Bulletproof (Agent #1)|WATTYS...

By Completely_Yours

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☆ FEATURED in Wattpad's official New Adult account under 'There's Only One Bed | Romance' ... More

》1. I have a new assignment for you《
》2. She's your bodyguard《
》3. Amongst us Americans, you are a fine, exotic specimen《
》4. Do you always have to flirt?《
》5. She has a sexy British accent《
》6. Eyes up here, pretty boy《
》7. Oh Lord, are you high?《
》8. You have really green eyes《
》9. I don't bite. Well only when provoked《
》11. Your bra is ripped《
》12. We were drugged《
》13. Boys, no need to fight over me《
》14. It wasn't a date《
》15. She looks drop dead gorgeous《
》16. I'm being chased and I'm running out of bullets《
》17. Nervous about being married to me?《
》18. I think I've made my feelings for you very obvious《
》19. I'd put your life before mine any day《
》20. You look pretty damn sexy《
》21. I can literally feel you staring at me《
》22. You look pretty good after being punched more than a few times《
》23. I think you know why I care so much《
》24. I'm never going to fall for you, Aiden《
》25. Please let me kiss you《
》26. Princess, you're always sexy《
》27. I want you to rip my clothes off《
》28. I'll always be safe with you beside me《
》29. She's my best friend, my sister, my Cupcake《
》30. I have fallen for you in every way possible, Princess《
》31. I love her《
》32. I'm going to kill you《
》33. It's time for answers《
》34. I'm really here, Cupcake《
》35. You better not give up on me, on us《
》36. Live a little《
》37. Me and you together? We're Bulletproof《
Spin-Off Sneak Peek!
WATTYS 2019 - 20/07/2019
Hey guys - 18/05/2024

》10. You're just the coolest person I've ever met《

3.7K 122 31
By Completely_Yours

Chapter 10: You’re just the coolest person I’ve ever met

I covered my mouth with my hand as I stopped screaming. The initial shock of seeing Aiden sat on my bed passed and I straightened, my pulse still racing.

“What in God’s name are you doing here?” I exclaimed.

Aiden sat frozen before me, his eyes wide in bewilderment and confusion. He stood up.

“Where the hell did you come from?” He asked, his tone laced in disbelief. “I was just waiting in here for you and you were definitely not here. You just... appeared.”

I held back a laugh at his utter confusion and smiled. I pointed to my watch. “It’s a teleportation device.”

Realisation dawned in his hazel eyes and he flickered his gaze from my watch to me. “That is so freaking cool.”

Before he could ask me the hundreds of questions I knew he probably had, I raised my hand to stop him. Grabbing his arm, I tugged him along with me to my closet and pushed him inside, shutting the door.

“Woah, what are you doing. I mean I know I’m hard to resist, but we’ve only known each other for a week and–“

I flicked his forehead to stop his remark and let go of his arm. “Shut up. This is important,” I stated and took a seat on the spacious wooden floor.

Aiden raised his eyebrows and mirrored my actions. I took the paper out of my jeans pocket and laid the blueprint out in between us. I pointed to the circles.

“This is a layout of your house and the area surrounding it. These circles are all the security cameras. These highlighted areas are the blind spots where no camera can reach.”

Aiden stared at me in confusion. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because your house isn’t safe.”

At my words, Aiden's shoulders tensed in a sign of panic. I sighed and glanced down at the sheet.

“Don’t panic. And act normal because they don’t know we know.”

“Who are they?” Aiden questioned.

“My team and I think one of the workers here is working undercover for the people after your dad. It could be one or more. That blackout from yesterday wasn't a technical difficulty but a process in hacking into your security system. Someone is watching everything that happens in this house.”

“That's so fucking creepy,” Aiden shuddered.

I grimaced. “I know. For now we need to act like we don’t know so we're one step ahead. The person is most likely aware of me being your bodyguard but we need to keep acting like I’m a family friend. These blind spots are where we can discuss things like this without being watched or overheard.”

