Everything About You

By sierranicolee

5.7K 68 40

*COMPLETED* (EXTENDED EPILOGUE ADDED.) A Harry Styles fanfic. Involves all of the boys also, I cant really t... More

Everything About You
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chaper 35
Extended Epilogue!

Chapter 11

163 0 0
By sierranicolee

A/N: Okaaay, I'm not too sure what to say.. Other than I hope you enjoy this decently long chapter. (Hopefully) - Sierra<3xx.

Eleanor's POV:

I looked over at Louis who had just rolled over next to me.

"Thanks." I whispered into his neck. I heard a laugh form in the back of his throat.

"Not a problem at all, my love."

"Sorry I was so overdramatic about it." I mumbled, I hated admitting defeat or I was wrong.

"Its fine. It was stupid of me to of done that to you. What kind of boyfriend am I?" he sighed.

"An amazing one." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"If you say so." he sighed and grabbed his PJ pants off the ground and slid them on. "You might want to put this on, they'll be home any minute" he said throwing a blue and white striped t-shirt at me.

"I just think that you needed to hear Niall and Amanda to show you that its okay for us to do it too." he nodded and looked away from me.

"That must be it." he nodded and smiled. I heard the door open and close downstairs. Followed by Amanda yelling.

"I dont even know why you brought her back here, Zayn!" Oh gosh, what happened?

Amanda's POV:

On the way home Breanna decided to crack a joke about Niall and I in the shower, right in front of Liam. He was furious, I couldn't believe that she actually thought it was okay to say something like that. It wasnt any of his business in the first place, nor was it hers. It was rude and uncalled for.

"We need to talk, Amanda!" he yelled. "This isn't something that can just be swept under the rug!"

I glanced over at Niall who was looking down, Harry was trying to comfort him.

"Liam, what is there to talk about! Nothing happened!"

"Amanda," he replied calmly. "Lets go outside on the patio and talk about it. Please."

"Oh my gosh, fine!" I threw my hands up and stormed outside. I plopped down on a weaved chair and Liam sat down across from me.

"Okay, tell me what happened."

"Li, I told you. It was a miss understanding. I was screaming in the shower because Niall walked in on me." I lied.

"I can tell when you're lying. Your not good at it. Now tell me the truth." he said looking at me. I sighed.

"I.... I um... I... Well, what happened was..."

"Just tell me. Now." he pushed on.

"I had sex with Niall okay." I replied quickly, hoping that he wouldnt hear me.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" he exclaimed.

"Liam. I'm sorry, but I'm not ashamed of what I did. I'm actually glad I did it."

"What if Sierra gets ideas. What is she starts having sex with Harry! I'll be devestated." he looked down.

"Oh, so now Im a bad influence? Have you ever thought of yourself as a bad infulence, Liam? Your not a virgin either. Its not fair to her for you to tell her how she can live her life. This was about me, not Sierra. You've turned it into this. She knows her limits and what she is ready for. I wish you would respect her decisions and realize that she can do what she wants to." I stood up and started walking to the house, I hated being mean to Liam. He was like my brother. He always looked so sad being yelled at and I hated being the person to do it, but it was my decison and Sierras.

"Wait." he whispered.

"What, Liam. What now?" I asked annoyed.

"I understand that its your decision and I respect that. I just don't want to see you guys get hurt."

"Liam, you have to learn to sit back and let people live their lives, we love you!" I laughed.

"Okay." he stood up on his crutches and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry. Its really none of my business, your right."

I smiled and walked back into the house with Liam, Niall looked up at me with a sad face. I smiled at him and he returned a weak smile back. I walked over and grabbed his hand and lead him upstairs to our room.

"Was he really mad?" he asked looking down at his hands. I walked over and put my legs on either sides of his, straddling him. I grabbed his face in my hands forcing him to look at me.

"He is fine with it, babe." I smiled and he smiled back and kissed me. The feel of his lips on mine, just felt right, perfect. He pulled back and I looked at him, his blue eyes disappearing inbetween blinks. He pecked my lips, teasing me. I leant in to kiss him again.

"No!" he laughed. I opened my eyes.

"Why not." I pouted and looked into his eyes.

"Cause, we can't get carried away. Liam is back now, and I would like to keep my penis." he replied, which left me laughing. I stood up and pulled my shirt off and grabbed one of Niall's off the dresser.

"Don't tease me." he groaned and laid back on the bed.

"Sorry its payback." I smiled and crawled on top of him.

"Okay." he whispered and kissed my lips again. "Okay, sleep time!" he yelled kicking his pants off.

Harry's POV:

"Come to bed, Love." I smiled and watched Sierra pacing the room.

"What if Liam thinks that we...." she mumbled.

"Dont worry. I've told him that we didnt. He believed me, its not like it was a lie, babe." I yawned.

"Okay." she sighed and crawled into bed next me, I wrapped my arms around her slim figure. She wiggled out of my grasp and turned the lamp by the bed off, leaving us alone in the dark. I wrapped my arms around her once again and rested my chin on the top of her head.

