Fantastic Beasts One-Shots

Oleh Newtinalover

30.8K 924 1K

Pretty much exactly what the title says. I'll be writing some Fantastic Beasts One-Shots about Newtina, Jakwe... Lebih Banyak

Welcome fellow Fangirls
My Rosebud Boy
Meet the Parents
You will be Found
A Day at the Beach
How to Train your Creature: Part 1
How to Train your Creature: Part 2
How to Train your Creature: Part 3
May I?
Aloha wau iā ʻoe
There May Be Something There That Wasn't There Before...
Stay with me: Part 1
Stay with me: Part 2
Happy Birthday Tina
Drunk on Love
Beauty and the Beast AU: Part 1
Beauty and the Beast AU: Part 2
Mosquito Bites and Sleeping Bags
Under the Sea: Part 1
Under the Sea: Part 2
Chocolate Cake and Children

A Night of Many Surprises

1K 26 75
Oleh Newtinalover

Gerald and Emily attend a charity ball run by Gerald's father to inform him of their engagement. 

And, as the title reveals, the night follows with many surprises


"Attention all passengers, last stop is Paddington Station. I repeat last stop Paddington Station."

Joan looked up from her magazine as the Muggles surrounding her began to get ready to board off the locomotive. 

"Now arriving at... Paddington Station." 

The witch shoved her magazine into her bag and stood up with the rest of them. This was her stop. 

As the train doors swooshed open, she quickly made her way to the small cafe shop where she was to be meeting.

Briskly, Joan pushed the cafe doors open, inhaling the sweet smell of coffee and tea bags, while hastily looking around the coffee shop. 

As soon as her eyes caught sight of a beaming woman with bright red auburn hair and sparking brown eyes, Joan began to scream her head off, evidently startling the patrons in the cafe. 

She rushed towards the witch and squeezed her arms tightly around her best friend. "Holy Rabies Emily! I can't believe you're getting married! This is SO EXCITING I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" The dark skinned, brown haired witch cried out in joy. 

Emily laughed and hugged her friend tightly "Thank you for coming Joan, I know you were having a rough week but I just really wanted to tell you in person!" she said, her smile large and sincere. 

The two women took their seats at the table and Joan immediately got to interrogating "Okay, tell me everything. Did he get down on one knee? Was it romantic? Did he tell you I knew about the whole thing? Cause I did."

"Yes. Yes. And no, really? You knew about it?"

"Duh. I saw him buy the ring in Diagon Alley. He was blushing and being all sweet it was adorable." Joan said as the waiter walked up to the two "I'll have a black coffee please, and a muffin."

Emily smiled at the thought of her boyfri- fiance, she was still having trouble wrapping her head around the reality that the two of them in a short months time were going to be married for merlin's sake. 

She couldn't think of anyone but him she would rather spend the rest of her life with. 

"So," she prompted as Joan took a sip of her coffee "Another reason I wanted to talk to you is to ask if you would have the honour of being one of my bridesmaids."

 Joan's eyes grew wide and watery "M-me?" she asked. 

Emily laughed "Of course silly. You're my best friend and I'd love it if you would be up there with me and Gerald." 

Joan broke out into a smile "Oh Em... thank you I would love that." the two women embraced before going back to their wedding talk. 

"Oh by the way, how's your mum doing?"

Emily smiled "Better. Much better. In fact she's coming home from St Mungo's this afternoon. I'm heading over there later to help her unpack."

"Aw that's great. I don't know what would happen if we would've lost her."

"Amen to that." Emily said clinking mugs with the witch beside her as they chattered on for the rest of the morning.


"Alright Mrs. Scamander, you're free to go."

Tina smiled gratefully as she and her husband signed the last of the release papers and bundled up their things. 

"It's certainly a relief to be going home now," Tina remarked as her faithful husband helped her out of bed. "I missed the house and the creatures. Although the food here is surprisingly good. Better than ours at least." 

Newt laughed and kissed her forehead "I'm sure mother will have dropped off some leftovers for us." he said reassuringly. "All set?"

"You know I am." And the two whisked away back to their beloved cottage home in Dorset.


Tina smiled as she looked around at the old place. "Aw, it's like I never left." she said sentimentally brushing her hand over the sleek kitchen table. 

