The Devil In Me

By elizpua

64.9K 2K 1K

This is AU as the original family do not have any supernatural abilities, though that will not stop them from... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 15

1.2K 39 25
By elizpua

Rebekah walked into the town house, her stomach clenched as tightly as it could. She looked back, before the door closed, catching a last glimpse of Damon Salvatore as the carriage drew away. She longed to run back out there, climb into it and never stop again.

Instead she turned around, and slowly started toward her room, the footmen having already taken her luggage up. A sound from the study drew her attention, and she glanced that way, stopping as she saw Elijah standing up from the desk where he had been sitting. His face inscrutable as he approached her.

"Sister. You have returned intact I see" he said, raising his eyebrow slightly as her. She nodded, fearing her voice to speak.

"Is father home?" she asked, haltingly and felt relief course through her as he shook his head.

"You have some time" he said and then tilted his head to the side as she looked around.

"What is it Elijah, just come out with it"

"How could you act so rashly... so... inappropriately?"

"I did it for love of my brother. He couldn't marry Elena Pierce, he is in love with someone else, and I believe she cares for him too" she said adamantly, seeing a sad look come over her elder brother's face.

"I forgot, you would not know"

"Know what?" she asked

"Come, sit down and hear about the impact of your plan on your dear brother... and your friend." Elijah said, his voice clipped and short. Frowning she followed him into the study.







Caroline woke early, the sounds of the docks pulling her from her dreams. Dreams where she ran through mist and fog, trying to find the boat that would bare her to happiness... take her home. But she couldn't see anything, the swirling fog hiding the shape and names of the ships.

She turned a little, seeing the cause of her confusion and heartache lying near her, asleep. She studied his profile, mesmerised by the vulnerability of the man in his sleep, stripped of his usual aura of power and confidence. His golden stubble, full pink lips, his tawny eyelashes resting on his cheeks. The cover had been thrown back, and she had to stop herself from staring at his chest. She had not seen a grown man shirtless before, and never with so much time to study their form in detail. Since she had no comparison, she might be wrong, but she thought it would be difficult to find a naked torso more beautiful than the one lying only inches from her. Gently, she pushed herself up, pulling back the covers and stood. Dressing quietly, while he still slept, she put remaining items in her case and sat at the window, looking out at the ships docking, and preparing to leave.

A stirring came from the bed after a while, and she looked over to see Klaus rubbing his hands over his face, before looking to his left, at her empty side. Suddenly sitting, he looked around, instantly alert.

"Good morning" she said softly, drawing his gaze. Upon seeing her, his tense face relaxed and he leaned back on the pillows sighing.

"Good morning" he said, looking more closely at her, seeing her fully clothed. His eyes fell on the cases that sat packed by the door. His face was unreadable as he looked at them for a moment, and then he sat up and swung his legs over the bed, presenting her with his back.

"I'll be ready presently." he said, his voice sounding very far away.

"Am I preparing for a voyage to New York?" he asked blankly. Nothing about his tone betrayed how his heart pounded wildly at the question, and his palms grew damp.

"No, it is a kind offer... but I cannot take you up on it." he heard her words, the worst finally happening. Not only would he be saying goodbye to her in a matter of hours, but she was gladly sailing into a future where she would probably marry Tyler Lockwood.

He stood, and without a second glance, went to the door, closing it behind him. Caroline turned back to the window. Her serene expression hiding the panic she felt inside. She was about to take the biggest risk she had ever taken and the weight of the decision made her tremble.

Klaus threw on his clothes, his anger and helplessness choking him. He stood on the cusp of losing everything he had come to hold dear. Not counting the wrath of his father when he returned without his heiress, he wasn't sure what he had left that resembled will to go on without her. He had lived so long, so alone and so full of hate and anger, and now he had met someone who had seen past it.

And she was about to walk away from from him, and he was about to let her.

