The Devil In Me

By elizpua

64.9K 2K 1K

This is AU as the original family do not have any supernatural abilities, though that will not stop them from... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 16

1.3K 43 14
By elizpua

"My goodness! Caroline, Mademoiselle du Blanc has arrived. Are you ready to receive her? Lady Mikaelson has also accompanied her I see" Isobel Pierce said breathlessly as she pushed away from the window of the parlour and turned to Caroline, who was still sitting by the fire reading.

"Well, come along! What girl could fail to be excited at having her wedding dress made by the most sought after designer in London, I do not know." Isobel chided gently, pulling the book from her hands and hovering over her. Caroline pushed a smile to her lips, but feared it would not fool Isobel for long, she knew her too well.

"Please, Caroline. Try to look excited, for Lady Rebekah's sake, if nothing else." Isobel said softly. Caroline nodded, and pinched her cheeks slightly, warming her complexion.

In truth, she could not be less excited about being attended by the infamous designer. Barely a day had passed since she had returned from Liverpool, and she was still weary from the road. It had been exhausting and emotional and she was quite spent from the experience. But she didn't want to disappoint Rebekah. Upon her return she had received a letter from Rebekah, informing her of her intention to call and to bring with her Mademoiselle De Blanc, a designer who never made a dress for any girl who approached unintroduced by a current or previous client. As Rebekah was a client favourite of hers, Rebekah had decided Caroline would have nothing but the best for her wedding. Rebekah had written eloquently, and sorrowfully, convincing Caroline that she had not been complicit in the scheme to force Klaus and her together. Rebekah claimed that while she would not lie about the fact that she wished to have Caroline as part of her family, and someone to stand by her brother's side, she had never anticipated Klaus taking such drastic steps. She was truly regretful, and blamed herself if Caroline was now doomed into a marriage against her will. Caroline had replied, trying to relieve the fragile blonde of her guilt. She urged her to forgive herself, and put the blame firmly where it belonged... on Klaus's shoulders. At the thought of Klaus, her mind was drawn to the last time she had seen him.

"Let me do the explaining. I shall bare the brunt of their displeasure, and the consequences." Klaus said shortly, escorting her to the door.

She looked up at him in surprise, it was the most he had said to her in their mad dash back to London, and she had half thought him struck mute by her decision. She nodded wordlessly and allowed him to lead her into the Pierces' townhouse.

What a strange few days it had been, Klaus, as distant and removed as a stranger passing on the street. And for herself, the finality of her decision had continued to be felt, as though a large stone had been cast into a still lake, and her emotions were still caught in the ripples. Her betrothed was not helping the situation, with his distance and silence. For once, he was acting like a complete gentleman and she almost missed his warm smiles, indecent words and longing eyes. Perhaps the chase of her was what had held him, a man used to getting what he wanted, a man not usually denied. Now, with his prize in his hands, perhaps his interest had waned. These thoughts flitted through her mind at night, as she tried to fight the sadness they caused. He was no saint, nor a proper gentleman, she reminded herself, and she would not be concerned over his worries, if he refused to share them.

"Caroline?" he asked, nervous at her silence. Had she changed her mind again, he wondered. He wouldn't blame her, he had hardly been the best company, his thoughts a mess of guilt and madness. One moment, when he saw her blue eyes, so clear and honest, he knew he must confess in that very moment, or be lost forever. Then, the fear of her reaction set in, his survival instinct, his damn pride and selfishness and he turned away, engaging her as little as possible. He distanced himself, and made sure she was treated above reproach, so she would see how much he respected her, and how much he realised what he had done, by ruining her, was wrong. In response, she had withdrawn, and seemed to be regretting her decision, a fact which sent his heart racing and made his palms sweat.

Knocking on the door of the study, Caroline waited, her breathed baited and she felt nerves roll through her.

"Come in" John's voice was muffled and she glanced nervously at Klaus before she pushed open the door. John sat behind a desk groaning with papers and books, and his eyes showed his relief at seeing her there, closely followed by surprise, as Klaus followed her into the room, closing the door softly behind him.

"Well, Caroline, I confess not to know the full extent of your actions, the past week, you can thank Katherine for that, but I am relieved to see you safe, unharmed and home at last."

"Thank you Mr Pierce. I am sorry if I caused you to worry..." she trailed off unable to think of what to say.

