Yrlyseven (BxB)

By rramzesss

4.8K 311 14

What if you found a cat in a dark alleyway, (then you don't know it's a guy who just transformed)... Actually... More

Chapter 1: Skull Bash.
Chapter 3: Pain in the ass.
Chapter 4: Karma.
Chapter 5: Zipper Mouth?
Chapter 6: 2nd Round.
Chapter 7: Plump and red.
Chapter 8: Past Tense.
Chapter 9: Position Bottom.
Chapter 10: Hard To Get.
Chapter 11: Addicted.
Chapter 12: Hectic Rescue.
Chapter 13: French Kiss?!
Chapter 14: Chasing Mystery.
Chapter 15: Sing Your Past.
Chapter 16: Cessation.
Chapter 17: Blackmailed. 1
Chapter 18: Wet Pasts.
Chapter 20: Blackmailed. 2
Chapter 21: Repression.
Chapter 22: Discussion. 1
Chapter 23: Discussion. 2
Chapter 24: Plans.
Bonus (Smut)
Chapter 25: Singing Bee.
Chapter 26: Fondled. 1
Chapter 27: Fondled. 2
Chapter 28: Discussion. 3
Chapter 29: Discussion. 4
Bonus (Smut)
Chapter 30: Midnight Convos.
Chapter 31: Sister's Boyfriend.
Chapter 32: Abduction.
Chapter 33: Vengeful Spirit.
Chapter 34: Earth Spirit.
Chapter 35: Ember Spirit.
Chapter 36: Void Spirit.
Chapter 37: Storm Spirit.
Chapter 38: Spirit Breaker. 1
Chapter 39: Legion Commander.
Chapter 40: Spirit Breaker. 2
Chapter 41: Unknown Spirit.
Chapter 42: Google, go suck my dick.
Bonus (Smut)
Important (Letter)
Chapter 43: Spirit Breaker. 3
Last Words.
Chapter 44: Aegis Of Immortality.
Last Letter.

Chapter 2: Moonbreeze?

515 22 1
By rramzesss

Johan Yrlyseven

I sigh, everyone thinks I'm their typical dumb athletic rich-jock. Which was right? And I don't give a fucking fuck about them, anyway?

All I want is attention, I always wanted to be a star, like all the students in this campus must draw their attention on me.

Even though I'll turn into an orange with black spots and whatsoever design I'm having as a cat every full moon. And tomorrow will be my next metamorphosis. Yeah, I hate it because tomorrow was my best friend's birthday. What should they'll think about my absence?

"Hey, Johan? They declared classes dismissed. Would you like to ditch?" Jared said with brows working.

"I don't like the way you do that." I stated with irritation.

After getting some satisfaction from Sunbreeze, I couldn't help but smile.

I just like to beat his face off until it bleeds, no offense.

We ended up going to some bars, trouble making and making out with some chicks. After those things off, we headed to our own respective houses.

While driving on the road, I felt like someone's following me. Some notorious dudes with black shirts just like his damn stupid, so obvious black van, so I speeded up to make lanes anywhere; overtake here and there, left to the roadside to side and even U turning.

And that's when I confirmed they are really following me. I can still deal with five of them... But more, I think I'll pass. It was around nine, almost ten in the evening, and lots of the convenient store or restaurants were closed. Luckily, I found an open cafe... I didn't pull off that quick; I made it difficult first; go there, in here, in that and everywhere until I found a cue to jump out of my car and activated the auto drive, with the location of our university.

I quickly open the door when I reach the neon café as the bell at the top of it jingles. That when I saw his face... "Sunbreeze? You working in here?" I murmured with furrowed brows and deep breaths.

"We're closing." He just stated with monotone expression. As he close the cash registry and grab his bag on the waiting table. "As you can see, it's all clean and shiny." He continued walking until he reaches the door... But he looks back at me and glare seemingly no choice but entertain me. "Fine! We're still not close... I just hated your face. What do you want?" He grumbles while slowly reaching the corner.