"Mmm." she slightly moaned.

"What love?" I whispered into her hair.

"Nothing." she whispered back, burying her head into my chest even more. I nodded and kissed the top of her head once more before drifting to sleep....

*9 hours later*

I groaned at the light glaring through the window and rolled over.

"Come back." I heard Sierra wimper behind me, I smiled a little and rolled back over with my eyes closed, to avoid the sun. I found her body and her cold skin met mine.

"Why're you so cold?" I mumbled.

"Because you stopped cuddling with me in the middle of the night." she replied burying her head in my chest.

"Sorry." I whispered, trying warming her up by rubbing her arms.

"What time is it?" she asked rolling over. I shrugged.

"No idea." I yawned and rubbed my eye.

"9." she replied and stood up. "I'm getting in the shower."

"Okay, love." I smiled and got out of bed, I found myself in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge and pantry. Finally I found a jug of orange juice that looked appealing, I took it out and poured myself a glass. I brought my glass to my lips and sipped at it. I looked out the back window, Liam and Danielle were sitting in the weaved chairs talking and laughing. I watched them for awhile, until I heard bare feet pattering against the tile floor. I turned my head, a very sleepy Louis was standing in front of the fridge.

"Morning, Lou." I yawned. He looked over his shoulder and gave me a single nod, he was never really a morning person. "Is Eleanor still sleeping?" I asked, trying to get him to talk. He nodded in response and put two pieces of bread in the toaster, afterwards he leaned back against the counter and let out a loud yawn.

"Lou, are you and Eleanor still fighting?"

"No." he mumbled and ran his fingers through his hair. I nodded and licked my bottom lip.

"Good." I drank down the rest of my orange juice and laid my glass in the sink. "Clean up after yourself, Louis."

"Fine." he growled and started spreading butter on his toast. I walked up the stairs and started knocking on Niall and Amanda's door.

"Wake up, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up.!!" I yelled, pounding on their door. Niall answered the door.

"What, what is so important! Why are you pounding on the door!" he asked, yelling.

"We're going out today! Its going to be a fun day!" I smiled and Amanda rolled out of bed and hit the floor with a thud. I laughed and so did Niall.

"Fine," he answered and turned to Amanda. "Get up, love." he told her, trying to contain his laughter. I turned around and headed farther down the hallway.

"El, Eleanor? ELEANOR?!" I finally yelled, she swung the door open.

"What? What happened, who is hurt?" she yelled.

"Everyone is fine.." I crinkled my eyebrows. "Get some clothes on and meet everyone downstairs in 10 minutes." I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"This better be good." she yawned and closed the door in my face. Someone is grouchy. I smiled to myself and ran down to the basement, I felt bad doing it, but i had to wake up Breanna and Zayn. They looked so cute together, spooning with Zayn's head on her shoulder. I slowly walked in and stepped onto their bed.

"Get up, time to wake up! Wakey wakey, Zayney Poo! Get up, C'mon!" I chanted while jumping on their bed. Breanna instantly snapped awake and stood by the bed side watching as I tormented Zayn.

"What time is it anyway?" Breanna asked.

"It is now around 10 o'clock and we are going out today that is why Zayn needs to wake up!" I replied still jumping on the bed.

"Fine." he groaned. "Okay, Im up!" he yelled and got out of bed.

"Good. Now everyone is meeting in the livingroom in 10 minutes, so you better get ready. Fast!" I smiled and ran back up the stairs and out to the patio.

"Are you guys ready!" I yelled to Danielle and Liam.

"To go where?" Liam asked.

"Meet everyone in the livingroom in 10 minutes! Be ready to leave!" I warned and ran back up the stairs.

"Hello, beautiful." I smiled and leaned against the doorframe of the room Sierra and I were staying in.

"Morning, handsome." she replied smiling, she pulled her blue crop top over her tanktop.

"Are you ready?" I smiled back at her.

"Yeah, even though I'm not sure where we are going." she laughed and pulled her black converse on.

"Good." I replied and changed into clean clothes. "Come downstairs."

"Okay." she said, following me down the flight of stairs and into the livingroom where everyone was waiting.

"Okay, where are we going. Why'd you call us all down here." Amanda spoke up and sat on Niall's lap.

"We." I smiled and looked around the room. I was the only clearly excited one. "Are going to laserquest!" I spoke out quickly.

"WOOOOO!!!" I heard Louis scream from the doorway. I smiled and looked over at him.

"Really!" Niall yelled, throwing his hands up."

"Laserquest?" Zayn yelled happily.

"I can't play." Liam pouted, looking down at his casted leg.

"Looks like you're going to have to sit this one out, soldier." I said to Liam. He nodded and turned to Danielle who said she woud sit out with him.