"It matters not now. What matters is this wedding next week. It is not too late to call the whole thing off. You need only say the word" he said earnestly, ignoring Klaus, whose face had adopted a glower more suited to Satan himself, his whole body as tense as a spring.

Caroline took a deep breath, steadying herself, and cast a glance to him, seeing his hands, still scarred across the knuckles, curled in balls on his knees. She could feel the hostility at John's question rolling of him, and she glanced at his face, presented with a clenched jaw, and a muscle ticking slightly under the strain.

"Sadly, my reputation would not stand up to further insult, I imagine" she joked, her voice small.

"If that is all that concerns you my dear, then do not proceed for society's sake. You owe them nothing Caroline, and you are a great deal too good, and too rich, to be thought of badly for long." John said. Klaus felt his anger at the man turn to panic as he watched Caroline mull over what he had said. She looked toward him, and for a moment, their eyes met. After that endless moment, she turned back to John.

"No, I have made a promise, and I shall go through with it." Klaus relaxed back in his seat, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off his chest.

"That is hardly a declaration that warms my heart, my dear. I should think most women dream of a match that is not merely... obligation." Caroline felt her blood pound in her cheeks as she realised that John was waiting for more from her, some reassurance that she would not be unhappy in her forced circumstance. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the words out, refusing to notice the way she held Klaus's rapt attention.

"I know we find ourselves in an unorthodox situation, however, it does not mean that some understanding cannot be reached, that eventually... some mutual emotion cannot develop." she said, her face determined, and John wondered if some of the emotion he spoke of might not have already crept in.

"And you Lord Mikaelson, what are your feelings?" John prompted.

"My feelings remain unchanged." he said. John looked at them both, sitting before him. So close, and yet so distant, both fighting against each other and themselves in some way.

"Very well. The wedding will go ahead as planned. Lord Mikaelson, I believe, due to the unusual circumstances, and the damage which has already been caused by your... overzealous courting of her, that all appearances should be kept up for the remaining time. As you have clearly just spent some time together, there will probably be no need of it before the wedding. Do we understand each other?" he asked firmly, and Klaus sighed, feeling like a chastised child.

"Yes, sir, we do. I believe I shall have many things to attend to in preparation for married life, and Caroline will be extremely busy with wedding preparations... if she choses to be involved..." he said, feeling nervous as he left the suggestion in the air. She made him wait as she took her time to answer.

"Yes, I shall be involved." she said quietly, and he couldn't prevent the smile that crept over his face at her words.

After leaving the study, they walked in silence to the hall, where he stopped and turned to her.

"Well, I do believe this shall be our last meeting, before..."

"Before I become your wife." she finished, meeting his eyes, with a small half smile. He looked at her with wonder, her directness once again astounding him. Her words made his throat dry, he swallowed quickly to dispel the feeling.

"Indeed. I am very glad that you will be involved with the preparations. If my sister is any indication, I believe it is very important for a woman. I want you to have everything you desire, nothing is too much... please." he said, and she fought a smile.

"I do not have extravagant tastes, and I fear I shan't be able to keep up with the expectations of London society" she admitted honestly.

"Caroline, you surpass expectations with your every breath, society will see that, and it matters not to me what they think. If it truly troubles you, my sister would love to be involved."
"Society does not matter... rules do not matter... may I ask what does matter to you? I have yet to find something" she said ruefully, her smile freezing on her lips as he gently took her hands, peeling the soft glove back off one wrist and pressing a light kiss there.

"It has been a fairly recent discovery for myself also... a certain lady, outspoken, brave, direct...utter captivating" he murmured and she flushed.

"As for the wedding, I will settle for your attendance... it is more than I deserve, and I wish you to know that I am well aware of that fact. And I mean to change it." he said, truthfully, releasing her hand, he pulled on his hat and gloves, given to him by a footman. Stopping at the opening door he turned back.

"Miss Forbes, I look forward to our next meeting, more than you can imagine." he said, bowing, leaving her standing there in the hall, her throbbing wrist held to her chest, her racing heart, trying desperately to calm.

Now, following through on her promise to be involved, she was waiting to be prodded and pinched, stuck with pins for the next few hours. She had little interest in wearing a designer dress for the wedding, and given the extremely short notice she wondered what kind of concoction this renowned woman could pull off. She meant what she had said when she told Klaus she wasn't used to extravagance, and honestly, it was a little intimidating. She had no idea in how to act, what to ask for and she hoped terribly that she would not seem like a country bumpkin to these Parisian seamstresses.

