Emphatic Vampire (NCT NoMin)

By IamJi-ya

179K 8.9K 5.6K

Jeno is a heartless emphatic vampire who finds Jaemin Na. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Q and A <3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Find thyselves

Chapter 23

3.1K 189 195
By IamJi-ya

Third Person's POV

Donghyuck stirred from his sleep finding himself uncomfortable of his sleeping position. He groaned feeling pain on his back and neck. He also felt his wrist stinging, his body is aching. He fluttered his eyes open, adjusting his blurry sight on the dark surroundings making him jolt up only to be terrified again, noticing the same creature with red eyes, sharp nails and red glowing eyes staring at him.

'A vampire?'

Donghyuck asked himself not really believing what he is seeing. Donghyuck's eyes starts to water as his body starts to shake when the creature, he defined as vampire, approached him staring straight at him. He was about to run when he realized that he is restrained by ropes tied tightly on his wrists and ankles. He stiffened when the man in front of him is already an inch apart from his face directly tilting his head to smell Donghyuck's neck. Donghyuck, on the other hand, tried to move away as much as he could.

"You're not him!" The man yelled making Donghyuck flinched.

"W-what... Hey!" Donghyuck screamed when the said man started to follow the scent of something leading to his pocket where his phone and blood stained handkerchief is at.

"It's here." The man sniffed more digging his finger on Donghyuck's pocket getting his phone out and the handkerchief.
Donghyuck observed the man in front of him as he smelled his handkerchief that has Jaemin's blood.

"Password." After a few minutes of being high about the handkerchief. He shifted his attention back to Donghyuck.

"No. I won't give it to you." Donghyuck tried his best to be brave and hide his fear.

"You will sweetheart or you will die here and your little friend who owns this blood will blame himself for getting you killed." The unknown stranger gripped Donghyuck's jaw hard digging his nails on the younger's flesh making him bleed.

"What do you want from Jaemin?!" Donghyuck yelled as he widen his eyes realizing that he just blurted out Jaemin's name.

'Sorry Nana, I failed to protect you.'

"Jaemin. What a cute name for a sweet scented blood owner, now give me the password." He gripped harder making Donghyuck hiss in pain.

"080299." He admitted feeling the deep wounds on his face. Tears are already flowing from his eyes.

"Now I need you to cry-- you already are, time to shoot." He smiled dangerously focusing the camera on Donghyuck's miserable state.

"Now Jaeminnie, you want to save your friend? Find us, here's a clue for you sweetheart. We are in a big room where the scent of your blood lingers. You have 2 hours to come here by yourself or else your friend is dying." He said in the video taking it himself sniffing the blood stained handkerchief like a drug addict before ending the video and sending it to Jaemin.

"You're cruel! Don't hurt Jaemin!"

"Shut up!" He slapped Donghyuck hard across his face making the latter unconscious again.


Jaemin's tears are trailing down his face as he watches the video that he received. He felt something isn't right but he just shrugged it off. Now, he's blaming himself why Donghyuck is being captured right now and being tortured. Jaemin finished watching the video immediately wiping his own tears getting any shirt he has in his wardrobe.

"Mom! I'm going out!" He yelled running down from the stairs.

"What? This late? Mr. Na where are you going?" Mrs. Jung asked with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Gotta go at Donghyuck's, I'll be back. Promise. Bye mom! Loveyou!" He said not even looking at his mom or waiting for an approval. He ran out of their house, as he starts to think where the hell did this fucking vampire brought his best friend.

To: SatanHyuck

I'm coming, don't fucking hurt him!

He decided to send a text to Donghyuck's phone that is probably on the hands of the vampire. He started to think again, stopping on his tracks to steady his breathing. He thought deeply, being pressured with the time limit making him shocked when his phone rang. He answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Don't hurt Donghyuck please! Just tell me where you are!" He yelled through the phone.

"Hey Nana calm down. It's me, Jeno." Jaemin's eyes went wide when he heard the other male's voice on the other line.


"Fuck Nana, don't tell me you're heading to somewhere dangerous. Don't try to lie Na Jaemin. I called you because Chenle saw something including you and Donghyuck."

"J-Jeno... I can't fucking tell you okay?! He will kill Donghyuck, I need to go by myself and I can't think straight. I'm nervous and I'm scared. I only have two hours to go there and save Donghyuck but I don't know w-where t-to go." Jaemin's voice cracked as his tears rolled down from his eyes to his cheeks.

"Hey baby calm down. Any clues you've got?"

"Jeno I said you can't go!" Jaemin yelled getting annoyed and scared at the same time.

"I won't. We won't, I'll just think for you." After hearing this, Jaemin exhaled calming himself first before telling Jeno what clue he got.

"Okay Jae. They're at the laboratory in our school. Remember the accident earlier? You got yourself cut. Go there, Nana."

"T-Thank you.." Jaemin hang up running to there school climbing up the gates since it already closed. He ran to the hallways, his footsteps is the only cause of the noise.

