The Devil In Me

Por elizpua

64.9K 2K 1K

This is AU as the original family do not have any supernatural abilities, though that will not stop them from... Mais

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 1

3.5K 76 35
Por elizpua


"Pull harder!" Katherine exclaimed as she leant forward, holding on the the bed post tightly, bracing herself for the next tug. Caroline grasped the strings more tightly, then placing her foot on the small of her friend's back, she pulled with all her might. The fine boned corset was made of a pale, creamy satin, edged with lace.

"Ooff!" Katherine gasped as the last remaining air left her lungs. Straightening slowly she went to the mirror and turned to the side, slipping a measuring ribbon around her slender waist, smiled in satisfaction.

"Happy?" Caroline said as she sat down on the bed, tired by her efforts, she flopped back and gazed at the ceiling. She heard Katherine's dress rustling as she moved around, slipping on soft gloves and checking her hair in the looking glass.

"Finally. Though, I do not know why you like to make it seem so hard" Katherine said, arching an eyebrow at her friend lying exhausted on the bed. Caroline snorted.

"How ladylike" Katherine teased "You're lucky that Lady Ann wasn't here to witness it. They already think we are crass enough."

"Yeah, well, she probably shouldn't witness your unique ability to empty the sugar plum tray when it passes" Caroline said, rolling over to look at her friend, looking at Katherine's nipped in waist.

"I'm never wearing one of those. The new styles don't require them, and I much prefer the more modern gowns."

"Well, you know mother. She thinks London is the centre of the world, and what ever the fashionable young ladies here wear, is correct, even if what you say is true. Mother won't believe it until she sees it on some suitably uptight, entitled English girl." Katherine muttered, pulling some curling locks down from either side of her pinned hair.

"Well, luckily for me, your mother doesn't mind much about what I wear" Caroline said happily, standing and coming to help her friend with hair.

"She does care... she just can't see past marrying off Elena and I. Once that is settled, she'll turn her full focus on you, and then you'll be sorry" Katherine grinned at Caroline.

"Yes, but I would like to get married before I reach my fiftieth year" teased Caroline. They both turned as the door open, emitting Elena. She rushing in, looking a little scared, and closed the door in a rush, leaning against it with her eyes closed.

"Mother is in such a temper today, I don't know what to do with her. She has been so strict on me all morning, watching my lessons." Elena shuddered, and Katherine shrugged and turned back to the mirror

"Don't let it bother you little sister, mother must have someone to tell off, it makes her feel complete." she said lightly and Caroline was struck as always, by the difference in the sisters.

Identical twins, they both shared the same beautiful features, large dark eyes, glowing skin and long silky locks. However, you need only know them a day to see the resemblance ended there. Katherine was loud and outgoing, confident to a fault and a constant headache to her parents. She loved to have fun and to make mischief. She rarely studied during her lessons, always ran off at any given opportunity. Caroline loved them both with all her heart, but Katherine could be a test to anyone's patience. Elena was the opposite, and only tested Caroline's heart, as it felt for her, the girl was prone to nerves and had very delicate sensitivities. Elena felt the plight of every one in the city who they walked past on their outings, she would give the very shoes off her own feet to the match girl who stood on the corner of their road if Caroline did not prevent her.

Elena took every word that their bossy mother said to heart, and tried time and time again to please her. Isobel Pierce was a vain woman, who longed for nothing more than to see her daughters married into aristocracy, simply so she could write home to her friends in Virginia about it. Caroline immediately felt bad for thinking of such things, when the Pierce's had been so kind as to take her in. Her own mother and Isobel had been childhood friends, and Caroline knew it had been Isobel who had insisted to her husband John Pierce, that Caroline become part of their family. They had even promised her the sum of her parent's estate, which had passed to them when they took up her guardianship, to be given as a dowry when she married. Though, from the state of things lately, Caroline had seriously began to doubt when that might happen.

