Uninvited (A Drake Fanfic)

By berbabie_luv

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This book is a fanfic about Drake. It does not depict in any way real events. The characters are fake, I was... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6ix
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 6ixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyTwo
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter Twenty6ix
Chapter TwentySeven
Chapter TwentyEight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter ThirtyOne
Chapter ThirtyTwo
Chapter ThirtyThree
Chapter ThirtyFour
Chapter ThirtyFive
Chapter Thirty6ix
Chapter ThirtySeven
Chapter ThirtyEight
Chapter ThirtyNine
Chapter Forty
Chapter FortyOne
Chapter FortyTwo
Chapter FortyThree
Chapter FortyFour
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter Forty6ix
Chapter FortySeven
Chapter FortyEight
Chapter FortyNine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter FiftyOne
Chapter FiftyTwo
Chapter FiftyThree
Chapter FiftyFour
Chapter FiftyFive
Chapter Fifty6ix
Chapter FiftySeven
Chapter FiftyEight
Chapter FiftyNine
Chapter 6ixty
Chapter 6ixtyOne
Chapter 6ixtyTwo
Chapter 6ixtyThree
Chapter 6ixtyFour
Chapter 6ixtyFive
⚜ Chapter 6ixty6ix ⚜
Chapter 6ixtySeven
Chapter 6ixtyEight
Chapter 6ixtyNine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter SeventyOne
Chapter SeventyTwo
Chapter SeventyThree
Chapter SeventyFour
Chapter SeventyFive
Chapter Seventy6ix
Chapter SeventySeven
Chapter SeventyEight
Chapter SeventyNine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter EightyOne
Chapter EightyTwo
Chapter EightyThree
Chapter EightyFour
Chapter Eighty6ix
Chapter EightySeven
Chapter EightyNine

Chapter EightyEight

241 4 0
By berbabie_luv

Aubrey's POV

The nerve of this young thot. She tried to mess up the only good thing I had going for me: my relationship with Amber.

Sarah's phone fell to the floor with a thud.
"Sarah, what is there to clear up? What could you possibly say now?" I asked, the anger in my voice causing it to shake slightly.

Amber rolled her eyes, as she moved to stand behind me.

"Why are you guys acting this way?" Sarah asked, adjusting her hair back into a ponytail.

"Sarah, did you or did you not try to sleep with Aubrey?" Amber asked, her nostrils flared.

Her mouth fell open in disbelief, and her gaze turned on me, "Nothing happened. Why would you tell her..." she began to become angry. Her tears still stained her cheeks.

"I didn't actually." I simply stated. I didn't owe her an explanation for shit, and I was not going to give her one.

"Cut the shit Sarah, you couldn't wait to go brag to your friends about your little 'conquest' but I didn't sleep with you.." I said, my heart pounding wildly.

"What friends? What are you... " she began, her face beet red.

"The picture of you and Aubrey. I saw some girls passing it around at the ice cream parlor."

"Why would you take a picture of me, and send to your little friends?"

"I didn't do that, the picture was for..." the rest of her sentence. "I think it would be best if I just go."

Her phone began ringing loudly and she checked the caller ID.

When the name caught my eye I lunged forward grabbing it and making sure that my eyes didn't deceive me.

And they didn't, Chris was calling Sarah.

Genesis's POV

"Watching him sleep is one of the most calming experiences of my life..." Roger said, as he admired our son from the chair he sat in.

The awe in his voice caused me to tear up a bit. I smiled sadly, as he continued to stare. I really hated this postpartum crap. "It is, isn't it."

My heart swelled in my chest as I observed him.

"I'm so sorry Roger." I blurted out.

"Sorry, sorry for what?" He stood, coming closer to me.

"I'm sorry for hiding him from you for so long, for breaking up with you, for not calling... I was afraid you'd notice my weight gain and start asking questions. I'm sorry for being such a bitch..." I was full on crying now, my heart heavy.

"No Jen, no... don't say that..." he said kneeling near the bed so that we could be face to face. He wiped a tear that escaped my eye, and continued to stare at me lovingly.

All I could think about was what I'd caused him to miss; experiences he could never get back. "But you'll never get to experience the first ultrasound, his heartbeat, determining his sex, the first kick. I took that all away from you because I was too selfish to..."