I watched as Aiden absorbed all this information and peered down at the blueprint. His brows wrinkled in confusion.

“Why are we in your closet then? There’s no camera in your room or outside this hallway.”

I shrugged. “Had to be sure and this discussion seemed like it had to be done in a confined space. Although this closet is a room on its own,” I claimed and glanced around the spacious room.

Aiden chuckled and stood up, giving me a hand. “So we just act normal?”

I tucked the blueprint into my pocket. “Yes. I’ll tell your parents once your dad gets home from work.”

Aiden nodded and we both stepped out of my closet. I froze when I found Mary standing near the room door. Her eyes widened when she saw both me and Aiden exit the closet together and amusement flashed across her eyes.

I looked between Aiden and I and quickly took a step back. “It’s not what it looks like,” I rushed out.

It took a moment for Aiden to register the situation and a smirk played on his lips. He suddenly grasped my hand and tugged me closer to him.

“It is actually. You caught us. We were making out," he shrugged carelessly with an ‘oops’ expression on his face.

My eyes widened at his words and when I tried to twist out of his hold, he tightened his grip on me. "We were not!"

Mary pressed her lips together to refrain a smile and bowed her head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I knocked but no one answered. I just wanted to check up on Vivian.”

I realised she was talking about my cramps. “I’m completely fine. Thanks,” I replied with a tight lipped smile.

Mary smiled and quickly left my room. The moment the door shut, I twisted out of Aiden's grasp on my hand and shoved him.

“Why did you say that for? Now the entire staff is going to think we're like going out or something!” I yelled in irritation.

Aiden raised his hands up in surrender and took a step back from my fuming form. He gave me an easy grin. “I was just keeping up appearances. You know, what with this mysterious spy among the workers and all. What a more perfect cover then you and me being thought to be in a somewhat relationship?”

I flicked his forehead and glared at him. “I already have a cover: a family friend,” I retorted. “And it’s Mary, she’s not the bad guy.”

Aiden shrugged with an mischievous look. “How do you know that?”

I rolled my eyes at his playful antics and exhaled a breath. “Come on. I’m starving.”

I walked into the hallway with Aiden catching up beside me. “What do you feel like eating?”

I shrugged a shoulder. “Anything,” I replied and walked into the kitchen.

Aiden's tug on my hand made me turn to face him. He pointed towards the lift. “Let's go out to eat. Being here feels creepy now,” he said quietly.

I nodded at his reasoning and we made our way into the garage. As I walked over to Aiden's usual car, I noticed he wasn’t walking beside me. I swivelled around to find him looking at the motorbikes.

“Feel like riding a bike today?” I asked curiously.

Aiden nodded. “Yeah, but there’s only one working. That one,” he pointed to a blue one and I admired it.

“Just ride that one then,” I stated.

Aiden shook his head. “No, then you won’t be able to ride one either.”

I smiled at his consideration for me. “We can always share?” I suggested.

Aiden's gaze found mine. “You mind?” He asked.

I shook my head. “Not at all.”

Aiden smiled at my answer, his dimples appearing and got on the bike. I hesitantly hopped onto the seat behind him and he passed me a helmet. I brushed my hair out of the way and strapped it on. Aiden started the engine once he wore his helmet.

I propelled forward in my seat and my hands instinctively came out to grasp his waist. I felt Aiden's body shake as he chuckled and eased out of the garage.

“This is taking being my bodyguard to a whole other level, Princess.”

A laugh tumbled out of my mouth and I swatted his back. As Aiden began steering into the streets, I moved my hands behind me and gripped the back of the bike, steadying myself. Being this close to Aiden made my stomach flutter and I pushed the feeling away, ignoring it.

The city breezed by in a blur and the afternoon sun spread warmth upon us despite the cold, January weather. I smiled when I saw the big M sign as Aiden eased the bike to a stop. Jumping off the seat, I took the helmet off and shook my hair out, my ponytail coming loose. I left the hairband on my wrist and turned to face Aiden.