He clenched his fists and again fought the overwhelming urge to go next door and drag her home with him. She cared about him, he could tell, even though the very fact of it bewildered him. He turned to the wall, and in his frustration, slammed his fist into the hard plaster. The pain sobered him, and he let his fists free against it again and again, allowing the pain to ground him, to calm his urges to take her, against her will, to become his wife. He took deep, ragged breaths, seeing his blood smeared on the wall, and glanced down at his hands. The knuckles of both hands were bloody, the toughed skin broken. He turned and dropped his hands into the pitcher of cold water, feeling it burn through the cuts, as the water slowly became pink.

She picked at her breakfast, as Klaus sipped the inn's poor excuse for coffee. They sat in silence, all their words spent. He couldn't keep his eyes off her, aware that each passing second may be his last to look upon her. She was remote, her eyes full of unspoken things, and she hid her thoughts, depriving him of knowing what went on behind those eyes, for the last time.

"Let me see your ticket" he said abruptly, leaning forward and holding his hand out for it. She looked at him warily.

"Why, what will you do to it?" she asked, slowly handing it over to him. Tensing as he opened it, reading it through.

"You are in one of the best cabins, that is good. However, I will still need to board with you, and speak with the captain."


"He needs to know who his most important passenger is" Klaus said shortly, already planning how he would impress upon the captain the need to keep Caroline safe and unharmed. He looked up and catch her gaze, soft on him.

"Thank you" she murmured and saw how he recoiled from the words.

"Please – do not make me out to be a hero now. We both know I am far from it. In truth, in each passing moment, I am fighting the urge to take away your choice, to make you come home with me..." at his words she felt nerves gather in her, though she suspected he wouldn't be admitting his feelings, if he truly thought there was a danger he would lose the battle of wills he was waging.

Suddenly, he stood up, picking his gloves up, he looked down at her.

"The time to depart has arrived." he said, watching as she collected herself, and stood, breathing deeply, she seemed so nervous.

He directed her cases to be taken outside and waited for her, surprised as she slipped her arm through his and they made their way outside. The cases were already on their way to the packet ship that would bare Caroline to New York and they slowly followed them, along the busy dock. She picked up one of his hands and looked up at him in askance.

"What happened?"

He shook off her question and kept walking. He felt as though his words were dying inside him, whenever he thought to speak he couldn't. He was afraid of what would come out. Afraid he would beg and plead and her memory of him would be nothing more than a mad man on the docks that had humiliated himself, as she watched the place where she had experienced such pain fall away forever.

They arrived at the ship, as he felt as though his heart had turned to stone. He gripped her arm and fought with himself to let go. Forcing a smirk he turned back to her, seeing her eyes taking in the ship.

"Well, Miss Forbes, it seems our rather short, albeit dramatic, acquaintance has come to an end." he said, feeling a fraud at his light tone, as her clear eyes searched his.

"Miss Forbes now? Are we no longer friends?" she asked.

"Of course we are... I – this is difficult for me. I am not accustomed to easily letting something, someone, I want so much... slip away." he admitted and felt terribly exposed under her gaze.

"You make it sound as though you have been in this situation before" she said with a laugh

"No, thank god, I do not think it is something one could survive more than once." he said, taking her hands in his, hoping it would not upset her, but unable to stop himself.

"Are you sure... I cannot accompany you? I'd be the perfect gentleman"

"I suppose there is a first time for everything" she said playfully, and his hands tightened on hers.

They fell silent, sharing a look for an uncountable amount of time. The wind whipped around them, pulling at Caroline's hair, the birds crying overhead. A sound from the ship signalled passengers were able to board. Caroline, startled by the loud noise, looked toward it, and then turned back.

Her heart was painfully pounding, as she accepted her decision. There was no other way, no other choice to make really. She turned back to Klaus and saw his desolation written plainly across his face, and still he did not stop her.

"Will I ever see your face again?" he asked then, his voice unsteady, his gaze burning into hers, his hand reached up to cup her cheek gently.

She looked at him, his pain, his honesty, the brutal sacrifice he felt he was making. She reached in to her bag and withdrew her ticket. Looking at it, her heart in her mouth, she suddenly ripped it down the middle.

Klaus looked at her, his mouth agape at her actions. He watch her wordlessly as she ripped it another time, and another, and then let the pieces flutter away in the wind. They watched them fly away, and slowly returned to each other gaze. His blue eyes were intent on hers, unwilling to believe the meaning of her gesture.

