Savage 》Once Upon A Time

De lovethebreeze

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I love being a pirate. I'm not going to lie. I love the life, the sea, the adventure. What I love the most is... Mais

The Thing You Love Most
Snow Falls
The Price Of Gold
That Still Small Voice
The Shepherd
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Desperate Souls
7:15 A.M.
Skin Deep
What Happened To Frederick
Heart of Darkness
The Stable Boy
An Apple Red As Blood
A Land Without Magic
Lady of the Lake Part 1
Lady of the Lake Part 2
The Doctor
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The Outsider
In the Name of the Brother
The Queen is Dead
The Miller's Daughter
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless, Brave, and True
The Evil Queen

The Cricket Game

2.8K 94 26
De lovethebreeze

Who would have thought dealing with Cora would bring Regina and I closer together? I didn't. But she's been really nice to me since Snow, Emma, and I returned home. I mean, we're making bloody lasagna in her kitchen for crying out loud.

"Did you remember to add the red pepper flakes?" Regina asked me.

I nodded. "How could I? You kept reminding me the past ten minutes," I joked. I could smell it cooking from the oven. I felt my stomach growling already. "How about we ditch the party and just eat it all by ourselves?"

Granny and Ruby were throwing a party for me, Snow, and Emma at the diner. I invited Regina, since she helped save us and because she's Henry's mother. Henry told me she was trying to change and I actually believe him.

"As tempting as that is, we should go. This party is about you, Emma, and Snow." I rolled my eyes. "I know you're not talking to them right now. But you should go and have fun with your friends." Yeah, right. My friends are Snow's friends. The attention is going to be mostly on her. "And Rumplestiltskin won't be there."

I grabbed the bowl of chips before I took one. "Good. I won't feel tempted to kill the demon." Regina raised her eyebrow at me. I shrugged my shoulders in response before munching on another chip. "Anyway, thanks for getting that house set up for me."

I don't know if it's because she's trying to show Henry she's changing, but Regina actually got this little house ready for me. It's perfect. It's near the docks. It's not that big. I could afford it with the money I've been saving. I give the money to her and not him. It's perfect for me.

"Well, I can't have you kill your father." I glared at her joke. She took a deep breath before getting the oven mitts. "Have you gotten everything from the shop?"

"Yep," I said while popping the 'P.' I patted my sword that was on my side. "I have my sword, which I'm never leaving again. My clothes are there. Anything else, I could just go to another shop and buy what I need. I'm finally away from that dung-for-brains."

The timer beeped and Regina got the dish out. My stomach started growling again as she placed the lasagna on the counter. Mmm, I miss her lasagna. First night back, I ate like three plates. I might have miss Chimera, but it's no lasagna.

Regina smiled. "Let's go before you attack the food."


The party started about fifteen minutes ago, so we're late. I practically ran to Granny's if it means I get some food. Regina found my eagerness for food amusing. Come on, it's food.

When we arrived at the diner, everyone already raised their glass for a toast. Good. Glad I missed that. I never like the whole bloody hero speech to begin with. And I wanted to cringe with the 'Welcome Home, Mary Margaret, Jax, and Emma' sign. Though Emma's name was smaller than ours, so that made me happy. When the town saw me, they had huge smiles on their faces. It slowly faded away when they saw my plus one.

"Sorry we're late," Regina said.

Grumpy grabbed the knife off the counter. "What is she doing here?"

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed one of the cups. "Relax. I invited her." Snow's mouth flew open before she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side with David and Emma. I glared at them, except David because I'm not pissed at him. "What?"

"You invited Regina?" Emma asked.

"Is that a problem? She saved our bloody lives. She's the reason why we're here."

Emma shook her head. "It's not a problem. I'm glad you did." Snow then snapped her gaze at Emma. "Jax is right. And it doesn't matter what she did in the past, we owe her our thanks now."

"Didn't you think to tell us about it?" David asked me.

