The Devil In Me

By elizpua

64.9K 2K 1K

This is AU as the original family do not have any supernatural abilities, though that will not stop them from... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 3

2K 73 29
By elizpua

Stilling, but continuing to hold her tightly against him, covering her mouth, he lowered his to her ear. She shook her head violently, cause him to hold her mouth even tighter until she gave up. Standing still, she listened to his urgent whisper,

"Listen to me sweetheart. They are looking for you out there. If they find us together. You will be ruined." he muffled her exclamation with his hand.

"Are you willing to make that sacrifice for Elena? To spare her the burden of me as a husband? Are you prepared to give up your precious choice?" he urged again, and she finally directed her attention to the voices approaching just outside the mouth of the maze.

"I have no idea where she can have gotten to." Isobel's voice sounded irritated, probably at missing the ball to look for her ward.

"Indeed. I am sure she just felt unwell and return home early. Champagne can do that to a young girl" Elijah's voice floated back.

"Still, she should have informed us, this is so unlike her." Isobel said crossly and Caroline could hear them moving back toward the assembly rooms.

She made to move forward, but he pulled her back, motioning to be quiet again. She waited silence , her heart pounding, her breath burning in her chest, his arm, still a steel band around her middle. He lowered his mouth to her ear again and whispered,

"I'm going to release you in a moment, but before I do, I have to tell you I'm sorry. I know you won't listen to me after, so I'm saying it now. I thought – it doesn't matter. I was wrong. I'm sorry." Slowly he loosened his grip on her mouth, and she immediately began to squirm in his arms,

"Put me down" she hissed at him, wishing she had another rock to throw at his head. Finally released she turned around and slapped him, with a resounding crack that threw his head to the side. He closed his eyes, slowly bringing his face back to hers, he smirked,

"I suppose I deserve that"

"What is wrong with you? How could you? Consent aside, you are engaged to my sister?" she said incredulously.

"Not by choice" he reminded her, his voice dropping.

"So, that's an adequate excuse to try and take advantage of an unwilling -"

"I didn't realise you were unwilling."

"You thought I'd enjoy that? Being forcibly groped outside on a bench?"

"You'd be surprised" his hooded eyes flashing a warning.

"And what possible indication could I have given you? Because I tried to be kind to you? Appeal to your better nature?" his clenched jaw loosened, and he threw his head back, chuckling darkly and Caroline felt sick.

"You don't have one, do you?"

"That is for your friend Miss Pierce to find out" he said his humour gone and anger overwhelming her, she turned around wordlessly and started toward the mouth of the maze. When his hand touched her arm, she whirled defensively, and it surprised him how much he hated the scared look in her eyes.

"I just wanted to point out that you do not have a method of arriving at home alone, and the streets of London are hardly a place for someone such as you to be wandering at night." she raised her eyebrows at this, and the irony of the statement.

"Are you trying to convince me I might be safer with you? Stay away from me Lord Niklaus, or I shall tell your brothers of your behaviour here tonight." her eyes flashing in anger, she turned and started off toward the carriage entrance, anger and fear propelling her. He followed behind her, making a final plea.

"Look, allow me to escort you. I have my carriage. I arrived separately from my family. We can slip out undetected, and your reputation shall be saved. It's the least I can do" he offered, and watched her consider it. Biting her lip, she looked back toward the glowing lights of the party and back at him, his contrite face making her narrow her eyes. Then she remembered his hard mouth on hers, his hands holding her to him, the wild look in his eyes as he had kissed her. He had seemed more animal than man. He wasn't a man to be trusted, and she was safer without him.

"Yes, it is" she confirm, and turned from him, calling back over her shoulder,

"However, I trust the streets of London, more than I'd ever trust a blaggard like you" his face closing, he nodded shortly, and she stalked off in front of him across the moonlit grass.

Glancing back after a while, she saw that he had gone, and she hugged her arms tighter around her, and considered what to do. The house wasn't that far away, and the streets still seemed busy with carriages and groups of people walking. She bit her lip, considering. Could he possibly be correct about her her ruining her reputation? Had this length of absence been inexcusable? She didn't want to embarrass the Pierces after everything they'd done for her. Steeling herself, and arranging her shawl around her shoulders, she slipped past the entrance with it's carriages, and started home.