"Take me home" she whispered, slowly reaching out for his hand, hesitantly taking it in hers. His blue eyes revealed his shock, his face, unwilling to believe her words, stared at her mutely. Finally, he raised her hand to his lips, and kissed the back reverently, his eyes squeezed shut. Taking a deep breath, he lowered her hand, and move it to his chest, over his heart, and spoke sincerely,

"Caroline... I will become the man you deserve, I promise you. If it takes the rest of my days" he whispered. He watched her expression, her clear eyes, unguarded, her smile unforced, as she inclined her head.

"I may have to hold you to that" she murmured.

"Are you certain?" he asked as his elation warmed him through.

"I have decided. There is nothing for me in New York, and I will not be forced to marry Tyler Lockwood. If I have to choose..."

"Better the devil you know" he finished, his eyes sardonic, his lips quirked in a half smile.

She was caught in his eyes for a moment, and nodded before tearing her gaze away.

"It might be far from a declaration of love, but I shall take it. There is plenty of time for the former. Just now, I am content to be your devil..." he murmured, and his look made her flush. Collecting herself, she disengaged her hands from his, fixing her bonnet and hair, suddenly feeling flustered.

"Now, go and make yourself useful and retrieve my luggage before I change my mind." she said pertly and smiled as he bowed shortly, before setting off toward the ship. He cut a dashing figure as he strode purposefully toward the loading area, his broad shoulders and shining head marking him out clearly in the drab crowd.

Caroline took a steadying breath, and leaned against a nearby post. Her heart was still in her mouth, and she hadn't quite calmed from the making the decision that had shaped her entire future.

He had hurt her, disappointed her, but he had also showed her his repentance and been selfless for her. He was flawed, he was too angry and stubborn, with a propensity to be selfish and hateful. But, he had a sister who loved him so much she had traded her future for his. And he had been prepared to let her go, to release her, he had given her back her choice, and when it had come down to it, she couldn't walk away from him. Despite all his misdeeds, he had ended up in her heart somehow, as she thought it, it made her shiver, the old familiar fear returning. If he was already in her heart, he already had the power to hurt her.

Klaus felt as though he was flying. He ordered for her luggage to be unloaded and waited impatiently for it by the water. His gaze returning to Caroline constantly. He could see her, gazing out to sea, lost in thought.

She had surprised him to his very core. She had offered him a second chance, a chance at salvation. He could see by her reserved demeanour that he was not forgiven yet, not by a long shot, but she was giving him a chance, and it was more than he had expected. Caroline would be his wife. The thought made him practically lightheaded.

"Lord Mikaelson" a deep voice cut through his thoughts and he turned toward it. Stiffening he saw the man he had beaten, standing, hidden in the shadows of the ship, holding his bandaged hand against his chest. He glanced back at Caroline, wary of a plot.

"Do not concern yourself. I am quite alone." the man said.

"What do you want? Your plan has failed, she is not going to New York, she is returning to London, with me. You can report that back to Mr Lockwood." he said. The man narrowed his eyes at him, leaning against the ship, then chuckled darkly.

"You do not recognise me do you? I figure you owe me something, for the trouble you've caused me. Your father never mentioned being brutalised." he said, lifting his hand, and Klaus suddenly felt cold inside. The flicker of recognition that he had first felt when he saw the man, and had dismissed, now flaming back into life.

"I do not know you" he said shortly.

"Oh, but I know you." the man said. The cases were loaded, and Klaus directed the man toward Caroline. Turning back to the man, he sneered at him,

"I highly doubt it. And I care not."

"Oh, but I think you do care... Lord Niklaus. And you owe me something, also I cannot have you returning home and not thanking your father"

"Thanking my father for what?" he asked, already feeling the cold slither of understanding run through him.

"Thanking him for pushing your reluctant bride into your arms, of course."

"What are you talking about?" Klaus asked, even though he already knew the answer, had already placed the man's hateful face.

"I have never heard of Tyler Lockwood or been to St James Square in my life. There is no one waiting in New York" the man said, laughing now at the expression on Klaus's face.

