By tatiann24

3.2M 85.9K 8.7K

Sylver Reid, is not your regular petite bodied gay boy that everyone love and want for themselves, rather he... More

Concerning Chapter 14
Concerning Chapter 15
Concerning Chapter 16
Concerning Chapter 17 (part 2)
Concerning Chapter 18
Concerning Chapter 22
Concerning Chapter 34
Authors Note
Concerning Chapter 37


39K 1.2K 103
By tatiann24


Please Vote and Comment my choco babies, I will really appreciate it :D

This chapter is dedicated to another special chocolate baby of mine, @AdrianLors, with your sassy attitude on the comments it always makes me laugh, and its worth while, thank you so much hun for all the great things you say about my work, sending a lot of chocolate love to you :D

I want to say some words to my special babies out there, for all my fans that vote and comment on each chapters A really big THANK YOU is in order, you all don’t know have good you make me feel when I see all the things you say about my work, and its mostly for you, I write and update, a writer always feels good when their work is appreciated.

Hey my little chocolates!!! I hope you all enjoy this Chapter, please don’t forget to tell me what you think, its always nice to know if you are doing a good job :D

Stevie’s Point of View:

I am sitting down in Mr. Alessi office with Mops, and Steps, we are all over shadow by all the giants in this office, the atmosphere is tense, and I know its going to get a lot worse when they hear what I have to say.

When we had come in earlier, and was greeted by cuddles scream, it had felt like a punch in my stomach, my heart had stop, just as I assume may have happen with the others, especially Mr. Alessi.

I had thought before that he just wanted cuddles as a play toy for a little while, but as I observe them, I found out that he deeply cares about cuddles, and I know now for sure that he will do anything to protect our baby brother.

And I am glad I can provide him with all the info to burn that sick man even more, every time I think about what cuddles said happen, I get sick to the stomach and I want to go and look for him myself to kill his waste of space ass.

And I know Mops and Steps feel the same way that I do, Steps was crying for days, and Dorian had come over to my house various time, looking for him, but Steps would just ignore him and continue to be lock up in one of my guest room, only coming out for a little food, we are all affected, but Steps is the type of person that feels everything very deeply and things hurt him just as deeply.

While Mops acts tough he also feels deeply, but he always keeps everything bottle up inside, then when its too much he would explode in the ugliest way, taking on anyone that gets in his way, and his fix target seems to be Collin, but I have the feeling that their clash is going to be epic.

Me on the other hand am being hounded by the Alessi twins, at first it was as if they were trying to avoid me, but now they are always there, I see them everywhere, and they are always calling and checking up on me, like you would a child.

Shifting uncomfortably in my seat, I feel their eyes on me which are the only thing that can help you tell them apart, right now I am trying my best to ignore them and their eyes, when they look at me it feels like they want to devour me, and I cannot help but shiver at that thought.

I have said many times to myself that God is playing a practical joke on us, because we have all ended up withe these big dominating mens on our trail, chasing us wanting to stake claim.

I for one will not bend to these two, they can be at me all they like, I prefer a quiet, easy, tranquil life and I know if these two gets their hands on me, I will be done for, and that scares the shit out of me.

Turning my back to them I give all my attention to their oldest brother, Santier Alessi, this man never smiles much, the only time I see him smiling is when he has Cuddles in his arms sitting on his lap, but wherever you see them, he will always have Cuddles wrap tightly in his arms.

He nods so I can begin, I pray to God that cuddles stays in the kitchen, because there is no way I want him to hear this, when I found this out, I had spend hours throwing up after,

“Mr. Alessi I have some really disturbing things to tell and show you, so are you sure Cuddles is not going to be back soon?” I ask him this in a serious tune, he looks at me for a while then,

“No, he is with my mom and Miss Jan in the kitchen I am sure they will keep him entertain for a while, but what is so bad that he cannot hear?” the last part ended in a question and I swallow hard

Breathing in, before I begin telling him all I had found.

