Myth War | Book II

By Gamedays

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●●●This is the Sequel to Myth High. You must read that first to understand this book.●●● 《■■■■》 "In a dar... More

Cast List
Part I
Prologue I
Prologue II
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Part II
Prologue III
Prologue IV
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Part III
Prologue V
Prologue VI
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Part IV
Prologue VII
Prologue VIII
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIV
Part V
Prologue IX
Prologue X
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Five Fact Thingy
Monster Hunter Society
Important Message

Chapter XV

33 0 0
By Gamedays

Chapter XV

"They will be treated like royalty,"

—Bob Mitchell

Caleb sighed as he stood in the foyer. He was currently waiting for Zoe to come downstairs, as he had a very important question for her.

Zoe was the sister to the Queen of the Ocean. While not originally royal blood, she was now. Caleb required her assistance to go down and have a chat with them on behalf of the Society.

Apparently, multiple ships had been attacked, and it was obviously one of the supernatural beings that lived in the ocean. The higher-ups asked Caleb to investigate. They knew he was near a portal, and he also had an in with a relative, so he was an obvious choice.

Caleb looked up and saw Zoe come down the stairs. She had been talking with Estal about something. When she saw him, she walked over to him. "Estal was just telling me everyone's whereabouts."

"I know where some of them are." Caleb answered.

Zoe nodded. "The one I was mainly concerned about was Draco and Fai, but apparently they're in the fairy realm right now."

"Really? Why are they there?"

"Something about Fai proving she deserves to fight Lucifer." Zoe answered as she pulled out her phone.

"Right." Caleb muttered, opening the door for her. Zoe nodded in thanks before walking towards his truck.

Caleb sighed before he unlocked it and hopped in. Zoe did the same, and then buckled herself. As the engine purred to life, Caleb glanced at her. "Again, I'm sorry about this. The Society wouldn't send me if it wasn't a desperate situation."

Zoe smirked. "What's so special about you, Silver?"

Caleb raised an eyebrow. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Cee."

"Obviously," She scoffed, "So why don't you tell me?"

"That would be releasing confidential information. I can't very well do that now, can I?"

Zoe rolled her eyes. "You aren't that special."

"Oh, yes I am. Besides, the abilities and powers of every Hunter is a closely guarded secret. Only in battle do we reveal them, or when it's necessary."

"I know you have a chain. A magic chain."


"You command it with magic too." Zoe said, leaning forward. "You sure you aren't actually a witch?"

"You can smell the human on me, Zoe. I know that. You're a Sea Serpent, you prey on human flesh."

Zoe sighed. "I won't deny that."

"It's common knowledge." Caleb said, tapping the steering wheel. "And, I'll take that as a yes."

Zoe didn't say anything to that. Caleb glanced at her, but she was staring out the window, ignoring him. He turned back to the road, deciding that silence was probably best right now.

After driving to the beach, Caleb parked his car. Zoe quickly got out. Caleb sighed a she closed the door. He adjusted his jacket as he looked out at the sea.

The harsh winter wind blew against him, and he shivered slightly. Zoe walked up towards him and then looked at him. "I don't know how those under the sea will react to your presence."

"I'm used to being hated." Caleb muttered. Flashes from the past bubbles up into the front of his mind. He hid his emotions and looked at the ocean, trying to distract himself.

Zoe looked at him, concern clear on her face. However, she shook it off and then walked forward onto the beach. "You coming?"

"Yeah, let me just change."

Zoe nodded before walking down the beach.

Caleb made it to his car and pulled out a metal case. He popped it open. Inside was his uniform.

He pulled it out and hid behind his car. Then, he pulled the suit over him.

It was all black, and resembled a lot of what Hollywood ninjas looked like. He pulled the mask over his head. He then grabbed a device out of the case. It would act as gills and take the oxygen out of the water to allow him to breathe. He then grabbed some contacts and put them in. Protect his eyes. He felt them spread over his eyes, and then he blinked.

He sighed before adjusting the suit slightly. He blinked again and then felt his life force begin to feed into the suit. After he was dressed, Caleb walked down towards Zoe.

The sand was soft under his boots, and the pebbles crunched lightly. He stopped right by the water, and watched it lap up against his boots. Zoe bent down and put her hand into the water.

Caleb watched blue scales begin to grow on her hand. He watched a thin membrane spread out between her fingers. Her fingernails darkened, and became more claw like. Zoe sighed before moving her fingers in a very specific pattern.

The water ripples out towards the horizon, and continued on. A few moments passed, and then ripples returned. Zoe allowed them to hit her arm for a bit, and then she retracted her arm. "Our ride is on its way."

Caleb nodded. Zoe stood up. She looked at him and frowned. "You sure you want to go underwater in that?"

"It's waterproof." Caleb answered, adjusting the mask slightly.

He looked over at Zoe. However, he tore his eyes away as she began to get undressed. After he saw her clothing on the ground he turned around to ask her about how they would get to the castle. However, his eyes went wide as she undid her bra and let it drop.

His face turned bright red and he turned on his heels, showing her his back. He covered his face, trying to calm himself down. Damn, he thought.

"Okay, I believe our escort is almost here. He's not fond of humans, so don't expect much curtesy."

"Why are you naked?" He asked, still not turning around.

He heard a shuffling sound, and he could feel her body heat behind him. She was so close. "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"



"I don't lie." He said, turning to look at her face.

Zoe's face flushed and she looked away. "Oh,"

"I've seen nude people before."

Her face darkened even more. "Oh..."

Of course, I wasn't attracted to anyone of them, but that's besides the point. Caleb rolled his eyes at his thoughts. Stupid.

