Emphatic Vampire (NCT NoMin)

By IamJi-ya

179K 8.9K 5.6K

Jeno is a heartless emphatic vampire who finds Jaemin Na. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Q and A <3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Find thyselves

Chapter 19

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By IamJi-ya

"What the- Jeno, we need to find her." Jaemin told the older grabbing him.

"Wait, wait. Nana do you even know where to go?" Jeno asked pulling back the frantic young one.


"Okay Nana, calm down first maybe we can ask help to the police or something." Jeno suggested.

"Yeah you're right but we still have to find her. You heard it too right? She screamed and something broke like it was a glass or something." Jaemin said. Hina is not his friend or his close friend but Jaemin being nice and caring to everyone, he will offer a helping hand if he can. The both of them entered again the function hall again with their hands interlaced.

"Hey Jia, did you know where HIna went?" Jaemin asked one of Hina's friends.

"Well this is new, Na Jaemin finding Hina." The girl smirked that irritated Jaemin.

"Can you just answer my fcking question?" Jaemin hissed making Jia tense.

"Yah chill bro. I don't know but I think she's with Koeun earlier." Jia answered looking at the interlaced hands of Jeno and Jaemin.

"Thanks." They left Jia there and went to Koeun finding the girl alone in a table.

"Hey Koeun." Jaemin greeted the girl sitting in front of her with Jeno.

"Hey Jaemin and J-Jeno."

"So where's Hina?" Jaemin asked straightaway that shocked the girl in front of her.

"Oh. Well Hina's allergy attacked her a while ago. We checked her bag for anti-histamine since she doesn't want to go home yet but we found none so she said she'll just buy at that drugstore nearby. I said I'll go with her but she declined saying that she can handle it and I should have fun. The thing is she's been out for like 30 minutes and she's not answering my calls." Worry can be heard in Kouen's voice and her face shows the same thing.

"Oh Koeun she's fine. I know thanks and she's right enjoy the night." Jaemin smiled at the girl leaving her with Jeno trailing behind him.

"We should check that drugstore." Jaemin said determined to save Hina. Jeno held him back again making the younger stop on his tracks turning to Jeno giving him a confusing look. Jeno just smiled smoothly removing Jaemin's grip on his wrist as he interlaced their fingers again for the nth time today exchanging their position now he is leading the way with Jaemin behind him protectively shielding Jaemin while walking,. Jaemin blushed at the scene that just happened thanking all the Gods that Jeno is walking ahead of him.

They reached the said place and immediately concluded that this place is not good for girls to come alone seeing some old men drinking on the streets and some teenagers with their friends smoking adding pollution in the air. When they came in view of the strangers eyes were on them as they pass by every person. Jaemin can't take the cigarette smoke resulting him to cough so Jeno picked up his pace to pass the smoking little shits for Jaemin. They entered the drug store with Jaemin still coughing and all Jeno can do rub the younger's back. Luckily, there's no customer at the moment giving them the chance to ask the lady at the counter.

"Hello Sir, what do you need ?"

"Umm.. Actually I just wanted to ask if some girl bought anti-histamine here alone earlier?" Jaemin asked hoping that she'll say yes but the lady answered no.

"Jeno what if..." Jaemin is now nervous. What if Hina didn't made it her to buy medicine?

"Okay Nana let's try to look around for her. Don't worry you called the police right?" Jeno said caressing Jaemin's cheeks.

Jaemin nodded and gave Jeno a peck before exiting the place. It shocked them when they saw the men they passed earlier lined up in front of them, grinning like killers as their eyes are changing from normal to grey colored lenses.

"W-what-" Jaemin was cut off when Jeno grabbed him in a swift move, dodging something from Jaemin's back. It was the lady they asked earlier. She broke the glass door showing her fangs, her eyes is the same with the guys they encountered and their nails are sharp. Jeno hid Jaemin behind his back when he realized what they are facing right now.

"Nana dial Mark-hyung's number faster." Despite of his shaking hands Jaemin tried to dial Mark's number and put it on speaker.

"Hello Jae?"

"Mark-hyung rougarous-" Jeno said but he was cut off when one of the enemies attacked them. Jeno shielded the both of them using his arms earning big cuts caused by the sharp nails of the said species called rougarous are like werewolves they transform their appearance having wolf like face, thick fur and sharp teeth but the only difference of rougarous from werewolves is that werewolves stands on four feet while rougarous stands on using two feet just like humans, giving them the advantage to attack more powerfully and move freely.

"Jeno! Mark-hyung he- Ahh!" Jaemin yelled in pain with the lady in the drugstore scraped his arm sending his phone flying away from his grip.

"Jaemin!" Jeno immediately went to Jaemin's aid with his eyes already changed in gold color because of anger and his fangs out seeing Jaemin's blood flowing out from his wound.

"J-Jeno.. W-what-Oh my God look out!"


"Ji-Jisung-ah..." Chenle called the younger beside him holding his hand as tight as he could.