Santie’s Point of View:

I have been waiting to hear this information for a while now, and Stevie is taking his time as if preparing himself for a distasteful meal, I have already prepare myself for it and looking across the room I see the others are preparing themselves too.

When he ask me if my little one is going to stay in the kitchen for a while, I knew that it is going to be really bad, I am glad that he is not here I really don’t want him to hear anymore distasteful things today.

When I assure the little guy he nods his head and swallow, then pulling in his breath, he lets it out slowly as he begins to talk,

“First of all I have to say that my way of obtaining this information was not exactly legal, but for Cuddles I will do anything” his voice took un a gentleness when he talks about my baby, and I know that they love him very much, I have seen it in their actions.

Smiling at him “I don’t care how you got the information Stevie, if its to help me send that monster to the darkest pit of hell, its worth it” I say evenly to him,

“But we still want to know how you obtain the information” this comes from Vitto, who has move from his spot the fireplace, to sit next to Stevie, the little guys stiffens a bit, but then slowly relax,

“If you must know, I am a hacker, yes I work as an editor, I also have my own IT company, but hacker has been my calling from the time I was a kid” he says this proudly with no hint of shame, and I felt a respect for the little guy, it does not surprise me, because I know about his company, they all have shares in it, even my baby have shares,

“Its always those quiet ones that you have to look out for” says Dorian with a hint of laughter in his voice,

“I am beginning to see that” says Tony pensively, he too moves over from where he was standing to practically sandwich Stevie between him and Vitto, when the little guy tried to get up and move, he was gently pull back down, ummmmm I see whats going on now.

They have both stake their claim on the little Stevie, and apparently he is not too fond of the idea, I almost feel sorry for him, because you can see he is a serious person, whereas, Vitto and Tony nearly have no serious bones in their body, but I am happy about it, he will be good for them.

It seems that God, had a plan for all of us when my little one rocket into me the first time we met, because he has given us all our little own personal spitfire to tame, they can’t run or hide from us, once we stake our claim, all we do is wait for the sweet submission of our little prey.

After Stevie stop struggling against both my brothers, he turn his attention back to my trying his best to ignore them,

“There are some really sick information on that man, some are downright disgusting while others are just plain evil” his mouth twist in disgust,

“Velvet, it can’t be worse than what he did to cuddles” says Stephano pleadingly, his eyes swollen, I guess from crying, Dorian is there watching him like a hawk,

“Steps, what he did to Cuddles is beyond horrible, but I have a feeling whats here will be the worse thing Cuddles can ever hear” Stevie grits out,

“Then tell us what it is then, we need to know how bad it is, because no matter what it is we have to protect and take care of Cuddles” says Bryan in an almost angry voice, really everyone is on edge right now, my dad is there but he not saying anything, every one is waiting for the bomb to drop,

“I started digging from way back, when cuddles was in his early teens, the thing is that man change his computer but all his old things he transfer to the new on, and all over I found pictures of little boys he abused, there are dozens upon dozens of photo” he says this with such disgust that my skin crawl, he open his bag and take out stacks of pictures.

They were all fill with teenage boys ranging from 11 to 16 years of age, and the damage that was done to them is grotesque, bloodied, bruise and broken, some of them laying in their vomits, blood or shit, my heart contracts just thinking about all the gruesome pain those boys went through.

Steps jump up, holding his stomach as if he would throw up, and no one will blame him if he does, because the scenes are so sick and twisted that it would turn the best train specialist stomach.

“Dio I never knew that there was such people in this world evil like this” this came out of my dad’s mouth in a low voice, I can see his body shaking with anger, and I can’t stop mine from shaking either, the room is quiet for a while then,

“Stevie Please continue” I say in a control voice,

He takes out some pictures out of the bag again, hesitated then he throw them on the table, walking over I pick them up, and my heart stop, then my anger is renew ten folds, kicking the table over, I begin heading for the door, when my dad and brothers grab me dragging me back, but I am not having none of it, until my dad,

“Santy, son, we have to know all there is to know about this man, we cannot leave anything to chance here, and I am sure you don’t want Sylver to know about this” he insisted, all of them holding unto my body,

“Calm down my son, please” my dad pleads with me, and I think about my baby, and soon I am calming down, but my blood is still boiling.