A footman arrived at the door, and Madamoiselle du Blanc entered behind Rebekah. After introductions were made, the seamstress bossily ordered Caroline upstairs, where her attendants would undress her and prepare her for the artists arrival.

Nervously, Caroline started toward the door, and looking back, caught the look of disappointment from Rebekah. She had been nervous and fidgety, no doubt waiting for some time alone to speak, or some sign that Caroline did not blame her for everything.

"May Lady Rebekah accompany me?" she asked, and saw Rebekah's face light up.

"If she wishes" Isobel supplied, looking back at the swatches the French woman had brought with her.

Rebekah approached her with trepidation, and Caroline pulled her forward, linking arms with her and smiled as she pulled her up the stairs.

Reaching her room, they entered and Caroline turned to her friend.

"Thank you.. for coming today." she said, and was cut off by the sudden hug Rebekah enveloped her in. Caroline relaxed and felt the relief of her friend course through her.

"Caroline, I am so sorry, for setting into motions actions which have affected you so much..." Rebekah said, leaning away.

"Rebekah, I have already told you, I do not blame you. Your brother is the only one to blame"

"What of Katherine and Bonnie's part?"

"They were misguided, and they hurt me. But I have no doubt your brother was the driving force behind it all." Caroline muttered grimly. Rebekah watched her closely.

"Caroline, if you really do not wish to marry him, he will not force you... I believe he cares for you, more than he even knows."

"You are kind, but it is too late, the decision has been made." she said and saw the torment in Rebekah's eyes. Turning away, she summoned her courage and spoke softly.

"I am not unaffected by him, it would be wrong for you to think me so. I – could come to care for him, with time." she admitted and missed the smile on Rebekah's face.

"I am so very glad to hear it." she said, her mind already reaching for a time when Caroline would be the light to her brother's darkness, and see her cherished in return.

"Well, now that I know you are not being sent to the gallows, we can start preparing for this wedding!" she said brightly, opening the door to let in the dressers. Caroline looked nervously at them as they started stripping her off her clothes. A knock sounded at the door, and Elena stepped in, a smile already on her face. Elena had been the first to call on Caroline, and hear the story of everything that had happened. She too blamed herself, as Rebekah did, but Caroline knew it was not in Elena's nature to act as her twin sister had. Her heart warmed at the smiles Rebekah and Elena exchanged, seeing that their trip had indeed brought them closer.

"Elena! Come and help us, I am quite clueless when it comes to clothes, as you know"

"Nonsense, few people know what suits them better than you, Caroline" Elena said softly, looking around at all the extra help with wide eyes.

"I must admit this is a first for me, and I am a little overwhelmed by the whole thing." Caroline whispered to them as she stepped out her dress.

"Worry not, dear sister... I shall take care of everything. You will be a Mikaelson soon." Rebekah declared.








Stefan Salvatore felt as though fate had shone on him, and he was sure he didn't deserve it. Meeting with his father and John Pierce upon their return to London, he had been terrified that Elena could yet be ripped from him. He was even more apprehensive of Niklaus Mikaelson's actions, someone not accustomed to being crossed. The man was dangerous, and unpredictable and the thought of him near Elena made Stefan's blood boil. However, upon his return, he had been shocked with the ease in which the two families had accepted their hasty wedding, though Isobel Pierce held his titleless status against him. Elena and him had moved into the Salvatore house, as he made preparations to acquire his own property. He had also learned that Lord Mikaelson would not be demanding satisfaction for his broken engagement, in fact, he himself would soon be married. The woman to whom he would be married was the only dark cloud on Stefan's horizon. Growing up with Caroline Forbes, he thought of her more as a sister than a mere acquaintance, and he was instantly worried for her happiness. How the whole torrid arrangement had come about, he had been horrified to learn from Katherine, who had the grace to hang her head in shame over her part.

"Good afternoon brother, I see Elena has allowed you from her sight long enough to get dressed today." Damon said with a smirk as he entered the parlour.

"Damon, do not jest so, it is not appropriate, Elena is your sister now." he muttered.

"You do me harm brother, if I may not jest here in my own home, between my own siblings, I fear I should expire."

"Well, perhaps you should get out of the house more, go and visit some of your lady admirers, I am sure they have felt your absence keenly."

