I Am Not Nothing

By SpadeisWriting

121K 2.6K 2K

Raven is the daughter of Professor Snape. Being raised on the view of being the youngest, brightest, most pow... More

Prologue: Who Is Raven?
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (Fourteen part 2)
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Ten

3K 77 29
By SpadeisWriting

"Hey, Krum! Are you going to join Draco, me and the others today after classes?" I called to the Durmstrang boy a few spots down from where I was.

Viktor looked over at me, smiling.

"Sorry, I have an interview for the Daily Prophet with the other three. Tomorrow, maybe."

He always says that. I asked yesterday, 'I can't, tournament stuff. Tomorrow maybe.' And the day before, 'I can't. Tomorrow maybe." There was always a new excuse. 
 I went back to eating my sandwich in silence. 

"Do you know what I've always wondered?" Crabbe asked out of nowhere, as he continued stuffing his face with tarts. 

We all looked at him, waiting for him to tell us. 

"Has Raven ever had anything sweet or sugary?" He finished. 

I scoffed and shook my head with disappointment. 

"No, Crabbe. How long have you known me? You should know by now that I don't eat anything sugary except for foods with natural sugars. I'm not getting caught in that trap." I told him. 

"Not even cake on your birthday or chocolate on christmas?" He asked.

"None of it." I told him, "I'm very happy with Haltaks smoothies and veggie pies."

Crabbe looked disgusted in the sound of the veggie pie, but it was one of my favorites. When it was time for Defence Against the Dark Arts, we all got up together and walked to the class, quickly found our seats and waited for classes to start.


After dinner, everyone went back to the common room to settle in for the night. I was talking with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson while doing an essay my father assigned.

"I think it's so stupid how my father has to assign me homework. He knows how good I am at potions! I don't think I should do it." I complained.

"We all have to do it, Rava." Draco sighed, leaning back on the couch and closing his eyes.

"But do you honestly think that I should need to do it?" I asked him.

I could see his eyes roll as he scoffed and turned his head to look at me.

"Just do it, Rave. Use it to prove to your dad that you're greater than he thinks you are." He said.

But it wasnt sincere. Like he didnt believe a word he said. I wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"Watch your tone, Malfoy. I am greater than he thinks. And I'm greater than you think." I snapped at him.

"Jeez calm down, Rave. I'm just tired of you complaining all the time." He groaned.

"Well if you're so tired of me complaining, go somewhere else with your little girlfriend." I scoffed.

"My what? You watch yourself, Raven." Draco warned.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, but before I could leave, a voice boomed above everyone else's.

"Silence! Attention!"

I looked over to see my father standing next to the Durmstrang's High Master, Igor Karkaroff. Of course I knew of their fall out many years ago, explaining why they were standing as if there where three people in between them.

"As most of you know, the tournament starts tomorrow morning. Saying this, there is no way to determine how long the task will take. It is my duty to tell the Slytherins and Durmstrangs that there are no classes tomorrow, but they will start again the next day as usual." My father explained.

As my father turned to leave the common room, I jumped up and ran over to him.

"Father!" I called.

I reached his side and followed him out of the common room.

"Do you mind if I stay in my room?" I asked him.

He looked down at me with his cold stare, but I returned it

"If you act up tonight, I'm going to hand you to the Whomping Willow." He said and looked back down the hall.

"I won't act up." I scoffed.

It was silent for the rest of the walk. All I could hear was the echoing footsteps from beneath us. We reached my father's office and the dark, cold room felt oddly comforting. I walked straight to my room. Something was off. I looked around. The bed was perfect. The vanity was cleared. The closet doors weren't slightly open. I walked over to the vanity and opened the drawers. Everything was organized. I looked at the top of the mirror, where I had a picture of Auntie Trix. A new picture was there. Two babies. Both had a small bit of black hair. The one on the right had a large birthmark on the right side of her face.