The streets were lit with lamps, and people talked merrily, laughing and joking as they walked around her. Spying a group ahead with three young ladies, and a couple of older ladies, Caroline walked as close to them as she could, hoping it would seem like they were together. She managed to get fairly close to her home in this way, and she was almost congratulating herself when the family group suddenly turned toward a townhouse, ascending the steps without a backward glance, leaving her to continue alone. She pushed on, close now. Her feet hurt terribly, and she could feel blisters forming as her feet slipped around in the thin fabric. The pleasantly cool breeze from earlier had turned into something more powerful, and she hugged her shawl closer.

Turning down her street, she realised how quiet it was all of a sudden. Cursing the length of fashionable London streets, she picked up the pace a little. A shadow moved behind her and she jumped, turning abruptly, her breath caught in her throat. A tall tree, waved it's leaves in front of a lamp, casting shadows over the pavement. Laughing nervously, she turned back and continued, a little faster than before. In the distance, she thought she could just make out the shape of her terrace.

Suddenly, the quiet of the street was broken by a rhythmic slapping noise, harsh and loud.

Footsteps, she realised.

Picking up her pace even more, she clasped her skirts in one hand, her shawl in the other, she was almost running, her whole body prickling with nerves. She glanced back, but the street was shrouded in shadow apart from directly under the street lamps. The footsteps were getting louder, closer, running too now. As she realised that, the last of her nerve broke and she began to run as fast as she could. Her feet hit the hard pavement through the thin soles of her slippers, each step sending heavy jolts through her whole body, making her legs feel like lead and her teeth clatter.

Suddenly, her foot descended into a cold puddle, she gasped as she felt a sharp, flash of pain knife through her ankle and up her leg. Throwing herself to the railing, she held on, and took the weight of her ankle, breathing hard. The footsteps continued to get closer, and in desperation she pushed off, started hobbling toward her house, which she could definitely see now. Each step sent a crushing pain through her ankle, but she gritted her teeth and continued. Ahead, she saw only one more side road she needed to pass before reaching her home, relief starting to pour through her.

As she neared it, the feeling of relief was quickly replaced by apprehension, as she saw two men stagger out of the dark street to her left, clearly drunk, slapping each other, laughing loudly and swearing. She considered trying to cross the street, but then one of them looked up and noticed her.

As she skirted to the side, almost hopping on her good leg now, she stiffened with alarm as one of them immediately acknowledged her, coming close to her side.

"Why! Fitz, what do we have here?" his voice was educated, apart from the drunken slur. She saw he was indeed wearing gentlemen's clothes, albeit a little wrinkled and askew.

"It seems we have here a little debutante butterfly... who's lost her escort" his partner confirmed, swaying toward her, she smiled politely, and kept moving.

"My lady, you are hurt? Allow us to escort you home" the first said gallantly, hiccuping a little.

"There is no need sir, I have all but arrived" Caroline said, stopping as he stepped in front of her.

"But you must, it would be a mark against our honour!" his friend exclaimed, suddenly touching her arm. She gasped, pulling her arm out of his grasp, and accidentally putting weight on her ankle. Crying out, she reached for the railing again, and was intercepted by the first man, who seemed to have recovered himself somewhat. Holding her steady, she realised how close he was holding her, far too close to be proper. Flushing, she tried to push herself away from him.

"Thank you, you are too kind." her back suddenly came up against the second man's chest, who had moved right behind her, her palms damped and adrenaline coursed through her veins.

"Please - " she started, stilling when the first man put his fingers to her lips, shushing her gently.

"It's OK, little one, we'll take good care of you." He reached out then and stroked the side of her face and Caroline knew then without a shadow of a doubt that she had jumped from the frying pan into the fire, as she felt the man behind her place his hands on her waist.

"I do hate to interrupt, but perhaps you chaps could be so good as to tell me where a gentleman can get a stiff drink around here" Niklaus's light tone cut through the tension, and Caroline swung to face him, her fear written across her face.

He sauntered toward them, his hair the golden lustre of a doubloon under the lamplight. The two men tensed, holding her a little tighter.

"At the end of the street, a smashing place. They have women too." the first man said, and she watched as Niklaus pulled a billfold from his pocket and counted a great amount of money. He threw it to the first man, who let go to catch it.

"Well, in that case I suggest you take this and enjoy yourselves in that fine establishment. I guarantee you'll find more amusement there than here."

The man deliberated over the money, then a bleary smile spread across his face.

"We shall take you up on that offer... after we enjoy a little taste of this delicious morsel. You're welcome to join us" he offered, and Caroline watched as Niklaus looked her up and down, and for a terrifying moment she thought he was actually considering taking him up on the offer, before smiling.

