By jlarry

80.4K 3K 335

Having a childhood that could only be seen in horror movies, Emily Springs finally finds a safe haven when a... More

Chapter 6 - DONE
CHAPTER 13 (not edited)
CHAPTER 17- NEW PLAN (not edited)
CHAPTER 22- breath of fresh air.
CHAPTER 24- reunited
Chapter 26
Chapter 27- Big Reveal
Chapter 29--Big mistake
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- DNA
Chapter 33- RESULTS
Chapter 34- Deal breaker
Chapter 35- So long, farewell
Authors note


3.1K 116 12
By jlarry

Emily had been working for the Hurdleys for a month now but she had yet to meet their son, Ash, whom they have talked about nonstop; it was clear he was his mother's pride and joy; even the other staff talked about him. According to Sherri, he was very good looking, but he kept to himself most of the time. Frankly, Emily wanted to meet him, call it curiosity. She finally got her wish when he came over for the weekend and according to her co-workers, this was nothing out of the ordinary. She had heard that he usually came over a few days a week to spend time with his parents. She was working when she met him for the first time. Like usual, she went to his room to clean up, and even though it wasn't lived in, she still cleaned it. This particular day she went in, but stopped short, when she saw him sitting on the bed with a laptop in between his thighs.

"Um... I am sorry, I will come back later. I didn't know you were here." she rambled, backing away from the room.

"Hold on" his voice stopped her.

She peeked in, "Yes?" He gestured for her to come inside and she let the rest of her body inside the room.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Emily wiped her hands on her short. She tended to do that when she is nervous. "Um, I am Emily. One of the maids here."

He looked her over then frowned, "How long have you been working here?"

"About a month now."

He nodded, "What do you do exactly?" he asked, regarding her with interest.

"I clean the house; you know bed making, laundry, dusting, and things of that nature."

He continued looking her over then returned his eyes to hers. There was a tense silence before he spoke again. "Okay, don't let me stop you then."

Emily went back outside to fetch her cleaning supplies. She started with his bathroom, scrubbing and mopping. Next, she moved to his bedroom.

"Do you need me to get out?" he asked looking up from the laptop.

"No, you are fine. I am just going to wipe the dresser and stuff then vacuum the floor. I will come back to make your bed later." He nodded then went back to his laptop. Emily went about her business, getting his room as clean as possible with him still in it. When she looked up, she found him watching her and gave him a small smile before resuming her cleaning. When she was done, she gathered her supplies then uttered "Thank you." before closing his door behind her.


Ash joined his friends out in the patio. It was still slightly hot in Atlanta, even though it was October. He placed the wine on the table, putting cups in front of each person.

"So, how did it go with that fine piece of ass yesterday?" Josh asked, pouring himself a drink.

Ash smirked "Best sex I have ever had"

"Damn, that's saying a lot!" Michael added.

Ash nodded "She even taught me stuff."

Josh laughed. "So you seeing her again?"

"Yep. I got her number and I'll definitely be calling her for seconds." They all laughed at his comment. This was not usually his MO. He was the love 'em and leave 'em type. He didn't even know this particular ones name.

He watched Emily walk out of the garden towards the pool with the other maid, Sharice or something, he wasn't sure. His friends also watched.

"Who is that?" Michael asked.

Ash looked at him before turning back to Emily. "She is the new maid."

"She's hot." Josh said, and then added, "I would totally bang her." They all continue to look at Emily. She was now holding a garbage bag out to Sherri while she dropped the leaves from the pool into the bag. He could see her lips moving but couldn't make out what was been said. She looked cute in her beige pants and white long sleeved shirt.

"You had better be hitting that." Josh commented.

Ash glared at him. "I just met her earlier today."

"Well, now that you have "met" her, are you goin' to hit that?" Josh asked again looking pompous. This was what they did; sleep with anyone that caught their interest.

Ash shrugged since he had no answer for his friend. It wasn't in his agenda a couple of hours ago but now looking at her, he was definitely interested in having sex with her.

"I bet she already has someone fucking her, probably on a regular basis too." Josh continued.

"Why do you say that?" Michael asked Josh, frowning.

"I mean, look at her, ain't no way a girl like her is not getting it. She is hot." Ash shook his head at Josh. Josh thinks everyone is hot but he had to agree with him on this one. Her brown hair was pulled back into a loose bun showing off her long neck and he could see how perky her boobs were under her shirt. He couldn't exactly make out the features of her face from afar but her face was pretty. She looked like she could be a model except she wasn't a size zero like other models he had seen. She was facing to the side so he couldn't make out what her ass looked like.