"Okay, well we need to load up! I called the Paul and the tour bus is outside, so we dont have to take so many vehicles. Head out troops!" I yelled pointing to the door. Everyone laughed and ran out to the tour bus. Once everyone was boarded I told Paul where to drive, he nodded and started down the road. I sat on the couch and Sierra sat herself down, on my lap.

"This is going to be so fun." she smiled.

Niall's POV:

We arrived at the Laserquest place and loaded out of the bus and into the arena. It really was exteme laserquest.

"Teams?" the man asked as we entered the building, I looked back at the lads.

"Should we do Sierra, Harry, me and Amanda against Eleanor, Louis, Breanna, and Zayn?" I suggested.

"No." Amanda piped up. I looked at her. "Girls versus boys." she smiled and I looked back at Harry, he shrugged.

"Okay then." the man replied and gave us our guns and sensors. 'Be careful, this is extreme laserquest meaning this whole arena is full of things to hide behind, dont trip." he warned and let us into the really big dark room.

"Counting down." A womans voice flooded the arena and everyone ran their seperate ways. "3...... 2...... 1..... Laserquest!" the voice disappeared and I scurred around the dark arena.

"Harry!" I whispered around a wall.

"Shhh!" he responded and I heard shooting noises.

"Harry!" I heard Sierra scream and laugh.

"You'll be able to come back in like 10 seconds, stop whining!" he laughed and I heard his footsteps again. I peeked around the wall and saw someone slowly walking around. I smiled and shot them.

"Hey!" I heard a voice yell. I laughed and found their body in the dark.

"Sorry." I whispered and took her face in my hands.

"Wait." she whispered and I pecked her lips.

"Zayn!" she yelled and pushed my chest. Oh shit, that wasnt Amanda.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." I told her looking down, even though we couldn't see eachother.

"Niall?" she whispered.

"Yeah. Sorry." I mumbled and she laughed.

"Its okay. It was actually a pretty good kiss." I heard her reply. I shook my head and ran to another wall and slid down it. Breanna couldn't possibly like me, she knew I was with Amanda. Even though a small part of me did like kissing her. I shooed the thoughts away and stood up. I aimlessly started walking around in the darkness. I looked down at my now blinking sensor and turned around.

"Gotcha." I heard Breanna laugh and run of. She was so cute. No Niall, no. You cant think that other girls are cute! Then the lights turned on.

"Nialler!" Amanda yelled and ran over to me, embracing me in a hug. I felt so guilty. I weakly smiled at her.

"What's wrong babe?" she smiled at me, why did she have to be so happy.

"I.. I just think that I'm hungry." I nodded and looked at my hands, when I looked up Breanna was standing behind Amanda smiling at me. Please don't let her think that I like her. But maybe I did. NO NIALL, you dont like her. You like Amanda.

"Okay, hun. Let's go eat then." she smiled and took my hand in hers. I followed her out of the arena and into the lobby. "Okay, Harry. What do you have planned for food?" she smiled and looked back at me. "Niall is hungry, and we all know how grumpy he gets when he is hungry."

"We're going for pizza! Everyone get back in the bus!" he yelled and everyone flooded back into the tourbus where Danielle and Liam were patiently waiting.

"That was pretty fast." Liam laughed.

"We're going for pizza now!" Zayn smiled at Liam. I glanced over at Breanna who was smiling at me. She has an amazing smile... NO NO NO, Niall. NO. Look at Amanda, she is gorgeous, and she is YOURS. Stop thinking about Breanna.

"Niall, are you sure your okay, sweetie?" I looked up at Amanda, who was sitting on my lap.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I nodded and pressed my forehead against her arm, with my eyes closed. Stop thinking of Breanna. Stop. I repeated over and over again in my head.

"Niall." I heard Amanda whisper into my hair. I looked up at her and she smiled. I blinked and looked back down. "Niall, please tell me whats wrong, you never act like this." she pleaded. I sighed and shook my head.

"Just alittle homesick I guess." I lied and looked at my feet. I couldn't look her in the eyes. Not after what I did.

"Okay.." she replied, her voice trailed off. We ate and went back to the house, by this time it was 3 in the afternoon and I just wanted to get away from everything. I walked up to the bedroom without saying anything to anyone and crawled into bed and drifted to sleep.

Amanda's POV:

"Niall?" I asked as he walked up the stairs, he didnt say anything and just kept walking, I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at Sierra.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked me.

"I don't know. He has been acting super weird, ever since we left laserquest." I shrugged and sat on the couch next to her. "I really hope I didnt do anything wrong." I sighed and hugged the couch pillow.

"I'm sure he is just tired." she assured me and turned the TV on.

"Do you want me to check on him?" I heard Breanna say from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm headed up there to take a shower anyway." she smiled.

"Sure, I mean if you want to, that'd be great." I smiled as she headed up the stairs. "That was nice." I smiled looking at Sierra.

"Yeah, she has been nothing but nice." she nodded and continued flipping through channels.

A/N: Soooo.... Tell me what y'all think :) HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY TO ONE DIRECTION. <3 thats all. -Sierra.xx.<3

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