Shaking such thoughts away, she went to Elena's side and grasped her hand, shocked to feel it trembling slightly. She led her to the bed, and helped her lie back on the pillows. She went to the wash stand and poured some cool water from the pitcher that stood there. In a large porcelain bowl, she added a few drops of oil, which her friend Bonnie had made her into the water. It smelled wonderful, and tinged the water a soft blue colour. Dipping a cloth into the mixture she returned to Elena's side, squeezing it out she put it over her hot forehead. Elena sighed as the cool water touched her, and squeezed her friend's hand in gratitude.

"Well, how do I look?" Katherine asked, twirling around in from of them, showing off her new dress, which Caroline knew had cost the earth. It was creamy, with broad blue stripes, a nipped in waist and a full skirt. She looked lovely, but Caroline couldn't help but think that the style was a little out of date.

"Disreputable" Caroline replied wryly as Katherine dabbed a little too much tint on her lips, and smiled at her reflection.

"Exactly what I was going for" smiling wickedly, she swept out the room and downstairs to meet whatever poor chap Isobel had come up with for her to take tea with. Caroline watched the closed door a while, rewetting the compress now and again, and finally felt Elena drift off to sleep.

Getting up quietly she went to the dressing table and began to put away Katherine's powders and rouges, all the little pots and brushes that were usually left out, then carelessly lost. Sitting on the brocaded stool, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She was the light to their darkness in looks, with her features reflecting a true opposite of the twins. Her hair pale as the moon, as well as her skin. Her eyes, a deep blue to their brown. She wondered if Isobel would really help her to find a husband once her daughters were married, or if it was a futile hope. She would never stop being grateful for the life they'd given her. The chance to come to England and the chance to have real sisters. But, in that tiny, dark part of her heart where she kept the memories of her family, she longed to know what it felt like to have a mother fussing over your studies, choosing dresses with you, trying to find a husband for you, and a father who decided if a young man was good enough for his daughter, she smiled at the thought of that.

Rising she cast a last glance at Elena, then quietly opened the door. Deciding to go to the library, and continue her study of French in preparation for her lesson tomorrow, well, Elena and Katherine's lesson, she started down the elegant stairs to the lower level.

They were living in an elegant townhouse, right in the fashionable heart of London. It was beautifully decorated and contained not only one, but two drawing rooms, to Isobel's delight. The parlour was to the back, and used exclusively for the family, and it separated Mr Pierce's study from the dining room, which connected to one of the drawing rooms. It was toward the study that Caroline now went, and waiting outside she knocked softly. Since there was no answer, she carefully opened the door and entered. It was quite empty and she went quickly to the section of wall lined with books.

Searching for the title she was looking for, she slid out the volume, just as she heard voices coming toward the door. They seemed to stop just outside. Suddenly trapped, Caroline could do nothing but wait, or rush to the door and announce her presence. Starting forward, she stopped again in shock as she realised what was being discussed.

"It is for the best John. She is old enough to marry, and with her disposition, she will never attract the attention of anyone on her own. With her marrying into that family, I pray it will throw Katherine into the path of other eligible men."

"But, why not Katherine? She is hardly so so shy and timid as Elena, surely she would make a better wife for him."
"Katherine will never do it. You know that. She is so foolhardy, so... stubborn. I'm not quite sure where she gets it from."

"Indeed." Mr Pierce said dryly. Caroline, frozen in the middle of the room, realised that they were coming in, and she had already heard too much. Twirling she ran over to the window, where lifting back the curtain was relieved to see a small candle alcove there, pressing herself into it, she let the heavy velvet drapes fall over her, wrinkling her nose agains the urge to sneeze as the material tickled her face.

The door opened, and their voices got louder as they moved into the room.

"My dear, I fear offending your sensibilities, but I cannot warn you enough against this match. The things I have heard about his man are not for a woman's ears. But please believe me, he could crush our daughter. He is no gentlemen." Mr Pierce warned, sinking into his desk chair and watching his wife shake her head stubbornly.