He packed away both helmets and faced me. “I’m craving a big mac.”

I chuckled as we made our way into McDonald's. “Really? Because I’m craving two.”


I laid on my bed wide awake, staring up at the white ceiling. I couldn’t sleep. Not while knowing there was literally an intruder under the same massive roof as me.

I sat up at the sound of a knock at my door and switched on the lamp on my nightstand. The door creaked open and Aiden popped his head in. I exhaled at the sight of him as he stepped into my room.

“Can’t sleep?” I asked quietly.

Aiden shook his head with a sigh. “I see neither can you.” He took in my dishevelled form and shut my room door.

I rubbed my tired eyes. “Yeah, I can’t sleep knowing someone can come strangle me at any moment,” I mumbled.

Aiden cringed at the image I embedded into his mind and sat down at the edge of my bed. “Me either.”

I glanced down at my hands before peering up at him. “What are you doing here?”

Aiden shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. “I figured you’d be awake and decided to check,” he said in a hushed and nervous tone.

I smiled and patted the spot on the bed beside me. Aiden smiled at my gesture and crawled across the bed, settling down comfortably beside me. He positioned the pillow behind him and relaxed against the headboard; I followed his actions.

“How'd the talk with my parents go?” Aiden asked, breaking the comfortable silence between us.

“As good as it could. They were really worried but after I told them my plan and that they didn’t have to be too concerned, they understood. They'll just have to be more cautious now.”

“Who do you think the worker is?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Jake and Devin – the tech guys in our team – have been studying all your staff members and haven’t suspected anyone yet.”

Curiosity shone in Aiden’s hazel eyes; his eyes took a darker colour in the dim-lit room. My skin tingled as he continued to gaze at me.

“Tell me about your team.”

A grin tugged on to my lips and I twisted on the bed to face him. “In missions like these we get assigned a specialist team. While I’m working directly up front, four other people are working behind the scenes. There’s Sebastian, my best friend and my partner; we do all our assignments together. And then there’s Jessica, she’s on the combat team like Seb and I.”

Time passed as Aiden asked curious questions and I answered them to the best of my ability without breaching any protocols. I told him about HAC: the leaders, the combats, the techs. I also mentioned my previous assignments.

“You really said that to an FBI agent?” Aiden burst out laughing.

“Well, he shouldn’t have undermined my abilities,” I scoffed.

As our laughter died down, my gaze locked with Aiden’s. His hazel eyes flickered across my face in an almost perplexed and admirable look. His unrelenting gaze made my stomach knot up.

I brushed my hair behind my ear. “What?” I laughed.

Aiden shook his head with an unreadable smile. “Nothing. You're just the coolest person I’ve ever met.”

A smile broke on to my lips and my heartbeat accelerated. God, what was happening to me?

I nudged him with my shoulder, unable to wipe the grin off my face. “Well, you aren't so bad yourself,” I said and looked up at him. “You know, once you get over the obnoxious, arrogant, narcissistic-“

Aiden shoved me, cutting me off and I fell to my side in laughter. I glanced over at the clock and saw it was already past three; we'd been talking for an hour. In spite of it being three in the morning, I felt more alive than ever.

“Want to play a game?” I asked as I tugged the duvet up my body.

Aiden nodded while pulling the duvet over his legs and crossing his arms over his chest. I grabbed my phone and thumbed through my apps until I found the game I was looking for.

Aiden's chuckle echoed in my room when he realised what we were playing. “Connect four?”

I stared at him with a challenging look. “I’m awesome at this game. No one can beat me.”

Aiden's eyes met mine with his own daring gaze. “Prepare to lose for the first time then.”


I squinted at the bright light shining through my closed eyelids. Groaning, I further curled myself into the duvet, heat engulfing me. My hand reached out to pull the duvet over my head but I couldn’t move it; a weight held it down. I sighed, giving up on tugging it and pressed my face against my comfy pillow.