A knock from the door interrupted the couple's thoughts. "Ah that must be Em," Newt deducted walking over to the door and smiling as he saw his grown up daughter standing on the front porch. 

"Hey dad!" she said cheerfully hugging her father hello and walking into her childhood home. "Where's mum?"

"Caressing the furniture." he said deadpan as the two of them walked into the kitchen, earning a smack from Tina 

"What?!" he asked laughing. 

Emily tumbled into her mother's arms "You doing alright mum?" she asked. 

Tina smiled "Better, now that you're here." the american witch confessed planting a kiss on her daughter's head. 

"Now c'mon, I wanna see that engagement ring." she said taking her daughter's hand and observing the ring. 

"Oh honey it's beautiful,"

"He certainly has good taste." Newt remarked bending over the woman's heads to get a closer look. 

"I still can't believe you're getting married Em," he said with a sigh. 

The female magizoologist nodded "It almost seems like some sort of wonderful dream..." she confessed happily turning to her mother "Did you feel the same when Dad asked you to marry him Mum?" she asked curiously. 

Tina shook her head "To be honest Em, I thought he'd never ask." she said laughing 

"Now c'mon lets eat, Hazel sent over some food and I'm starving."


Emily was in her office signing some paperwork when she heard a knock from her door. 

"Come in," she said absentmindedly, eyes scanning through the important documents in front of her. 

The door opened and closed, a man cleared his voice before speaking "How is it possible you grow more beautiful each passing day?" 

Emily smiled, raising her eyes from her paperwork. 

She would know that voice anywhere. 

"Smooth talker." she said rolling her eyes fondly, her smile blooming as Gerald made his way to her desk, leaning over her and planting a soft kiss on her lips. 

"I missed you," he said exhaling pecking her head with small light kisses. 

Emily closed her eyes contently and leaned into his touch "Me too, how about we go out somewhere tonight? Eat dinner and maybe talk more about what on earth are we going to do for this wedding." 

Her fiance's lips curled sheepishly "I was actually thinking about... a party?"

"Oh? Who's?"

"My father. He's hosting some sort of charity ball at the manor, I'll be expected to be there, and so will my whole family. I was thinking perhaps we could break the news to them there." he explained glancing at Emily, searching her face for approval. 

"I know you dislike these sorts of social events Em, but it'll be good. My father will be sure to be on his best behaviour that night. And-"



Emily smiled and took his hands "Let's do it."

Gerald beamed and pressed his lips against hers for a second time "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," she replied "But you need to get out of here before my boss catches us and fires me. I'll see you there at eight."

Gerald nodded quickly and stood up "Right, eight."


Queenie Kowalski was busy cooking when her niece arrived. "It's open honey," she called out before the young Scamander had a chance to knock. 

"Hey Aunt Queenie," Emily greeted the blonde witch with a smile "Listen I need your help," 

Turning away from the kitchen counter, Queenie beamed "Oh honey of course! Do I have just the dress for you!"


Gerald was nervously pacing in his childhood bedroom, dressed in his finest tux but sweating profusely. 

He was positive his family would immediately approve of Emily, his father on the other hand... well, he wasn't so certain. 

Then again his father normally didn't approve of any decision Gerald made so why this would be any different he had no clue. 

His father had scoffed at Gerald's plea to attend Hogwarts instead of the all boy school of Durmstrang, laughed when he had told his father of his dreams of becoming a journalist, and slapped him for not making valedictorian at his graduation. 

His father was not a nice man, Gerald knew this quite well. But nonetheless, he was still his father, and he deserved to know about his marriage.

"Young Master Peakes?"

The small House Elf standing by the door broke Gerald out of his train of thought as he turned to the hunched creature "Two young ladies are here to see you young master," 

Gerald took a deep breath, glanced one last time at his suit, and nodded his head towards the Elf "Thank you Idelwalz." he said making his way out towards the front door where Joan and Emily were waiting. 

As soon as his eyes set of Emily his heart almost stopped and the world around him fell silent. 

She was radiant. 

Emily was wearing a dark green emerald evening dress, her usually messy and long locks tied up in a loose bun and small touches of makeup to enhance her shimmering brown eyes. 