"I do not find myself inclined to call on them today."

"Nor did you yesterday, not the day before, and I will wager not tomorrow either, dear brother, what can have affected you so?" Stefan asked innocently, raising an eyebrow at Damon.

"Nothing. I am still merely recovering from our trip"

"Or recovered from the particular company of someone on said trip..." Stefan said with a smile. Damon looked over at him with a quelling look.

"Do not speak of what you do not know" he murmured.

"Well, I do know you, and I know there are few things that could keep you away from a beautiful woman, such as Lady Rebekah. I wouldn't have believed you actually bedded down in the stables, over pushing your chances with her, if I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes."

"And what would you have me do? Disrespect her so? A woman like Rebekah is too good for the likes of me, and I would not offend her by taking advantage of her kind heart in such a situation."

"And you are sure it is only her kind heart that would allow you to spend the night in her room, nothing more?"

"Enough. I have things to do, perhaps I shall call on some of my acquaintances, I have withheld my company quite unforgivably." Damon said, standing and shooting a last smile at his brother left the room.








Katherine sat in the kitchen with Bonnie. The comforting smells of the warm room were little use to her as she imagined what was happening upstairs. Bonnie was busy, mixing medicines for the poor, putting them into small bottles, and directing Katherine to write on labels, so she could keep them organised. Katherine sighed loudly, despondent and sad. Bonnie glanced at her,

"What is wrong, I appreciate the help, but I cannot help but feel as though your mind is otherwise occupied."

"It's Caroline. We haven't really spoken since she returned, I do not know what happened in Liverpool, why she is back, or why she is marrying Klaus" she spat out his name, her dislike of the man evident.


"And now she is upstairs, giggling and laughing with Elena and Rebekah... who is not even her sister! And I am sent away." Katherine finished, feeling very sorry for herself, and hating herself in equal measures.

"Katherine, we knew that our actions would have consequences, Caroline must forgive us as she sees fit, in her own time. It is selfish to push her." Bonnie said gently seeing Katherine's hands tremble as she picked up a new label and started writing on it.

"And what of Elijah Mikaelson?" Bonnie asked suddenly, making Katherine freeze up for a moment, before she pushed a breezy smile to her face.

"What of him? I haven't seen him since the Mikaelson's estate, and in truth, I have little desire to. He is so... self-righteous. He is really quite dull" she announced, her voice ringing false even to her own ears. Bonnie smiled at her a little sadly and she realised that it was not just to her that it sounded false.








"I am afraid Milday is not at home." A footman announced rather imperiously to Damon as he stood in the Mikaelson's town house. He nodded shortly and made to leave, wondering why he had bothered coming in the first place. Rebekah had probably returned to her frantic social life, their little trip long forgotten and him along with it. As he reached the door step, he heard a low voice calling his name.

"Mr Salvatore, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Mikael Mikaelson's voice boomed and Damon drew a deep breath and fixed a congenial smile on his face as he turned to see the patriarch of the grand family walking toward him.

"I came to pay my respects to your family"

"And to see my daughter" Mikael stated flatly, sizing up the dark haired man before him. He turned toward his study and called back over his shoulder,

"Come, join me for a drink."

Settling into a leather armchair in the dark room, Damon watched as Mikael poured two large glasses of whiskey, setting one before him, and then took a seat behind his mammoth desk. He regarded Damon with a twinkle in his eye, and he felt a flash of unease.

"So, you are the man who whisked my daughter away, hundreds of miles in a carriage, countless inns and places of lowly repute and helped his brother to wed my son's fiance."

"Well, if stated like that... I hardly dare to own up to it" Damon laughed nervously.

"How else can it be stated?" Mikael asked, with an edge to his voice. Damon bit his tongue and kept quiet.

"Relax young Mr Salvatore, luckily for you, things have turned out for the best. And luckily for your brother. My son may not be good at many things, but he is really quite brilliant at exacting revenge, and I believe you would be sat before me in black if Miss Forbes had not appeared." Mikael laughed cruelly. Damon cleared his thought, and sipped the strong drink, it feeling strange in his mouth at such an early hour.

"Well, we are a lucky pair then I believe" he quipped.

