
Von kitkat405

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What would you do for the ones you love? Katherine would soon find out just how far she's willing to go to p... Mehr

Chapter 1 ~ Blood is Thicker.
Chapter 2 ~ Survival.
Chapter 3 ~ Suffocating Silence.
Chapter 4 ~ Deadly Pull.
Chapter 5 ~ Sun Rays that Lack the Warmth.
Chapter 7 ~ Water Woes.
Chapter 8 ~ Say Cheese.
Chapter 9 ~ Flicker of Hope.
Chapter 10 ~ No Touchy.
Chapter 11 ~ Drown My Sorrow in Carbs.
Chapter 12 ~ Eat Your Greens.
Chapter 13 ~ Bloody Drama.
Chapter 14 ~ Trigger Happy.
Chapter 15 ~ Brawl.
Chapter 16 ~ Run, Forest, Run!
Chapter 17 ~ Déjà Vu.
Chapter 18 ~ Temporary Prison.
Chapter 19 ~ Cuff Luck.
Chapter 20 ~ Tick Tock.
Chapter 21 ~ Game On.
Chapter 22 ~ Glorious Food.
Chapter 23 ~ Field Trip.
Chapter 24 ~ Revelation.
Chapter 25 ~Scrub-A-Dub-Dub.
Chapter 26 ~ Pop Goes the Weasel.
Chapter 27 ~ Delivered.
Chapter 28 ~ Severed Ties.
Chapter 29 ~ Liberation.
Chapter 30 ~ Epilogue.

Chapter 6 ~ Frail Family.

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Von kitkat405

Now I'm back in the dusty bedroom and after convincing Dana to read one of the books to keep her distracted I resort to pacing.

When Rosik forced me back into the room an hour ago Dana was already awake, tears streaming down her face and clutching a faded pillow to her chest. I cursed myself for my selfishness, now seeing how emotionally distraught Dana was left to feel when she woke to find herself alone.

The answers I received while helpful were certainly not plentiful.
Rosik refused to answer what they do with the girls that they kidnap, he cheated instead and asked another question. A question that seems stupidly simple but holds far too much importance to answer.

My name.

Again, Rosik back-tracked and asked for my name.
I refused him again and just like that I was dragged back into the room and locked inside.

I know that eventually he'll hear it on the news, assuming that they are keeping tabs on the story. However, any chance I get to deny these brutes of something is a chance I'm going to take.

I have no idea what they will do with that information and up until I can figure out what part Dana and I play in their sick career I refuse to even give them a hint.

Axel still hasn't returned yet, the house is eerily quiet.
I'm hoping that Rosik is taking his anger out on something not breathing and tires himself out, potentially giving Dana and I an edge to escape.
I can hear Dana mumbling some of the tougher words in Pride and Prejudice, her eventual choice and while I usually sit with her and go over the occasional hard word her own words from earlier hold me back.

Once I was locked back in the room I ran straight to Dana's distraught form and clenched her small frame in my arms, trying to soften her frantic heart.

We remained like that for a few minutes, breathing deeply and taking comfort in each other's families warmth.
That was until Dana detached herself and staring intently at my shoulder which was showing due to Rosik's large shirt hanging off my frame, uttered the words that nearly broke me in two.

"I thought that you took your chance and left."
I was physically left speechless, my eyebrows crunched together and I had yet another urge to burst into tears. Dana's gaze while wasn't directed at my face, was still sharp and I could practically feel the heat of it biting into my shoulder.
Dana was angry.

"What? Dana, God no! I would never leave you behind, I'm trying my hardest to get you out." I implore after I struggle to push back my tears.
I can hear the tears behind my words however and I'm shocked further that Dana doesn't acknowledge my emotional state.

"Well, obviously you're not trying hard enough. I've been left clueless and tossed around like a rag doll for the past day, while you disappear and have conversations with the men. You're meant to be protecting me Katie...
So why am I still feeling so scared?" That's it.
The waterworks have begun, tumbling down my cheeks and leaving my hot cheeks sticky and uncomfortable.

What kind of cousin am I?
Of course I shouldn't be leaving her alone like this, from now on where I go Dana goes.