"I didn't think I needed to," I snapped. "I invited her. It's my decision. I can invite whomever I want." I glared at the Emma and Snow. "Or is that not good enough for you guys."

"Cas, she tried to kill us, yesterday!" Snow said.

"So, what?!" By now the whole diner was looking at me. I don't give a damn. They can go to hell if they bloody want. "Regina wasn't the only one who tried to kill us. She is the one who decided against it last minute because it's what Henry wanted. She's really is changing for him. We should give her the benefit of the doubt." I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Bloody hell, if you and Charming believed I can change when I've killed people. She gets one, too."

I scoffed at them before going towards Regina and Henry. She gave me a small smile in appreciation before cutting a piece of her lasagna.

"Thank you, Jax," she said.

I smiled at her. "Anytime. A pirate knows who her enemy is, believe me, it's not you." I wrapped my arm around Henry. "I missed you, Munchkin." I furrowed my brows. "When did you get so tall? First you were up here, now you're here." I made my hand move up and down. "Stop it. You're going to get taller than me."

Henry wrapped his little arms around me. "I missed you, too."

Regina handed me a plate. "Now, I know you came for the lasagna, so enjoy."

I gratefully took it from her. I was about to dig in until Grumpy walked up behind me.

"Careful, Cas. We don't want you in a sleeping curse, too," he said while glaring at Regina. "What's the secret ingredient in this one? Poison?"

Regina got up in his face. "Red pepper flakes. Gives it some kick."

To prove a point, I shoved a big piece into my mouth. I smirked at him while eating the food. Bad idea for me because my face now resembles a chipmunk. I kept on chewing until I swallowed the food.

I gestured towards myself. "See? Completely fine." To prove a point, opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. Not caring if there's left overs on it.

Grumpy cringed before grabbing a plate from Regina. He sniffed it before walking off, not taking his judgy eyes away from her.


I wasn't having fun at this party. Parties aren't really my thing. People surrounding me and telling me welcome back. How they miss me. I've been polite and smiled back. But this party would have been better if Papa was here.

Henry was spending so much time with Emma and the others, Regina was all alone. That isn't right. I grabbed two beers from behind the counter and handed her one. She needs a friend. And I'm happy to provide that for her. She did raise her eyebrow at me when I drank my beer and asked if I was old enough. Oh, lass, I've been sixteen for many years. And I've had rum before we were poofed to this world. I'd say I'm old enough.

"I don't think I've said thank you enough, Jax," she started.

I placed my hands under my chin and smiled. "Anytime, love. How can people think you've change if they won't give you the chance?"

"But you're willing to. That's all I ask."

"My cursed memories are still there, you may have been a bitch, but you still took care of me when the Crocodile couldn't. Even if I did ended up in the hospital," I teased at the end.

"God forbid what Gold would have done if he found out." I scoffed. "You have no idea, do you?"

"That Rumple is a bloody twit who needs to die. I'm pretty sure I do." I took a swing. Then I smacked my lips together. "Man, I need something stronger than this."

Regina sighed. "You know he kept polishing your sword since that day. Even with Belle in the room." Right, the girl who tickles the Crocodile's fancy. "He was even hurt that you didn't welcome him with open arms."

I leaned back in my seat with a smirk. "Well, boo hoo for him." I glanced at the clock and notice it was getting late. "I'm gonna head home. First night in my new place and I don't want to throw up all over it."

Regina nodded before standing up. "Mind if I come along?" I raised my eyebrow. "It's obvious I'm not welcomed here. And this gives us more time to talk. Like we used to before Ms Swan broke the curse."

"Sure, love."

Regina and I grabbed our jackets before heading outside. Not even two seconds later, Emma follows us with the offering of cake Archie made. As much as I love Archie's cake, I'm tired. Emma looked towards me, and I glared at her before walking away. Not that far, just enough to show her that I'm still pissed at her.

I began inspecting my nails while they talked. Then I felt a chill go down my spine, making me look up and around. That weird feeling of someone watching me is there. I looked around. I see no shadow or a certain Lost Boy. I didn't see anyone, the streets were completely empty.