I heard a groan beside me and my pillow shifted.

I froze.

Pillows don’t move. And they don’t groan either.

My eyes snapped open when a weight flung down on my waist. My eyes widened at the sight of the large body beneath mine.

Aiden lay asleep beside me, my head previously resting on his comfortable chest. I peered between us and at our close proximity, instantly feeling my skin heat.

Aiden slept next to me.

We shared the same bed.

And I found it unusually comfortable.

Oh dear Lord.

My thoughts were interrupted when Aiden's arms tightened around me, and I refrained a squeal escaping my lips when he pressed me back down on to his chest with the weight of his arm. I placed my hands on his firm chest and peered up at him.

Aiden looked undoubtedly peaceful and handsome in his sleep. His chiselled jaw seemed at ease while his eyelashes fluttered and his lips were in a cute pout.

I tensed at my strange and inappropriate thoughts and mentally shook them away. I’ve only known him a week, I'm not meant to feel like this. Although, I did spent every single day of this week in his presence. But that’s because I’m his bodyguard.

I’m his bodyguard. I’m here to protect him. Not to feel these strange and foreign feelings.

With that thought in mind, I attempted to pull away from Aiden and create some space between us. I winced when I sat up and heard him groan.


Aiden's sleepy and surprisingly very attractive voice made me look over my shoulder at him. He rubbed his eyes and stared back at me in confusion, taking in his surroundings. I scrambled off the bed and turned to face him as he sat up.

“We must have fallen aleep while playing that game last night,” I explained.

Aiden's eyes widened in realisation and he scurried off the bed, standing opposite me. His t-shirt crumpled during his sleep and his hair was set in a messy, cute way.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. Running a hand through his hair, he stared at me. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”

His voice was laced in nerves as he rubbed the back of his neck and walked passed me. I watched the door shut behind him and my pulse quickened.

I’m his bodyguard. That’s all.

At breakfast the tension between Aiden and I vanished. Though I did see him steal a few glances at me and he probably thought I didn’t notice.

“Anything planned for today?” I asked.

Veronica and Aaron were talking but they stopped to listen.

Aiden nodded and finished chewing his food. “Yeah, the boys want to go paintballing.”

A smile quirked onto my lips. “Awesome.”

Before he could reply, Veronica spoke up. “You sure you want to go? You’re going to get bruised.”

I smiled at her motherly concern. A sigh left Aiden’s lips and he smiled at his mother.

“Mom, I’ll be fine.”

I took a bite out of my chocolate waffles just as Crystal spoke up.

“Can I come?”


Crystal's hopeful expression shattered at Aiden's quick reply. He seemed to notice and smiled at her.

“It’s for grown ups, Crystie. How about I’ll play with you after I get back?”

Crystal beamed at her brother. “Okay!”

My lips twitched at their encounter and my heart tugged for my own brothers.

Once breakfast was over, Aiden and I walked back to his room. I plonked myself down on his couch.

“You sure you’re up for paintballing? You know, with you...”

I quirked a confused brow at Aiden’s words. “With me?”

I refrained from smiling at the pink blush crawling up his neck. He shrugged while sitting across from me.

“You know,” he mumbled. “With you being on your... period.”

I almost burst out laughing at how uncomfortable he looked. I sent him a quizzical stare.


I don’t think Aiden could look more uneasy than now. And then a smirk suddenly shifted on to his lips.

“Well you did say you bite when provoked.”

A laugh escaped my mouth at his cheeky words. “Don't worry, today I’m feeling generous. I’ll go easy on you.”

Aiden raised a brow. “Oh, really? You and easy shouldn’t even be put in the same sentence.”

I laughed again and shrugged a shoulder. “Maybe not.”

He was about to say something when his phone pinged. He glanced down, typed something and then stood up.

“Come on. We’re leaving.”