He had seen him before, in his father's study, the pieces falling into place. His father had arranged to have Caroline followed, and had prepared this man with a story that would only push Caroline closer to him in the event he was captured.

Klaus glanced back at Caroline, seeing her start toward him. He felt panic explode in his chest.

"Unless you want me to have a little heart to heart with your fiance, you'd better pay up... the ship's not left yet, plenty of room for one more." the man said menacingly. Caroline called his name, close now, as he frantically pulled his bill fold from his pocket and threw money at the man.

The man pushed off the boat picked up the money and starting to walk away. He watched the man give him one last smile and disappear into the throng, speechless and frozen to the spot.

Klaus looked out over the murky water of the docks, his mind reeling. The packet ship to New York was finally finished loading, and he could see the passengers were gathering on the railing to wave goodbye to those remaining on dry land. The ship let out short blasts on the horn, each one felt like an accusation. His numbness started to wear off, and cold certainty came over him as he watched the ship. The certainty that he could not risk losing Caroline when she was so close. The certainty that he would be selfish once again.

Mikael had manipulated them, and there was no doubt that the plot had influenced Caroline's decision to stay. And, he had found out in time to tell her... to give her back her choice, a true choice. A choice untainted by his father's lies.

Now, he stood watching the ship getting ready to depart.

His conscious writhed and wrestled with the information. He knew what was right, there was no doubt. But... but, his heart... it held on to her face, her words,

Take me home

It was stubborn and afraid, afraid of her choice, if presented with a free life in New York. Afraid she would leave him there on that lonely dock, and never look back. He couldn't allow it to happen. Not when she had just shown him a glimpse of her feelings. She was starting to give in to her emotions for him, and nothing could jeopardise that. Nothing else mattered.

If he concealed the truth, and she found out... clenching his fists, he turned away from the departing ship. She could not find out, he thought grimly. She was so close... to letting him in, to accepting him, he couldn't let anything ruin it now.

Turning, he saw her, almost reaching him, smiling uncertainly.

"Is there a problem?" he shook his head, silently forcing a smile to his lips.

"No, nothing. Let us depart" he said, the lies feeling like poison in his mouth, taking her arm, and starting to thread through the crowd.








"Rebekah, father wishes to see you" Kol murmured, as he sat gently down on his sister's bed. He smoothed his fingers through her long blonde hair, so pale in stark contrast with her red and mottled skin. Her eyes fluttered open and he saw her eyes focused on him, and instantly filled with tears again.

"Go away. I do not wish to speak to you ever again." she cried, pulling herself away from him.

"Bekah... we thought were doing the right thing" he said, feeling awful as he saw the visceral reaction his sister had had at hearing about what happened between Caroline and Klaus.

She only shook her head, violently.

"To let Caroline see that side of Nik? To let him think it was perfectly acceptable to treat her like that. As for Katherine and Bonnie-" Rebekah spat their names.

"This is my fault. She will never speak to me again." Rebekah wailed as she buried her face in the covers again. All this pain and hardship, had been for nothing.

"Bekah, I know you are upset just now, but father is waiting. I think you shouldn't keep him." Kol urged, stepping back as Rebekah pushed herself upright. Taking a deep breath, she pulled her fingers through her hair. Trying to restore order. She nodded numbly and stood, going to her nightstand, she splashed some water on her salt burned eyes and blinked them. Afraid of waiting anymore, she left the room, leaving Kol sitting on her bed. She hurried downstairs to the door of her father's study and steadied herself. Her father hated to see her upset and was angry when she lost her composure.

Knocking gently, she stealed herself for what was to come.

"Come in" Mikael's voice called and she opened the door and stepped in. He was standing at a wall of shelves, hunting through for a volume, and he looked up as she entered.

"Rebekah, dear. Sit down. Have you been crying?" he asked disapprovingly. She shook her head, tensing as she felt him walk behind her, coming around to his seat behind the desk.

"Do not lie to me child. Have you been crying?" he bit out each words and she nodded, fear running through her.

"Well, it is a pity when childish games end up with adult consequences." he remarked dryly studying his daughter before him.

"Well, what do you have to say to explain your actions?" he asked, his tone already implying he found her explanation lacking.