"Unfortunately this little morsel is not for your lips, nor mine." as he spoke, he whipped his jacket off in a fluid motion and tossing it to the ground, his hands loosening his cravat. The other men watched him, too drunk to comprehend what he was doing. The second man, turning away from him, stuck his face in Caroline's hair and breathed deeply,

"Hhmmm" he murmured, starting to run his hands up from her waist, then looked down in surprise as his hand was caught in an iron like grip. Klaus, looked at him intently, enjoying the man's confusion, as he twisted his hand into a lock, and the idiot's mouth fell open in pain as he let go of Caroline and started to swing at him with his other hand. Caroline watched as Klaus's smile became feral as he pushed the locked wrist, slowly and deliberately, until a crack sounded, so loud it shook the first man from his stupor. The second man started to shout in pain, and Klaus delivered a quiet, but terrifyingly efficient crack with the edge of his hand to the man's windpipe. His breathing laboured the man sank slowly to his knees, wheezing. The first man, realising what was going on, grabbed Caroline roughly, spinning around to face advancing Klaus.

"Stop right there" the man shouted at Klaus, and when he failed to stop, put his hand around Caroline's neck, squeezing until she coughed, and Klaus finally halted. He looked at the man, calculatingly, his head to the side. Then his eyes dipped to Caroline's face.

Caroline steeled herself, her eyes prepared to do something, anything to help herself, without warning she threw both her hands back, at her attackers face, and scratched at his eyes. Taken by surprise, he swore, his grip on her loosening and Klaus moved.

Wrenching Caroline forward, he ducked quickly under the man's punches, before rising in front of him, and firing a sharp upper cut. He fell back on the pavement his head hitting the concrete hard. Breathing heavily, Klaus crouched over him, and continued hitting him, until Caroline saw blood start to stain the ground.

"Niklaus ... stop! He is finished!" she called desperately, seeing her words having no effect. Klaus stood up over the man, and delivered an almighty kick to his head as Caroline screamed, the cracking of bones renting the air.

Struggling to stand, her ankle gave out and she screamed again, in pain. Klaus's head whipped around, and he saw her there, clasping onto the railing, dishevelled and pained, trying to stand. The red fog in his mind cleared somewhat, and he moved quickly to her side, putting his hands under her arms, pulling her upright. She caught sight of his face then, and it chilled her. His blue eyes were wide, dazed and his face was covered in a fine spray of blood. He looked barbaric and pagan, and utterly devilish.

As she stood, safe in the circle of his arms, their shared gaze magnetic, she felt like she was being drawn into him, his eyes, as they filled her vision. A sound from the street caught her attention, and she stepped on her ankle once again, swearing loudly.

Without asking her consent he suddenly whisked her up into his arms and began toward her home.

"That is a new expletive for me, I'll confess, and I had thought myself quite the expert." he said, smiling slightly. She trembled in his arms, the shock of the entire evening weighing on her, plus how nervous he made her. As they came to her steps, she squirmed out his grasp until he put her gently down. Now, they stood before each other, in silence. She saw the humanity returning to his face, but couldn't forget the animal she had seen before.

"Caroline... I-" before he could speak, she turned from him, without a word and carefully ascended the steps, opened the door, only to step back in surprise as Kol and Damon stepped out.

"Well, what the devil happened to you two!?" Kol exclaimed loudly.






Caroline spent the next day in bed, resting her ankle. Last night Niklaus had left with his brother, promising he'd take care of everything, and Damon had taken her inside. Leaving out Klaus's attack, she said she had drank too much champagne and gotten lost in the maze, turning her ankle at the same time. She told him Niklaus had found her, and brought her home, worried for her reputation. Damon took in her dishevelled appearance, and red stained cheeks without comment, and when the rest of the family returned home, they found him reading in the drawing room, explaining that he had escorted her home when she had hurt her ankle. Isobel satisfied, but irritated all the same barely glanced in to check on her, for which she was glad.

After lunch, as Caroline lay under her cozy blankets, reading and trying not to dwell on the calamity of the previous night, the maid entered the room, and announced the arrival of a doctor.

"But! I've only turned my ankle" Caroline exclaimed, horrified at the needless expense the Pierce's had gone to.

"Well, I heard Mrs Pierce wasn't going to be calling any doctor, but come on his own he has!" the maid said excitedly as she helped Caroline sit up, and cover her thin nightgown with a shawl. As she returned to the door to admit the doctor, Caroline heard voices downstairs.

