His Little Thief

By H0lyWater123

1.5M 47.1K 8K

Sunny Rae has been a thief since she was 10. After the death of her father she was left with her abusive step... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chaper 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
A Quick Talk...
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 9

59.6K 1.7K 266
By H0lyWater123

Sunny's POV

I watched out the window at the scenery. It had been so long since I had last been in a car. The way the car sped down the busy streets made me excited but also nervous. We had been in the car for about fifteen minutes and I didn't even pay attention that the car stopped.

"Come on Sunny!" Xavier said. I didn't even realize he had got out of the car. Quickly I opened the door and scurried out to catch up to Xavier.

"Stay by me okay? Do not talk to anyone!" I nodded my head. He grabbed my hand hand and pulled me closer to his side. We entered the building which I had noticed was humongous.

The doors were glass with surprisingly no fingerprints or smudges whatsoever. We walked in and inside was absolutely beautiful. There were two elevators one that said public and one that said private at the back of the room. There was a big couch in the middle with a carpet and a coffee table. We walked further into the room. In the front there was a secretary's desk with a blond lady looking down at her nails with tons of makeup on her face.

At the sound of footsteps the secretary looked up from her nails and her bored facial expression changed to a seductive one. "Good morning Mr.Black. You look very handsome today!" She said in a annoying high voice. As if he didn't hear her he pulled me along beside him and went to the elevator that said private.

He pulled out a card from his wallet and slid it across a scanner. The doors opened and we walked in. The elevator was very grand looking. Xavier reached towards the buttons and pressed level 50 which happened to be the highest level. As the doors closed I didn't fail to notice the dirty glares the secretary gave me causing me to unconsciously move closer to Xavier.

We sat in the elevator in silence. I watched the numbers go up and up till it finally stops at 50. The door smoothly opened and we walked out. Not even a second after we walked out though a man who looked to be in his early 50s rushed up to Xavier in a hurried manner. "Good evening sir. Your coffee is waiting for you on your desk. I just want to let you know you have a meeting at 3:00 with Mr. Sanders and then at 5:00 you have an interview scheduled with WCD News station and at some point today a photo shoot must be scheduled for sometime this week for Wealthiest Peoples Magazines."

I couldn't concentrate with all the things he was saying. He said everything so rapidly I'm surprised even Xavier understood it. "Schedule the photoshoot for Thursday afternoon." Xavier said without any emotion. The way he said it gave me chills. I felt a tug on my hand snapping me out of my daze. "Let's go." I walked along with Xavier until we reached a door that said CEO Xavier Black on a silver rectangle above the door. He let go of my hand and reached into his pocket to grab a set of keys. He used them to open the door and we walked in.

The inside of the office was so amazing. Is was very grand and modern and pretty much everything was spotless. Even the trash can at the side of the room looked clean. A huge wooden desk sat at the end of the room with a chair behind it and two in the front of it. Behind it was a ginormous window that you could see the whole entire city from.

Xavier let go of my hand. "You go set over there and I'll order a meal for you since you have not ate yet." He pointed over to a couch at the corner of the room. "If you need something don't be afraid to ask." With that he pulled out his phone and dialed a number into it. Ignoring him I looked around the room some more. I had never been somewhere so beautiful and amazing. Other than Xavier's mansion of course.

The couch was so soft it made me want to cuddle into it and fall asleep. I felt the soft cloth of the couch with my hand. I averted my gaze to the huge window on the wall. The scenery was so beautiful. Normally you would have to pay to get a view this good.

A knock on the door interrupted my admiration of the room. Xavier walked over and opened it revealed a man well dressed in a suit. "The food you ordered sir." The man said with a slight Italian accent. "Set it right over there." Xavier said with no emotion. The man nodded and picked up a big tray full of different types of food. He carried it over to where I was setting and sat it down. "Enjoy M'am." He bowed and walked away stiffly.

I blinked on confusion. That was very weird. I had never had somewhere treat me like royalty. Usually it was the complete opposite. I looked at the food in front of me. It was a whole bunch of different breakfast foods. From bacon to bagels it all looked so good. What if Xavier didn't want me to eat it though. What if he brought it for himself. I felt my happy mood turn into sadness. Maybe he will give me at least a bite if I'm nice enough.