"Because you know so much about parenting in the five minutes you've been with him," I heard Regina snap. I looked up to see Emma's eyes go wide at the harshness in her voice. What did I miss? "Talk to David. At least he took care of him while you were away. Like I did, during the ten years you were away the first time."

Swan, what did you do?

Regina began apologizing for her behavior. She shouldn't have to. From the little part I've heard, it's about Henry. Regina is allowed to see him, she's his mother. Emma gave up that right ten years ago. She shouldn't need to ask permission to see her son. Another thing that isn't right is Archie telling Emma about their sessions. I know Archie is trying to do the right thing, bless his wee heart, but he had no right to tell Emma. What's that saying about patient confidentiality?

"I should be going," Regina said before making her way over to me. "Come on, Jax. I'll walk you home."

Regina walked right by me. I glared at Emma one last time before catching up with her. I wrapped my arm around her, making her wrap hers around my shoulders.

"Want me to slap her?" I asked hopefully.

Regina gave a strained chuckle. "As much as I want to say yes, no."

I gave a little nod of approval. "I'm impressed. The old you would have snapped at me and say you could do it yourself before taking my offer. You really are trying to change."

Fairytale World

I can't believe Charming's plan worked. Snow played bait and captured the Evil Queen. I wish I was there to see the look on her face. Now we're gathered around the table in the castle discussing our next move.

"I fear the Queen will never change. We must dispense justice," Jiminy started.

Charming nodded. "Agreed." Then he looked around the table that had Snow, me, Red, Granny, and the dwarves. "What are our options?"

"How about giving me five minutes alone with her and my axe?" Grumpy sneered. "She's still restrained, right?"

"Yes. But the magic that we used to capture her, will only keep her powerless for a short while," Blue informed us.

"How about banishing her to another realm?" Granny asked.

Jiminy shook his head. "We can't. It would be unconscionable to condemn another realm to the suffering that we've endured."

I raised my hand. "If I may..." I took my feet off the table. "I believe there's an option that will benefit all of us." Snow's brows furrowed. "Let's kill her. As long as her Majesty is still alive, the kingdom is in danger."

Snow shook her head. "We can't kill her."

I raised my eyebrow. "And why not? As long as she's alive, you're life is in danger. She will come after you." I motioned towards Charming. "Charming." Then made a circular motion around the table. "She'll come after everyone of us."

Snow opened her mouth, but Charming nodded. "Cas is right." Snow's jaw dropped while looking at her husband. "We have to kill the Queen. Thank you all."

Charming nodded at me as I got up and followed everyone out. The longer the Queen is alive, everyone here is in danger.



I've decided to let Regina sleep over at my place. She helped me get it and she doesn't need to tell me that she doesn't want to be alone. Regina has been so nice to me, I plan on returning the gesture. Like now, I'm making breakfast for the both of us before I head off to school.

Regina came down the stairs and adjusted her jacket. She looked towards me as I placed two plates of pancakes and coffee in front of us.

"It might not be, Granny's," I started before grabbing the whip cream from the fridge to top it off with. "But nothing says good morning like pancakes."

"You cook?" Regina asked amusingly. I shrugged my shoulders. "It's not poisoned, is it?"

I smirked at her. "Now, Regina. If I wanted to poison you, I would have done it last night." I heard my phone rang and pulled it up to see Emma. I rolled my eyes before hitting the ignore button. Two seconds later it was Snow, I ignored it. "You'd think me not talking to them would give them a hint."

Regina raised the coffee to her lips. "At least they're trying."

"Well, they can go fuck themselves." Then my phone rang again to show David's picture. I held the phone up to my ear. "David, what can I do for you?"

"Cas, are you with Regina?" He asked frantically.

"Yes," I furrowed my brows before looking at her. "She's with me right now."

"What?!" I had to pull my phone away from my ear when he screamed. "Listen to me, Cas. I need you to get as far away from Regina right now and have her come to the station."