I followed him out of the room and down the stairs.

“It’s only eleven. I didn’t know we’d be going so early,” I said as we got into the lift.

Aiden flickered his gaze over at me. “Caiden likes to go out early. Don’t ask why. You need to be somewhere?”

I shook my head. “Nope.”

We stepped into his garage and I pointed at his sleek Bentley. It was a 2014 Bentley Flying Spur.

“Can we take this? It’s so sexy.”

Aiden chuckled and threw me the keys. “You can drive.”

The way I beamed at him probably made me look like a lit up Christmas tree. I slid into the car still grinning. I ran my fingers across the dashboard in admiration and sniffed the air. It still smelt new which meant Aiden didn’t use it as much.

Deep chuckles, that somehow quickened my pulse, drew my attention away from the car. Aiden's amused expression made me narrow my eyes at him.

“I love cars, okay?”

Aiden raised his hands in surrender. “Hey, I got no problem with that. I think it makes you even cooler. You know, what with the gun and the training. It’s only expected that you know your cars, too.”

The corners of my lips lifted at his words and I turned my gaze back to the steering wheel. I stuck the keys inside and the engine roared to life. I drove out of the Reece's estate before peering over at Aiden.

“I need directions,” I reminded him.

Aiden pressed a few buttons on the GPS system and then I was following the directions to the paintballing centre. I spotted the boys before I even parked and I grinned at their jaw-dropping expressions when I smoothly parked the Bentley in front of them.

Aiden got out but I rolled down my side of the window.

“So sexy, right?” I grinned at Caiden.

Alex instantly nodded. “Yes, you are.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his flirty tone. “I meant the car.”

Caiden chuckled. “Hell yeah! I’m surprised Aiden let you drive one of his precious cars.”

I smiled at him before getting out. “I guess it’s my irresistible charm.”

Caiden smirked at my words and flung his arm over my shoulder. “I think I’m rubbing off on you, miss exotic.”

I laughed and shrugged his arm off as we began to walk. The moment we stepped inside, I spotted Tristan and a few boys.

“Oh, her majesty has graced us with her presence,” Tristan mocked and did a fake bow.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Yes I have, peasant.”

The other guys laughed and Tristan glared at me playfully. We were handed safety jackets and the instructor went over how to use the paintball gun and how the game works. I kind of zoned him out.

I knew how to play. Some of the junior agents planned day trips once in a while and a few of them were paintballing. It was always fun because we’re professional shooters and so the competition was thick as ice. Everyone always placed bets on others.

The man ushered us outside into a forest like area. We were split into teams and I ended up getting Caiden and a few of the other boys. Aiden, Tristan and Alex were on the opposing team. We were playing death match.

Aiden’s eyes twinkled in a challenge. “Get ready to lose,” he taunted.

It seemed he forgot that I more than knew how to handle a gun.

I smirked at him. “Get ready to cry when I win, pretty boy.”

He scowled at me and I laughed as I walked away. Caiden walked alongside me as we found a place to hide.

“Don’t worry, miss exotic. I won’t let you get shot,” Caiden claimed with a playful wink.

I raised my gun at him in warning. “You’ll be surprised at what I can do, Knight.”

Caiden only grinned cheekily in reply.

And then the game began.

Caiden and I stayed hidden and when I saw movement behind another tree, I aimed my gun. I fired and heard a painful groan. Alex stumbled out behind the bushes with a splash of red paint on his chest.

“Man down!” Alex exclaimed dramatically and then looked at me with a hand pressed against his chest. “You shot me, Vi.”

I smiled at him feigning to die. He fell to the ground in a heap and pretended to be still. Caiden kicked his stomach lightly.

“Haha, loser,” Caiden taunted and then shot him again. On the shoulder.

“Ow!” Alex yelled and stopped acting dead for a second. He glared up at Caiden from the leafy ground. “I’ve already been shot! You can’t shoot me again!”

