Adopted By Shyland

By rueth_

76.4K 1.6K 845

"family isn't always blood. it's the people in your life who want you in theirs." More

Kendra (Part 1)
Ryland (Part 2)
Shane (Part 3)
Kendra (Part 4)
Shane (Part 5)
Kendra (Part 6)
Kendra (Part 7)
Ryland (Part 8)
Kendra (Part 9)
Kendra (Part 10)
Kendra (Part 11)
Shane (Part 12)
Kendra (Part 13)
Shane (Part 14)
Kendra (Part 15)
Kendra (Part 16)
Kendra (Part 17)
Ryland (Part 18)
Kendra (Part 19)
Kendra (Part 20)
Kendra (Part 21)
Shane (Part 22)
Ryland (Part 23)
Kendra (Part 24)
Shane (Part 26)
Kendra ( Part 27)
Ryland (Part 28)
Ryland (Part 29)
Kendra (Part 30)
Kendra (Part 31)
Shane (Part 32)

Kendra (Part 25)

1.5K 32 14
By rueth_

I started online school a week ago. I thought what was gonna happen was I would wake up when I felt like it, then eat, and do school until I was done, then film or hang out. But, Ryland had been keeping me on a schedule. I got to sleep in later, and didn't spend as much time on school work as I did at old school. But still.

My alarm rang at 8:30, and I had an hour to get my life together before me and Ryland would choose our spot for the day. I put my hair in a messy bun, changed from sweatpants to leggings, and put on a black hoodie over the sports bra I had been wearing.

I heard Ryland getting in the shower, but I knocked on their bedroom door to see if Shane would order me breakfast.

"Your'e getting better at this whole getting ready thing." Shane laughed when he opened the door. I rolled my eyes, and went and jumped on the bed.

"Can you get breakfast?" I asked, laying flat and looking at the ceiling.

"Where do you want?" He replied pulling out his phone.

"I don't care where, I just want french toast."

"Go ask Morgan what she wants." He instructed, so I stood up and walked to Morgan's room, knocking on her door until she groaned something that sounded like a come in.

"We're ordering breakfast what do you want?" She shrugged, saying she didn't care."She doesn't care." I repeated to Shane, jumping back in the bed, and cuddling under the blankets. "Can I go back to bed?" Shane shook his head, and ordered the food.

"Go to bed now and you're not gonna wanna wake back up, and Rylands gonna be pissed." We both laughed, and Ryland screamed.

"I can hear you guys!" He yelled, and I sank further into the bed.

I grabbed my phone, and opened Snapchat, focusing the camera on Shane. I zoomed in on his face, and laughed. He looked up, and looked very confused.

"What're you doing?" He asked, and I turned the camera to me and laughed.

"Shane's ordering me food because he loves me." I spoke to the camera. "I'm getting French toast."

"Let's see..." Shane said, and I turned the camera back to him, "Is Kendra gonna actually make a video today."

"Hey!" I protested, and the video stopped. I put on a filter and started talking again. "Mean."

"You literally just said that I loved you." He laughed, and laid back on the bed.

"You do love me you're just mean to me." I reasoned, and he set his phone down.

"I am gonna make a video today." I turned the camera to me again, "I'm gonna make a video being you." He just rolled his eyes at me, and I rolled my eyes back.

"Kendra." Ryland spoke from the bathroom, and I stopped the video.


"Go under the blankets all the way for like two minutes so I can put shorts on." I laughed, but turned face down and put the covers over my head.

I heard Ryland rush out of the bathroom, and to the closet. After a minute he told me I was good to come up. So I looked up and he was choosing a shirt.

"Can I do school in my room today?" I asked Ryland, turning to face him.

"You wanna do it by yourself?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna come to check on you to make sure you're doing work." He pointed a finger at me.

"Okay." I dragged out my words, and stood up. "I'm going to set up."

"At your desk, not your bed." Ryland instructed, and I nodded as I walked out.

I cleared all the empty water bottles off my desk, so I had room to do stuff. And put my school notebook, for notes, and some pens next to my already plugged in laptop. I made my bed, just because I do school better when my room is clean. I left my room, and went down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a water bottle, and filled it up, running back up the steps and setting it on my desk.

"Ken! Food!" Shane yelled from downstairs, and I didn't even see them when I was down there two seconds ago.

I knocked on Morgan's door, and told her Good was here, before going downstairs, and pulling out my phone.

"Hey guys it's my vlog." I laughed, and turned my phone to the food as I approached it. "Where my french toast?" I asked Shane, going through the bags.

"Counter." He instructed, and pointed. There was an iced coffee sitting next to it and I gasped.

"You got me iced coffee?" I asked, and Shane laughed, and nodded. "You're the best." I smiled, and hugged him.

I set up my phone on the table, and opened my box of food. "This is so good." I smiled, turning to Ryland who had sat next to me. "What did you get?"

"Avocado toast." He answered, cutting it with his fork and knife. "You want a bite?" I nodded, and stuck my fork in his food.

"I don't like avocados." I decided, and Ryland laughed.

After 4 long, grueling hours of essays, books, and worksheets, I finished my school work for the day, and decided to make a video. I changed into black skinny jeans, and an Oh My God pig shirt. I picked up my phone camera again.