"He is a Mikaelson. That's all that matters. She will have the name she needs to truly be accepted in society. To be invited to all the right balls and onto all the right committees, she never needs to feel the pain of being cut in public, or waiting for invitations that never arrive." Isobel's voice trailed off, and even Caroline behind the curtain could hear her pain.

"I'm sorry my love" John said quietly, coming around the table to his wife and putting his arms around her.

"I'm sorry you have suffered, because of me." he pressed a kiss into her forehead. Isobel pulled back and looked up at him.

"Do not be ridiculous. I could never have been without you. But that doesn't mean we can't do our best for our daughters. All the Ton stories are exaggerated. I have met his sister, and she is a fine and respectable woman. If he really is as bad as you say, then our daughter wouldn't be burdened with his presence often, but she would be part of their family and treated like them. Please, my dear dear husband... I know I am right about this." she spoke with such conviction, even Caroline felt the need to agree with her.

"I shall meet with his father tomorrow then, as you ask. After that I shall tell you my decision" he came to an abrupt stop as a loud crash sounded from another room.

"What in God's name?" My Pierce said as he started out the door, Isobel hurrying after them. Caroline took the opportunity to slip out the door and avoid the commotion in the drawing room, where servants were now hurrying with buckets of water. Katherine was coming out off the room, her new dress spoiled by a black scorch mark down the front. The young man she was entertaining was making for the door hastily, whilst Katherine's chaperon directed the men with the water. Isobel was scolding Katherine, as John went into the room to check the damage.

"I just wanted to see why men love smoking pipes so much... I must saw, it tastes truly awful" Katherine was exclaiming as Isobel's face looked likely to burst.

Turning Caroline hurried to the kitchen's in search of her friend. The Bennets had been in service of the Pierce family for as long as anyone could remember. Bonnie had also grown up with Elena, Katherine and then Caroline when she came to live with them. Caroline had heard people whisper about her behind her back sometimes, that she could do strange things, that sometimes strange things happened when she was around, the word witch had been used. But Caroline dismissed it as jealousy of her higher position. Bonnie and all her family were healers, and as such enjoyed a privileged position in the household.

Bonnie's grandmother Sheila had had the gift of healing, and had kept the Pierce family well for many years, and she had welcomed Elena and Katherine into the world and helped Isobel through their difficult birth. When she had finally died at a very advanced age, the family had looked to her daughter, Abby to carry on the tradition, but Abby hadn't wanted to stay in service. As a final mark of respect to Sheila, John had given Abby money, money enough for her own life and let her go. They had though that had been the end of the Bennet/Pierce union. Then, when the girls were younger, Elena, timid even then, had suffered a terrible affliction. For weeks the doctors had come to and from the house at all hours of the night, bleeding her, giving her vapours, compresses and vile smelling concoctions, but she had only grown worse. Her fragile spirit not strong enough to fight back. There came a very dark night, when Elena's fever raged, and her body, weakened by the bleeding started to shut down. The household was still, servants and family alike united in their pain for the kind hearted young woman who always treated them so well. A loud banging at the door had surprised everyone from their silent vigil, and Mr Pierce himself had run to answer. Standing on his doorstep was a young girl, not much different from his own daughters' age. She wore tattered clothes, and did not seem to notice the cold, but it was her eyes that held him. They blazed with strength and conviction and he had simply watched her walk into his house, too stunned and grieving to stop her.

"John! Elena! No! My sweet, precious girl!" Isobel's voice rent the air from upstairs and John had felt his world collapse. Turning he ran up the stairs, his eyes blind to the servants who lined the stairs, hats in hands, some with tears falling down their cheeks.

Entering the room, he saw his wife, falling down, screaming, Caroline holding her back from the bed, the doctor, the best doctor in all of Virginia placing his tools in his bag. He saw Katherine, her face stone, settling onto the bed beside her sister, wrapping her arms around her still body, speaking to her softly, he saw it all at once, falling to his knees as though someone had struck him through the heart. Then he had seen her, the girl from the street enter the room. Coming from behind him, she slowly made her way toward the bed. Her face was serene as she knelt down beside his daughters. Katherine had looked at her blankly, her face beyond any emotion. The girl had picked up Elena's limp hand, interlacing their fingers. Then Katherine's. She had closed her eyes, and spoken too softly to catch, then she had whispered a question to Katherine, it seemed, as Katherine had looked her sister, her face overflowing with love for her, and nodded. The girl had then joined Elena's and Katherine's hands.