I knew immediately who the two girls were. The birthmark on the right baby gave it all away. It was me and Auzilen. I quickly ripped the picture off the mirror and ripped it in two, right between the twins, the threw the two pieces into the drawer. After that, I calmed a little and got ready for bed. I got dressed into the black nightgown that I leave here. I took my wand out of my cloak and casted Lumos. The tip began to glow. I turned my bedroom lights off and walked to my bed. I casted Nox and the glow disappeared, leaving me in the dark. Quickly after closing my eyes, I heard the harsh man's whisper.

"Kill her!" It hissed.

Then the singing.

"Oh won't you come with me."

Then the whisper, louder than before.

"Kill her!"

Then singing.

"Where the moon is made of gold."

"Kill her, Raven!"

"And in the morning light."

"Kill her now!"

"We'll be sailing."

"Pathetic girl! Now!"

The singing stopped. A hiss of laughter rang in my ears. The bright green light blinded me.
I lurched forward to a sitting position on my bed. Sweat dripped down my face. I felt like I couldn't catch my breath.

"Raven its okay. I'm here." A girl's voice said as a hand landed on my own.

I quickly pulled my hand away and glared at the girl. My face almost matched hers completely.

"What are you doing in my room, Nexxremys?" I snapped.

"I felt like I needed to be here. So I came." She shrugged.

"Well, get out!" I yelled.

"I need to make sure you're okay first. I know we're nothing close to friends, but you're still family." She told me.

"Just barely," I hissed, "now get out."

She didn't budge. Instead, she went to take my hand again. I pulled away and threw the back of my hand across her face.

"GET OUT!" I yelled.

Her hard eyes glared at me as a red mark grew on her cheek. She stood up and walked toward the door.

"Fine. I'm sorry I ever cared." She sassed.

I stood up off my bed and watched as Auzilen flinched and ran out of my room.

I threw myself back onto my bed and sighed. I looked at the clock on the wall as saw that it was almost five o'clock in the morning. I wasn't tired anymore. I was wide awake. I sighed and got changed into clothes before grabbing my wand. I casted Lumos and walked into the main lounge of the office, where my father did most of his work. I took a random book off of a shelf and sat in my father's chair. I read the whole two-hundred and fifty two pages before breakfast. By this time, it was seven thirty and time for breakfast. I put the book away. I heard a door open and close and my father walked out of his room in his usual black attire.

"Good morning, father." I said, turning to him.

"Breakfast, Lily." He said, not looking at me and sitting behind his desk.

I nodded and walked out of my father's office. I marched my way to the nearly empty Great Hall for breakfast. I sat in my usual spot and began to eat some porridge with berries. Soon, Crabbe and Goyle appeared in front of me and began stuffing their faces with food. The Great Hall quickly began to fill with more and more students. After another fifteen minutes or so, Draco and Parkinson walked in and sat next on my side of the table. Draco was sat in between Parkinson and me. As Draco ate, he slowly inched closer and closer to me and blocked his view from Parkinson.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him.

He looked back at the other girl beside him before coming closer to me.

"It's Pansy," he whispered, "can't get a minute alone. She's always there, hanging off of me. Help me!"

I scoffed. I had warned him on the train that Pansy liked him. Now he knew for a fact.

"What? You mean you dont think its going to work between you two?" I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes.

"What?" He whispered in disbelief, "Why would you ask that?"

"I told you, but you didn't listen." I shrugged and sighed, going back to eating my porridge.

"Please, just switch spots with me! I would be eternally grateful!" He begged, still keeping his voice quiet.

I shook my head, "Sorry, Drakie. Not going to happen. You put yourself in this situation. You get yourself out."

He sighed and dropped his forehead in his hand with his elbow propped on the table.

"Drakie, will you sit next to me at the tournament?" Parkinson's voice piped up over the loud chatter of the Great Hall.

I glared at her.

"Listen, Parkinson," I said, slamming my hand on the table and looking around Draco to see the brunette, "You can't call him that. That's my name for him. Get your own nickname or call him by his last name. If you don't, you and I are going to have a problem."

She looked at me, almost disgusted that I was talking to her.

"Since when did I have to call him something else? It's not like you've claimed it and no one can use it. I'll call him what I want to and he's fine with it. Right, Drakie-poo?" She smiled sweetly.

Draco looked left and right between us.