Caiden shrugged carelessly. “Oops.”

Caiden grabbed my arm and as we ran, he let out an attempt at an evil laugh. A laugh escaped my mouth before I nudged him to be quiet. We came face to face with Tristan.

We both raised our guns at the same time. Tristan stared at me with a mischievous glint in his emerald eyes.

“You shoot, I shoot,” Tristan warned.

I shrugged. “Cool.”

Before he could react, I shot him twice and blue and yellow coloured his upper body. Tristan yelped and he glared at me before shooting. But I ducked down and rolled away. I left a speechless Tristan standing there and grabbed Caiden’s arm as we ran away again.

“That was so cool!” He declared and nudged me. “You got fast reflexes, miss exotic.”

I laughed at his words, the noise muffled by my mask. We quickly ducked behind a few tires and I scanned the messy area. I quickly caught sight of Josh who was the team leader and he sent me a hand signal. I quickly understood and ushered Caiden behind me.

The three guys behind a bunch of objects were oblivious to our attack. I raised my gun and opened fire.

Josh shot one while I shot two. They grumbled and began walking away. It was only Josh, Caiden and I left in our team and Aiden in the other. I resisted the urge to smirk. Aiden was definitely going to lose.

Abrupt shooting from afar came to my left and colourful pain splattered onto the ground. Caiden began shooting but when a shot came my way, he jumped in front of me.

“I’ll save you, miss exotic!!”

His scream echoed in the forest and then he collapsed at my feet. Three different colours painted his chest and leg. He smiled up at me weakly and feigned to die like Alex.

“I think I deserve a kiss,” he mumbled cheekily.

I rolled my eyes but nonetheless blew him a kiss. He caught it with pride and enthusiasm.

I could hear Josh and Aiden shooting at one another.

“Now,” Caiden breathed in deeply and exaggeratively. “I may die happy.”

And then he stilled and I began to laugh. I kicked his leg lightly and he peeked a blue eye open. He shrugged and got up.

“I’m alive. It's a miracle. It must have been your kiss!” He claimed as he backed away with a cheeky smirk.

My laughter was short lived when I looked over at the other two boys. Paint covered Josh and he exhaled a few curses. He looked at me glumly as he began to walk way.

“Good luck,” he muttered.

I smiled and ducked behind a tree.

“I’m going to get you, Princess!” I heard Aiden yell.

I almost laughed at his cockiness and loaded my gun. I could hear him shuffling around the bushes and getting closer to me. I rolled my eyes at how obvious he was being.

I raised my gun and aimed. I knew exactly where he was.

I shot.

A yelp followed.

“Aw, come on!”

I laughed.

Aiden stormed out into the open, his mask in his hand and bewilderment etched across his face. Green paint splattered his chest.

I tore my mask off to stick my tongue out at him. “Haha!”

Aiden began marching towards me as I continued to tease him.

“Whose the loser? It’s the pretty boy!”

His hazel eyes narrowed and then he raised his gun. I screamed as he began shooting at me and ducked behind a set of tires.

“I already shot you. I win! You can’t shoot me now!”

I heard his laughs pick up with the wind and I peered over the tires to look at him. He had a playful gleam in his eyes and then he was shooting again.


I aimed my gun and also shot back at him. I heard a few grunts and groans so I knew he got shot a few times. And just as he was reloading his gun, I charged towards him.

I kicked his gun out of his hands and my leg met his. He yelped and fell to the ground on his back. I pressed my gun against his stomach with narrowed eyes.

“I win,” I claimed cheerfully.

Aiden frowned but his eyes were laughing. “That’s not fair! You can’t use your agent skills!”

I shrugged a shoulder and then passed him a hand to haul him up. He dusted himself off.

“Don't be such a sore loser.”

I turned around and headed towards the centre. The rest of the boys were gathered around the door, taking their things off. I raised my arms in the air.

“We won!”