"What are you doing?" Isobel had asked, coming out of her stupor, and stepping toward the girl, her voice unsure. There was something so familiar about her. Isobel had pulled the girl up from the bed and grabbed her by the shoulders,

"Who are you?" her voice breaking with pain.

"Mother?" a quiet voice had asked from the bed, and every eye turned toward Katherine and Elena. Katherine had wrapped her arms around her sister shoulders, their hands were entwined, and to his utter disbelief, John saw Elena's eyes flutter open. With a cry Isobel had fallen to her daughter's bedside, pulling her close, quickly followed by John. The entire household was in an uproar, there was crying and shouting, and in the commotion, John had suddenly realised he had not thanked the girl, or even asked her name. Pushing himself from the bed, he ran downstairs after her. She was at the door, when he reached her, and he had stopped behind her, catching his voice before he began to speak.

"How can I ever thank you? You have done my family the greatest service, anything you want. It's yours." As he looked at her, he realised how young she was.

"Are you alone? Where are your parents" he asked gently

"They died." she said shortly, and he couldn't help feeling as though she was testing him in some way.

"I am sorry. I wish there was something I could do for you, to repay the debt we owe you. Tell me, what is your name?"

"It is Bonnie. Bonnie Bennet."

John Pierce was a man of science, and of industry. He believed in rational and careful thinking, and had build his fortune on logical and sound decisions, but, in that instant he had known that Sheila's spirit had brought the little girl to their door, and that he was to take care of her.

Bonnie never even went back to where ever she'd been calling home, but stayed with them from that night. She was a powerful healer, and had become very close to the girls and when they had decided to come to England she had elected to go with them.

"Katherine's misbehaving again I see" Bonnie announced as Caroline found her in her favourite nook in the kitchen, reading her Grandmother's medicine journal and making a list of herbs.

"Can she do anything else?" Caroline laughed as she sat across from her, her lighthearted laughter dying as she remembered the conversation in the study. Bonnie glanced up at her friend's face and sighed.
"Something bothers you?" she asked, and listened quietly as Caroline repeated the conversation she'd heard. Once she'd finished Bonnie sat back, her face clouded with worry.

"Do you know who they could be talking about."

"I have an idea, but I hope I'm wrong" Bonnie muttered, going over to the wood pile in the kitchen. There beside a stack of carefully cut wood, was the remains of the society pages, which had been ironed before being read by Isobel, they were waiting here to get the stove started on cold mornings. Her nimble fingers picking through them, pulling one out, she carried it over to Caroline, turning to a page within.

"Here" she indicated a paragraph, and waited as Caroline read it. Her eyes skimming over the smudged words, Caroline's eyebrows rose higher and higher, until she finished, dropping the paper to her knee.

"This cannot be true. Elena's parents would never allow it. He sounds like a devil."

"Yes, he does, doesn't he" Bonnie agreed, picking up the paper.

"I have to warn Elena" Caroline said as she stood quickly, but was stopped by Bonnie.

"Don't tell her yet. You will just worry her. You said Lord John had not decided yet. Wait until after he meets his father tomorrow. I will try to have them sample my special tea, and retain their teacups afterwards." Caroline shivered slightly as she thought of Bonnie's strange ability to know about you, from the leftover leaves in your teacup.

"Very well. I'll come and find you tomorrow."

That night Caroline slept badly, and dreamed of Elena running through dark streets, being pursued by someone, or something terrible. In her dream, Caroline was responsible for Elena's safety and she was trying to lead her out of the darkness, but everywhere they turned walls sprang up, blocking their escape.