"There is nothing I can say, father."

"True enough, I shall speak then. I have realised that this childish action is not your fault. It is mine. You are too old to still be at home. You need your own home, your own children, your own responsibilities. It is a shame no suitor has come forward yet, though I would thank your brother Niklaus for that. Who would want to be aligned to our family when he causes us nothing but embarrassment? However, I do hope, at least his situation will be resolved by this whole mess"

"What do you mean father?"

"I mean, Niklaus is still going to be wed, and her fortune will help to stem the losses of our foreign investments." he muttered.

"But – Caroline.." Rebekah started and trailed off as she saw her father's warning look.

"It is unfortunate for your friend, but I am sure she shall forgive you eventually. In any event, we must get down to discussing your situation."

"My situation?" Rebekah echoed meekly.

"Yes. You are to get married, my dear daughter. Now, is there anyone that you would like to consider?" Damon Salvatore came immediately to her mind, but she bit her lip and shook her head. The man had hardly given her any indication that he would be amenable to marriage.

"In that case, I will be inviting some colleagues to dine for the next few weeks. Good men, some widowers, some bachelors. You shall take you pick" Mikael said softly, and for the slightest instant his face softened as he looked at his beloved daughter. So like her mother. She had to be married, it was time, but the thought of forcing her without choice was uncomfortable. He watched her nod mutely, and felt a deep feeling of satisfaction. Rebekah was a good girl, she'd do as she was told, this time... or else he have to remind her who was in charge in the Mikaelson family.








The carriage swayed and Caroline swayed with it. She had given up trying to sleep, feeling far too nervous about returning home. The brooding man sitting opposite her was not helping either. Klaus had been quiet and introspective the whole journey, and she had tired of trying to make conversation with him. He seemed determined to sit in silence, stewing in his thoughts, and she was left to amuse herself. Not that she found his company relaxing or carefree, usually quiet the opposite.

Seeing him, sitting across from her, his heavy brow lowered pensively, his cornflower eyes hooded, he seemed to emanate some forbidding power. She felt his eyes on her often, but when she met them, he simply looked away, still lost in his thoughts. It occurred to her then, that he had pursued her so purposefully and so single-mindedly, she wondered if the renowned bachelor had truly considered the implications. He would soon be a married man, held to a higher standard of respectability and accountability. She wondered if he was already mourning the loss of his freedom and wild ways.

Her stomach tightened at the prospect that perhaps he was not planning on ending those ways at all... but she couldn't quite believe it. His actions, though abhorrent were driven by emotion for her, of that she couldn't doubt. What that emotion was exactly, was what scared her. He seemed intent on possessing her, dominating her, consuming her, which was her greatest fear. How could she stay herself in a relationship such as this, with a man such as him. A man who knew no bounds or limits.

Though, when pushed to the wire, when the test had come, he had been ready to sacrifice his wants... for her. She held on to that thought, that, more than anything, gave her hope that he was not wholly the monster he had shown her, that he was not so lost.

For, if he could be that man on the docks, the one she glimpsed in his moments of selflessness, if he could hold on to that man... then she knew he was a man she could truly love.

Klaus felt her eyes on him and he dropped her gaze. He was afraid she would see his shame written plainly in his eyes, afraid that one proper look, with her captivating eyes and he would confess everything. He would admit his selfishness had won in the end, his damn fear of her choice, of her departure had taken away all the efforts he had made to be a better man for her.

That the man she was marrying was so very undeserving of her. So he looked away and avoided her attempts at conversation. He had to until he put distance between that godforsaken town and the lie that he feared would break apart her fragile trust in him.

She was easily convinced to travel through the night, in an effort to minimise the worry to John and Isobel Pierce. She seemed to want no one to know of her attempt to leave and he was happy enough with it. If they hadn't realised, then it meant that by this time next week, he would be married to the angel sitting across from him, and then he could relax, tell her the truth... she deserved to know... but he couldn't risk it before they were married. He couldn't take any chances.

Closing his eyes, he feigned sleep in an effort not to seem strange to her and let his mind pull him down into the writhing black depths of his guilt and insecurity.

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