have a little something for Ellie" he murmured with wink and Caroline could not prevent the surge of affection for her would be parents. As Tyler and Isobel conversed, Caroline talked with John of the hospital plans and her new town house.

"When I heard he had returned, and was very much alive, I must admit I was expecting a reconciliation long before now." Caroline forced a neutral expression to her face.

"You speak of... my former husband?" she said.

"Who else, my dear? Of course I do, that scoundrel. For he was a scoundrel even then, and I had many misgivings about allowing the match, yet, there was a certain something in his demeanour when he spoke of you that led me to believe he would never hurt you, not intentionally of course. Well, what do I know? I am just a foolish old man... but I am glad to see that you have laid these issues to rest, and made peace between yourselves. How did he take the news of Ellie?" John asked, as Caroline frowned at him slightly.

"He does not know, I have not yet had opportunity to tell him." John raised his eyebrows at this, seemed surprised.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Only that if you wish to tell him, I would be quick about it, my dear, lest he find out from another, there are some here tonight who might tell him in anger I think."

"Here tonight?" Caroline echoed, confusion colouring her words. John suddenly understood her, and touched her shoulder gently.

"Caroline. Lord Niklaus is here tonight. I have seen him with my own eyes." at his words, Caroline felt her heart die in her chest and her mouth dry up. Here. He was present. Caroline had no words, she felt an escalating panic build in her chest, and making a rapid excuse, she turned and went toward the ladies room. She kept her head down, suddenly afraid of seeing that face, amidst the crowd.

The powder room was cool and quiet, and she sank down onto one of the divans and closed her eyes. He was here, he had finally come. Since Elijah had told her that Klaus was in the city, she had known it was only a matter of time until they met. As always, she was drawn to him, pulled his direction, and she knew he felt it too. Fate had set them on colliding paths from the start, and all they could do was follow them, as much as they tried to avoid it.

"Caroline?" A voice asked from the door, and she looked up to see Rebekah entering the room.

"What is it?" she asked, sitting beside her.

"It's... Klaus. He is here." she whispered. She saw the news reach Rebekah, causing her face to lose its colour, the laughter drain from her eyes. Rebekah reached her hand out and squeezed Caroline's.

"Nik is here." Rebekah repeated, before standing slowly.

"Where are you going?" Caroline asked, already knowing the answer.

"I – he is my brother" Rebekah said as explanation. Caroline merely nodded, as she closed her eyes again, resting her head on the back of the divan.









Klaus moved through the crowd silently, the happiness of the guests, the excitement and anticipation rolling off him, and leaving him unscathed. He thanked Katherine for the theme, the masquerade, at least he avoided new introductions to this New York society he had little interest in. It was madness to come. He knew it, yet, he could not avoid it, could not stay away. He had seen John Pierce, the man's hard gaze on him, yet ignored it. He kept moving, kept his mask in place. He told himself he was not looking for her, as he stalked the perimeter of the hall. He told himself it was not the very reason of his coming. He accepted a glass of champagne and sipped it, his eyes searching the ballroom, before turning to one of the open terrace doors and stepping out. He walked to the iron railing and set his glass down, looking out over the torch lit garden. It was quiet, peaceful even, out there, and he tried to ignore his burning desire to return inside. He felt as though he did not belong here. He hadn't felt as though he belonged anywhere, not for a long time.

He felt the solitude of the terrace change for a moment, before he smelt a familiar fragrance, one he could never forget. His dead heart lurched in his chest, as he spoke her name quietly.

"Rebekah" he said, still not facing her, unsure if he could take the sight of her. He heard her move closer, until she stood at his side, leaning on the rail, looking out into the night.

"Who invited you?" she asked curiously.


"Of course." Rebekah murmured wryly, before turning to face him. She took in the changes in him, as Elijah had described. The last time she had see him, he had just killed her father, and stood covered in his blood. He finally turned to face her, and their eyes met and held. Rebekah reached a hand up to his cheek, and touched his tough expression, melting it with her fingers. His jaw relaxed, and his eyes seemed at that instant to be her brother again.

"I've missed you" she whispered.

"Bex -" he started but she stopped him.

"I've missed you, and I've hated you. I've been so angry with you, and I have cried with sadness over you. I have mourned your death, and tried to celebrate your life... how could you not come with us Nik? How could you leave us? Forget us?"

"I have never forgotten you, Rebekah, you are my life. But, I promised -"

"Your promise has brought nothing but pain, and anger and hate. Your promise was folly." she said, and as she spoke the words, in his heart of hearts, Klaus knew them to be true. Even as he realised that, he was shaking his head.