"Or you can tell her yourself," I said before handing my phone to her. "It's for you."

Regina took my phone. "Hello...What for?...I haven't harmed a hair on her head." Then she groaned before hanging up, handing my phone back. "Get to school. I'll call you when I'm out."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To the Sheriff's station."


Fairytale World

I stood next to the Charmings as the guards escorted the Queen to the middle of the courtyard. My hand gripped the hilt of my sword, waiting for the Evil Queen to do something. The crowd started to form around the courtyard as they could finally watch the execution of the Evil Queen.

Jiminy flew towards her. "Regina. This is your opportunity to meet your end with a clear conscience. Do you have any last words?"

"Yes. Yes, I do." Even being tied up, her voice still held this power over the courtyard. "I know I'm being judged for my past, a past where I've caused pain, a past where I've inflicted misery, a past where I've...even brought death.

"When I look back at everything I've done," she took a deep breath, "I want you all to know what I feel, and that is...regret. Regret, that I was not able to cause more pain...Inflict more misery. And bring about more death. And above all else, with every ounce of my being, I regret that I was not able to kill...Snow White!"

The crowd started to whispering. Oh, bloody hell. I held up my hand for the guards.

"Arrows!" I commanded. The guards began setting their arrows while another guard blindfolded her Majesty. That lopsided grin plastered on her face, thinking that she could scare us. "Take your aim." The guards had their bows up. The one thing I was happy Charming let me do, give order. "Fire!"

Suddenly, Snow stood up from her chair. "Stop!"

It was too late. The guards released their arrows and they were going straight towards her heart, but the Blue Fairy got in the way by using her magic to stop them. Oh, come on!"

"Snow!" Charming and I exclaimed. Mine's more in anger while his is in shock.

"This is not the way," she said. Not the way. Not the way! This is the only way of stopping her and we lost that opportunity.

Snow got up from her throne and walked away from the crowd. "Snow," Charming whispered. She brushed him off.

"Snow, get your bloody ass over here," I tried. She ignored me. "Is that dollophead out of her freaking mind?"

Charming sighed as he watched his wife leave. Someone give Charming some pads because he is whipped.

"Take her back to her cell," he ordered the guards.

The guards removed the Queen's blindfold. Fumes were coming out of my ears while they began escorting her back. My hand reached for my sword, I might as well kill her now. I felt a hand grab my arm and looked back to see Red shaking her head at me.

That royal prat just had to ruin everything.


There is no way in cell am I letting Regina take blame for whatever they think she did. I only took a step in school before bolting towards the police station.

"So, what do we do with her now?" I heard Snow ask as I slammed the door shut to the interrogation room.

"Lock her up," David said.

I marched over to them. "You will do no such thing," I snapped. "Whatever you think Regina did, isn't true."

"Archie's dead," Emma whispered.

My eyes widen. "What?"

David crossed his arms. "He was found in his office dead. Ruby said that she saw Regina go into his office last night."

I scoffed. "Well, she's lying. Regina was nowhere near Archie's office last night." I looked at Emma. "She was with me for the rest of the evening." David scoffed. "What? Do you think I'm lying?"

"Wouldn't be the first time," he retorted.

I marched up to him and got in his face. "And what's that suppose to mean?"

"Cas -" Snow trailed off.

"No, Snow, I want to hear what he has to say." I glared at him. "Is it because of the pirate thing? What? After all those years helping you take the kingdom back, you still doubt me. You doubt my loyalty? Haven't I stayed by your side since the beginning of it all. I've watched you and Snow since you'd first met, I had your backs. My opinion about royals changed. Has yours not about me?"

Emma slowly pulled me back. "I believe you, Jax."

"What?" Snow asked.

"You didn't see the look on Regina's face when we told her Archie's dead. Jax is her alibi. We need to find the truth of what happened with Dr. Hopper."