"Selfish? Jen you're the most selfless person I know. You denied yourself my support, just so that I could go to school, because you knew that if I'd heard about Georgie, that I'd never leave your side. You cared more about my education, than your own comfort.... you love me Jen, more than I could ask for..."

The way his eyes shone in the dim hospital lighting really made my head swim. He was on the verge of tears.

"I was going to wait for a few more days or at least when you're fully out of the hospital to do this." He said, reaching behind him for something. "But I cannot wait any longer. Jen, you are the best person I've ever met, and I was hoping to do this way before I put a baby inside of you, but we always seem to do things backwards." He laughed through his tears. I could believe my eyes or my ears. "I'm here now, and I know I have to go back to school soon but I want you to be my wife before I do. Jen it would make me the happiest man alive to know that you'll make an honest man out of me." He pulled a beautiful diamond ring from behind his back, and my heart pounded so heavily that I could no longer hear anything else.

"I-I don't know what to say..." I expressed, my vision blurry. His mouth was set in an uncomfortable half smile.

"I was hoping you'd say yes." He remarked.

"Of course I'll marry you. Yes, yes, yes!" I was still in a lot of pain, so I couldn't jump into his arm like I wanted to, but I wrapped my arms around him so tightly I feared he might choke.  "I love you so much"

Justin's POV

I'd visited little Georgie more times than I could count. I loved that kid like he was my very own.

As I was walking towards the room with some gifts for the newborn, Genesis's voice broke my train of thought "Of course I'll marry you. Yes, yes, yes!"

I wasn't sure why, but I was no longer compelled to go into the room. Georgie already had a father, and me being around probably only complicated things. I was the man who had sex with his mother, but didn't even feel the need to put a label on it.

I placed my gifts on the floor near the entrance before alerting a nurse that it was there and making my way back to where I came from.

My heart slammed against my chest as I searched frantically for the next exit. I needed to take my meds or at least practice one of the techniques that my therapist said to.

I couldn't revert back to being manic, but coming to terms with the fact that I'd probably never see that baby again, or very scarcely made me sick to my stomach. He was the only thing that truly pulled me out of my depression.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I was calling Amber. And by the second ring, I hung up. She wasn't mine anymore, and Dr. Harper said I needed to stop looking for Amber in everyone and everything. I hated Dr. Harper.

I sighed heavily as I turned the corner, bumping into a mass of light brown curls.

"I'm so sorry." I explained as I helped the person off the floor.

She stood, brushing her wild hair away from her face. "Excuse me, no it's my fault I'm a klutz." She clarified, her bright green eyes making contact with my blue ones.

She. Was. Beautiful.

Ambers POV

"Are you kidding me?" Aubrey yelled as he looked at the phone screen.

I finally looked at the phone in Aubrey's hand.

"Why would Chris be calling you Sarah?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Umm" She feigned ignorance.

"It's too late to play dumb." I let her know, not understanding what was actually happening.

"That's what I came here to talk to you about." She rubbed her temples.

"You have 60 seconds." I said, folding my arms over my chest. I noticed Aubrey staring at me, probably still turned on by my rather harsh temper. I was usually so demure, but today I wasn't in the mood for games.

"Amber, Chris is, he's... I thought." She

"Sit, come on... just get it out." Aubrey commanded, his voice stern, but his demeanor calm.

"Okay, please remember that this was before I knew you. I met Chris when I was at my fathers party's couple of months ago. He was sweet and amazing, and we had a one night stand after you broke up... but I began seeing him hanging around with his father more, and then we became friends. He told me about you, about how much he wanted you, and I agreed to help him get you back. It wasn't supposed to go this far, but when I met you guys at my dads club, he thought I should infiltrate your relationship so that he could come between you. I was supposed to sleep with Aubrey, send him pics and he's send them to Amber. Amber was supposed to come back crying to him.

But when I couldn't even get Aubrey to look at me, I knew it wouldn't work. I sent pictures of Aubrey sleeping to Chris and that's the last thing I know."

"Chris set you up to this whole thing?" Aubrey breathed, his anger barely contained. I was still pissed, but Aubrey barely ever got mad, and seeing him seething was so new to me.

"So this whole time, our friendship... it was all fake. The shit about your mom, the time we spent together was all a lie?" I asked, trying to grasp how I could've been so oblivious.

"My mom has been out of my life for so long." Sarah said, a flash of emotion clouded her features before she went back to being stoic. "It was easy to say these things..."