"You do not understand sister... the things I caused... to you.. to.." he trailed off, unable to say her name."

"Caroline? She is here you know. Of course you do... and you are here to see her" Klaus shook his head.

"I am here to pay my respects to -"

"Come now, Niklaus Mikaelson, do not lie to yourself, or me, it does us disservice. You are here to see Caroline, for ever since you met Elijah in Liverpool, she has consumed your mind." Klaus gripped the barrier tightly. A moment of silence followed before he replied.

"I see you still know me better than I know myself."

"Well, men do not tend to be that complicated" Rebekah said with a smirk.

"I hear congratulations are in order. Where is Mr Salvatore tonight?"

"He is inside. And thank you. The wedding is in two weeks. You will come, of course." Rebekah said matter of factly. Klaus turned to her

""Rebekah -"

"Nik, let us not. You shall argue and I shall respond, and I shall remind you that you have come to your brother's engagement party, and therefore cannot refused to come to my wedding." Klaus sighed, and looked down, finally nodding.

"Very well."

"Good, now that is settled, I must return inside." Rebekah moved toward the door, before stopping and speaking once again.

"Where are you staying?"

"I suspect Katherine knows" Klaus muttered grimly, wondering, not for the first time how she did.

"Caroline is here with Tyler Lockwood." Rebekah said softly, at last. She saw her brother's head bow lower, his hands white on the railing. Seeing he was unable to respond she turned and went inside, leaving him to his grief and silence alone.










The band stuck up a waltz, and the familiar strains wound around her, threatened to pull her back to her memories... of him, of their life together. She had finally ventured from the powder room, and could find not one of her party who was not dancing.

The ballroom was crowded, the expensive dresses swishing, jewels glittering in the candle light. Her eyes sought out her friend, happily dancing with her fiance, clearly in love, and in anticipation of their wedding. How she envied them their bright, shining future.

Both wore masks, as everyone did. Some very vividly coloured, others with swirling gold and silver. Some covered their wearers nose and chin, whilst many revealed a whole lot more.

Her's was gold, an intricate fan of sculpted lace that framed her features, like a veil, tracing her eyes, which shone blue against the gold of her mask and hair. Her dress was also simple, white, the soft empire waist draping closely down her body, with layer upon layer of gossamer white fabric. Upon her back, the wings Katherine had given her.

Standing by the edge, she saw Julius Caesar approach and smiled at him.

"Lady Caroline, may I have the pleasure of this dance?" he asked holding his hand out to her. She was just about to extend hers, when a familiar voice cut in.

"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news... but this dance has been promised to me" his voice was light, but there was steel just underneath, and her new dance partner did not seem the type to argue, accepting his rejection with a smile, he bowed, and departed swiftly. Caroline breathed deeply and prepared herself to turn around, glad for the first time for the mask that shielded her feelings from him.

Turning slowly, she crossed her arms over her chest, and found herself face to face with the Devil. All in black, his breeches and fitted coat were dark midnight, his boots gleaming. His coat fitted him high to the neck, then tight across his broad shoulders, tapering down to his narrow waist. His mask was also black, without any detail, seeming more black against his burnished golden hair and it covered the top portion of his face. There were gleaming back horns, sticking up on either side, which looked as though they were carved from bone. Though, knowing him, she wouldn't have been surprised if they were. His mouth was the same, full, pink smile, that knew too much about her.

His eyes, she looked in them last, as she knew how difficult it would be. They glittered at her, blue diamonds, and in them, she tried to ignore the look that penetrated her to her core. He had always been able to look at her, and make her feel naked under his gaze, as though they were the only two people in the room... in the world.

He extended his hand to her, and she knew she shouldn't accept. It was too dangerous, it was bad enough he was here, never mind having time to speak to her alone. He would hurt her again.

This was her head, talking sensibly and reasoning with her... but her heart... her heart had already reached out for his hand. As always, when their fingers touched, she felt his energy shoot through her, and could see it affected him too.

Leading her slowly onto the dance floor, he gently pulled her closer and began to dance, their eyes never leaving each others.

"I thought all your dances were mine" he murmured as she finally dropped his gaze, noticing Katherine over his shoulder, and knowing immediately why her friend had chosen this costume.

She kept silent, not trusting her treacherous heart to speak. All her dances had been his, for as long as she could remember, and he had walked away from her.

They continued to dance, and she felt her heart start to beat in an even tempo again.

"You planned this? With Katherine?" Caroline asked, trying to break the painful silence that had fallen.

