Emphatic Vampire (NCT NoMin)

By IamJi-ya

179K 8.9K 5.6K

Jeno is a heartless emphatic vampire who finds Jaemin Na. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Q and A <3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Find thyselves

Chapter 21

3.9K 185 180
By IamJi-ya


"What? Get off me oh my gosh."

"But I'm your mate!"

"H-how did youㅡ"

"He told me few week ago." Chenle answered still flashing a sweet smile

"He told you? Why is he darting me with daggers Lele? And oh he's on his way." Renjun said not breaking the eye contact between Jisung and him.

"Hey! Only I can call him Lele, psi vampire." Jisung said as he approached the two males on the bed laying on the other side of Chenle.

"Okay, fine chill out young vampire. I think we are too loud now but it's already morning maybe it's okay." Renjun said wrapping his arms around Chenle who's cuddling with him.

"Tsk. Well Jeno-hyung and Jaemin-hyung are already awake but they're still cuddling, as for Mark-hyung he is awake staring at a sleeping Hyuckie-hyung." Jisung said using his power of clairvoyance to see his hyungs as rolled his eyes seeing the affection Renjun is starting to give Chenle.

"Oh. Let's get up when JaemJen gets out of their bed, for now Jisung-ah come here cuddle with us." Chenle made a grabby hands towards Jisung who just stared at him for a moment before sighing and cracking a small smile laying with Chenle and Renjun on the bed with Chenle being the one in the middle of them.

"Hey Jisung when did you know about Chenle being my mate?" Renjun asked in soft and hush voice as he carves his fingers to Chenle's blonde locks.

"When we worked together for Jaemin-hyung? I guess, I don't really know. I just felt the chains in my heart loosening, like it is preparing for a space for other heart." Jisung said making Chenle face him.

"The chains loosened?!" Chenle asked surprised.

"You didn't know?" Jisung asked pecking on Chenle's forehead.

"Maybe I did but I forgot." Chenles honestly admitted as he hides his face on Jisung's chest who is chuckling.

"Hey hey hold up,  what chains are the two of you talking about?" Renjun asked as he lifts himself up sideways his palm supporting his head and his elbow supporting his body to get himself up.

"Umm okay so, I have two powers. The other one is that I can see visions like an oracle that I can't control and the other one that I can control is I chain the heart of my mate inside me. So basically I keep our hearts safe witu powerful chains wrapped around it." Chenle said referring to Jisung and his heart being on his body.

"And I know, unlike all other clans, your clan can't choose your mates." Jisung stated looking at Renjun.

Psi vampires don't get to choose their mates but Renjun pushed to himself that Jaemin is his mate giving affection to the younger and Jaemin shows the same but to Renjun's dismay something still feels strange. Renjun didn't made that special bond with Jaemin. The first moment Renjun saw Chenle there was an urge that is pushing Renjun to be protective with the younger but his jealousy with Jeno being in a fake relationship with Jaemin got him bad and pushed the thought about Chenle on the back of his head.

'I wonder why am I this attracted to Renjun-ge.'

Renjun stopped his thoughts when he heard Chenle's thoughts in his head. This is one of those advantages if Psi vampires forms a bond with an individual, their thoughts just flows as well in their mind.

"Because Lele, I have this bond to you. Look at your wrist. " Renjun said looking down at the cute boy. When Chenle checked his wrist there it was, Renjun's name in dark ink glittering followed by a blinding light.

"Your heart is sealed Huang Renjun and wait, did you just read my mind? You can read minds?" Chenle asked looking up.

"Nope I can't and I didn't read your mind, I can hear your thoughts without doing anything." Renjun smiled caressing Chenle's face. Jisung on the other hand saw this scene. A slight jealousy was felt by the youngest of the three and to interrupt the moment of the two he tightened his embrace around Chenle's waist, burying his face on the crook of the neck of Chenle.