"Betsy, who is that downstairs? Do Elena and Katherine have callers?"

"Why yes Miss Forbes, Miss Elena's gentleman and his brother, they brung the doctor with them, you know." she said and disappeared into the hall. The door stood ajar a second longer, then a soft knock admitted the doctor and Caroline lay back, her mind absorbed with the group in the drawing room.







The next evening, another ball they were invited too, which Caroline was not able to attend due to her ankle. The doctor had informed My Pierce that the ankle was not broken, but severely sprained and swollen, and complete rest was necessary, for as much as two weeks. Caroline had borne the news well, not particularly eager to spend another evening in the company of the Mikaelsons again any time soon. Another night of dancing, and pretending her dear sister was not marrying a brute was too much to bear. Usually she waited until the family had gone, and then was joined by Bonnie.

After a couple of nights, when the house was quiet, the clocks gently ticking, the fires and the lights low and she felt herself relax for the first time since the maze. Pulling her sleeping wrapper tight around herself, she gingerly walked downstairs and found Bonnie in the kitchen, making them some tea. Together they went to the parlour, and sat near the fire, sipping the tea and talking. Bonnie could tell something was wrong with her friend, but she waited until she came around to telling her.

Bonnie listened to the story, comforting Caroline, feeling her worry spread. It had already started. The darkness she had seen in the man, she knew there was only worse to come. Suddenly Caroline startled her out of her thoughts

"I wonder why they were here anyway at such an hour?" she said, looking to Bonnie for the answer. Bonnie dropped her gaze and looking to the fire, trusting it's red glow to hid the one she felt in her cheeks.

"They were looking for you" Caroline seemed satisfied by that and Bonnie was relived. Caroline felt a soft warmth diffuse through her limbs and she looked down at the tea,

"Hmmm, this is so wonderfully calming. Can you read the leaves?" she asked suddenly, handing her cup to Bonnie. She hesitated, then seeing her friend's excited eyes, she smiled and took the cup. Gazing into it she asked Caroline,

"What do you want to know?"

"Hm... let me think... Shall I ever marry? Or am I truly destined to be an old maid?" she asked lightly, intrigued by Bonnie's gift. She looked into the cup.

"You shall marry. Not once, but twice"

"Twice! It mustn't be a great love then" Caroline joked and was taken back by the expression on Bonnie's face.

"No, it shall be a great love, an epic love. A love for the ages" Caroline felt herself taken into Bonnie's earnest eyes, and she smiled softly.

"Though, it will not be without it's trials. I see darkness and pain, fire and blood" Caroline looked up in alarm, and realised her friend had lost her focus and was gazing at some spot in the distance.

"Bonnie" Caroline said, touching her friend's face, and seeing her come back to herself.

"I'm sorry... what did I say?" she asked, wrapping her arms around herself. Caroline saw how shaken she seemed, and shook her head,

"Nothing important." and changed the subject.







Finally the two weeks of recommended rest were over, and the Mikaelsons had invited them to a dinner party, to be held at their own house. A party such as this was very exclusive, and would show the world the union that was being planned. Caroline was not alone in her lack of enthusiasm, Elena, lower than ever and even Katherine seemed less than enthused. That morning, a package arrived at the door, and the girls were all in a flurry to discover who it was for.

Still walking carefully Caroline followed Katherine into the drawing room as she hurried with her usual grace, ripping open the box and pulling the wrapping aside.

It was a dress, a beautiful dress, eggshell blue, with gold thread woven though to make it shimmer. It was low cut at the breast, and then flowed out artfully, in the natural style.

Katherine returned to the box, searching for a card and triumphantly found it, read it aloud.

"Dear Miss Forbes, simply gilding the lily, an admirer" she turned it over, and frowned.

"That's it! Where is the name! It must be a secret admirer! Caroline, you have never told us about an admirer" she accused, her eyes going to Caroline and watching as red tinted her cheeks.

Elena touched the dress softly,

"It's beautiful Caroline. You must wear it tonight." she said, picking it up and holding it to Caroline's face.

"Look Katherine, this admirer has made a study of her colouring, to have chosen something so perfectly suited for her." Elena said with a smile, and Caroline couldn't help being moved by her sweetness.

"Katherine's gold slippers will look so well with it." Elena continued looking over to her sister. Caroline looked up and caught Katherine's look of disappointment for a moment, then it was gone.