"You've always been the saint to my sinner... it seemed appropriate" he murmured, pulling her a little closer. The draw of him, his smell, his hands on her, they were like magnets that couldn't stay apart. The song came to an end, yet they remained close. He held her tightly, and she tried to build up the will to leave. Suddenly, he captured her gaze and spoke,

"Caroline... I" stepping back suddenly, Caroline pulled herself out of his arms. She couldn't listen to him say her name anymore. He was so close, too close. The pull of him, the ease with which she could curl into his arms, finally home again after so long. It was confusing, her heart and her head conflicting, yet the truth remained. He was here for his brother, not her.

With a little distance between them, she felt her courage returning. Her resolve to never let him hurt her again. Her determination to never allow him to hold her happiness in his hands. They were strangers to each other now, too much time had passed, too many hurts had occurred, too much had been lost.

He watched her, his eyes filled with emotion. He longed to reach out and pull her to him, to never let her go. But, he just watched her, battling with herself.

Taking another step, she raised her eyes to his, watching him glance at her finger, his face creasing with sadness. Slowly he reached out and picked up her hand, his fingers caressing her bare ring finger.

"Your ring" he remarked, looking back at her, and she felt heat rise in her cheeks.

"I'm a widow" she said softly as she felt his hands tighten on hers, but he didn't say anything, his eyes reflecting an emptiness she'd never seen before. It was fathomless, and he looked truly lost for a moment.

"Caroline?" she heard Katherine's voice at her side, and pulled her hand out of his soft grasp. Backing away, she started shaking,

"I can't... Please excuse me" she said, and turned. Hurrying through the crush of people, she felt tears beating on the inside of her eyelids, and she prayed to keep her composure long enough to get out of the party. Rushing up the stair, she almost tripped, and regaining her balance, stopped. Taking a deep breath, she continued slower, until she reached the top.

Turning on the top step, she couldn't help looking back down at the ballroom, her eyes quickly finding Katherine, but she was alone, he had already gone.









Klaus slipped out into the warm night. His heart was racing, and his head dizzy. He faced down death many times over the last five years, yet nothing had made him feel as alive as the moment he had taken Caroline's hand, her eyes on his. He leant against the wall of the building, at the back, breathing deeply, trying to firm his resolve. He could barely catch his breath. Suddenly, without warning, he was thrown away from the wall, and a solid punch landed on his chin. He staggered backwards, and looked up, catching his attacker's face in the light of a street lamp.

"Kol!" he exclaimed, as he dropped his hands from his instinctive defensive position. As his hands fell back, his younger brother threw another punch, that fell heavily in his gut, and forced his breath out. Coughing he held his hands up in surrender.

"Kol! Stop! What are you doing?" Stefan Salvatore's voice came from behind them, and suddenly, Kol was being pulled back. Klaus rested his hands on his knees a moment, before standing upright. He saw his younger brother pinned back by Stefan, with a look more fierce than any he had ever seen on his face.

"He shouldn't be here... this is for family only" Kol spat at him.

"Kol, calm down. He is your brother..."

"Not anymore he isn't. He stopped being my brother, or having the right to come here the moment he heard he was a free man, and elected not to join us. When he chose to leave us, forget us." Kol said, and Klaus felt each words as a blow to the chest.

"Kol -" he started.

"Please, I have no interest in your pathetic excuses Niklaus. You have no idea what we have been through, what Caroline has been through" Kol said, each word an accusation.

"Kol" Stefan whispered, trying to sooth him, as he continued to hold him back.

"No, Stefan! You cannot dissuade me, a coward stands before me... a deserter. He must leave" Stefan looked to Klaus, a helpless expression on his face. Klaus took a deep breath, and nodded.

"You are right brother. I shall leave. I never should have come." he murmured as he started past them to the street.










"Kol, why would you act so!" Katherine scolded.

"Why would you? How can you have invited him?" Kol demanded, flinching as Bonnie rubbed a herbal ointment on his cut knuckles. Katherine sighed.

"Kol, he still loves her, she still loves him, they have a child... do I need more of a reason to see them reconcile?" she demanded. Kol snorted at her words, his eyes still flashing with anger.

"He walked away from her, he broke her heart... he doesn't deserve a second chance, hell, he doesn't even want one."

"Of course he does... think about your brother for one moment... he has been alone for five years... alone, completely, homeless and without any news of the people he loves. What kind of toll does that take on a man?" Bonnie spoke up, her chocolate eyes soft with compassion.

"He chose to stay away... in Liverpool"

"Because he thought he was making a necessary sacrifice"

"When has Klaus ever sacrificed anything, for anyone?!" Kol demanded, and quieted as his wife looked at him seriously.