"Awww someone jealous. Look at me Ji." Jisung didn't think twice and looked at Chenle. Chenle smiled sweetly first looking down at the younger before crashing his lips against Jisung's. Jisung smiled at the kiss, moving his lips in sync with Chenle's own. Renjun, strangely, didn't feel any jealousy towards the younger couple in fact he enjoyed watching the two. Jisung and Chenle pulled away smiling at each other before looking at Renjun still staring at them.

"I love you and remember what I told you." Chenle kissed Jisung's nose.

"I love you." Chenle kissed Renjun too but on his cheeks.

"I love you too Lele. Come on, let's get up. NoMin just went out of their room." Jisung said ruffling Chenle's head kissing it after walking out first.

"I love you too." Renjun said dragging Chenle with him going out with him.

"Good morning hyung!" Jisung greeted Jaemin and went to hug Jaemin from behind since the older is cooking eggs and hotdogs with prepared toasted bread.

"Oh morning, Jisung-ah." Jaemin greeted back smiling at the younger.

"Yah kid latch off." Jeno held Jisung back collar pulling him off Jaemin.

"Yah Lee Jeno! Stop being mean in the morning." Jaemin turned around pointing the flipper spatula he is holding to Jeno's direction who's still holding Jisung.

"Okay surrender, continue cooking Nana." Jeno said raising his arms to surrender. Jaemin exhaled then turned back to his work. Jeno smacked Jisung's head silently when Jisung stuck his tongue out at Jeno.

"Jaemin-hyung! Jeno-hyung smacked me." Jisung pouted whining.

"Yah Lee Jeno stop bullying Jisung!"

"Nana I didn't! He bullied me."

"Oh really. Whatever." Jaemin rolled his eye turning his back at Jeno clearly not believing the other male.

"No hugs for you since you bullied Jisung." Jaemin said calmly that gave scare to Jeno, at this rate Jaemin made up his mind.

"Yah Jisung Park tell him the truth!" Jeno whined now pouting
stomping his feet like a kid but Jisung just laughed at him shaking his head no before joining Renjun and Chenle at the couch leaving a sulking Jeno because he can't touch his mate.


Donghyuck woke up late, actually very late and as for Mark he just stayed beside the younger and waited for him to wake up while cuddling with a sleeping Donghyuck. Laying kisses on the younger's face from here and there and brushing his soft locks occasionally. It was already 2:00 in the afternoon when Donghyuck decided to flutter his eyes open immediately smiling as he sees Mark smiling down at him caressing his cheek.

"Good afternoon, hon."

"Huh? Afternoon?"

"It's 2pm hon."

"Oh that explains why I'm hungry the moment I woke up." Mark chuckled due to Donghyuck's words.

"Okay, let's get up and eat." Mark said kissing Donghyuck's forehead as the younger gave Mark one last tight hug before getting up. When they got down they saw two colored heads playing a video game in the living room.

"Jisung? Chenle?" Mark called catching the scent of the two.

"Oh hey hyung, Jaemin-hyung is cooking snacks with Jeno-hyung, you can just sit here with us." Chenle said leaning on Jisung as he intertwined his fingers with Renjun who is on his other side.

"Mark let's just wait here, I'm kinda hungry and too lazy." Donghyuck dragging the older male to sit.

"Wait Mark? Where's the hyung? Wait did we miss something?" Jeno said who just came out from the kitchen with a bowl of cookies.

"Eyyy Jeno Lee looking good." Mark complimented to divert the topic.

"I always look good hyung but thanks."

"Whatever." Mark rolled his eyes.

"So what did we miss?" Jaemin said raising an eyebrow at Donghyuck.

"We're waiting Hyuck." Renjun said with a smug face both Jaemin and he are watching Donghyuck intently.

"So as you can see we're already exclusive for each other." Mark finally said clinging his arms on Donghyuck's shoulders. The boys that are listening cheered.

"Oh my gosh! We need details!" Jaemin and Renjun said in sync making the others laugh and after that Mark and Donghyuck told the events of last night but of course hid some of the stuffs that had happened between themselves. Donghyuck and Mark also changed their hair colors to give shock to at school, as what Donghyuck says.

