Stuck in Reverse // C.H {comp...

By fouridiotskay

73.4K 1.8K 595

"I would never fall in love with him....right?" She thought hard about it , and she ended up thinking wrong... More

Stuck in Reverse // Calum Hood
falling part 2
memories part 2
Authors Note/Sequel News


983 38 8
By fouridiotskay

Lotus flower bomb- Wale

Strip- Chris brown

Hazels POV


I've been sitting here for about an hour now, just dangling my feet off a hiking cliff, watching the sunset.

Reliving the memories of being with the love of my life.

"Calum, do you really love Ashely?" Me and Calum were sitting on the roof of his car after we both left a party.

"Honestly Hazel, I think I do.." He grabbed my hand and I turned my head to look in his eyes.

"But that doesn't mean I won't be here for you when you need me, if me and Ashley do get serious, I'll still be here for you. I promise." He smiled and let my hand go.

"Thanks Cal, I love you." He nodded and got up off the car.

"I love you too you dork." He laughed and I jumped off the hood of the car.

"Wanna just go watch movies at my place till Ashely gets home?" I got in the car and he nodded smiling big.

"I would love to."


"Calum! You have to actually try to catch them in your mouth if you want to win." I kept attempting to throw popcorn in his mouth, only failing because he kept moving.

"How about we just play never have I ever." A small smirk appeared on his lips, and my eyes brows just scrunched in confusion.

"How do you play?" He chuckled a little, at my "silly question", scooting closer so we were criss cross in front of each other.

"Simple." He grabbed my hand and a small blush appeared on my face as he placed our hands together, mirroring each other.

"You hold up five fingers and we switch off asking questions, we say something we have never done and we see if the other person has. Think you can manage that waterman?"

"Bring it Hood."

• {next memory} •

"Ashley how the hell am I not suppose to be mad! You cheated on him , two times now and you still continue to do it! He loves you, you know and one day I'm going to tell him." All she did was laugh and my eyebrows scrunched together.

"You of all people don't know anything about love Hazel. You're a small child. I'm 17, almost an adult, you're 15. I did what I did because Calum has been acting weird lately and keeps talking about you, so if he really loves me, try and get a reality check because I think he's lying." Ashley put her hand on her hip and I ran out of the house.

Right when I was about to run down the street, Calum was getting out of his car and walked towards me.

"Hey Haze, everything o-"

"Can we just uh-go to your place or something. I need to get away from Ashley." I sniffled a little and he nodded, not even hesitating.

Once we got to his place I ran in and jumped on his couch. I picked up a pillow and screamed in it. Once I felt the weight from under me shift I looked up to see Calum just staring at me. I took in one deep breath, exhaled and nodded to myself.

"Calum, I know I'm only fifteen but I need to try somet-" Calum cut me off with his lips. I immediately kissed back for about 10 more seconds until I finally pulled away.

"I'm so sorry Hazel." I put my forehead on his and decided to change Ashley's little game.

"Ashley has kissed other boys." Technically I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling him all she did. That's when he pulled me on his lap, kissing me harder this time. I felt something in the pit of my stomach. Butterflies.

Wait. No, I couldn't like Calum like that.

I pulled back to see a displeased Calum. I raised an eyebrow at him. He huffed and an idea popped in my head. I was so angry at Ashley this seemed perfect.

"Calum...." I spoke slowly, a small smirk placing itself on my face. He nodded for me to continue.

"Wanna be friends with benefits, no strings attached, you stay with Ashley, and you have me. But no sex." He looked shocked, his jaw dropped but then a huge grin was plastered on his face.

"Of course babe." He smirked while flipping us over so my back was on the couch and he was hovering over me.

• {next memory} •

"Happy birthday Hazel." Calum, Ashton, Michael, and Luke all ran through the sophomore hallway with balloons and flowers.

"You're fucking sixteen! Go get em' girl! Oi! And if any boys mess with Hazel, you can deal with us." Michael yelled, giving up on running. All I could do was laugh and blush. Everyone's eyes were on me as Ashton Luke and Calum arrived to me at my locker.

"You know you guys didn't have to do this. Any of this really, I'm only 16." I looked down while whispering.

"Hey now." Ashton's fingers lifted up my head from the floor and continued.

"It's your special day and we have something planned tonight, make yourself look even more gorgeous than you are, if that's even possible, and drop by Calum's house." I couldn't stop blushing as I nodded slightly, getting extremely excited. After Luke and Ash gave me the flowers and balloons they left and Calum just bit his lip and look at me. He bent down to whisper in my ear before leaving and left small kisses on the shell of my ear while speaking.

"Wear something pretty tonight babe, Ashley isn't coming, just some juniors, seniors, Grace, Alex and Hannah." He walked away right after that and I let out a big breath I didn't realize I had been holding in.


I looked at myself through the bathroom mirror, I stole one of Ashley's figure hugging black dresses and I smiled at myself noticing that I actually looked good. My makeup was light and I just had some black and white converse on. To finish the look I out on some deep red lipstick and walked out. I technically wasn't allowed to drive without my mom or dad but, well...

Once I got to the house the party was a lot bigger than I thought. I could hear the music from outside the house easily and the bass was also very loud, making me get more and more excited. Some new Chris brown song was blasting, I think it was called strip.

I walked in and immediately all the boys, older and in my grade, turned to me, yelling happy birthday. I was almost tackled to the ground by my best friends, Alex, Hannah, and Grace.

"Hazel this party is sick! I've been talking to Michael all night!" Hannah squealed, and all I could do was laugh as she ran back to him.

"We've been talking to Ashton and Luke. They're really nice to us." Grace and Ales explained. They gave me one last hug and yelled over their shoulders a simple 'happy birthday' before running back to the boys.

"There you are babe." Calum's arms secured me in his grip so my back was to his front and the strong breath of alcohol made my heart pump harder. I turned around so I was facing him and just pecked him on the lips, making him smile.

"Let me introduce you to some of my boys." He put his large hand on the small of my back and guided me towards the crowd of boys with red cups in their hands, eyeing me with smirks.

"Hazel, this is Brad, Jason, other Michael, Sean and Ronny."

I just said a simple hi before I was being pulled back out of Calum's grip into another strong grip.

"Happy birthday!" Ashton and Luke kissed me on the cheek while Michael kissed my forehead and I just blushed profusely.

"Let's go play a game in the living room. It's a little too crowded in here." Ashton pulled me through many boys and girls, all saying quick happy birthdays before he plopped me down.

The circle of people contained me, Ashton, Luke, Michael, Calum, Hannah, Alex and Sean.

"Let's play never have I ever since last time, you kept backing out on telling me things." Calum winked and everyone nodded.

"How about truth or dare, that's better." I rushed and everyone booed making me laugh.

"Hey guys calm down, it's her birthday." Luke defended while putting a hand around my waist and pulling me closer into him. Calum had a stern glare.

"Okay I'll go first." Ashton pipped up.

"Truth or dare Calum." He just smirked at Ash and then looked at me. He kept his stare on me as he answered.



Like I said before, there will now be 3 more chapter and an authors note as a separate chapter.

These memories will continue in part 2 coming mid next week :)


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