I rolled my eyes. "Great, until then..." I strolled into the interrogation room. I grabbed Regina by her arm and hauled her up. "You're free to go. Don't tell them anything, you're innocent."


And I'm going to prove it. Regina was with me all last night. And everything was pointing towards her. I know Regina, I know the Evil Queen, if she really did kill Archie then she would have covered her tracks better than this. Or rub it in our faces that she killed him. No one else in Storybrooke has magic whatsoever. The only one that does is...Rumplestiltskin. Ah, that selfish twat.

I marched my way towards the shop, determination with each and every step. Regina asked where I was going and I told her out. I can't believe he would do something like this. What does he gave to gain from framing Regina. I opened the door and made my way inside.

There stood Rumple with some brunette. Oh, this must be Belle. The Crocodile's mouth flew open when he saw me standing there.

"Little Raven," he breathed. He walked away from Belle and made his way towards me. He held one arm out before wrapping it around me. "You're finally home." He noticed my sword by my side. "I was beginning to wonder who took that."

I pushed him away and crossed my arms. "Don't you bloody touch me. Why did you kill him?"

Belle's eyes widen. "Someone's dead?"

I nodded. My glare not removing from the Crocodile's. "Archie."

Crocodile didn't show any emotion. "And you believe I would do something like this?"

"Aye. You killed him and tried to frame Regina."

"And she's not possible capable of doing something so vile?" Belle asked.

I glared at her. "It wasn't her. This wouldn't be the first time he tried to frame someone." He framed Snow, he framed Regina, he would have rigged the Sheriff's election if he wanted to. "And if you were smart, lass, you'd get away from him as soon as possible."

Belle blinked a couple of times, confused. "And - And who are you, exactly?"

"Oh, pardon me." I bowed to her. "Cassandra Jones, at your service. Or as people like to know me in this world as Jax Gold." I looked at Rumple. "His daughter."

Belle's mouth flew open as she looked at the demon. "You never mention you had a daughter."

I smirked while holding my arms out. "Sorry, dearie, but there's a lot of things you don't know about this man. I'm not his daughter, he just likes to pretend I am."

Rumple stepped forward. "I wasn't pretending," he started. "And I'm sorry to disappoint, but this isn't my doing."

I placed my hands on my hips. "Right? You just like messing with people heads. You like making families believe their child's dead." I scoffed. "Oh, please. You've been after me for centuries. Wanting to turn my heart into the darkest thing anyone could have faced." I was so close to him, I was peering up. "You might be the Dark One, but you're nothing but a coward in my eyes. You might have magic back in this world, but I swear as a pirate I will find a way to kill you. Finish what my papa has started."

Rumple didn't say anything as he looked down at me. He lost one kid, now he's going to lose another one. It's his fault for my family's misery. The door to the shop opens to reveal Emma, David, and Snow.

The Crocodile didn't remove his gaze from me. "Nothing warms the heart more than a family reunited," he spoke softly. Don't know if it's towards them or me, but I don't bloody care about this bugger. He looked at Emma. "You have your mother's chin, Ms Swan."

Emma looked confused at me. "Jax, what are you doing here?"

I stepped away from the group. "Nothing. I was just leaving." I looked towards Belle. "It was nice to meet you, Belle."

"Cas -" Snow tried.

I just bowed at them. "You're highness. Please, don't let me stand in your way."

"Cas -" David called this time.

I just smirked at them before leaning up and leaving the pawn shop. They don't trust me. They don't respect me. They want everyone to have their happy ending as long as theirs comes first. That's not fair. I tell them that Regina is innocent and they don't believe me. They trust someone who has been good all their life. I wish things were simpler. When I didn't have to worry about finding Papa. When I didn't have to deal with Snow and Charming. Not even the Crocodile. The only time I ever felt truly free was when I was in Neverland. Oh, bloody hell. I miss Neverland. No. No! I don't miss that place. I'm not a Lost Girl looking for a way back.