"I'm sorry guys, I really want to hang out with you but my mom called me for family stuff." Donghyuck said feeling a bit disappointed.

"Aw Hyuckie, we can hang out all together some other time." Jaemin said smiling at the latter.

"So I gotta go? Bye guys."

"Hey I'll go send you there." Mark offered getting in front of Hyuckie.

"No Mark, I'll be fine. Enjoy. Enjoy guys bye!" Donghyuck said kissing Mark and waving at his friends before getting in the cab.
When Donghyuck was already out of sight Jaemin faced the vampires with raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"So guys you have a lot to explain to me."


"So you have powers? Can you show me?" Jaemin said with sparkling eyes.

"Umm the only ones who can show their powers to you are Jisung and Mark." Chenle said and explained that his powers are just visions of the important events in the future, Jaemin just nodded since he already knew that Jeno can enter dreams and is the strongest among the four of them.

"So Mark-hyung?" Jaemin smiled waiting for Mark. He started to generate electricity from his palms playing with it spelling out Jaemin's name out of it.

"Wooooow! So Jisung-ah." Jaemin clapped in amusement then he turned his attention towards Jisung. Jisung smiled at the older before vanishing into thin air.

"I'm here." Jisung tapped Jaemin's shoulder from behind then when Jaemin is about to turn teleports again.

"Hyung here!" Jaemin turns in every direction where he hears Jisung's call but the younger wasn't there anymore every time he looks.

"So that's my main power to teleport."

"Woah! Yah! What the fuck you scared me Jisung-ah!" Jaemin yelled when Jisunh appeared right in front of him without notice, the others just laughed because of Jaemin's actions.

"Let's play soccer!" Chenle said getting bored after eating all the sweets they brought. They are having picnic in the forest just a little further from their house. They have found this green field when they moved in the neighborhood. Renjun decided to sit out to balance the teams and he doesn't know how this guys plays soccer in their own rules anyway so he just settled beside Jaemin watching the four play.

Jeno and Mark teamed up while Jisung and Chenle is the other team. They are having fun using their extraordinary strength and power as they play together, laughing and enjoying until Chenle stopped moving.

"Someone's coming." He said staring from afar. All of them gathered around Jaemin hiding the human on their backs to cover Jaemin's scent. Renjun and Jeno are both on Jaemin's sides as the other three in front with Mark in them.

"Fiends." Renjun muttered feeling the murderous vibe going to their direction. Their eyes changed as they felt the presence getting more near.

"Oh the non-eaters and..." Someone from the new group with weird hair that is dyed with white blonde on top of his head and the lower part of his hair is dyed with violet said smelling their scents.

"And a human." Someone with black hair and a masculine build said from behind in deep voice staring straight to Jaemin's eyes. Jeno quickly moved Jaemin behind him shielding the younger as the vampire called fiends approach them.

"Hojung stop it." One of them with near to orange hair just like Jisung's, restrained the black haired man from stepping any further.

"Let's go. Gwangsuk-hyung is calling us." The hazel brown haired tall guy said getting the attention of everyone while the other tall guy who looks younger with blonde hair kept his mouth shut.

"See you when we see you non-eaters!" The weird haired short male said before running ahead his group followed by the blonde and the others except for the black haired who's known to be Hojung and the orange haired watching Hojung's move.

Hojung just walked passing through the others until he reached Jaemin's place. He's now back to back with Jaemin. Renjun and Jeno turned to the other way to face Hojung who's back is facing them with their guard still up.

"See you soon sweetheart." Hojung said through the wind that only Jaemin could hear making Jaemin shiver in fear. Hojung vanished from their sight as Jaemin's knees go weak.

"Jaemin." Jeno immediately helped Jaemin.

"You better be careful human. I'm Euijin by the way." The orange head said following his comrades vanishing from their sight.

"Baby, they're gone. You're okay, calm down." Jeno hugged Jaemin tight who's still shivering from fear.

"Jen h-he's gonna get me." That was Jaemin's last words before losing consciousness.


R E V I S E D: July 27, 2019

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