Emily flashed her eyes towards Gerald before looking down, shy and nervous of the way he was gaping at her. 

"Well?" she asked anxiously as he came closer "Do I look okay?" Gerald remained silent with his mouth hanging open. "Gerald?"

"I think you broke him Em," Joan said followed by an outburst of laughter "Oh he is so far gone this one."

"Gerald? Talk to me alright are you feeling ill?"

Her soft voice broke him out of his trance as he began to stutter "No... no not ill just.. Just I... wow Em..." he said breathlessly 

"You look gorgeous..." 

The witch smiled shyly, blushing a little. "You clean up nice yourself you know," she admitted gesturing to his tuxedo. 


"So Gerald," Joan interrupted craning her head towards the ballroom entrance 

"Two questions for you. One, is that the famous historian Ross Kalding? And two, is he single?" 

The young man laughed "Only the best for you Joan," he replied humorously, leading the two women into the ballroom.


The party was in full swing when the three of them walked in. 

Dozens of smartly dressed wizards and elegant witches were mingling around the grand area and chattering quietly about politics and money. 

Joan showed the shaking woman a quick thumbs up, mouthing you got this, before making her way over to the desserts. 

Emily took a deep breath, clutched tightly to her fiance's arm, and smiled. 

She could be brave for one night. 

"Oh. My. Merlin. GERALD YOU HANDSOME BOY GIVE YOUR AUNTIE ALMA A SMOOCH!" Emily laughed slightly as a large woman dressed in a bright obnoxiously pink evening gown with a red feather boa and an overwhelming amount of makeup on her face. 

Gerald grinned embarrassed, "It's so good to see you Auntie." she said bending over to peck the old woman on the cheek. 

The loud woman smiled warmly "Oh Gerald you've grown into such an attractive young man. You get that from your mother's side you know," she said squeezing his hands 

"With a body like that I do hope you've managed to snag a woman." the old woman vocalized loudly and frankly. 

Gerald blushed and turned to Emily, "Actually Auntie... I have, I'd like you to meet Emily Scamander. Em this is my Aunt Alma."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Emily said kindly sticking out her hand. 

The elderly woman shook it with a thoughtful smile "Scamander... Scamander... You wouldn't happen to be related to a Hazel Scamander would you dear?"

"Why yes, she's my grandmother, do you know her?"

"Let's be honest dearie who doesn't know Hazel? Now which one of her dashing son's is your father? Theseus Scamander? The war hero?"

"Ah no actually, Newt Scamander." Emily said proudly. 

Gerald's Aunt Alma snapped her fingers in recollection "Ah yes that's right! The author! Oh I did love his book, helped me with a little gnome problem I had a couple years ago in my garden. Very successful book. Have you- Dear Lord is that what I think it is?!" she said, eyes widening at the sight of the engagement ring on Emily's finger. 

Her eyes began to tear up and she quickly embraced the couple "Married! My little nephew is getting married! Oh where has the time gone I just can't believe it!" she cried out 

"When's the wedding? Have you told your father yet Gerald? How long have you two been engaged?!"

Gerald laughed "Calm down Auntie or you'll have a stroke," he reassured the old woman, sliding an arm around Emily's waist 

"I've only just proposed to her, and we still have to tell the rest of the family."

"Oh," Alma said with a giggle "Don't let me get in your way, I'm off to get some more champagne. Congratulations you two, Emily it was nice meeting you, I hope to see an invitation to your wedding arrive soon." 

And with a friendly wave she was off.


After many greetings, surprised gasps, handshakes, kisses and congratulations, Emily was exhausted. And dinner hadn't even been served yet! 

"You alright?" Gerald questioned her after they said goodbye to his twin cousins. She nodded her head and smiled "Just a little overwhelmed. I didn't realize you had such a large family."

"Neither did I," he confessed truthfully, "Most of these people I have never met in my life. I expect most of them are here for the party to show off their expensive jewelry and clothing." 

Suddenly, the band onstage began to play a beautiful ballroom ballad, sending couples all over the room to intertwine and sway along to the music. 