I ran all the way home. I went towards my room and rummaged through the drawer. I'm surprised I kept the small vial. The glowing dust circling around it. I closed my eyes. I'm not a Lost Girl. I will never be a Lost Girl. I will never be his. Maybe if I listen to it, I can finally prove that I'm not one of them.

My hands found the lid before popping it open. Nothing absolutely nothing. I sighed in relief, that is until I heard a small whistle tune. The dust came out of the bottle and began circling around me. The beautiful melody filling my ears as the dust danced around me. I found myself smiling. My hand reached up to touch the dust. It circled around my hand before it circled its way up my arm.

I just want to dance right now. Bang my sword on the ground to keep pitch with the song. I felt myself calming down. I need this. When the music ended, the dust cascaded down. I didn't want it to end so soon.

I heard someone knock on my door. Which made me furrow my brows. Snow and David don't know where I live. Ugh, it must be a girl scout. I walked downstairs and went towards my door, not before taking $5 from my dresser. I do love some girl scout cookies.

"It's about bloody time!" I yelled through the other side. "I need something good -" I froze. How - How? I must be dreaming. "Papa?"

Papa stood at the other side, huge smile on his face. "Cassie."

I let out a happy chuckle. I don't care if I'm crying right now. I wrapped my arms around Papa and hugged him tightly. Just to make sure that he's here and this is not an illusion.

I pulled away. "Come in. Come in."

I opened the door out wide for him to enter. Papa started to look around the place. "I see you picked a place near water," he said.

"I had to. It reminded me of home," I admitted. I wiped the corner of my eyes. "Sorry about the boxes. I'm still unpacking."

Papa picked up a picture from one of the drawers. I looked at it to see it was of Emma, Snow, and me. I reached over and slammed the photo frame down.

"I take it you're still mad at them," he said.

I nodded. "How could I not? I told them we're taking you with us. They didn't listen and took me from you. Snow knew how devastated I was when we were separated."

Papa picked up another photo. I could see his hand tighten around the frame. "I'm going to kill that Crocodile."

I grabbed the next frame from him. I looked down to see a picture of me and Rumple when we were at Granny's, before the curse was broken. I rolled my eyes before tossing it back to the box.

"You mean we're going to kill him," I corrected. "Papa, how are you here?"

Papa gave me an uncertain stare. "I did what I had to do to get back to you and exact my revenge."

"Papa, what did you do?"

Then I felt this gust of wind behind me. I looked back to see this purple smoke. My eyes widen when I see the Cora in the middle of my living room.

"Hello, dear," she greeted with a grin. "We have a lot to talk about."


Fairytale World

I can't believe Snow is spared the Queen. I can't believe she thinks she can change. Regina is a killer. She's not going to change. I should have killed her when I had the chance. On top of that, Snow talked to the Crocodile. She wants to know if the Evil Queen is capable of change? I'll answer that for her. No. Good thing Charming and I came up with this failsafe in case the Queen does something to Snow during her visit.

"First, you stop my execution, and then, you defy your Prince to see me," Regina teased. "Should I be worried there's trouble in paradise?"

"I'm not here to talk about my fiancé," Snow said. I scoffed. More like husband.

"Then why are you here?"

"I know you weren't always like this, Regina. The woman who saved my life all those years ago...had good in her." Poor, naive, little Snow.

"That woman lost much, and now she's gone."

"Maybe," Snow whispered. "But as hard as you've tried to bury her, I think she's still inside you.

"No, she's not."

"All you need..." My eyes widen when Snow started unlocking the door. She opened the Queen's cell door. "Is someone to help you let her out."

Is this the best she could come up with? Trying to bring Regina's past. If I remember correctly, Snow's the reason why she's like this. No offense, love, but you're the reason Regina wants to kill us. You just had to go blab to Cora about Daniel. Little kid or not, it's your fault. I've learned that.

"Is she insane?" I mouthed to Charming.