"Exactly, my love... when? Never." Kol sighed, dropped his tired eyes into his hand.

"But, it was wrong, staying away was wrong."

"Love clouds our judgements, all of us, and perhaps he was afraid... perhaps he could not stand it, perhaps he does not know he was forgiven... do not forget, dear husband, he does not know of Ellie." Kol calmed after a while, Katherine watched with amazement the tranquil effect Bonnie had on him. He gripped her hand and smiled at her.

"You are right, as always" Katherine cleared her throat as the time spun out and the couple stared at each other.

"Right, well, the next question... is what are we going to do about it?"

"I am not sure I want to participate in a plot with you, I remember well the result of the last one" Kol muttered.

"Hush, and listen." Katherine commanded, before settling back to discuss the details she had been considering.











Caroline tucked a strand of golden hair up into her bonnet, and looked out of the window as the site of the hospital drew closer. Katherine and Rebekah were chattering about something wedding related, which was all they seemed to do of late. Not that Caroline could blame them, they deserved it and more. They deserved everything, this surrogate family that had put their dreams on hold for her, so determinedly. Tyler Lockwood was looking politely on as they spoke, feigning interest, and as she caught his eye, she hid her smile. His expression revealing his torment for an instant. Schooling herself, she turned to Kol as he looked out the window. He was excited, she could tell, and she knew he was looking forward to bringing news of the hospital back to his wife.

"It is a shame Bonnie could not come"

"I would rather she not, the dust and work, it might be dangerous" Kol said, sitting forward as they nearer.

"Of course, one cannot be too careful..."

"Yes, dear sister, one cannot. We are not all as resilient as you, nor do we all carry miracle children." Kol said, smiling at Caroline.

"I am sure your child will be as much of a miracle as Ellie, for I know her parents..." Caroline said, grasping the arm rest as they stopped. Kol opened the door first and jumped out. The warm air hit Caroline, as well as they lingering dust and overwhelming yellowness of the light around the construction. Kol's hand reached back in, and she took it, climbing carefully down. The site was chaos, with men milling everywhere, some directing interested glances over at the newly arrive carriage. Caroline gingerly walked over the crunching rubble, waiting as Rebekah and Katherine climbed down behind her.

"Well! I see it has far to go" Katherine said, looking around.

"Yes, indeed, one can hardly envisage how it will became a building, never mind a hospital" Rebekah said.

"Kol, explain it to us... we are part of the business too" Rebekah demanded from her brother.

"Very well sister, yet, there is someone who might help, the foreman. I see him over there. Let's ask for a tour" Kol said, leading them toward a man in the distance. The three walked of gaily, and Caroline followed slowly, waiting until Tyler approached her, and walked by her side. She coughed for a moment, the cloud of dust moved in the wind over them. He stopped them, and and turned to her. Reaching into his pocket, he removed a crisply folded white handkerchief. He handed it to her, and she pressed it over her nose and mouth.

"Thank you, the air is awfully thick here, is it not?" she said as they started walking again.

"I suppose it must be, especially for you. The air of the English countryside is all you have breathed these past years. Cities are always dirty and unclean places."

"Yes, you are right. I cannot imagine again smelling the scent of the air of Wiltshire. So robust and fresh, you might say it actually smelled green" she said with a laugh, feeling herself suddenly blush as she stumbled over a rough stone, and felt his warm hand enclose her elbow. They stopped there, her leaning against his chest, her balance caught, yet unable to move away. His face was close to hers, and his expression so painfully ardent, that Caroline wished to break their gazes, hide her surprising embarrassment.

"There is another place where the air is as clean and more... in Tennessee." he said softly, and Caroline knew what he was implying. She met his gaze the best she could, yet was speechless. The last days had upset the balance she had though she had found in herself, the harmony and acceptance of her life. Seeing him again, the thought sent a lurch through her stomach. It had undone so many resolutions she had made, opened so many wounds she had thought long healed. The stay lock of hair escaped again, in the wind, and she watched as Tyler reached out and caught it, tucking it slowly behind her ear. She was frozen with fear in that instant. She had not response for him, she had no words to say to him.

"I do not require an answer from you, of course... just... consider it... consider me" he said then, and she hid her sigh of relief as he moved away, starting forward again.

A sudden clanging pulled their attention, and Caroline saw all at once the work on the site halt abruptly. The men around them were running toward the noise, and she cast her eyes ahead, and saw how a beam had fallen on a man, pinning him to the ground. She threw her hand over her mouth, gasping, at the sight, as the men tried to lift it from him. She saw Tyler strip his jacket off, turning to her, urgency in his eyes.