"Hyung relax it's okay relax." Jisung immediately snaked his arm behind Chenle's waist, rubbing the older's back soothingly. Jisung knows Chenle is having a vision, a bad one at that point. The moment Chenle breath out of relief his vision ended.

"Jaemin-hyung and Jeno-hyung are in trouble." Chenle said and at the same time Mark approached their table looking calm but he wasn't.

'Jeno and Jaemin is in trouble right now. They were attacked by rougarous we need to help them.'

Mark sent a knowing look to Chenle and Jisung after saying the words through telepathy.

"I'll go with you hyung." Jisung said standing up after hearing Chenle's word where to find Jaemin and Jeno. They need to look for a something like a drug store as what Chenle said and be attentive of the scent that might linger around.

"Lele be careful, okay? We'll be back." Jisung said laying a kiss on Chenle's cheek.

"You too be careful and comeback in one piece." Chenle hugged the taller male. He trusts their fighting ability and he knows that they can do it and save Jaemin and Jeno. He pulled away from Jisung's embrace looking at the younger with worry in his eyes.

"Please watch out for Donghyuck too , Lele." Mark said giving a pat on Chenle's shoulder before heading out followed by Jisung who laid one last kiss on Chenle's lips before going.

All Chenle could think right now is his friend's safety and Donghyuck. He must not let Donghyuck worry and be suspicious.


"JENO!" Mark and Jisung is still following the stinking scent of the rougarous not until they heard Jaemin's yell, Jisung can't teleport since none of them is familiar with the street so they ran in a high speed reaching the place where Jaemin and Jeno being trapped by the enemies.

Jeno is already bleeding everywhere, his own blood staining his torn clothes exposing his wounded chest. Jisung looked at the crying and shaking Jaemin at Jeno's back arms and hands are both bleeding. Jaemin's blood smells so sweet making the atmosphere fragrant almost neutralizing the bad smell coming from the rougarous, that's what Jisung thinks.

"Back up is here." Some familiar voice said revealing herself from the dark alley.

"H-Hina.. You're-"

"Jaemin-hyung stay here." Jisung teleported to Jaemin's side to restrain him from running to Hina.

"But Jisung-"

"Hyung no! She's one of them."


"We can smell her."

"What? How? What -" Jaemin is now back to shivering.

"Hyung calm down, I swear we'll explain it to you later just please calm down." Jisung hugged the crying male giving Jeno and Mark a nod to finish everything.

"It's payback time dogs." Jeno said with a devilish smirk plastered on his face, his gold eyes glowing with his fangs and nails being sharper than earlier. He didn't fight back the much earlier because his aim is to protect Jaemin at all cost dodging or shielding every attack from the enemies. He never let go of Jaemin because the last time he let go of him he got injured earning a wound on his arm that's still bleeding until now and Jeno blames himself for that. As Jeno and Mark are fighting and beataing the shit out of those five rougarous that's under Hina's command, the said girl approached Jisung's place.

"Park Jisung give him to me or else you're dying." Hina said with so much venom in her voice but that didn't scared Jisung one bit, in fact Jisung gave Hina a mocking look.

"Me? Dying? Not on your hands bitch." Jisung spat holding Jaemin tight as Hina ran to their direction, her features are changing as she ran.

"Oh? Why are you there? Hina we are here." Jisung smirked as he teleported the both of them at Hina's previous place making them to be behind Hina now.

"Blonde hair and golden eyes.. You areㅡ"

"Yes I am that's why I said I'm not dying on your hands bitch." Jisung rolled his eyes. Jisung wants to fight Hina but he can't afford to leave Jaemin. He's not used seeing the older like this, crying and scared but to his surprise Jaemin stopped crying pulling away from Jisung his sobs died down, his body are no longer shaking and he faced Hina.

"Why are you doing this?" Jaemin asked in a tone that is very familiar to Jisung, he used that tone to Donghyuck too when Hyuck dared to him to do 7 minutes in heaven with Jeno. Jaemin's voice is deeper than usual his face is expressionless and he is so cold. Jisung can feel the atmosphere around him to drop at 0 degrees when Jaemin spoke.

"Jaemin..." Hina's voice went soft.

"I love you ever since I laid my eyes on you and I'm doing this for you not to be confused anymore with your feelings. I know that Jeno is just messing with your feeling that's why you can't give a look for your feelings for me. Jaemin I know you feel something for me, you even rushed here to save me because you thought I am in trouble. Jaeminnie just step forward and go with me and no one dying." Hina said but Jaemin's expression remained stoic.

"I'm sorry Hina but you should stop. I can't return your feelings." Jaemin said.