"Of course, and wear them she shall. We have missed you these past weeks, finally we shall be reunited against the charms of the dreaded Mikalesons." she joked.

The day passed uneventfully and finally the evening came, and with it Caroline's apprehension about the dinner. The only person she had told about the incident with Niklaus was Bonnie. Bonnie had urged her not to Elena or Katherine, as whilst having her best intentions at heart, the secret would not remain one for long, and her reputation would still be ruined. She lay awake at night, worrying about Elena, and what might happen to her once she'd married Niklaus, and if her own virtue was worth that much, compared to the happiness of a beloved sister.

Little did she know that each room hosted sleepless girls, worrying over similar problems. One night, unable to sleep and planning to drink some of Bonnie's tea, she came to the kitchen to find Katherine and Bonnie already there. She joined them, drank the calming tea, laughing at Katherine's retelling of various scandalous events that she had missed.

The dress fit beautifully, as though it had been made for her, she admitted looking in the mirror as she got ready. Sitting to rest her ankle she pinned her hair back, once again allowing loose tendrils to curl around her face.

She was apprehensive about seeing Niklaus and Kol tonight. She didn't know what he had told his brother happened to them that night, but considering his state, he could hardly pretend it was nothing. He had probably told him about the attack of the men, but probably not of the maze, she guessed, just the word sending heat to her cheeks.

He made her nervous, he had from the start, but now... she could still feel his hands on her, his lips his and whispered words of passion. She knew she was quite naïve about the affairs between married people, and now, the very thought of a wedding night frightened her. Did all men enjoy the same things as Niklaus? Or was he particular somehow in his tastes? She didn't know, and had exhausted herself over the last few weeks trying to forget that night, however she couldn't quite escape the feeling of fear that the memory gave her, and the knowledge that inside him was another person, someone other than the polite, restrained man he was around his family and Elena. One thing was for certain, she planned to make sure she was never alone with him again.

They rode in a carriage to the party, and were simultaneously struck dumb by the Mikaelsons house. It was far grander than any place they'd been to so far, and Mrs Pierce was in heaven. As they descended from the carriage, she tried to force the slight tremors of her hands away, set her shoulders and raised her chin, determined not to let herself be affected by anyone.

Klaus heard the carriage pull up and waited for the servants to open the door and announce their arrival.

The last few weeks, he felt as though he had been slowly going mad. Since the night with Caroline, Kol had had him at a disadvantage and had used it to force him to behave. He had spent so much time with Miss Pierce now, he felt frustrated that she still wasn't warming to him. What more did he have to do, he wondered. She was so painfully shy and quiet, when he spoke a little too loud she flinched. It was maddening. And, of course, he hadn't had the distraction of Caroline to help him forget his painful fate.

Miss Caroline Forbes. Her name suited her perfectly, and he hated to admit he had thought of her often over the past weeks. He told himself it was only because she'd interrupted him, and now he longed to finish what he had started, with or without her permission, he thought darkly. He wanted her, and he was accustomed to getting what he wanted, however instinct told him this girl may be the exception. Determined to put the whole episode behind him, he had wasted no time lately, indulging his passions, drinking, gambling and visiting brothels, all without attracting the notice of his father. However, he had lost count of the number of women he had woken up with these past weeks, and was struck by their resemblance to her in the light of day. Was he choosing them? Or them him? He couldn't quite remember. It all muddled into one.

"The Pierces and Miss Forbes" a servant announced from the door and he stood slowly, feeling anticipation rise in him. And all of a sudden, they were there and she was smiling, bobbing in front of his brothers, and being introduced to his father. He hung back and, after encountering a dark look from his father, made sure to greet Elena first and foremost. As conversation swirled, genuine laughter exchanged, he felt himself start to relax, tonight would be a pleasant evening and he would find some time to speak to Caroline alone and make sure she'd forgiven him.

Drinks and canapes were served and Caroline, engaged in conversation with Elijah, realised she had missed some of the Mikaelsons after all.

"Our company has been greatly reduced without you, so I am very glad to see you so recovered." he said and she smiled

"Lord Elijah, you flatter me. I am sure the Miss Pierces have kept you quite occupied." and watched as his mouth quirked a little.