Looking around, Gerald's mouth curled up in a boyish grin as he bowed towards his fiance and said in a highly exaggerated fancy accent "Lady Scamander, may I have this dance?" 

Joining in on the fun, Emily curtseyed "Why of course Lord Peakes, I would be delighted." she said giggling happily as he placed one hand on her wait and the other entrapped in her right hand. 

The two waltzed around the room, quite enraptured with each other. 

Until another couple bumped into them and broke the spell. "Excuse us," Gerald apologized politely. 

The blonde woman nodded in his direction before facing her partner, and then doing a double take turning back to Gerald. 

Her eyes widening in surprise and lips parting into a smile "Wait a minute... Ger Ger?!

Both couples ceased their dancing as the two pairs took a closer look at one another. 

Emily's mouth dropped open. 



"Shirley?" Gerald asked, the blonde haired woman giggled happily, bounding into the man's arms 

"Oh my God Ger BEAR I can't believe it's you by gosh I haven't seen you since Hogwarts we simply MUST catch up sometime! How about tomorrow we meet up for dinner kay? It'll be a date just like back when we were teenagers right Gerry Berry?" she said laughing flirtatiously, treating Emily and her date like they weren't even there. 


Shirley looked over to Emily, her smile flitting into one of disbelief "No. Way. Emily Scamander? This is certainly a surprise. I had no idea this was your type of scene." Emily's old nemesis said with a short laugh that sounded a lot like an evil cackle. 

"Yeah, well. Surprise. Here I am."

Shirley laughed once more, her hand still resting on Gerald's chest. "Oh my gosh you are so funny! Seriously though why the hell are you still standing there, I'm busy catching up with my old friend." 

Emily gritted her teeth in frustration, before an idea popped into her head. She broke off into a large smile 

"Alright then," she said sweetly "I'll go, it was so nice talking to you Shirley." Emily held out her hand for the other woman to shake. 

Shirley's eyes bulged out in surprise and shock as she noticed the elegant diamond engagement ring on Emily's finger. 

The female magizoologist titterd in false astonishment "Oh, yes I almost forgot." she said "Gerald and I are engaged, we were going to tell you, honestly, but then we remembered, we don't care what you think. Now please remove your hands off my soon to be husband before you embarrass yourself even further." 

Slowly, the blonde haired witch slid her pink nail polished hands off of Gerald and went back her partner who, unfortunately for her, had walked away as she was flirting with Gerald. 

As she walked away, Gerald kissed Emily's cheek and smiled. "You." he said "Are amazing."


"Merlin's Beard I'm starving!" 

Joan remarked as the House Elf's began to carry over plates of food for the awaiting guests. "And I spoke to that historian bloke I mentioned earlier, he's in a relationship, but he said it's going rocky so who knows? I might have a chance." 

Emily smiled "Good for you Joan!"

"Excuse me," 

Gerald looked down to see Idelwalz looking up at him, the Elf's big bulging eyes nervous and anxious "Idelwalz apologies for interrupting young master Peakes, but your father is waiting for you in the study. He requests you bring this Scamander woman he overheard you have brought along with you." 

Emily looked over at Gerald, concerned "Is your father alright?"

"Yeah... yeah.. no , uh, I just don't think he wants to make a scene. Would you like to go see him?"

The freckle faced woman nodded, squeezing his hand "Let's see what your father has to say shall we?"

Gerald smiled and kissed her hand before the two of them rose out of their seats "We'll be back soon Joan,"

"You better, or I'll have eaten both your meals."


Sebastian Peakes was waiting patiently in his office for the arrival of his son and his... fiance... 

Really now. 

The boy was far too young to be making large decisions such as marriage. 

Not to mention he had never even met or heard of the girl. He had to hear of their engagement from his sister in law Alma. 


This girl could have come from a not so well off family. Oh think of the scandal! What would his ancestors think?! 

Suddenly a quiet knock emitted from the door. 


It was them. 

"Enter." Mr Peakes said loudly, watching the door open and close and taking a good look at the woman his son had beside him. 

She was of average height and size, had a shy and timid look to her, much like a deer's, and had very soulful brown eyes and dark red hair. 

She seemed.... Ordinary. 

Of course the deranged ones always looked that way...