"I need a ride home." I hustle.

"Well, that thing is unavailable. Come again?" He called out with grimace washing his face.

"Don't you hear me, dipwad? I need a ride home!" I yelled, making him grimace one more time. This boy is getting into my nerves.

"Sorry sir, but we don't do grab here." A male voice that announced back to Sunbreeze he looks to be the owner of this cafe, "Okay, Ceb... You can go home now, I'll take care of him." He whispered to Sunbreeze.

"Wait." I quickly grab Sunbreeze's wrist and forced him to turn around. "I just need a ride Sunbreeze, if you won't let me have one... Let's try it simple, this café shop will get turned down as soon as you decline me." He glances back at me and rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He mumbles, getting me a smirk on my lips. I quickly volunteered to drive with haste and jump towards his cute mini cooper. It's so clean inside, the air conditioner has a mint scent and the wheel is spotless as well. Unlike mine.

He takes in the passenger's seat and started hitting his text messages. That makes me annoyed. So I just started the car and ignite my inner fury to drive like a wild guy.

3...2...1... go!! "Fuck!!" Sunbreeze yelled while holding his seatbelt hardly. I just smirk it off and drew the line as the champion.


He said nothing. When I stop in the front gate of our manor. Just sigh and quickly drove off the driveway.

Well, forget about it... I'm alive and safe.

As the enormous door of our mansion opened, my mom quickly glared at me. "You're late for 6 hours... Any explanation why?"

"Honey, he's eighteen alre-" my dad tried to calm her, but was cut off by her too.

"Sh, sh, sh. I don't care? He will experience his next metamorphosis tomorrow, and still he didn't understand that it may affect his social life? Johan? What's the largest continent?" Hmmm, really?

"Asia..." I said, frustrated in order.

"Oh, outstanding thing you know. In every man in the family has to experience that situation... But... But, arghhh. Just understand, please? No, alcohols and a cigarette, okay?!" Then she walks out... With dad still trying to calm her.

"Go to your room now." He just stated while chasing my mother.

I just sigh it off and started walking to my room. Deep inside, I felt like I needed to be perfect.

More to be good, what do I need great attitude? Good brain? Ughhh. I just remembered that tomorrow will be Jared's birthday, and I can't go... What should I do? Sneak? Once again I sigh, thinking about everything for life with hands on the pockets.

"Whose phone number is this?" I stated when a piece of paper that I found in Sunbreeze's car, fallen from my leather jacket's pocket.

So I grab my phone and dialed it... "Hello? Sunbreeze's residence." The voice was calm and cold; it must Ceb?

As I quickly hang it down radiating my exasperated expression all over the room, there's an enormous deal you know? I bullied him because he's an idiot for blocking me to everything, for denying me on something, for forgetting me suddenly and for making me his ideal rivalry.

Then my phone pop, showing someone just texted.

Call me later.

"Hey! Assdog calling your phone is fucking repulsive enough to be an irritation." I yelled towards my locked phone.

Then a knock came to my door. "Johan, can I come in?" It's my college cousin who called out.

"Yes. yes." Then he opens the door with a cat food and milk, making me glare. "You should eat this, people might think you're a dumb cat." I gave him a fake smile and laugh as I throw a pillow towards his face.

"Ha-ha. Funny?" I rolled my eyes and grab the foods. By the way this is Johnny, he's my trainer in every way... He trained me to be a hot boy, mvp of all times, school heartthrob, and even he teaches me how to have a wonderful sex with chix I bring here.

First off, he brings a slut to be my dummy; he teaches me how to thrust properly, how to lick in their pussy like a god, or even to tried fucking their asses. I saw his dick a million times, it's large and his secret about it was a gel.

Maybe I still have to eat rice until I stand more manly like him. So, let's just listen about him then. "You're turning cat tomorrow, right? I would like to share you a tip. Just follow what's your animal want to do... So that everything will go well." As he pat my shoulders.

"Wish me luck."

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