At breakfast she was quiet, the girls their usual selves and Isobel was in a very bright mood. Katherine, happy her mother had forgiven her so easily, chattered away, and left Caroline to her thoughts in peace.

At 10a.m a carriage arrived at the door and a man emerged. All Caroline saw of him was his black walking cane, with his closed, hard hand clasped around it as he came toward the house, and Isobel shooed them away from the window.

"I wonder who that could be!" Katherine mused, trying to see through a crack in the drawing room door.

"Probably just one of father's business acquaintances." Elena said, looking back at her book. Caroline's heart clenched, thinking how Elena would react if she knew her fate was being decided in the next room.

Once the carriage had gone, Caroline went back to the kitchen's and waited to catch Bonnie alone again. Finally they found some time, and sneaked upstairs to Bonnie's room. She was the only member of staff that had her own room. Sitting on the bed, she pulled out the delicate, bone china cup which had been hidden in the depths of her long skirt.

Setting it on the bed, she took some deep breaths, and looked in the depths of the cup. Caroline waited patiently. Bonnie stared hard, a frown crossing her brow. Caroline started to fidget, and watched as Bonnie continued to be completely lost in the empty cup. As more time passed, Caroline started to feel worried about her friend, and slowly reaching out to touch her arm. As her fingers connected, Bonnie suddenly looked up with a start and a gasp, the cup falling to the floor.

"What's wrong! Bonnie, what did you see?" Caroline asked as Bonnie ran her hands through her hair and massaged her temples.

"He is the one. We were right." She muttered, standing to pace around the room, still looking unsettled.

"Well, what's he like?" Caroline prodded

"He is... wrong. There is something wrong with him. He is only half a man. His father, his father has a black soul, darker than any I've ever seen. Just now I felt as though I was looking into the very depths of..." Bonnie trailed off, lost in thought.

"Depths of what!" Caroline said again, growing more and more frightened.

"Evil" Bonnie whispered, meeting her friend's eyes. Caroline looked at her shocked, before taking a breath and reasoning.

"Right, well, it's not the father Elena may be betrothed to though. What about the son?"

"His name is Niklaus and his father hates him, with a fury I've never seen before, only surpassed by his own fury, his own hatred, for himself." Bonnie finished and Caroline sat back with a deep breath. This was worse than she had expected.

"But, we don't know what Lord John will decide." Caroline reasoned, trying to lighten the mood.

"Lord John will say yes."

"What! We have to go to him, tell him what you saw... he'll believe you" Caroline said.

"No, he won't. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Elena will be betrothed to him, but she will never marry him." Bonnie said calmly and watched as Caroline relaxed.

"Well, you could have started with that! Thank goodness. Wait, that not because something bad happens to her, is it?" Caroline asked suddenly.

"No, she is destined for happiness. Don't worry about her" Bonnie said, smiling sadly at Caroline, before gathering her into a hug that surprised her.





When Klaus came to, he felt the previous day's excesses weigh down on him instantly. His mouth tasted of cigars and whiskey. His eyes felt like sandpaper, and his body hurt all over. Opening his eyes in the dim light, he became aware of the female smell in the room. Like all ladies boudoirs it shared a childish, girlish fragrance of flowers, so nauseatingly sweet, his stomach turned. It also smelled of talcs and powders, and all the other things the ladies of the ton seemed to think men found attractive. Then, he though wryly as he turned and looked at Olivia, a beautiful redhead sleeping naked beside him, why wouldn't they? Men hardly gave any indication of their true desires with their wives, never mind their mistresses or lovers.

Wives... at the thought, his hangover increased in force. He recalled the talk with his father that had led him here.

"You will court her, propose to her by all means, but it has already been decided between her father and I. You are to marry Lady Elena Pierce. Our families combined, will be a powerful union. Their money and American connections, our name and land. You will please me, if you do this, boy." Klaus had sat, his head in his hands, trying to comprehend what his father was telling him. He was getting married. To someone he hadn't met.

