(Y/n)'s Awakening

By Green_Arrow_Fury

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We all know the story of Dante, son of the legendary dark knight, but only a few know of (Y/n)'s existence... More

Your gear
The Devil Arms
Chapter 1: A New Era of Evil
Chapter 2: Baby Steps
What the Future Holds
Author's Note
Chapter 3: The Duel
Chapter 4: Help Wanted
Chapter 5: Hell's Most Wanted
Chapter 6: Dante?
Story info: It gets complicated
Chapter 7: Answers
Chapter 9: Reunion
Chapter 10: Second-Story Work
Chapter 11: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 12: The War Begins
Chapter 12: Part 2
Chapter 13: Evolve
Chapter 14: Break Every Sword
Chapter 15: Siren's Shriek
Chapter 15: Part 2
Chapter 16: Shall Never Surrender
Chapter 17: The Boys Are Back In Town
The Next Phase
Chapter 18: Ready Your Blade
Chapter 19: The Bane of Pain
Chapter 20: Devil's Bane
Chapter 21: Brothers Requiem
Chapter 22: Seeing Red
Chapter 23: Ulterior Motives
Chapter 24: The Fall of St. Paul
Devil Arms #2
Chapter 25: Home Training
Chapter 26: House of the Unholy
Chapter 27: Swear On My Father's Grave
Chapter 28: The Evil Within
Chapter 29: Fate
Chapter 30: Merry Christmas
Chapter 31: ...And a Happy New Year
Chapter 32: A Hero's End

Chapter 8: The Conflict

3.5K 65 7
By Green_Arrow_Fury

(Y/n)'s perspective;
The room was cold and dark, just as I remembered it. I've got nothing but nightmares from this place. A home I left long ago. Me and my brother, Neo, we had each other's backs. We were gonna go far.

(Y/n)'s perspective;
I just turned 13. Not that anyone cared. Except Neo.

There we sat, me and my 15 year old brother. We often sat in my room together. Sometimes neither of us said a word to each other. Just sat. My dad was never around, my sister never cared about me. My mom.... well, I never got to see her anymore. Not since I was 8.

Neo: Happy birthday brother.

(Y/n): I want to leave.

Neo: I know...

(Y/n): Lets go. Let's run awa-


I was silent. My brother got to his feet and walked out. He stopped at the doorway and looked back at me. Neither of us making eye contact. He left shortly after, not a word said.

(Y/n): I wish I was never BORN!!!

Neo barged back in with his sword drawn.

That's the day I figured out I was alone. I lost my own brother. It was supposed to be me and him...

*Present time*
Still (Y/n)'s perspective;
My father sat upon his throne.

It was always the cleanest object in the entire room.

(Y/n): Father I'm home!

Ophiel: Son.

Galran walked from behind me. He took a few steps forward before kneeling in front of the throne.

Galran: Master, I have succeeded.

(Y/n): Don't sell yourself short now. Why don't you tell him how I surrendered and how manly you looked as you teleported us here. Such bravery!

Galran: WHY YO-

Ophiel: SILENCE!

We were silent. Not because I wanted to but because of the choking aura my father produced so suddenly.

Ophiel: Galran. You had one job. Wait until my son was freed from that bitch's spell then bring him to me. But you were going to betray me.

Galran: I'd never sir!

Ophiel: You were going to eat him. If my son wasn't as strong as he is, you wouldn't be here right now. You'd already be dead! I would have killed you! As I'm about to!!

Galran: SIR! Please.... have mercy. It won't happen again!

Ophiel: You're right. It won't.

My dad snapped his fingers as red lightning shot down from above. Galran was disintegrated instantly. I wish I was the one to shut him up once and for all, but beggars can't be choosers.... I guess....

Ophiel: Son. You have returned.

(Y/n): I need answers. Like, where is Sparda?!

Ophiel: Oh? You still haven't figured it out? You've been asleep for a long time. Why do you think I sit on such a throne?

(Y/n): ...you're lying...

It was starting to click. Why the lady, known as Trish, carries his sword and guns. Why the demons are roaming the Earth above. Why my father was still alive... and sitting on the throne of Hell.

Ophiel: Sparda is dead...

(Y/n): No he's not (voice starts to break), no he's not, no he's not.

Ophiel: I'm afraid it's quite true.

(Y/n): ...How...

Ophiel: I killed him...



I ran forward before being thrown back by a force field surrounding the throne!

(Y/n): Damn you.

Ophiel: Not all is lost. You're still alive... and well.... considering. That bitch corrupted you, my own son turned on me.

(Y/n): You killed my mom you fucking dick... AND MY BROTHER!!!

???: Not quite.

I turned! I recognized the voice... Neo.

Neo: Hello brother.

(Y/n): Neo.

Neo: Does this surprise you? You thought me dead?

(Y/n): You know I did! How could you...

(Y/n)'s perspective;

There we were! Running across the bridge as everything around us collapsed! I was 23 and my brother was 25. We were losing the war. The war Sparda ignited!

(Y/n): Shit!

Neo: Brother! This way! The portal is closing!

(Y/n): I KNOW! I KNOW!

We came to the portal that would take us back to the human world.

(Y/n): Lets go!

Neo: I think.... I.... I-


A sword pierced through Neo's stomach! A piece of me died right then and there....

It was him. The fallen knight...

Neo: Ugh! Ahhhgggg!

(Y/n): NEO!!! 

The portal closed around me! My brother reached out his arm but it was too late. His arm was severed as me and it landed back in the human world.

(Y/n): Neo.....

From that day forward I would always see his face when I closed my eyes. That's why I screamed out his name when I awoke from the cocoon. (See chapter one for reference)

*Present time*
We stood face to face. Why.

I looked at his right arm, the arm he lost, and gasped slightly.

...things just got complicated...

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