It was stupid of me to face the brutes alone when I could have used that time to make a break for it, Dana right behind. 
No longer being able to handle the uncomfortable feeling covering my face I finally raise my shaking hands and harshly scrub my face, undoubtedly making it redder.
This movement catches Dana's attention and almost as though she is blinking away sleep I notice her eyes soften and her mouth form into a little pout.

"I'm sorry Katie. I know that you're trying to help me! I'm just so scared and bored. I blurt things out when I'm bored. You know that, so please stop crying! I didn't mean it."

I remember nodding my head robotically before pointing to the small bookshelf, which Dana quickly pounced on and began reading.
I couldn't utter another word to her because I know my cousin, often better than I know myself and I could tell that she definitely did mean what she said.

I need to stop trying to 'figure' out the kidnappers, I don't care about their motive and I don't give a damn about them as people.
I care about an escape route and I need to get Dana out, not only to keep her safe but to keep our relationship intact. I refuse to let this situation break us.

The slamming of the front door is the only thing that finally causes my pacing to stop.
I can already tell that Axel is the type of guy that loves attention so it wasn't hard to track his sighs and grumbles all the way from the front door, past our current door and a few more metres before another door is heard being opened and then slammed once more.

Dana shuffles up next to me and clenches my hand in hers as we face the door.
We say nothing, having forgiven each other long ago and wait for Axel and hopefully some food to greet us.

We're not waiting long.
No more than three minutes I'd say before footsteps reach our door and begin unlocking the barricade.
I'm instantly suspicious, there is no way that they can prepare a meal for us in that short of a time frame, even the most basic of meals need to be opened.

I was hoping to just be given food and perhaps be allowed to use a bathroom to get a better idea of the house structure.
I've spoken enough today already, I'm not in the mood for either of these two.

But of course Axel believes that we've been locked in here all night, obviously desperate for his company.
I get the feeling that Axel and Rosik are coworkers not friends and that they spend a lot of time in silence.
That makes more sense as to why both seem so clingy when it comes to Dana and I, we're profit and entertainment.

"Good morning ladies!"
I try not to cringe at Axels extremely bright and loud voice, purposely cheerful to mock our undoubtedly glum appearances.

Axel has changed out of his black apparel and is now sporting light denim jeans, maroon long sleeve and even his shoes have changed from black runners to pure white vans.

Axel now looks like that Uncle who has tried to remain hip throughout the years and constantly crashes the 'young' clubs and embarrasses you by introducing himself to all your friends drunk.
But I suppose he has reached his goal of looking both harmless and forgettable.
Perfect disguise for the monster underneath.

"Come on, lets hope that at least one of you knows how to cook." Axel mentions before spinning on his heel and with a skip in his step he makes his way up the hallway leaving Dana and I to face an open doorway.

Keeping Dana's hand in mine I edge my way towards the door.
Keeping Dana firmly by my side I cautiously poke my head around the corner expecting to see Axel leaning against the wall but I'm met with more blissful empty space.

I quickly pull Dana in the direction of the front door.
I'm near certain that the door is locked but a part of me just wants to prove to Dana that I am taking every chance to get her out.
That I am trying to do something.

It isn't until we reach the coffee table which is a few steps from the front door that I finally let go of Dana and allow her to lunge at the door and begin violently tugging the handle.
I was going to warn her to stay quiet but I have no doubt that the men are somewhere in the house listening in anyway.

Instead, I allow my gaze to run over the assortment of objects over the table again, wracking my brain to find a tool to help us.
I finally decide on one object just as slow clapping breaks out behind us.
I quickly tuck the item in my jeans, sticking to my hip and pray that neither of the men try to grab me anytime soon.

"How predictable, how boring. Are you two finished failing yet?" Axel dryly comments.
All trace of earlier happiness gone and I spin around and match his bored expression.

"Worth a try." I murmur before allowing Dana to grasp my hand once more and this time walk where Axel intended us to and continue past our door and through the swinging door right next to it, which quickly reveals the kitchen.

The kitchen is small to say the least. Trailing the right side is three counters, one containing a sink and another supporting a microwave.
There is a fridge and an ancient looking stove that I'd rather not toy with and from the doorway I can see the grease coating the racks on the top.
On the left side of the room is a small square table, one chair on each side and a back door that I would have instantly lunged at if it wasn't for Rosik sitting in the chair closest to the exit.