"Hyuckie!" He slammed the door open only to be thrown on the other side of the room shattering some glasswares and some apparatus.

"J-Jaemin... Yah idiot! Why did you come here?!" Donghyuck yelled trying to get mad at the younger but failed to do so since his tears starts to fall again seeing Jaemin's state. He got cuts on his arms and his head is bleeding but still manage to give the other male a smile.

"I can't let you die Hyuckie. I won't let you die." Jaemin smiled despite of the aching of his body.


"Wow!" The vampire slow clapped approaching the two males slowly. He knows humans are weak and using his fast speed would be a waste of energy. Jaemin stood up limping going to Donghyuck shielding the tied male.

"What a sweet guy with a sweet blood. Do you remember my name sweetheart?" He asked approaching Jaemin getting dangerously near. He lifted Jaemin's head by holding his chin for Jaemin to look at him, glaring.

"Why do I need to remember a disgusting retarded shit like you?!" Jaemin spat trying to get his face out of the enemy's grip but it only made the other guy to grip tighter making Jaemin hiss.

"Hojung, that's my name and I know you'll remember me after this, if you can get out of here alive." He licked Jaemin's earlobe before throwing the younger on the side of the room. Jaemin's back hitting the wall making him cough blood. He looked up, only to see Hojung inching his fangs to Donghyuck's neck with the older crying and trying to get away.

"F-Fuck! Don't!" Jaemin yelled crawled to their direction and Hojung just smirked liking the miserable look and the tears rolling from the both eyes of Jaemin and Donghyuck.

"Aaaah! S-Stop! Pl-please." Donghyuck begged and yelled as he felt the pain on his neck.

"S-stop..." Donghyuck whispered, panting and his eyes are almost closing.

"Hyuckie! Fuck no!" Someone yelled as a spark of electricity travelled across the room going to Hojung's body electrocuting the male making him step back.  Before Hojung could make a move something or rather someone jumped on him destroying the school's roof attacking Hojung by slashing his sharp black nails on Hojung's back after kicking him down. Hojung is fast to react, he turned around giving a hard punch from his attacker sending him meters away from him.


"Fuck! You can't touch what's mine too!" Jeno yelled shielding Jaemin from Hojung who is about to suck some blood from Jaemin to gain power. Jeno kicked Hojung hard as Jisung appeared at the back of Hojung restraining the weakening vampire by holding his arms from behind giving Jeno a chance to appear in front of him twisting Hojung's head until it is detached from his body causing Hojung's death.

"Donghyuck, hon, hold on please." Mark's voice was heard in the room when the noise from the fighting died down. Mark is crying as ye cupped Donghyuck's pale face, the younger just gave a small smile before he started shaking uncontrollably.


"Mark-hyung do something!"

"Hyung you need to do it!" Jisung yelled.

"I can't! Donghyuck he.." Mark trailed off hugging Donghyuck's shaking body.

"Hyung he's dying!" Jeno yelled making Mark flinch.

"Hyung please!" Jaemin cried also hugging his best friend.

"Fuck I'll do it if you won't!" Renjun stepped up only to be pushed back by Mark.

"No! Fuck it, fine! Get Jaemin away." Mark said his eyes turning gold again. Jeno grabbed the crying Jaemin hugging the younger, getting the wet strands of his hair out of his face.

"Nana.. It's okay, he will be fine. Calm down now. Stop crying baby please?" Jeno cupped Jaemin's face soothingly rubbing the younger's cheeks with his thumbs wiping Jaemin's tears. He made Jaemin face him not wanting the younger to see what's happening behind him. He kissed the younger's forehead hugging the younger tight again as he whispered more sweet nothings to Jaemin's ears rubbing his back.

"Donghyuck.." Jaemin said trying to face Donghyuck's direction pushing Jeno but the other didn't budge.

"It's better if you don't watch Nana. You've witnessed too much. Sleep sweetheart, relax." Jeno whispered the last part using his extraordinary powers on Jaemin. Not a few minutes later Jeno can feel Jaemin's weight on him as his head rested on Jeno's shoulder, hands loosely wrapped on Jeno's waist. He's asleep already.

"Mark-hyung, just a little bit more." Jisung said observing the dark veins from Hojung's venom slowly disappearing from Donghyuck's neck.

"Mark-hyung control yourself!" Jeno yelled noticing that Mark already did his job but he didn't stopped sucking the blood of his mate. Jeno's voice woke Mark up, he stopped sucking Donghyuck's blood leaking the younger's wound and leaking blood carefully tying a clothing around Hyuck's neck.

"They can't go home like this. I'll call their parents. We'll go at your place." Renjun said suggesting that they should head home now. Jeno and Mark carried their sleeping mates on their backs as all them hold onto Jisung for the younger to teleport them back home.


Lame ending and lame chapter hahahahahaha. Okay bye. Don't forget that their hairs are the current colors of We Go Up aaaaaanndddd Gangster X is stuck in my heart! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Wavyyyyyuuuuu 💕💕 -Ji

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