"Wait here, do not watch, Caroline, we shall do what we can" he said, already moved toward the crowd. Caroline saw Kol, in the distance, also dashing in, and the pair joining the straining men around the beam. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she watched, these men united in their efforts to save the one trapped. She was so lost in the scene, she jumped when a low voice spoke quietly beside her.

"He is a good man" it said, and she stiffened, feeling her palms dampen in her gloves. She screwed her eyes against the dust and put a hand over them, trying to keep her eyes on the accident.

Klaus had watched her arrive, saw her emerge from the carriage with the others, a strange feeling going through him as he saw Tyler Lockwood join them. It was what he had wanted for her, what he had urged Elijah to encourage, so why did it feel so wrong? He wondered as he watched them walk the site. When they stopped and Lockwood had given her his handkerchief, the wrongness only increased, and when she had stumbled, reaching for him to support herself, he had had to turn away, unable to stomach it.

His meagre breakfast threatening to return, he told himself that it was foolishness to return to the site each day, and he wondered why he did it. Was it to feel a part of her world for a moment? To imagine he was still a part of that family once again. It was weak, and he had though that any weakness in him had long ago died, along with any hope of seeing his family again. He had made peace with it, with himself, somewhere in the deserted lands he had travelled, in the warm nights under the stars, in the knowledge that finally he had done something right, for her.

He too regarded the scene in front of him, considering helping, but knowing that there was no more space for help. He thought she might not reply, so long was her silence. He felt comfortable in it, just being close to her, made him calm, even as it hurt.

"Yes. I suppose he is, after all..." Caroline said suddenly.

"Why are you here?" she continued, afraid to glance at him for even a moment. He had hounded her thoughts since the night of the ball, and she had seen him many times, over the following days, at the street corner, in a crowded rooms. She knew it was not him, and like her mind had grown so used to doing, it was merely her conjurings of him. Now though, the man beside her was real, and she was frightened to look his way, for even a moment.

"I confess I do not rightly know. I am curious... perhaps. I wish to see what you have made of my family legacy... how you have changed it from waste and greed, into something with worth".

"It was not easy" Caroline mused.

"I do not imagine it was. I do not imagine any part of the last years have been for anyone. Especially you"

"Or you' she murmured.

He was quiet as he felt her words, the first ones she had spoken without anger toward him. They felt like a ray of sunshine falling through the whirling yellow dust, directly onto his face.

Caroline saw the men finally move the beam, and roll it off, now moving forward to check on the injured. Standing so close to Klaus, despite her overwhelming anger and frustration at him, her hate for how he made her feel, there was only one thought running through her mind. Elspeth. Ellie. She had to tell him. She had to give her daughter a chance of having a father. Yet, she was afraid, more afraid than she could ever remember being. If he walked away, and returned to the life he had chosen over them, she was not sure how Ellie would recover. Yet, if he stayed, it was almost more frightening. How could he be in their lives again, yet separate, how could she see him and stop her heart from breaking with each visit. She was angry with him, so angry, but would it fade in the years to come? She wondered. Could a love like theirs ever be mere friendship? Or was she destined to love him, forever, even as their lives took them away from each other into the arms of others, as the pain and hurt of their past between them proved too much to ever forget.

She saw Kol and Tyler emerging from the tangle of people, looking toward her, and she felt Klaus tense at her side. Taking a deep breath, she finally turned to him, ignoring what seeing him, so close, did to her heart. He gazed back steadily.

"I should leave you, Mr Lockwood might not take my presence well"

"Yes, I suppose you are good at that" Caroline muttered, his indifference and remoteness annoying her for some reason. He dropped her gaze at the words, and made to leave. Caroline watched him, her heart in her mouth, until he almost out of ear shot.

"Klaus! Wait... I need to speak with you. It is important." she said, He turned back slowly, looking at her with his head to side. His expression was unfathomable, and she felt herself colour under his scrutiny.

"It does not concern me... or us..." she added harshly, suddenly feeling irritated that he might be thinking she was welcoming him back with open arms, forgiving him as she had always done. He continued to look at her, for a long moment, before nodding. She could hear Kol calling her name, as they approached, and saw Klaus hear it too. A last shared look, and he was walking away, his worn clothes flapping in the dusty breeze, his hair hidden under a hat. He moved out of sight, and Caroline turned to face the others, ignoring her racing heart, and the overwhelming fear of what she had done, and the consequences it may hold.

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