Walking back to the table I turn on its feet again and pick up the photos, the had my baby in various state of nudity, it was obvious that he was drugged, his body look drooped and liquidly, he was tie up, naked, hands were in the picture touching his little body and I know who it is, my baby looks no older than 10 years old in those picture,then there were more of them, showing of that he was older.

They are all sexual, the way that sick bastard has him lay out unconcious as he treat him like a piece of meat, he is eve in some of the pictures too, doing unspeakable things to my baby as he is drug asleep out of his mind and cannot defend himself, looking over I see Stephano leaning over my trash can throwing up.

“How can a father do that to his son? What did Cuddles ever do to deserve such sick treatment? That man is his father, why would he do such a sick thing?” Bryan ask in a shaky voice,

“My little one did nothing to deserve that, no child ever thinks that the one they are suppose to love and look up to is going to harm them this way” my heart hurst so bad right now, I feel like it will explode from the feeling of the all consuming anger.

Picking up all the photos I stack them, to later burn them so my baby never knows about them,

“He also made videos of some of his torture of cuddles, I could not watch it”, Stevie continue in a small shaking voice “But I have some photos of the torture” he pull out more photos giving them directly to me, the horror on those photos, was something you see in a torture chamber.

My baby is hang from the ceiling his feet barely touching the floor, bloodied all over, one of his eyes swollen shut, while the other is puff and oozing blood from a slash that is there, his mouth is busted and dripping blood, his body to unrecognizable, his skin has slash and deep cuts everywhere with blood sliding down his body dripping to the floor.

I see white substance and I know that its semen mix with vomit, there are dark burns on his body, and his arm looks broken, because its in an awkward angle, yet as I look into his eyes there is no tears in them, they are fill with nothingness as if he had disconnect himself from it all.

After looking at various scene of torture my baby was placed in, I carefully lay the pictures on the other to be burn, I hold out my hand to Stevie for the videos, he hurriedly placed them in my hand,

“Stevie I want you to delete and destroy every evidence of this” my voice is normal, but on the inside I am feeling a cold burning anger, it is no longer hot, now it has reach the dangerous limit of becoming a blazing cold anger and it is consuming me, and that makes me very deadly.

He nods at me, then he begins talking again,

“I have also track him, he use to travel a lot, that is where I assume he met most of those young boys, at first he use to abuse and leave them so they could be found, but recently about 3 years ago, he has began killing them in sadistic ways, dismembering them, or raping them to death” he slow down breathing in an out,

"He use to have a partner, but he killed him about two years ago, I got that out of his computer diary, he just said that it felt good taking away the other sick bastards life, so no lost there” this leaves Stevie’s mouth in a sneer,

“He deserved it, the sick fucking bastard, he should have been alive so I could have kill him again” says Bryan angrily

“Don’t say that Mops!" Exclaim Stephano,

“Why wont I say it, huh? Screw human and all that shit, people like them deserves to die a slow painful death” Bryan continue, in a hard dead voice,

“Calm down my pet” says Collin softly, his calmness is deceptive just like mine, because his eyes are blazing with so much hate, and I know why he is that way, I can see his mind going back to his brother who was sexually abused and murder after, so this is hitting him just as personal as its hitting me.

“Indigo please continue to we can finish with all this sickness” say Vitto running his hand over Stevie’s back, the little guys pull away slightly and continue,

“Here the police have already found 3 dead bodies, in gruesome states of torture, and I know its him, he also have a partner here, what I gather is that they became friends online, the name of that other sick pedophile is Norman Gains” he take out a picture of a beautiful man, this man is pretty beyond words, this is what you call face of an angel, heart of a devil, I use to hear Miss Jan saying this a lot, and never took it inside until I am looking at this man face.