"Right?" Parkinson asked again.

Without answering her question, he got up. Parkinson quickly followed. 

"Sit down, Pug Face." I snapped, standing up with Draco. 

Her jaw dropped open. I stepped out of the bench and stood next to my best friend. 

"Sit down." I said again through clenched teeth. 

She huffed and sat back down. I smiled up at Draco. I could see the hint of relief in his eyes. 

"Don't sit with us at the tournament, or you'll have me to deal with." I warned her. 

With that, I took Draco's wrist and pulled him toward the Great Hall doors. I looked behind me to see if Crabbe and Goyle were following me. When I saw that they were just watching us leave, I gave them the 'well are you coming?' look. They quickly scooped up a couple tarts and jogged to catch up to Draco and me. We continued out of the school and toward the stadium where the first task was to be completed. Krum never told us what the first task was going to be, which made me a little worried that he was sure himself. But of course, Igor Karkaroff wasn't going to let him go into the challenge without a clue of what he was going to face. We made our way up to the stands were there were some people already there. The time for the first task approached in no time at all. Before I knew it, the stands were filled with cheering and chatter. The Weasel twins making their way to everyone to get bets for quick cash. Of course Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and I ignored them, but the small Gryffindor kid beside us bet on Potter surviving the task. 

"Your attention, please." Dumbledore's voice boomed, "Today is a great day for all of us."

In that small pause, a roar echoed over the stadium, resulting in gasps and scattered screams from a couple girls. Then it dawned on me. 

"Dragons." I whispered. 

"What?" Draco asked, looking down at me.

"The first task is dragons!" I exclaimed, looking up at him with concern. 

"Krum will be okay. He's prepared. Karkaroff wouldn't let him go in unprepared." Draco assured me. 

"Each of the three tasks involves very considerable danger. Pleas keep your seats at all times. This will minimize any risks you may be exposed to. The tournament will begin in just a moment."

Dumbledore's voice vanished and the stadium filled with chatter again. It was only a few minutes when a cannon blew and the crowd began to chant Diggory's name. 

"Why does Diggory have to go first? I want Victor to go so he gets it over with and I know he'll be okay." I sighed. 

I was worrying too much, I knew that, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't stand the loss of an amazing guy like him. I may have grown, not to like him as a boyfriend, but as a brother. He was protective and grew to make me feel safe when Draco wasn't around. I knew he was prepared the best he could be, but books and spell can only go so far. You never know how bad a dragon can be until you're placed face to face with one. It was only about half an hour before Diggory got the dragon's golden egg and the Swedish Short-Snout was seized back into containment. Diggory went back to the tent and we waited about five minutes and the cannon blew again. This time, it was Krum's name being chanted and I was brought to the edge of my seat. Out of containment was a Chinese Fireball, easily identified by it's red and gold skin, yellow eyes and the horns that covered a lot of it's face. Before the dragon could see him, Krum jumped behind a boulder. Flames flew from the dragon's nostrils. This dragon worried me. I had read from a book of dragons that this dragon was very fast and clever. There was no game playing with this dragon. There was no fooling it. Krum jumped out from behind the boulder and ran to another, but was seen by the dragon. The fire flew out of the dragon's mouth, toward Krum. I gasped and grabbed Draco's arm. It didn't dawn on me that I did this until Draco pointed it out himself. 

"You have a strong grip, Rave." He said, chuckling a little. 

I looked down at my hand and let go, laughing awkwardly before turning back to the dragon and Krum. I watched as Viktor continued to run from the dragon. He pulled out his wand and yelled a spell I couldn't quite hear over the commotion. I looked over at the dragon and it seemed like it's eyes were swelling  shut, blinding it. The dragon shook it's head and began to turn in slow circles, tripping over boulders, running into the walls. Before Viktor could reach the egg, the dragon tripped over it's own feet and stepped on the egg, crushing it into a million pieces. A horn blew and the dragon was seized back into containment. 

"I'm going to go see him." I said to Draco.

He nodded and let me leave. I quickly left the stadium and made my way toward the tent where the champions were. I heard yelling coming from around the tent before I went in. I walked toward the sound, and there was Krum, kicking and punching a tree. 