"Well, one more than the other perhaps. Miss Elena is a wonderful model of good conduct in society" he said with obvious appreciation and Caroline agreed, turning they watched Elena standing dutifully at her mother's side, her eyes downcast and modest. Just then a loud laugh interrupted the conversation, and Caroline turned to see Katherine bent over, in a most unladylike way, laughing with Kol. Turning back to Elijah, she noticed his expression, and felt intrigued by it's intensity.

"Allow me to introduce you to our father, his Lordship Mikael Mikaelson." Elijah bring her over to the tall, forbidding looking man who was speaking to Mr and Mrs Pierce. She bobbed at the introduction and smiled pleasantly.

"Ah yes, the ward." he said, nicely enough, however Caroline fought down an instant feeling of dislike. He looked her over in a perfunctory way, before turning back to Mr Pierce to talk about business. He seemed a cold, hard man and she remembered Kol talking of his brother's difficulties in childhood. As Caroline listened to the small talk being exchanged, she noticed Rebekah standing, quietly to a side, studying her glass of Champagne. Excusing herself, she approached the female Mikaelson and smiled.

"May I join you"

"I can't stop you" the blonde said quietly, and Caroline wondered what could possibly make someone so beautiful and privileged, so unhappy.

"Well your attitude certainly can. That wasn't very nice" Caroline scolded, shocked at her own boldness, and watched as surprised dawned on Rebekah's features.

"I'm sorry, I suppose it wasn't. I'm not much used to company." She said indicating for Caroline to sit beside her on the divan.

"I'm sure your brothers are beating callers away with a stick." Caroline said kindly and saw a small smile appear on Rebekah's face.

"Well, I wouldn't be so sure. I rarely receive callers" she said after a pause, and looked up at Caroline, with a slightly challenging look on her face. Caroline decided to to be honest with her.

"Neither do I. In fact, I do believe I have never received someone calling for just myself, though I am often allowed to be present when callers come for Katherine and Elena." as her words she saw the defensive look on Rebekah's face soften slightly and she even gave her a little smile, it was a sunrise.

"Well, we may have more in common than I'd thought, Miss Forbes."

"Please, call me Caroline"

"Caroline, and I am just Rebekah." she said her smile warming in each moment.

"My brother told me that we could be good friends. I'm sorry I didn't believe him." Caroline felt her heart beat a little faster at that confession.

" Which brother?" Caroline asked lightly

"Kol" Rebekah replied and Caroline's heart calmed, and frustration followed. Why should her heart beat faster when she thought of him? She felt wretched and confused. He scared her, yet... when he looked at her, her heart beat faster. It was impossible to explain. She knew he was in the room, however she had yet to look directly at him, and planned to avoid doing so for as long as possible. She could her his low voice, laughing and talking in that distinctive rumble.

Just then, a servant appeared with a bell, announcing dinner. Rebekah stood quickly, waiting for Caroline, her sweet smile still in place.

"Come, we shall sit together at dinner and ignore everyone else!" she said impishly, leading the way through to the dining room, as the only female Mikaelson. As they approached the table, Caroline could see Rebekah giving quick instructions to the servers, and realised she was urging an impromptu rearranging of the seating. Caroline fought a smile, Rebekah was obviously used to getting her own way in this house.

As the ladies stepped forward to their seats, the servants pulling them out, Caroline was beside Kol on one side and across from Katherine. She felt someone approach her chair from behind her, and her neck prickled in that familiar way it seemed prone to whenever he was near.

"Miss Forbes" his words ice down her spine, and her hands clenched in her lap. Next thing he was there, sitting beside her, his arm brushing hers, as he waited for her to acknowledge him. Lifting her glass to her lips, she sipped some water, taking a steadying breath. Preparing to meet his gaze, she turned just in time to see Rebekah bearing down on her brother.

"Nik, I shall sit beside Miss Forbes. You must sit near Miss Pierce." she said pleasantly, in a tone that brooked no disagreement. Klaus clenched his hand, realising there was no way to remark on Rebekah's improper seating change without embarrassing her, looked to Caroline, who had finally met his eyes. She was so close... and so beautiful.

"Niklaus..." Rebekah urged. Tearing his eyes away, he looked to his sister, most adored, whom he could never deny anything and smiled.

"Of course, sister." standing he waited for Rebekah to sit and pushed her chair in himself, walking to the top of the table to sit near Elena, her parent's and his father. He caught a look from Mikael as he sat and realised that the small exchange had not gone unnoticed. Glancing back down, he saw Caroline and his sister laughing, and realised how relieved she seemed that he hadn't sat beside her. The thought made him more uncomfortable than he liked.

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