"Sarah, I just don't understand..." I sat down next to her, trying my hardest not to slap her. "why do you want to clear it up now?"

"Because Chris is crazy. He tried to slap me because I wanted out of this crazy shit. I was doing things that I wouldn't never done regularly. I finally came to my senses though, and but myself out of that deal."

When her phone began ringing again, Aubrey gave the device to her.

"How do I get rid of him?" She asked, but I felt no sympathy toward her.

"I don't know, but you have to leave right now." I said, standing up. I couldn't keep up with my own thoughts.

My taste in boys was horrible, except of course for Aubrey.

"Amber," she contested, but I stale faced the entire time.

"Out!" I shouted, and Aubrey wraps his arms around me once the traitor left. I hadn't even realized that I was shaking, until he stilled me.

"So... how do you feel about everything that just happened?" He asked, his hand running across the small of my back.

"I'm not sure I want to talk about it right now. I'm frazzled." I admitted, finally accepting the fact that Chris was never going to leave me alone.

"I can respect that. What can I do for you at the moment?" He asked, and I wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and cry.

"Can we just lay down?" I suggested. He walked me to the bedroom.

I felt like absolute shit, and Aubrey understood. He was very receptive to my tears, and remained in bed with me long after the tears subsided and I fell asleep.

"We can lay down for a bit longer, but I have to do something a little later..." he said, after I had woken up. He looked very frustrated.

I nodded, seeing absolutely no reason not to trust Aubrey.

His arms felt so solid around me, so comforting, that I had no idea why I had waited so long to finally accept him again.

"What did you think the first time you saw me." I asked, breaking the silence.

"I thought you were the most clumsy person I'd ever seen... When I saw you for the first time, you were running up the stairs to your house, in your school uniform and you tripped and dropped all your books." He recollected, laughing at the memory.

"Really? You never told me that." I grinned, remembering the countless times that had happened.

"I saw you twice before we officially met. I would stare at you from Roger's whenever I would go visit. Then I hid Roger's key one day so that when I picked him up from school I'd get to see you, up close." He admitted.

I smiled at the memory of them coming to my door, and laying my eyes on him for the first time.

"When I finally saw you up close, I was so damn nervous dawg. You were more beautiful than I'd hoped. Gorgeous. I admit, I was smitten by you, the innocence in your eyes, the softness of your lips, the vibrancy of your skin. I wanted nothing more than to touch you, be with you. Not in a sexual way, but in general. Then I found out you had a boyfriend." He continued, and I remembered how he never initiated any contact with me that was unwanted.

I sat up on his torso so that I was straddling him. His hands fell onto my backside and he rubbed his hands along the fabric covering my butt.

"When we spoke for the first time time, after dinner, I knew that I couldn't let you go. Boyfriend or not."

"It was much simpler time back then." I said, leaned forward, halting my speech and kissing his lips. He kissed me back passionately, savoring every nibble, every lick, every breath.

I pulled at his clothing, my body couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to feel him again.

"Amber.. I love you, but I can't." His voice came through. I mentally chastised myself for having such a huge sexual appetite.

"Oh." I sighed, before Aubrey flipped us so that I was laying beneath him, and then held my hands over my head.

He stared at me for a long duration of time before saying. "You're So beautiful. I want yours to be the last face I ever see."

"What are you saying?" His sentiments were sweet but I couldn't help but feel like there was something deeper there.

He shook his head, and nudged my cheek with his nose. He pressed his lips on the skin near my eye.

"I have to go." He exclaimed, then kissed my lips.

"Where?" I asked, curious as to what was more important than this.

"I just have to take care of something." He affirmed, averting his gaze from me.

I had a peculiar feeling about the way in which he dismissed my question, and that was why I refused to let him go on his own.

"Let's go in the morning Aubrey, when we're not tired." I said, wrapping my legs around his waist.

His eyes bore into my soul. He was visibly upset about everything which was happening. I, on the other hand, was just happy that there were no more lies between us.

The heat consumed my body like a warm blanket on a cold night.

"Goodnight, Aubrey" I made sure to wrap myself around him, and he chuckled.

"I have to go, I love you." He wiggles out of my grasp, and grabbed his jacket near the door.

I watch as he slips out of the room, and closes the door behind him. My stomach sank.

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