"Viktor?" I called softly, trying not to startle him.

He didn't turn to look at me. 

"Viktor!" I yelled.

He glared over at me, before realizing who called him.

"Did you see that? It was supposed to go well! But the stupid dragon had to step on the egg. I lost points! I'm going to end up last in this task! I'm a failure to my school!" He yelled and began beating the tree again.

I rolled my eyes and walked closer to him. 

"Krum! Get yourself together! You just faced a dangerous dragon and survived! I don't know what spell you used, but it worked like magic. It did the job and you got out alive. I'm proud of you and you should be proud of yourself. You're alive." I told him. 

He sighed and walked over to me. 

"You're right. I shouldn't be upset." He said. 

"Oh, I didn't say that you shouldn't be upset," I told him, "I was saying that you should also be happy with what you did to keep yourself alive. Yes, you had points deducted and that sucks, but you're alive."

He nodded and took my hand, "You're a good friend, Raven." He sighed. 

"I know." I shrugged.

We talked for the rest of the task. From where we were, we could see Potter having troubles with his dragon. It's chain broke and Potter flew on a broom toward the school, followed by a dragon. A Hungarian Horntail. A feisty little dragon that was. But not very little at all. It was actually written in the book of dragons that I had read, that this dragon was one of most dangerous dragons in existence.

"Beautiful dragon." I sighed as it chased Potter, "But so aggressive."

Krum nodded. By the end of the task, we heard from the stadium that Potter got the egg and the task was over. Everyone made their way out of the stadium and began to walk toward the school. I got up to follow the crowed.

"Are you coming?" I asked Krum.

"I have a meeting to get to. I'll see you at dinner though." He said. 

I nodded and walked away, toward the school. When I got inside, I didn't go to the Slytherin common room. I made my way to the moving staircase and followed the enemy house. keeping out of the way until I saw Potter. I stopped where I was and leaned on the railing.

"Potter!" I yelled at him. 

He and his posse stopped and looked at where the yell came from. He rolled his eyes at me.

"How rude! You should be happy!" I scoffed. 

I noticed the golden egg in his hands.

"Ah, you go it, I see." I stated.

"If you were there, you would have seen that I did." He told me.

"But I wasn't because I was talking to Krum. Did you hear what happened to him?" I asked. 

Hermione's face changed as I said this. Almost like she was worried.

"No, what happened? Is he alright?" she asked. 

I smiled and nodded, "He's fine. But the dragon broke his egg. Now he doesn't know the next clue. When you open it and find out, would you mind being a good player and tell him?" I asked sweetly.

"Will it benefit you?" He asked.

I shrugged, "If it means he'll beat you, then yes." 

"Then no." he said and continued up the stairs.

I pushed myself off the railing and ran towards Hermione. I grabbed her wrist and looked up at her with fake concern. She glared at me.

"Please talk some sense into Potter," I told her, "It could save his life. I don't know what the next task is, but Dumbledore told us that the tasks are going to have a sense if danger in them. If he doesn't know what the danger is, how can he prepare? He could die! Please," I begged, "Hermione, from one concerned friend of Krum's to another. Please talk to Potter. I feel the tournament cup is getting to his head."

Her glare was gone, but her shield was still up. 

"If it can save his life, I can try to convince him, but I make no promises." She told me and pulled her wrist out of my grasp. 

She turned and continued to walk up the stairs. I let go of my fake concern and looked down at my contaminated hand. 

"I cant believe I just touched dirt." I whispered to myself and walked down toward the Slytherin common room. 

As soon as I got in the common room, I ran to the girl's bathroom. I scrubbed my hands until I felt they were clean. After washing my hands, I walked down to the lounge to find Draco and the others on the couches, while every other Slytherin was in their dorm or outside. I walked over to Draco, who had Parkinson hanging off of him and playing with his hair. I stood in front of her and glared down. She looked up at me and smirked. 

"Move." I snapped at her. 

She rolled her eyes and mover over for me to sit next to my best friend.  Draco got comfortable again and he seemed a lot more relaxed now that Parkinson was on the other side of the couch. I leaned into Draco and placed my head on his shoulder. Draco took my hand and played with the ring that he gave me.