He is too perfect, everything about him screams beauty and grace, but of course, we know different, the other guys pick up the picture looking at it, when my dad look at the photo he says,

“Such a stupid fuck, what a waste” I think everyone around the room agrees, the man is not only beautiful but is a doctor, a very good one at that,

“You have his address?” ask Collin in a neutral tone,

“Yes I do, I send some of my old friends over, but no one is there, so we are still looking” answers Stevie, as he ignore the questioning stares from the my brothers and friends,

“What else have you found out Stevie?” I press him,

“Well I know he and Gains are together, because that was the last log message between the two, I also know that Gains have been sexually abusing his son from the time he was 12 years old now he is about 15 to 16" he pause then,

"I send some pictures to the boys mother anonymously, and she left town with her child, I guess Gains don’t know that yet, seeing that its her week to have her son” he says somewhat happy, I guess he is happy that he got the boy away from that pedophile,

“Also I have found a site where all these pedophiles and fathers that molest and rape their children congregates, I send lots of names to the police, and I am betting that a lot of them are soon going to be arrested, the site is still functional so we don’t loose track of that man and Norman Gains” this little guy is intelligent, he is working under the radar so the don’t suspect a thing,

“Is that all Stevie?” I ask him calmly,

“No, its not” he answers in a small whisper,

“What is it?” Tony ask, looking at the little guys cute face, he breath in again then,

“The death of Cuddles mom, was no accident, or a hit, it was premeditated cold blooded murder”, he pauses, “That man and his old partners were the ones that shot her to death at the grocery store, and according to his dairy it was to finally get her out of the way so he could get his filthy hands on Cuddles”

After that left his mouth, we hear a loud crash, all our heads swing towards the door, my baby is standing there in shock looking at us wildly, the floor is fill with broken glass, he was bringing us refreshments and was greeted with that news.

I really did not want him to ever hear something like this, I slowly starts to walk over to him, trying my best to not startled him anymore than he already is, his skin is pale and he is trembling with tears running down his faces,

“That is not true, you are just joking right Velvet?” He ask desperately, I reach out to touch him, and he seems to not have felt it,

“Tell me its not true, anyone tell me its not true!!” He scream out, I pull him into his arms, he struggle in my arms until,

“Yes baby its true, that is why they never found you moms killer” he went very still in my arms, and when I pull him to look into his face, it is empty, he has no expression his eyes, they are dead, and for the first time in my life I feel panic,

“Little one, little one” I say this softly shaking him, the I become frantic when he doesn't even blink,

“Baby, please look at me, baby please” my voice is becoming louder, and I am shaking his body, but still no reaction, nothing, my mom and Miss Jan comes running into my office, and when they see his state, they becomes frantic, but their worry cannot beat this overwhelming panic that wants to take me over, pushing it away,

“Sylver Reid, look at me, I am your Master, and I want you to look at me” my voice is far more commanding than any other time, but I have to drag him back, I will not permit anything to take him away from me, by now, my mom and Miss Jan are in tears, he slowly looks at me but in a way, that makes me believe he is not seeing me at all,

“Sylver look at me, I will not tell you again” I say this pushing him against the door, that is when his eyes begins focusing on me, he look at me for the longest time then,

“Kill him” he says in a cold deadly voice before walking out the door, with his back straight, and his head held high, he turns around before he ascend the stairs,

“Master can you please give me 15 minutes alone, I will not do anything stupid” when he finish saying this, I look into his eyes for about a minute seeing the clarity and truth in his eyes, I nod letting him go, he smile at me then walk up the stairs.

My family and friends and his friends are looking at me strangely, but I want to put my trust in him too

After about nine minutes I walk up the stairs, jumping two at the time, I got to my room, slowly opening the door, and the scene that I am welcome with, brings me to my knees,

“Oh my God...........................................................................”


Hey my sweet babies, this chapter must have been a hard  read for some, but it was needed to be done to unravel everything, I hope you all enjoy it, and give me me your say on it, don’t forget to all tell me what you think :D

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