"Dude, can you stop staring at her like she is a piece of meat?" Michael's voice broke his stare. He turned his head to Michael, who was scowling at him.

Josh chuckled, shaking his head at Ash. "Yea. He will be hitting that." He couldn't help the grin that took over his face at Josh's declaration. He definitely wanted her now.

"I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?" Michael asked, getting annoyed at Ash.

"Yea, sure man." He answered looking away from Emily. He got up and walked back into the house. He saw the chef in the kitchen, chopping some veggies. "Hey, can I get some food for me and my friends?"

Carol, the chef, looked up from the chopping board. "Dinner is not ready yet." she said, looking around at the mess on the counter.

"A sandwich will be fine."

"Anything particular in it?"She asked while wiping her hands on her apron.

Ash smiled "No, just the usual. You know how I like it." He said playfully.

"Sure." Carol weakly returned the smile.

"Thanks mami. You're the best!" He half-yelled walking out of the kitchen. He joined his friends back at the patio. "Carol is making her mean sandwiches. They will be here in a minute."

"Cool." Josh gushed. "I love her sandwiches."

"EMILYYYYYYY!!!" A voice called out. They turned to the voice but couldn't see the person. They watched Emily straighten up and turn toward the voice.


"COME HERE, PLEASE!" The voice yelled back.

She turned back to Sherri, said something and tied the garbage bag off. Ash and his friends watched her laugh and give the bag to the other maid, walking away before blowing a kiss to Sherri, who was now sulking.

"So her name is Emily?" Michael asked, still watching her leave.

"Yea. She started working here about a month ago." Ash replied while taking a sip of his wine.

"So what is the plan for tomorrow? Are you coming out with us?" Josh asked changing the subject. Before Ash could reply he added, "Jer said he has smoking hot girls for you." He said, wiggling his brows.

Ash chuckled "Yea. I will be there."

"I won't be there, I have plans tomorrow." Michael said.

"Really? With who?" Ash directed at him, cocking his head to the side. "I have a d..." Michael trailed off when Emily walked onto the patio carrying a plate filled with sandwiches.

"Here you go." She said, looking at Ash before placing it on the table. Straightening up she asked "Anything else?" Ash stared at her, taking in her face. She was very pretty up close. She had red full lips, not the Botox bought ones, straight nose but not too pointy and her eyes. 'My god', Ash thought. Her eyes were the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, they looked grey with a fleck of something else around the pupil, but he couldn't make out what the color was from his position. She looked so young, he noticed too. 'How old is she?' He wondered. He realized he had been blatantly staring at her and still hadn't answered her question.

Blinking he said, "No, this is fine."

She bit the corner of her lips, and smiled.

"My name is Michael." Michael said stretching his hand out to her. Ash watched Emily wipe her hand on her pants before taking the outstretched hand.

"Emily. Nice to meet you." Ash saw the tiny blush creeping up her neck. 'What in the hell is that about and who the fuck blushes?' he thought to himself, getting annoyed. Michael released her hand smiling. She smiled back at him, and turned to not at the rest of the guys, before walking off the patio.

"Dude, she totally wants you." Josh blurted out as soon as she was out of sight, reaching down to pick up a sandwich in the process.

"She can still hear you." Michael scolded him.

"So?" He returned smugly.

Ash turned to Josh, "What?"

Nodding, Josh replied, "Yep, she totally wants you Ash. I would take the offer if I were you."

"She was just being polite Josh." Michael reasoned, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Whatever man, she totally wants the D."

Taking a bite of his sandwich, Ash pondered on his friend's comment. Sure, he wanted her. Who wouldn't? She was gorgeous. However, was the feeling mutual? She had just blushed while talking to Michael. What if she wanted Michael and Josh was wrong about his assessment? What if she rejected him? He didn't like rejection. In fact, he didn't take rejection well at all. On the other hand, what if Josh was right? She did smile at him seductively. Deciding there was only one way to put his mind at rest, he had to make a pass at her.


Emily washed off after everyone had had dinner. Normally she didn't do the dishes but Carol had asked her to help since she wasn't feeling too well. She agreed, of course, because she loved the way they all worked together. She turned the dishwasher on before wiping off the counter and when she was done, she went to the sink to wash her hands.

"Hey." A deep but smooth voice said behind her. Ash, she thought. There is no mistaking his voice, that's for sure.

Turning around she greeted back, "Hey."

He was leaning by the arch that separates the kitchen from the dining room. Emily couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. His sandy brown hair was short but was long enough for fingers to run through it and he had a tan glow to his skin, even in the middle of October. He was wearing jeans that hugged him perfectly, a white polo shirt that showed off his muscles nicely, and black sneakers.