Rosik has changed outfits as well. Replacing his white singlet into a navy sweater and tight black jeans.
I'm not interested in seeing how tight they are so instead I remain in the doorway, shielding Dana and wait for either of the men to begin talking. Rosik still seems to be holding a grudge against me for earlier by the slight scowl on his face but I remain unaffected.

Like I said earlier I don't care about them.

"We've been kind enough to stock the fridge and we are gracious enough to share some of the food with you. However it is up to you both to prepare the meals and clean up after. Fail to do so or fail to cook decently results in frozen food for us and nothing for you. Are we clear?"

Axel opens the fridge and carelessly drops a packet of bacon, bread and a carton of eggs on the bench as he talks and I can already feel Dana reaching up to peer over my shoulder.
Food is her weakness.

The fact that it's all still packaged calms any suspicions that I may have had and refusing to say a word I make my way over to the ingredients, Dana millimetres behind.
Although Axel looks shocked that I'm complying so readily I ignore his look and eventually he joins Rosik at the table.
As long as I keep reminding myself that I'm cooking for Dana then the overall task becomes far more tolerable.

After locating all the appliances needed I hand most of the reins over to Dana who actually enjoys cooking.
I know how to cook I just lack the joy that comes so naturally to Dana.

Cracking an egg and cracking a smile are both seemingly effortless to Dana whereas I cook because I need food to survive.
If I could afford someone to cook for me then believe me I would.

After a few minutes I finish dishing up the food cooked by Dana onto four plates and still not looking at the men I give a plate to Dana while grabbing my own and begin walking towards the lounge, planning to eat there.

But of course even that is too much to ask for.

"And how to you propose we eat the food when it's not in front of us?"
I hear Axel quip and I roll my eyes so harshly that I sway for a moment, losing my sight for a second.

"By getting off your asses." I quip right back without missing a beat and would have continued out of the room if the screeching of chairs dragging across the floor hadn't have erupted.

I feel a brief gust of wind behind me and physically feeling the absence of Dana I turn to fight the closest guy, trying to quell my anxiety but I quickly find that both guys hadn't yet taken a step and that Dana had walked away on her own.

Silently Dana puts her plate down on the bench and gently picks up the other two plates.
For a moment I stand dumbfounded as she timidly walks over to their table and places the plates in the men's original places.
Both men share a look before looking back at my still frozen form and I feel my body begin to shudder back to life as they grin in satisfaction.

Still looking at nobody Dana then turns to go but of course Axel grabs her arm, stupid, STUPID Dana!

"Looks like someone here knows how to be a proper lady. Let's all have breakfast together shall we?" Dana quickly turns beet red and I feel helpless as Dana has virtually no choice but to take the seat next to Axel.
Leaving the only seat left next to the still strangely silent Rosik.

Sighing loudly and slightly hurt that Dana ditched me I know that I have no choice but to sit at the table to support her as both the men resume their seats.

On my way over I stop by the bench and pick up her plate.
Still frowning I place it in front of her, resting my hand on her shoulder for a moment before making my way over to the spare seat.
I go to pull it out, still balancing my own plate when suddenly Axel lifts his legs and stretches them across until they both rest over my seat, blocking the chairs movement.

"Uh, uh, uh. Only ladies can sit at the table. You can go eat in the other room just like you wanted." I wanted to swear, I really did but with Dana in their grasps I knew I couldn't push them any further.
Feeling a pit of desperation fill my gut I even take a glance at Rosik, hoping that perhaps he wants me to sit with him.

"My parents told me not to let strangers sit next to me. A name would be nice." He finally grits out and I let all my anger spread onto my face, most likely resulting in unattractive red splotches.

Screw them, they're not winning.

Instead I stomp away from the table. Planning to eat at the bench to still survey the scene but I once again forgot about Dana's perspective and thinking that I'm leaving her again she quickly splutters out the worst possible thing that she could say in that moment.

"Katie! Her name is Katie and I'm Dana."

Shitty Mcshit shit.


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