"You wished to see us father?" Gerald asked nervously, unsure of what his father's intentions were. 

"Yes. I did." the older man said sternly "I want to know if the information your aunt has given me is true. Do you wish to marry this woman?"

The young man turned to Emily and smiled "Yes. Yes I do."

"So you've already proposed?"

"I have father. We wanted to tell you tonight, but it looks like Aunt Alma beat us to it." Gerald said with a weak attempt at humor. 

His father simply frowned and pushed his horn rimmed glasses further up his nose, taking a look at the papers in front of him. "So. Emilia? Is it?"

"Emily, sir." she corrected. "Hm yes, if you would exit the room. I wish to exchange some words with my son."

"Whatever you have to say to me, you can say to the both of us father." Gerald spoke up boldly. 

Mr. Peakes lifted one eyebrow in surprise, "Alright then. If you insist." he said taking off his glasses, staring coldly at the young man. 

"I cannot allow you to wed this woman Gerald. She is not right for you."

"What makes you think that?" Gerald retorted back, a bit shaky but getting stronger with each syllable. 

"Why simply take a look at her son," the older man said gesturing to Emily, who flushed from being put in the spotlight 

"She's the granddaughter of Hazel Scamander, a registered lunatic according to the members of highest class, her father may be a successful book author but doesn't fit into any role our society has to offer, her mother is plain and who in their right mind would put a woman in charge of an attack against Grindelwald?! Then there's her appearance in self, I mean that red hair and those freckles. She may have been born into a well off family but she sure doesn't look the part. I'm not sorry to say this boy but you two are hardly at all compatible and I have no idea why in your mind you think this marriage is a good idea."

The room was deadly silent for quite some time.

Emily fidgeted in her dress, the old man's words had hit her like a bullet. Was she really that ugly? Was Gerald lying to her when he said she was beautiful before the party...? No no... he would never do that...

Gerald on the other hand, was red in the face and frowning directly at his father. "How. Dare you." he hissed stormily. 

"You'll have to speak up son. I can't hear you when you speak like that." Mr. Peakes said monotone, reading his papers once again. 

In a sudden swift motion, Gerald slammed his fist on his father's desk top, surprising both Emily and his father. 

"HOW DARE YOU." He hollered at his father, who was now staring at the boy in utter disbelief. 

"How dare you judge these people before you even got a chance to know them. For your information father, Emily's family is the most selfless and most loving kind there is. Who cares if they fit into society or not? What matters is who they are, and they are amazing. I for one am proud to one day be related to them."

"Now don't you use that tone of voice at me young man-"

"I think you've said enough father." Gerald cutted in, raising his hand gesturing for the old man to stop 

"I love Emily and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. And your opinion on my decision to wed her doesn't matter. In fact I am so sick of your opinion on what you think I should do with my life. I'm not a little boy anymore father. I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

"I'm warning you boy, one more word and you will never be allowed back in my house again."

"Fine with me." Gerald spat out fiercely 

"Have fun spending the rest of your life with all your riches and alcohol and stuck up society friends." and with all that said and done, Gerald took Emily's hand and together they walked right out of Mr. Peakes office.

"Are you alright?" Gerald whispered once they were both out of earshot. 

Emily nodded and smiled at him "I'm fine. You were so brave standing up to him Gerald, I'm so proud of you." she whispered back brushing her lips against his cheek and kissing him softly. 

"I guess we both fought our demons today," he said looking into the ballroom at Shirley, who was standing alone on the middle of the dance floor, arms crossed and lips pouting furiously. 

He laughed and turned back to her "How about we get Joan and go out for that dinner like you wanted? We can discuss the wedding plans." 

Emily beamed and placed another tender kiss on his lips. 

"Sounds perfect."

Hellloooo I am back with another fan fic! I am so sorry for the wait, I'm still getting adjusted to school and oml there is SO. MUCH. HOMEWORK. GAH.

Mostly math homework actually. Typical. /:[

On a happier note, tomorrow marks exactly 2 more months until FANTASTIC BEASTS: CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD COMES OUT IN THEATERS I AM SCREAMING :DDD

I really hope you enjoyed reading this fanfic and hope you all have a marvelous weekend! 

-Newtinalover <3 

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