"Yes, indeed. Another advantage is the leverage you have handed me over my daughter. You see, it is beyond time that Rebekah was married, but her brothers have always caused a little bit of a problem for her, it is a lot to stomach for any man, marrying into a family where you will never be top dog. Yet, now, in her disgrace, Rebekah has no choice but to marry." Mikael said, watching emotions flash across Damon's face, which were immediately suppressed.

"I see. She made no mention of a suitor to me." he said lightly.

"That is because she has not met him yet." Mikael said carelessly, enjoying the younger man's discomfort.

"May I ask who the lucky man shall be?" Damon asked, his heart pounding strangely. His glass felt like a weight in his hand, and he was not certain his face looked as nonchalant as he hoped.

"Perhaps I shall tell you, when I chose him, of course." Mikael tossed out carelessly, and noted with satisfaction as the blood drained from the young man's face before him.








The carriage wobbled over the country roads, and Caroline began to feel as though she would not mind never riding in this fashion again. The past weeks had felt like a never-ending carriage ride over broken roads, and she longed for some peace and tranquility.

In the distance, she saw the lake that lay before the Mikaelson estate come into view. It was calm and serene and reflected the grand house sitting behind it, doubling it's size. The sky was a deep blue, and the leave were beginning to change, turning deep crimson, burnt gold and warm yellow. The air as crisp and bought with it the smells of woodlands and leave fires burning in the distance. She glanced across the carriage and laughed at what she saw.

They had been joined by Elena and Katherine's aunt, Isobel's sister and her husband, who had been travelling in Europe and now had come to visit them in England, the timing of which could not have been more fortunate.

Aunt Jenna, as Caroline also called her, was large with child, and her and her husband Alaric would be staying with the Pierces in London to have the baby. Alaric was a horse trader, and had amassed quite a fortune, travelling the world, he sourced the best animals, the finest specimens and sold them, traded them, and bred them. Since he had married Jenna, she had travelled with him, and Caroline wondered at how many countries they pair must have visited together.

Jenna was sitting, asleep despite the rocking of the carriage, and Alaric, had taken this opportunity to lay his head near her stomach, where he was now whispering to his child, his face lighting up in excitement whenever he felt a movement. Caroline laughed at his dancing eyes.

"Laugh not, you may think me ridiculous now, but you shall be next Miss Caroline, and maybe you will not think your own husband such a fool" he said with a grin, his happy eyes not missing the small shadow that passed over Caroline's features.

"It is well seeing you have not yet met my betrothed. It is not something which will trouble me I am sure."

"Is it not early to be doubting your husbands virility?" Alaric said with a cheeky smile and Carline gasped at his words.

"Rik! hush, or I shall wake your wife and remind her of what a bad influence you are." she said, her cheeks red.

"I apologise. Please, do elaborate..."

"I meant... that the care and affection you are showing, shall not trouble me much in my marriage perhaps." she said softly, looking away as she spoke. Alaric frowned at her words.

"Caroline, if what I have heard is true, I cannot doubt his affection toward you. He obviously regards you very much like a..." he trailed off, searching for the word.

"Possession?" Caroline asked.

"A treasure" Nik disagreed.

"I hope you are right. I'm sorry. It has all been a little overwhelming, and I am not myself. I shall be happy when all this is passed." she said, forcing a cheery smile onto her face. In truth, she had felt adrift in the week that had passed without him. The strangeness of their situation and oddness of his distance, had all colluded to make her feel terribly uncertain and afraid. Perhaps also, the feelings were highlighted by the cheerfulness she was bombarded with from all sides, making her feel strangely flat in comparison.

As the carriage came to stop, announcing that they had arrived. Nerves clutched at her, and she realised that she had arrived here a girl, unmarried, a maiden... and she would leave a married woman.

The other carriages which had been in front of them were already opening, spilling out the Salvatores, Pierce's and Rebekah. Her brothers and father would remain in London and arrive on horseback the next day, leaving them one night, before the wedding. Servants swarmed the courtyard as cases and hat boxes were passed down off the carriages, and footmen started showing everyone to their rooms. Caroline walked slowly after her escort, feeling uneasy as she realised they were going to her previous rooms. The ones where everything had started. Taking a deep breath she entered, and waited as her cases were unpacked. Her wedding dress would be arriving the next day along with the rest of her marriage wardrobe. Peeling off her gloves and hat, she surveyed the room where Klaus had taken her choices from her. It was unchanged, but she didn't feel that awful standing there, in fact, seeing how she had spent a good deal of time there, it felt quite homely.