I looked up at Xavier and gave him my best puppy dog look. "Well what are you waiting for eat up." I looked at him in surprise. I was allowed to eat all of this? As much as I wanted? "I can have a-all of i-it." He looked at me questionably. "Why not?" With that I dug into the food. It had been so long since I had last had bacon. When I was very small it had been my favorite food but after Dad died I wasn't able to have it anymore. Xavier walked over to his desk as I ate like a pig.

Wait a second! If I eat all this food Xavier won't be able to eat anything. I stopped eating and looked at Xavier. "D-don't you need to eat s-something?" I asked. He looked at me for a second then answered. "I ate before you woke up this morning. You can eat as much as you want sweetheart!" I gave him one of my biggest grins and continued eating the food.

~15 Minutes Later~

I took the last piece of bacon and gobbled it down. My stomach was stuffed and I felt like I was going to explode. I leaned back on the couch. It wasn't till then I realized that I had to go to the bathroom really bad. Like really times 100 bad. I looked up at Xavier nervously. What if he laughs at me. As long as he tells me where I go I'll be fine I guess.

"X-Xavier?" I stuttered feeling my cheeks heat up. He looked up quickly. "Yes little one?" I fidgeted with my fingers. "I-I-I need to use th-the bathroom!" My face felt like it was on fire. He looked at me and smirked. "Go out the door to the right and down the hallway. You'll find it there." I jumped off the couch and ran out the door muttering a quick thank you on the way out.

Following the directions he said I finally reached the ladies bathroom. I walked in and did my business. Finally relieved I walked out. I walked down the hallway that I came from before coming to a stop. Was it right or left? Uh oh! I stood completely still trying to remember what he said. Suddenly I felt something bump into me making me fall to the ground. Hot liquid seeped into my shirt causing me to jump and tears to fill my eyes.

"You little bitch! You got coffee on my new outfit! I bought this yesterday! It probably costs more than your fucking life you bitch!" Smack! The sound of a hand slapping someones cheek made me want to puke. It took me a second to realize that it had been me who had gotten slapped. My cheek burned like my body was because of the hot drink that had been spilt on it. A sob escaped my mouth and tears leaked down my cheek causing the place she slapped to burn even more.

I looked up the women and found it was the secretary from this morning. Most of the coffee spilt on me and only a small amount got on her. Plus she bumped into me so should I be the one blaming her. "You deserve this you fucking bitch." She yelled.

The sound of thundering footsteps then filled my ears. I soon saw it was Xavier. What if he gets mad at me for ruining the outfit he got me? "What the fuck is going on here?" He yelled once he got to us.

"Oh Mr. Black if was horrible! She was running down the hallway and while I was just minding my own business she bumped into me on purpose and made me spill my drink everywhere! It burns so bad Mr. Black!" Fake tear ran down her face as she made up the story. She grabbed onto Xavier's arm for dear life which Mr. Black shook off and ran over to me. When he saw me his eyes softened. He looked over my body till he reached my face. Suddenly the soft side of him went away and anger took over his features.

He looked livid. He stood up and turned facing the secretary. "Did you fucking slap her!" He yelled. I would not be surprised if the whole building heard him. "I-I well- I mean-" She stuttered out. "Did you or did you not!?!?" He screamed at her. "Y-yes sir." She quietly answered.

I could hear his heavy breath from where I was sitting on the ground. "Your are fired! You will not set foot in this building ever again nor any other businesses here in New York do you understand me?!?" I could see the woman start to shake and real tears welled up in her eyes this time. She tried to speak but words wouldn't come out so she just shook her head yes.

"Good you have five minutes to get your stuff or your leaving without it now go!" With that she quickly ran off in her 5 inch heels. All was silent for a little bit before Xavier turned around and looked at my coffee soaked body on the floor.


Wow this was a very long chapter but I really hope you enjoyed it. ❤️

I'm planning on updating every Sunday from now on as long as that's okay with you all. If it's not please feel free to tell me!

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter. Baiiii my little peaches 🍑❤️

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