For the Better

By inactiveuser

4.9K 36 12

Elise was a normal 16 year old living in the middle of nowhere. But soon, her life gets turned upside down wh... More

For the Better
Now, why did this happen to me?
Phone Calls and mad Best Friends
The bestest fan
Backstories and Movie Night
on the road
Time to go out!
a Black Jack birthday
New experiences...
Concert time!!!!!
Oh no...
Just a rant from Challen, please read.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Skyping hurts
Life's a Bitch
Happy times!
Well, Dang.
Mr. Perverted Little Creeper Man
Insert Chapter Name Here
Pranks and Latin Yelling
The Affects of Multiple Calls
The Long-Awaited Concert
My Gay New Friend
Mickey D's
Author's Note


84 0 1
By inactiveuser

I'm back! Okay, so i have the worst writers block when it comes to this story. Which, i guess isnt a problem since im wrapping it up soon. Yay :) and Aww :( depending on how you think of it. Anyways, here is da chaptah!


The boys had surprisingly managed to get a day off. And what did Niall and I, being the social and active people that we were, decide to do? Stay in and watch movies! We were getting towards the end of Batman Begins when the doorbell rang.

            “I’ll get it!” I hopped up out of his lap and stretched. I skipped to the door and opened it, finding myself sucked in to a bear hug. What? Who would- OH. MY. GOSH.

            I looked up at the delighted, yet still banged up, face of my best friend and couldn’t control my tears of joy. I wrapped my arms around Mac’s neck and held tight as he- much to my protesting- picked me up and spun me around a bit. Once he finally put me down, I looked up at him and felt relief beyond imagine. Mac was here! He was fine! He still looked like he got into a cage match with a bear, but he was here. In London, standing outside of Niall’s apartment.

            “Oh my gosh! How the hell are you here?! Do you realize that I have been trying to call you? Ever since your birthday I have been trying to call you, and what did I get? Your stupid voicemail that you still need to change! Mac you sound like a twelve year old in that thing!” I never even stopped to breathe before Mac cupped his hand over my mouth.

            “Elise, do you realize how much you sound like your mother right now?” he chuckled.

            “Really? Oh dammit.” My voice was muffled against his hand, and he laughed and removed it from my mouth.

            “What are you doing here? Oh, wait, come in. Sit on the couch or whatever, I bet you're exhausted from your flight!” I pulled him in to Niall’s apartment and shut the door behind me. When I turned around, he and Niall were having some sort of stand off in the middle of the living room.

Niall’s POV

            I never really liked Mac. Don’t get me wrong, I hated what happened to him with the car wreck and everything, and Elise seemed to light up like a Christmas tree when she saw him, but I still don’t really like him. When I first met him, he came off as really arrogant and overprotective. I could tell that Mac wasn’t very fond of me either, considering that he was currently glaring at me.

            “Okay, so… it’s pretty awkward in here.” Elise came to stand by my side, and I wrapped my arm around her waist. Mac definitely noticed. If looks could kill…

            “So, Mac,” I tried to start a conversation, “I didn’t really expect to see you here.”

            “Yeah, my big birthday present was a four day trip to London.” He nodded at me, his expression still cold.

Elise’s POV

            Okay, it is way too awkward in here.

            “Have you talked to the girls yet?” I asked.

            “No, I wanted to visit you first.” He smiled at me, his expression returning to normal. I devious smile grew on my face just then.

            “Great, I’m just going to use you for a second.” I walked out of Niall’s grasp and began pulling Mac by the arm out of the apartment.

            “I know that look, what are we doing?” There was a mischievous glint in his eyes that made me sure of one thing: my partner in crime is back! I explained what the girls did to me, and after Mac’s laughing fit, told him what I wanted him to do.

            I knocked on Harry’s door, fake tears springing from my eyes. Louis opened the door and started freaking out when he saw that I was “crying”.

            “Oh, my gosh! ALEXA! LAUREN! WE GOT A SITUATION!” Louis pulled me in, and thankfully I distracted him from closing the door. Harry, Lauren, Alexa, Liam, and Zayn all ran in, practically tripping over each other.

            “Elise, breathe, and tell us what’s wrong.” Lauren took my hands, and I tried my best to look depressed.

            “It’s Mac. He- he had some sort of- of seizure. Reaction to one of the m-medications he took. He’s dead.” Lauren and Alexa burst into tears. Right on cue, Mac strut into the room.

             “Isn’t it terrible?” Lauren and Alexa’s heads snapped towards him. Once they realized that it was actually him there, they ran into his arms.

            “Elise, you are absolutely evil,” Alexa said once she had finished hugging him.

            “That’s what you get for turning me into a human poultry.” I smirked and relaxed a bit.

            “Nice job, by the way.” Mac commented. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, even though a smile was evident on my face. Niall walked into the apartment, looking very lonely.

            “Have you been crying?” he became very concerned and rushed over to me.

            “Just as revenge. Don’t worry, it wasn’t for real.” I assured him and took hold of his hand.

            “So you wouldn’t cry if I died?” Mac placed a hand to his chest, a mock hurt tone present in his voice.

            “Please, you should have seen her when you got in that wreck!” Harry boasted. I winced at the mention of the accident. Soon, we had all made it to the living area and were interrogating Mac about life back home and things like that when I suddenly remembered something.

            “Did you ever dump Jamie?” I asked. Mac looked down at his lap and began rubbing the back of his neck: the telltale sign that he doesn’t want to tell me something.

            “Uhm… not quite,” He muttered so quietly that I could barely hear it.

            “Can I do it for you?” I started bouncing up and down on the couch, then squealing for joy when Mac handed me his phone. I dialed up Jamie’s number and waited for her to pick up.

            “Hello?” a familiar nasally voice answered on the second ring.

            “Why hello there Jamie. This is Elise Richards calling to tell you that ya boyfriend doesn’t want to be your boyfriend anymore. Yup, that’s right. You are currently in the process of being dumped!” I could not have been more excited about anything in my entire life. “And before you go asking yourself or any of your groupies the reason why you are now single, I have come to give you the answer.”

            “Oh yeah, and what is it?” She sounded so pissed! I absolutely loved it.

            “Bottle Blonde Bitchlets are not his type,” I stated simply.

            “And why couldn’t he have told me to my face?”

            “Think of it this way: I wanted to get you drunk, drag you bound and gagged to a tattoo parlor for a tramp stamp that reads ‘tips appreciated!’ or ‘if I get knocked up, you're taking care of it!’ and then break the news to you the next morning when your hangover is being an absolute bitch. But this seemed way faster and I didn’t have to fly you out to London.” After a few seconds of silence, the line went dead. “That felt way better than it should have!” I chuckled and handed the phone back to Mac. I looked around the living room and saw that everyone’s jaw was practically touching the ground.

            “That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen,” Lauren muttered in awe.

            “I knew you didn’t like her,” Mac started, “but damn.” The next thing I knew, what seemed to be a rubber bouncy ball hurtled towards Mac, and ended up hitting him straight in his manly area.

            “Language,” Lauren scolded.

            “DA HELL?” Mac was doubled over in pain.

            “Crotch shot.” She shrugged, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.

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