 "So who do you think won that task?" Crabbe piped up.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Petty Potter, clearly. Everyone favours him. Krum got last, unfortunately. I think Diggory got second and that girl got third." I sighed.

"I agree with Rave. Just because he's younger, they have to make him feel special. It's unfortunate that Krum's golden egg got smashed. I'm sure he'd would have won if it didn't." Draco said, still playing with my hand. 

"Drakie-poo, why don't you get me anything for my birthday?" Parkinson whined when she saw what Draco was doing. 

I sat up and almost threw myself at Parkinson. I would have if Draco hadn't wrapped his arms around me before I had the chance. 

"Because, Parkinson, I haven't known you my whole life." Draco sighed, as he guided me back to his shoulder.

"I guess we're going to see tomorrow morning." Crabbe said. 

   And the next morning we found out at breakfast. Potter and Viktor tied first with forty points each. 

  The next two weeks went by in a blur. But the week of December sixth was one that made Christmas something to really look forward to. On December tenth, my father, as well as the other three heads of house collected all of their students. Every piece of furniture in the lounge was pushed to the side and everyone stood in a circle. My father stood in the center of the room and spoke in his usual manner.

"It is my obligation to tell every one of you that I expect all of you to know how to dance. On December twenty-fifth, there will be a ball and I expect all of you to be there, with a date. And if you don't know how to dance, pray to Merlin that your partner knows how to teach. I need two students to demonstrate the dance." He explained and turned to me. 

He wanted me to demonstrate. I rolled my eyes and stood up. Immediately as I stood up, Draco followed. My father walked to the side and the music appeared from nothing. Draco took my waist and lead the dance. We used all the space we had as he lead me all around the room, picking me up, placing me down, spinning me, everything was perfect. Of course it was perfect. Narcissa had been teaching us since before we came to the school. Since we were eight, at least. Every summer, I remember how we'd just get up and do the dance any time we were bored. When we finished the dance, everyone clapped as we walked back to our spot on the wall. 

"You did great, like always." Draco whispered to me.

"Don't get all gushy on me over a dance, Malfoy. We do it all the time. It's nothing special." I whispered back to him. 

"It's always special to me, Rava. Every time we dance, it reminds me of how much you've grown into a smart, beautiful and confident girl." He continued whispering.

I smiled up at him. He saw it as more than just a dance and it meant more to me than I expected. 

"Thank you, Dako." I said to him.

He nodded and pulled me into a hug. He placed a kiss on my cheek before letting go of me. 

"Guy's can we go to dinner yet? Crabbe and Goyle are starving." Parkinson asked, interrupting the moment.

I sighed and turned to her.

"Has anyone ever thought you respect? If you want food, leave. You don't need to be with Draco every second of the day. So you go ahead and I'll deal with you later." I snapped at her. 

She glared at me before flipping her hair and walked out of the room with Crabbe and Goyle following close behind.

"Like I said," Draco laughed when Parkinson and the others were gone, "Confident."

I laughed with him and took his hand.

"The girl needs to learn to not interrupt." I shrugged.

We walked out of the common room and made our way upstairs for dinner. The great hall was filled with people. We walked to our table and draco sat down. 

"I'm going to talk to Krum for a second. I'll be right back." I told him. 

He nodded and watched as I walked away. I found Krum among the Durmstrangs eating his dinner and talking. 

"Viktor." I said, standing behind him. 

His friend, Gustav Langunsven, saw me immediately.

"Raven! It's been a while! How's my beautiful emerald?" He called to me from across the table.

"I'm thirteen. I'm not yours. And I may shine like a gem, but my edges are so sharp they'll cut you if you get to close." I said to him. 

Krum laughed and turned to face me. 

"Hello, Raven. What brings you here?" He asked. 

"Did you hear about the ball?" I asked him.

"Of course I did. The champions have to open it." He said. 

"Do you know who you're going to take?" I asked.

He laughed, "I just figured all of this out today. I haven't even had a chance to think about it."