Standing by the window, she couldn't help but glance at Klaus's window, remembering the first time she had seen him there, recovering from his attack. Now that she knew how he had been feeling, his desperation, his loss of interest in life, it felt all the more painful, the memory of his longing look. She turned her attention to the gardens, where she could see preparations being made for the wedding. A knock sounded at the door and she turned toward it eagerly, ready to be drawn from her melancholy thoughts.








"This game is too rich for my blood, I am afraid" Elijah said as he pushed his chair back from the poker table, grabbing his glass and standing. Klaus glanced up at his older brother, losing interest in the game immediately.

"I'll join you. Gentlemen." he said, taking leave of the group around the table. Walking away together, Elijah looked at his brother with amusement.

"Now, Niklaus, why walk away from the table with that hand?"

"I have no appetite for gambling tonight, I would rather spend time with my brother" he said tentatively, clapping him on the shoulder. Elijah had been distant and disapproving with him, and he missed his company. Klaus knew he had disappointed him sorely with his behaviour, and he hoped in time, once he saw how happy he would make Caroline, that he would forgive him.

They settled at the bar, watching Kol trying his hand at roulette, and losing disgracefully.

"Have you decided where you shall live?" Elijah asked, watching Klaus swirl the amber liquid of his only drink so far that night, in the crystal glass.

"I have thought about it, but I want to decide together, it is as much Caroline's decision as mine." he said.

"I am glad to hear it. Does she favour the city? Or country life?"

"I confess I do not know" Klaus said wryly, embarrassed about how little he really knew about the woman he was to wed by the weeks end.

"She was happy in the country, at the estate... truly happy I think."

"Will you take her to Westmere?"

"If she wishes, I hope it is to her tastes"

"Who could fail to love that beautiful place. Does Caroline know of your... unique financial arrangement?"

"No , not as of yet."

"So, she doesn't know about... your father?"

"No, though I am sure she has heard rumours, it is hardly a secret."

"Well, with both your great fortunes combined, you will be extremely rich, that is certain."

"Mikael wants Caroline's fortune to go to the business." Klaus said, frowning. Elijah considered him.

"And you do not?"

"Of course, I wish to do what I can. It is not only Mikael's but the means of support for you all. If I had been able to put my own money down, you know I would have. But I hesitate at the thought of giving away Caroline's parents' money to Mikael, perhaps it is only pride however." he said, studying his drink.

They sat together in silence, smiling as Kol cried out for another roulette wheel to be brought, as this one had a personal dislike of him. Klaus saw his father bearing down on them from the corner of his eye, and gripped his glass tightly.

"Elijah, what kind of celebration is this? It's downright depressing... where are the women? The drinks?" he demanded, swaying slightly on his feet.

"No women tonight father." Klaus ground out, facing away from his drunk father.

"And may I ask why not? I know this night holds little significance in terms of preventing your voracious appetites, despite getting married, but the occasion should be marked somehow." he clapped him hard across the back of the neck, toying with the thin line. Klaus ground his teeth and stood.

"I believe I have had enough celebrating. I am returning home."

"I shall accompany you." Elijah said as he stood up.

"Well, well, whipped by a slip of a girl, I should have expected as much. You are no Mikaelson, you have no idea how to treat a wife -" Mikael was cut off as Klaus suddenly stormed back toward him and grabbed him by the shirt, hauling him around and bringing his face close to his.

"Like how you treated our mother? That is how a true gentleman acts?" he snarled, and felt anger course through him as Mikael laughed in his face, before matching him nose for nose, his expression menacing.

"That is how a real man acts. A real man who understands that a wife is nothing more than a whore you cannot pay to be rid of in the morning, and a servant who you must be polite to in public" he spat and watched with satisfaction as his son's face clouded with rage.

"Niklaus" Elijah said quietly from Klaus's side, watching the two, straining to hit each other.

"Klaus, let's go. It's boring here." Kol urged, breathing fast, watching the interaction nervously, aware that the rest of the casino had also stopped their activities and were watching them all intently.

"If we sleep off the drink tonight, we will arrive earlier tomorrow" Kol babbled on, aware that only his voice was breaking the tense silence. Suddenly Klaus let go of his father's shirt and spun around, walking away without a sound. Elijah and Kol shared a glance, and taking leave of their father followed him out to the waiting carriage.

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