"Father, I can't just marry her because our family interests will be well looked after surely?" He ground out in as reasonable tone as he could manage.

"Niklaus, have you ever done anything for our family? Ever benefitted it in some way? I think not. You have been nothing but a drain, and an expensive and embarrassing one at that."

"But -"

"You dare to interrupt me boy!" Mikael's roar snapped Klaus's head up and he saw the violence on his father's face.

"You bring disgrace to our family with every breath. Do you want your sister to be spinster? For no man will approach her with the reputation you have given our family" Klaus dropped his head back into his hands, guilt filling his heart, quickly followed by anger.

"Why do you hate me so?" he said quietly, and waited as Mikael composed himself and sat behind his desk, turning his attention to his correspondence before him.

"I do not hate you boy. I feel nothing for you." he said cruelly, watching as his words made Klaus's hands tighten into fists.

"Why me? Why not Kol or Elijah? They would make a better husband than I" he tried one last time to appeal to the impassable man who sat across from him.

"Do you really think I'd let my own flesh and blood marry some new money husband hunter, who they have no genuine feelings for? What kind of father would that make me?" he smiled sadistically at the boy in front of him, enjoying every second of his misery.

"Now, get out. I've work to do. Tomorrow, you shall call on Miss Pierce." and he dismissed him with a glance, completely confident his son would do whatever he asked.

Dragging himself out of bed, her threw off the clinging satin sheets with distain. Searching on the floor, he dragged on his breeches, his undershirt and waist coat, he then considered tying his cravat, but decided he didn't care who saw him in his state of undress. People already expected the worst of him, why spoil their expectations. He sat to pull on his long boots, one by one, and suddenly felt female hands, with long nails like talons reaching into his hair. He jerked away from her and stood, collecting his personal items from the nightstand.

"Niklaus, why are you leaving so soon... my husband won't be home for hours" she simpered, pouting all the while. Klaus fought down another wave of hangover, and the revulsion he now felt looking at Olivia as she started to slip hands down her body, looking up at him, coyly, though he knew what an act that was. She was anything but coy.

"Please – do not embarrass yourself. Let us forget this indiscretion." he said curtly reaching down for his overcoat. As he swung it over his shoulder, Olivia made another play, this time by standing up, naked in front of him, and pressing her soft body against his, looking up with desire laden eyes.

A flash of anger shot through him, as he grabbed her arm whilst she attempted to pull his head down to hers. Jerking her close to him, he leaned in and spoke in a voice that was completely devoid of feeling.

"Touch me again, whore, and it'll be the last thing you do" he warned, enjoying the fear in her eyes for a moment, squeezing her arm, hard enough to mark, then threw her roughly back on the bed.

"You are inhuman!" she gasped, tears starting to fall. Whirling around, he left the room, hearing a bottle smash behind him as she threw it at his departing back.

"Missed!" he called grimly as he swept out of the wide front door, passed startled looking servants and onto the morning streets of London.

He walked with his head bent, avoiding curious looks. This would hardly damage his reputation, in fact it would probably only make him more popular. He wondered what it was with women, who liked men who would hurt them, then brushed away the darker thought... that he was that kind of man. The bright sunlight on the fresh May morning pierced his skull, making his head throb. He thought of all the awful things he'd been called over the years, the tears he'd caused, the heartbreak and hurt. He deserved it all. In some ways, he really was his Mikael's son.






I have a small note to add on character roles, that I didn't want to put at the start.

As related to Bonnie, I really struggled over how to include her in the story, in a way that was realistic to the times, yet not offending anyone. I love Bonnie and wanted her to be in my story, so I found, hopefully, a special role for her, and I have a lot planned for her character.

So... there's the first chapter, and I am actually quite nervous! I have already mapped it out, as a quite long and complicated story, and as I'm on holiday now I am hoping to devote a lot of writing time to it, posting a couple of times a week. No Klaroline in this one, it's more of a scene setter - but there next few chapters are already finished, just being edited, so... if you take a wee second to drop me a review... I'll definitely be putting up asap!

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