"Well," I sighed and placed my hand on his shoulder, "You better ask someone before  all the girl's are taken."

He nodded.

"Well, I'm going to go back to Draco. I'll talk to you later." I said, patting him on the back.

"Good bye, my emerald angel!" Gustav called to me.

"I'm going to take this halo and strangle you with it." I said back to him.

I walked back to Draco and the others and sat down. 

"Why'd you leave?" Draco asked me.

"I had to talk to Krum about the ball." I told him, reaching for the cooked carrots. 

"What about the ball?" He asked again.

"Just if he knew about it. Hey, did you know that the champions have to open the ball?" I asked, slightly changing the subject. 

"Of course I knew. So, did he ask you to the ball?"

It sounded as if he was worried about Krum asking me.

"No he didn't, can we end this conversation now? I'm bored of it." I sighed, beginning to eat my plate that was now filled with roast beef and cooked vegetables.

He nodded and we were quiet while we ate.  Every time Parkinson tried to give Draco a honey bun or a tart, I would take and throw it at her, resulting in it almost being thrown back at me, but it never was because of the glare of warning I would give her. Instead she would take the bun or tart and crush it in her fist before dropping it on her plate. When I saw that Draco and I were both done, we got up and walked out of the Great Hall. We walked back to the common room and flopped on the couches. 

"That girl is in for it, I swear." I scoffed. 

"Who?" Draco asked, looking over at me.

"Parkinson! She's sticking her nose into places she shouldn't be sticking her nose in!" I exclaimed. 

"Well she isn't sticking her nose into things, she's just being overly annoying." He said.

"Who's side are you on?" I asked glaring over at him.

"Yours! Always yours! You just said that she's being nosy and she isn't. She's just annoying and obsessed." He said. 

"It sound's like you're taking her side." I told him.

"I'm not! I'm always on your side!" He exclaimed. 

"Then prove it. Prove to me that you're not defending her." I said, sitting up and facing him completely.

He sighed and stood up. He walked over to me and sat beside me. He took my hand in his and looked into my eyes. 

"You're my best friend. She means nothing to me. I will always be on your side. I will always defend you and only you. You will always be my number one priority." He assured me.

I sighed and nodded, looking at our hands. I could stay like this forever if it wasn't for curfew approaching and people beginning to walk into the common room.

"Well, I have to get to bed. I'll see you in the morning, Drakie." I sighed. 

I placed a kiss on his cheek. I got up and walked to my dorm. I got changed into my night gown and sat on my bed. It was only about fifteen minutes before the other girls began coming into the room to go to bed. Tracey came in first and went straight to her bed to begin her homework. 

"Maybe I should go to my father's tonight." I said out loud, beginning to get up.

"No! Please don't!" Tracey exclaimed, smiling over at me from across the room, "I know you and Parkinson are having a rough time right now and I know you want to fight her and I want to see it happen!" 

I was almost shocked. She was one of the Slytherins that wasn't focused on herself. She liked helping people and staying on the down-low. This excitement from Tracey made me feel more confident. Soon, Daphne in the room, joining Tracey in doing homework. 

"Raven's going to fight Parkinson." Tracey whispered to Daphne.

Daphne gasped and looked over at me.

"Oh! This is going to be good!" She exclaimed excitedly.

I grabbed my wand and flicked it toward the room door.

"Legilimens." I whispered.

My own eyes began to see what I wanted to see. Exactly was Parkinson was seeing. She was down in the common room. She was talking to someone, but all I could see was her hands and the side of a person beside her. I couldn't see enough to see who it was, but it was only a matter of time before the blond hair gave it away. She was with Draco. My best friend. Coming out of her brain, I looked at the girls in the room. 

"She's with my Draco." I told them.

They both smiled and stood up from their beds. I did the same, put on my green cloak and lead them from our room to the lounge, and there they were. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and crossed my arms. 

"Talking rubbish about me behind my back?" I called over to the two.

Draco gave a silent sigh of relief when he saw me.

"How did you know I was down here?" Parkinson asked me.