"Then you're dying with them!" Hina yelled ready to attack Jaemin but Jeno is faster sending her flying on the concrete wall. Hina spit blood as her back made a hard contact with the hard matter. Jeno didn't even gave her a chance to counter giving her another punch on her stomach making a crater on the wall as her body sank more. Hina coughed blood and she knows that her insides are already damage. Jeno is no joke, his strength is no joke. Hina gave up letting herself lose consciousness and if she's lucky she'll wake up tomorrow and if not then it's goodbye. Jeno still attacked Hina's limp body, his mind is clouded not hearing the yells of his friends behind him to stop. All could think while looking Hina is that she hurt Jaemin and he's angry with the girl. No one can hurt Jaemin, not on Jeno's watch.

"Jeno stop, baby calm down. She's not fighting anymore. I'm here, I'm alive, I'm okay. Jeno calm down." Jaemin decided to make a move hugging Jeno from behind. Jeno stopped, feeling Jaemin's hand on his torso and hearing Jaemin's sweet honey voice calming him down. Jeno turned around gazing with so much love and worry at Jaemin his features are now back to normal, he cupped the younger's face with both of his palms. Jaemin smiled and didn't hesitate to crash his lips against Jeno's own soft lips. Mark and Jisung just smiled staring at the two, thinking that finally Jeno found his happiness and that only leaves Mark to officially own Donghyuck's heart. Jeno and Jaemin stared lovingly at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Ehem, as much as I like the scene in front of me. We need to go back and I guess we'll meet you back there?" Jisung said before vanishing into thin air with Mark leaving the couple alone.

"So you want to explain to me about something?" Jaemin broke the comfortable silence between when they are already far enough from the fight scene.

They ended up reaching a park and since it's already evening the park was silent and not to many people are around. Luckily, Jaemin was wearing a t-shirt underneath his sweatshirt, his sweat shirt that was ripped on one arm so Jeno just ripped the sleeves of Jaemin's sweat shirt exposing his biceps that Jaemin drooled over and wore it. He tied the ripped sleeved around Jaemin's wound where he only remembered when all of the chaos was done, crying again because his wound is hurting. Jeno found it cute though.

"So you know, Mark-hyung, Jisung, Chenle and I are vampires." Jeno paused contemplating if he will include Renjun too but in the end he decided not too since that is Renjun's job to tell Jaemin, they're best friends after all.

"Umm, yeah we are vampires but not the typical vampires you know we are vampires that feeds on the positive feelings of the human or vampire we wanted to spend our whole life. We are called the emphatic clan. So basically we have gifts like powers and I'm gonna confess to you something and please don't be mad." Jeno said with worry visible on his eyes.

"Hmmm... Depends on what you'll confess." This line of Jaemin made Jeno nervous.

"Ummm.. I have this gift to enter the dreams of the people I wanted to visit. Actually I am not really using this powers since it can't help me in battles but recently I'm using my gift to a person-"

"And that person is me right?" Jaemin interrupted turning his head to Jeno's direction. Jeno nodded waiting for some more words to come out from Jaemin's mouth and Jaemin giggling is the least thing he expected. He looked at the younger confused seeing Jaemin grinning happily.

"Oh my.. Jeno you don't know how relieve I am right now."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I keep thinking that I'm turning a big pervert and a fcking hormonal teenager who dreams of his crush every fucking night and the thing is I don't dream about some fluffy things and I'm embarrassed right now I should stop running my mouth." Jaemin said his ears red because of embarrassment. Jeno chuckled draping an arm around the younger pulling him sideways to lean Jaemin's head on his shoulder.

"And oh Nana, you remember those dreams where you can't remember the person with you in your dream? That was my doing." Jeno added.

"Really?" Jaemin again got up to look at Jeno who nodded. He immediately went back to his previous position seeing Jeno's response and Jaemin sighed.

"I'm glad, I thought some creepy creature had a crush on me and visiting me in my dreams." Jaemin said and Jeno chuckled again at Jaemin's thoughts.

"You're silly sunshine." Jeno kissed the top of Jaemin's head tightening his hug around the younger as they feel the cold night breeze. Again, comfortable silence engulfed the both of them enjoying the calm atmosphere lingering around them until Jeno remembered something breaking the silence this time.

"Nana?" He called Jaemin who just responded with a hum.

"What are we?" This question made Jaemin get up from his comfortable position looking at Jeno wide eyed.

"Wow Lee Jeno, after all those I love yous, kisses and I, calling you baby is still not enough for you to figure out what are we?" Jaemin dramatically put his palm on his mouth still looking at Jeno with his widen eyes. Jeno chuckled at the sight of Jaemin.

"I just want to hear it coming from you though." Jeno grabbed Jaemin's free hand playing with the younger's fingers. It was now Jaemin's turn to chuckle at Jeno's cuteness. Jaemin sighed making Jeno look back him flashing the older with the prettiest smile he can give.

"Hi Lee Jeno, my boyfriend. I'm Lee Jaemin- I mean Na Jaemin, your boyfriend. You're mine and I'm yours and no one can fight me on this. I love you my vampire."



P.S. We are not yet done more shit will go down after some filler shts. Loveyouall.


R E V I S E D: July 19, 2019

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