He gave me a look. I just rolled my eyes and waited. Snow, I love you, but you're a bloody idiot. Thinking that everyone can change. They can, but it could be for the worst. Not the better. I heard a little thump against the wall. I was about to rush in, but Charming shook his head at me. His wife is in there with the woman who wants to kill her.

"You make change sound so easy," Regina sneered. I looked around to see Snow grab the dagger from her pocket. Regina stopped her before taking the weapon. "Did you really think this would protect you? Since I can't use magic, I can think of no better way than to kill you with the blade you had meant for me. Goodbye, Snow White."

Then the Queen stabbed Snow. I have to remember that the dagger isn't real. It's the one the Crocodile gave her.

"That's impossible," she whispered.

Snow shook her head. "No, that's magic."

Charming nodded at me and we entered the cell. "And this time, it wasn't thanks to fairies."

I held up the blindfold that was used during her execution. "Thanks to the Crocodile. He took one of your hairs from this, and used it to fashion a protection spell." I smirked in satisfaction at her shocked face.

"No," she gasped.

"Now there's nothing you can do in this land to hurt Snow, Cas, or me," Charming finished. "You're powerless against us."

The Queen looked at Snow. "You tricked me."

"It wasn't a trick," Snow defended herself. "It was a test, one that I had truly hoped you'd pass."

"We wanted to give you a chance to change, Regina," Charming said. I didn't.

"Regina, you are banished - banished to live alone with your misery."

"As long as you're alive in this world, you can't hurt us."

Snow was on the brink of tears as she walked towards the Queen. "You saved my life once, and now I've saved yours. So we're even. And if you ever try to hurt anyone in my kingdom again, I will kill you."

Another satisfied smirk came to my face. "Now get out of their kingdom."


I shook my head. So, the magic bean Papa had regenerated from the Lake. That's how he and Cora got to Storybrooke. And Cora is the one who killed Archie. Well, not kill him. She just wanted to break Regina. I never knew I could hate someone as much as I hate her. All of this is because Regina needs her. Yeah, right.

"You need me too, Cassandra," Cora continued.

I chuckled. "You're not serious?" I looked towards Papa. "She's kidding right."

"Unfortunately, she's not," he said. "Listen to her, Cassie. She's the reason why I'm here."

Cora smiled. "And I could finally give you what you always wanted. The Dark One's head on a silver platter."

I crossed my arms. "Yet, for some reason, I don't believe you. I tricked you in our world. But, you still want to help."

"I understand the love between a parent and child," she said. "From what I understand, you've been living with the Dark One for 28 years. You must know his weakness. Something you can use to kill him."

A weakness? The Dark One doesn't have many. But, an annoying brunette came to my mind. "Aye."

"Just cut to the chase," Papa told Cora. "You'd promise we'd get our revenge."

"And you will." She looked at me. "It's up to Cassandra."

"Let me guess, you want something in return," I said.

"Clever girl."

"So, what is it?"


I raised my eyebrow. "Nothing?"

She nodded. "Your Papa and I came to an agreement on our own. I won't hurt you as long as you don't get in my way. And don't tell your friends we're here. We wouldn't want to ruin a good surprise."

Then there was another knock on the door. Papa quickly stood up with his sword out. I rolled my eyes and went towards it, with him following me. He leaned against the wall, away from the door. I opened it to see Regina, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Regina, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Emma," she sneered. I could see Papa from the corner of my eye. He kept shaking his head no while placing his hook on his lips, telling me to be quiet. "Can I come in?"

I opened my mouth a few times. "I'm sorry, Regina. But....I don't think we should hangout anymore."

"What?" She breathed. Then she scoffed. "They got to you, too. Didn't they?"

"No," I said. "I just realized that I need to cut some loose ends in my life. And that's you." Her mouth flew open. "I'll see you around."

I slammed the door in her face. Papa was about to speak, but I held my finger up. I listened closely to hear her leave. I sighed before walking towards the living room. Cora sat on my sofa with a satisfied smile.

"Do we have a deal?" She asked.

I smirked. "What do you want me to do?"


A/N: No, Cas, no!


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