"Common sense. It's past curfew and you're not in the dormitory. Where else could you be and what would distract you so much not to come up? Of course it was my best friend that would be the one thing that keeps you from coming to our room." I explained to her.

"Really? Because from what I hear, you know how to cast the Legilimency spell. A very complex spell. I don't think it's just common sense. You're sticking your nose in places that it shouldn't be." Parkinson snapped at me.

How did she find out? That girl was so dim-witted and there was no way she couldn't have found out on her own.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged.

"Don't play dumb, Raven, because you're anything but dumb. Don't lie to me." She said.

"I told you, Parkinson. I don't know what you're talking about," I said, taking a step forward, "Now, what were you two talking about?"

"I was going to ask Draco a question before you rudely interrupted." She sassed, walking to meet me face to face.

"And what would that be?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"None of your business." She smirked.

I took a step back from her and looked at Draco who was now at his feet. I began to walk over to him, but a hand grabbed my wrist. I yanked it away and looked up at the slightly taller girl. 

"I want to slap you so hard right now, Parkinson." I told her.

"Do it." She smirked again.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Draco. I took his hand and pulled him toward the stairs to the boy's dormitory.

"You can't go up there!" Parkinson yelled.

I looked back and smiled, "Watch me." I said and began my way up the stairs with Draco beside me. We walked to the fourth year doors.

"You didn't slap her." He told me.

"I know." I told him.


"I will. I just can't with you around." I told him with a smile.

I sighed and stood on my tip toes to kiss him on the cheek.

"She was going to ask you to the ball." I sighed.

"I know that now. I would never say yes. She's too.. her." He said.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his torso. I said good night to him and walked back down to the common room. Parkinson was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed looking around the room. 

"So, Parkinson, let's get to business shall we?" I said to her. 

She glared over at me. 

"What are you going to do to me?  Make a fuss? Have a hissy-fit?" She asked me, standing up and placing her hands on her waist. 

I marched over to her and slapped her across the face. It left a wave of calm over me before the hatred came back. Her cheek turned red.

"You're pushing it, Raven." She warned me. 

"Go ahead, Parkinson. Slap me. Do it." I urged her. 

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. I slapped her across the other cheek. This time- harder. Now both of her cheeks were bright red. 

"Slap me back. Do it! Slap me back!" I laughed. 

"Why are you laughing?" She asked me.

"Because you're not defending yourself! You're scared!" I exclaimed.

I was amused at the fact that she was scared to defend herself.

"I'm not scared.  I'm just not fighting you over a boy." She said, rolling her eyes.

I laughed again, "So you're not going to talk to him anymore?" I asked her.

"I never said that." She scoffed.

I slapped her again.

"Slap me, Parkinson. Isn't a boy you like worth fighting for?" I taunted her.

I wanted her to hit me back, or do something for her to try to hurt me. 

"I'm not fighting you, Raven. You're younger than me." She said, crossing her arms.

"But I'm in the same year. I'm not scared of anything. I'm smarter. I have more friends. People don't find me annoying like you. I'm prettier than you by a lot. You're nothing. No one likes you. Not even Draco likes you. He finds you annoying. You're ugly Pansy Parkinson. No one will ever like you." I said to her. 

She glared at me more than she ever had before. She tried not to show the hurt, but the quiver of her bottom lip gave it away. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her. I pushed past her, knocking shoulders as I left.

"Davis, Greengrass, let's go to bed." I said to the girls who stayed to watch.

The two followed close behind me as I lead the three of us to our room. When we go up to the room, I took off my cloak and got into bed. I took a sip of my sleeping draught and got comfortable. I was quickly asleep before I knew it. 


Words: 6187

Hey hey! Long time no chapter! I'm sorry about that. I have a lot of ideas, I just don't know how to write them. It's really difficult. I also have school and after-school activities now, as well as work and its leaving me only Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays to write. But anyway!

Question, any predictions of what's going to happen? I know what's going to happen, but I want to hear your predictions! More specifically, who do you think is going to ask Raven to the ball and is she going to say yes? Or is she going to switch and she asks someone to the ball? If you think she will ask someone, who?

Don't be silent! Let me know what you think!

Luvz, Spade <3

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