Caiden rushed towards me with a grin and lifted me into the air. I squealed in surprise and laughed as he twirled me around.

“Woohoo! I knew you could do it!” He yelled and then set me down.

Caiden flickered his gaze behind me and snickered. I turned around to see Aiden’s glum expression as he dragged his feet towards us. He stood beside me and I nudged his shoulder.

“Stop frowning.” I teased.

Aiden’s lips tugged up a little but he attempted to scowl. And then Caiden pulled his ear and Aiden yelled out a few curses while glaring at him.

Caiden shrugged. “Stop being such a sore loser. We won fair and square,” he claimed and then grinned at me.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I walked towards the door. I jumped at the sudden pain flaring across my lower back. I whirled around to see Tristan standing behind me with his gun strapped to his arm.

Aiden was clutching his stomach and was laughing so hard, tears were in his eyes. Alex and Caiden and a few of the other boys were snickering.

I peered down at my back and sure enough, pink paint covered my jacket.

I glared at Tristan's smirking figure.
“Tristan,” I growled.

“Your highness,” he mocked.

Before I could raise my gun and shoot him a few times, Aiden stepped in front of me.

“Alright, don’t provoke her. She freakin' bites!”

I narrowed my eyes at Aiden’s smirk and teasing tone. His hazel eyes twinkled as the boys barked out laughs.

“I still win,” I said smugly and then turned around and sauntered inside.

After we changed and the boys complained about their bruises, we made our way back to our cars. We ended up going to KFC.

Tristan threw a fry at me to get my attention. I stared at him expectantly as I finished chewing my chicken.

“Where'd you learn how to do all those things back there? You were pretty good with the gun,” he said curiously.

“Yeah, you were busting out some awesome moves!” Caiden added from beside me.

I chuckled as all the boys looked at me and I shrugged. “My dad used to take me to the shooting range.”

And it was true. Before they died and before I knew about HAC, dad used to train Travis and I. I just assumed it was for self-defence.

Alex spoke from across me. “Used to? Don’t you go anymore?”

I froze. And then I recollected my thoughts, calmed my racing heart and smiled. “My parents passed away.”

The entire table fell silent and I felt Aiden stiffen beside me. I chewed the inside of my cheek at the awkward atmosphere.

Caiden flung his arm around my shoulder and I peered up at him. “I’m sorry, miss exotic,” he said and sympathy flashed in his blue eyes.

I sent him a small smile. “Thanks, Caiden.”

I glanced up at the other guys and Alex shot me a sad smile. Tristan, on the other hand, was staring at me with a look I couldn’t quite decipher. Curiosity and empathy. As I ate, I decided that later on I would do a little research on Tristan because the look in his emerald eyes told me that he knew how I felt.

When we got back to the mansion, I turned to face Aiden as we walked up the stairs.

“Today was fun. Anywhere else?” I asked.

Aiden peered over at me and shook his head. A smile graced his handsome face.

“No, I’m too bruised to want to go anywhere else,” he complained and I laughed at his expression.

“Such a weakling,” I teased.

He rolled his eyes playfully as we both stopped at my door. And then there was suddenly an electrical static in the air between us. I looked at him through my lashes and he had a look in his eyes that I didn’t want to analyse.

Aiden cleared his throat and stepped back, shoving his hands into his pocket. “I’ll see you later,” he said.

I nodded and watched him turn around and walk towards his room. The funny feeling in my stomach didn’t fade as I sat down on my bed and took my laptop out. To get my mind of Aiden and the weird energy between us, I typed in Tristan's name into the HAC system.

Tristan O'Connel.

Age: 18

My eyes widened when I looked at his details.

His parents were dead – they died four years ago in an armed robbery.

I thought back to the way he looked at me and I realised, behind the prankster with a set of emerald eyes, was an orphaned boy.


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131K 4K 57
Cassie Quinn, now a Senior in college has her life figured out. She's smart and funny with the heart to match, but lacks confidence. As she was previ...