"Do you want your dinner now?" She asked him. He had missed dinner since he was just now coming back home from wherever he had been.

"No, I'm good. I already ate." Emily nodded.

"Do you need something then?" He ran his hand through his hair, tugging it. The movement caused his shirt to ride up and reveal a toned stomach and a sexy V that disappeared under the waist of his jeans. The movement also exposed the band of his boxers and she noticed that Armani was on the hem of them. Emily sensed that he seemed to be nervous, as if he was trying to say something, but didn't know how to approach the subject. When he walked further inside of the kitchen, she wiped her wet hands on a towel and waited. He opened his mouth but then closed it abruptly, groaning as he leaned over the kitchen island. His behavior was starting to worry her now, so she asked, "Is there..." She couldn't get the rest of her question out before he interrupted her with a question of his own.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked looking at her curiously.

Emily blinked. "What?" That was the last thing she expected him to ask. She must have heard him wrong.

"I asked if you have a boyfriend." He repeated.

She stared at him, lost in how to answer. 'That was random. Why would he want to know that?' She thought to herself. Swallowing, she answered truthfully, "No, I don't have a boyfriend." She didn't have a boyfriend, in fact, she had never had a boyfriend, but he didn't need to know that little bit of information. She always thought that was a tad embarrassing and didn't usually tell people.

Ash nodded, "Good. That will make this easier." Her response seemed to dismiss his earlier nerves. He looked bolder now. "Why don't you have one?" He asked, looking straight into her eyes.

Emily avoided eye contact and looked around. "I am too busy for that right now."

He smirked, as if what she said was the greatest response she could have given him. He straightened up and walked towards her. Emily stood her ground by the sink while he walked forward until he was at half an arm's length away. She swallowed nervously; the proximity was a little nerve wracking.

He leaned forward towards her ear and whispered, "I want you."

She shivered and took a step back. "What do you mean?" She asked licking her dry lips.

"I think you are hot and I want you."

Was he for real? The compliment was nice and all but, he clearly wasn't listening to her. "I just told you that I'm too busy for a relationship right now."

"Well you are in luck cuz' I don't want one."

Emily just stared at him with her mouth open. What arrogance! Stepping around him she responded, "Look, I am not sure you get what I'm saying, but I'm going to make it clear." She took a deep breath and continued, "I don't want or need ANY type of relationship right now, which includes a fling."

"I get that. I just want to have sex with you. Not a fling and definitely not a relationship." Emily frowned what in the world? He continued, "Call it curiosity, but I need to have you."

"Why?" She asked, trying to make sense of his bizarre request; he just shrugged at her.

"Really? A shrug? You are going to give me shrug?!" She snapped. "Did you make a bet with your friends that you would get me into bed or something?"

Ash rolled his eyes "That's childish. How old you think we are?"

"I don't know; which is one of the reasons why I'm stunned by your request. You don't know me and I don't know you either. I can't just jump into bed with you just because you are curious."

"My name is Ash. I am 24 years old and I work at my dad's company as one of the junior executives. There, now you know me."

Emily just stared at him. He didn't just look young, he was young. He was five years older than she was but had accomplished so much more. The thought made Emily a little sad. Would she ever make something of herself? She was just a high school graduate; college wasn't even in the near future for her right now. 'Well, at least I graduated high school.' She thought bitterly.

"You said so yourself, you don't have time for a relationship. That information is all you need to know since we won't be getting into anything serious. Besides, you know me better than the other girls that I have slept with." He added and grinned.

Emily frowned. Was that supposed to make a difference? She cleared her throat, "Look Ash, I don't want and certainly don't need, whatever it is that you are trying to convince me to do. Okay? I'm not in a place in my life where I want to indulge in casual sex, never have and never will, so I'm not accepting or even considering what you are suggesting." His arrogance was simply annoying and a huge turn-off for her.

He frowned. "Are you telling me no?" He asked, sounding suprised.

"Yes, I guess I am." Emily realized that's probably not something he was used to hearing. With his looks, he probably just got what he wanted, whenever he wanted, and from whomever he wanted. Well, there was always a first time for everything. She then got a huge dose of confidence and added, "It must be something you aren't used to hearing, but not every girl wants to be treated like a blow-up doll, simply for your enjoyment." With that, she walked out of the kitchen, leaving Ash pissed off and staring daggers at her retreating figure.



Thank you so much @hdwilliams1109 for editing. You are awesome.

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