"Hey what's up you guys." I laughed at myself and showed my outfit. "So earlier today you may have seen my Snapchat of me telling Shane I was gonna make a video being him." I showed my outfit, "well. Here we go." I walked out of my room and to the top of the stairs. "Shane! Ry! Come here."

I turned the camera, and Shane laughed as soon as he saw me. "You're actually doing it?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Shane you have to come help me because I need to take pictures like your Instagram." I went down the stairs and grabbed Shane's phone off the couch. "But we need to use your phone because I film on mine."

We recreated some of the easier ones, and I made Ryland do some with me.

"No, Ry, your hand has to be there."

It was a mess. I had my phone set up on God knows what, using Rylands phone for Instagram reference, and Shane was using his phone to take my picture.

"Okay, I'm done with that." I picked up my phone, "wait ready." I reset up my phone on the coffee table, and put on a serious face. "Hey what's up you guys, yes."

"I'm leaving." Shane laughed, and turned away.

"No wait." I laughed too, and continued speaking, "So. Avril's dead, Britney's a clone, and we're in a new dimension." I mouth popped, and stopped the video.

"What is the matter with you?" Shane laughed, and sat next to me.

"Can you send me my pictures please?" Shane opened his text app, and opened my contact.

"Ry, what time is it?" I walking into the kitchen, because Ryland was making a smoothie or something.

"9." He replied.

"I'm going to bed." I decided. "Night Ry, I love you."

"Love you too." I went to hug Ryland, and he kissed the top of my head.

"Good night, Shane." I sat next to him, and wrapped my arms around him.

"Night, Ken. I love you." He hugged me back, and I let go.

"I love you too."

I went into Morgan's room before mine, to show her the pictures I had taken, and I laid in her bed with her for a while, just talking. At about 10, I moved to my room, plugged in my phone, and went to sleep.

I heard the car tires squeak, and Shane screamed, and turned kinda sharp. It was black for a moment, then I seemed to be hovering over my own body.
I saw Shane turn and look at me, then pick up our phones and call a couple people. I wanted to cry, and I wanted him to just hold me, but I don't even think he could see me. I tried to hug him and tell him I was there, but a glance at my actual body, told me that's the me he saw. The police and paramedics arrived soon after. I didn't realize how bad I had been hurt until they removed my body from the car. 'Just unconscious' they told Shane. I saw my ribs when they lifted my shirt, they were really badly bruised, and jacked up. I didn't feel anything, but I winced at the sight. My arm looked jacked up too. My shoulder seemed to be in the wrong place, and I saw a bruise on my face. The guy who hit us was stumbling around, and he came up to me, not my body, whatever I am right now, and started screaming at me. My stomach clenched, and I looked at my body again to see what this guy had done to it. Suddenly, I was petrified, this was a drunk guy I didn't know, Shane was crying on the phone with Ryland, and they couldn't help me this time. I started crying, and I tried to hide behind Shane, but then I saw the guys actual body. 'Is he dead?' I thought, and started screaming in hope that Shane would notice me. 'Shane help me.' I begged, but he got into an ambulance. I tried to follow him, but this guy was scaring me, and I barely made it into the ambulance, avoiding him. 'Shane why aren't you listening to me?' I screamed, and tried to shake Shane.

I woke up to Shane holding me, and rocking me.

"Hey, baby, it's okay." He said, tightening his grip. He tried his best to wipe my tears, and I just noticed Ryland on my other side.

"What happened, Ken?" Ryland asked, and wrapped his arms around me as well.

I continued to cry, not knowing what else to do. "I don't know what happened." Ryland brushed my hair with his fingers, and kissed me head.

"You don't have to talk about it right now." Ryland promised, and I felt Shane nod.

"It's just, you didn't hear me, and I needed you."

"I'm here, I'm here." Shane started rocking me again, and Ryland rubbed my arm. "You're okay."

"It's never happened before." I stuttered out, learning into Shane's chest. "I don't know why it happened."

"Here." Morgan handed Ryland something, and say in front of me.

I heard the sound of a water bottle opening. "Here, baby, drink some of this." Ryland instructed, giving me the water.

I chugged about half of it, and finally stopped crying.

"Do you wanna talk about it now or in the morning?" Shane asked, wiping the tears that were stray on my face.

"It was the accident, but like I was a spirit or something, and the guy who did it tried to like fight me but you couldn't see me and I was screaming at you and you didn't hear me." I said quickly, and drank more of the water.

Ryland mumbled something about "that's what that must've been." and I took a deep breath, and leaned back.

"Do you wanna go back to sleep?" Ryland asked, "Or we can stay up and find something to do."

"What time is it?" I asked no one in particular.

"12:30." Morgan said, and I saw the light of her phone.

"I wanna go back to sleep." I decided, and they started to stand up, "Wait can you stay in here with me?" I asked, and Shane and Ryland whispered some things to each other that I couldn't quite hear.

"I'm gonna stay okay?" Shane said, and I nodded. "It'll be okay." Shane mumbled to Ryland, and I heard them kiss

I went back under the blankets, and moved over a little bit. "Thanks." I said, when Shane laid down next to me.

"Can you talk about it more tomorrow?" He asked, and I nodded. "Go to bed." Shane kissed the top of my head.

"I love you." I said, and pulled the blanket up to my chin.

"I love you too." I heard the smile in Shane's voice, and fell asleep with Shane humming something, and him messing with my hair.

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