"Werewolves shifting back and such. Not like I really wanted to, but—"

Zoe seemed to relax slightly.

"Lady Cee."

Caleb looked towards the water. Standing there was a man, who also happened to be nude. His eyes were a glowing yellow, and his skin was a deep tan. He had black hair that was longer on the top and shaved at the sides. He had a five o'clock shadow. His eyes burned into Zoe and then he looked towards Caleb. He grimaced before turning back to Zoe. "Sir Limmings." Zoe said, smiling at him. "How are you today?"

"Quite alright, and you?" Sir Limmings said, bowing slightly.

"I've been well." Zoe answered. She looked at Caleb and then back at Sir Limmings. "This is Ca—"

"Assassin." He answered. "I'm the hunter the society sent to discuss the issues."

Sir Limmings frowned. It was clear he somewhat recognized his name, but he clearly didn't register fear with it. Nonetheless, his identity was somewhat secure. Sir Limmings looked at them. "We should get going. His majesty doesn't appreciate tardiness.

Zoe nodded before pushing Sir Limmings to the water. Then, she jumped in. Caleb pushed the device into his mouth and walked in. He walked until he was deep enough to swim.

Caleb dropped and swam into deeper waters. The cold made goosebumps cover his skin. He muttered a spell. A red glow spills doff his body, and then vanished. Warmth overtook the cold. Caleb looked around, and then felt something wrap around him and pull him in deeper.

He was about to attack when he realized it was Zoe. He only knew it was her because he recognized the deep blue scales. Caleb rubbed her. She purred, and then squeezed him slightly.

What the hell am I doing? Caleb wrapped his arms around her to keep himself from being blown away.

He looked around, seeing the coral reefs beginning to appear as they went farther out. It felt like they were going hundreds of miles per hour through the water. As far as he knew they couldn't go that fast, but maybe they could. Or maybe, they'd been hiding that fact.

Either way Caleb would have a lot of time to think about how to best approach this situation.


Caleb looked up at the castle. Zoe and Sir Limmings had transformed into their human forms, and had pulled him up into an air filled room. He pulled his breathing device out and pocketed it.

Zoe looked towards him as a servant put a robe around her. "This is our area that we use to have meetings with those of the land. It wouldn't do well if they were unable to talk and breath during it."

He nodded. "Interesting,"

Sir Limmings scowled at him as he adjusted his robe. "His and Her majesty are waiting."

Zoe looked towards him. "Come on, the throne room for this area is this way."

Caleb followed. He felt for his chains within him. They squirmed, almost like a worm. He was tense, and his chains were reacting as such. He was not ready, but whatever the society told him to do he'd do.

Zoe led him forward and into a throne room. It was decked in silver and sapphires, with coral walls and decorations. The room was almost a bluish tone, but also a nice light gray. It was pretty. Two thrones were at the front of it, and a table set up in the middle. Five chairs, two of which were more ornate, sat around it. Caleb looked up at the throne and saw the King and Queen.

The Queen looked a lot like Zoe. They really were siblings. Her darker skin was contrast with the light blue dress she wore. Her dark hair was curled and piled a top her head. A silver crown with coral pieces stuck on it rested a top her head.

The King reminded Caleb of Aquaman. He had light blonde hair that waved across his head. His eyes were a turquoise and jones in on him. His skin was a deep tan and he had a light beard on him. He wore a white dress shirt and black slacks with a deep blue kings robe, decked with gems and coral. His crown was silver and decked with gems rather than coral.

As soon as they stopped, Caleb bowed. He hoped this was what they did. Zoe curtsied and Sir Limmings bowed as well. Perfect.

"You may rise."

Caleb slowly rose up and met the King's eyes. He frowned. "You don't look like a diplomat."

"My apologies, your majesty. The Society felt it best to send me due to my ties with Zoe." He answered, bowing his head.

The Queen looked to your sister. "You know him personally?"

Zoe looked at him. "Yes."

The king sighed. "Is he one of those who snuck into hell?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"What is your title, Monster Hunter?" The Queen asked, her tone filled with malice.

Caleb turned towards her. "Assassin, your majesty."

The king tensed. "What?"

Caleb smirked. Thankfully his mask hid it. The Queen looked towards her husband. "What is it, darling?"

"Assassin? Why would they send their most skilled killer here?" The king roared, getting out of his seat.

"I am not just a killer, your majesty. I have been trained since the age of seven to not only hunt those worthy of death but to work with diplomats to help establish treaties and agreements." Caleb answered, folding one arm behind his back and addressing the king as best he could.

The king frowned. "While I understand where you are coming from, I still must question why they would send a killer here. Surely that is a violation of the treaty."

"On the contrary, there are few who actually would violate the treaty. Those are the brutes and brawlers. Such as Psycho or Dagger."

"But you are a killer."

"Yes. I have in fact killed before. However, I only kill high value targets, and even then I don't get involved unless a good load of other hunters were unable to kill the target. I have no reason to harm anyone present unless they harm me or it is revealed that they are the attackers."

The king looked at Zoe. "Do you trust him?"

Zoe frowned, looking at him. "I am friends with his little sister. As far as I know, he has no reason to harm any of us. So yes, I would say I trust him."

Sir Limmings was scowling at Caleb. "Now I understand why I recognized your title. You kill people with chains, don't you?"

The chains squirmed. "Yes."

"I do hope you don't have them."

"Not out." Caleb said, pulling his mask a bit further up his face.

"Underneath your clothing?"

"That would be out."

Zoe looked at him. "Aren't they inside you?"

Caleb nodded. "They are. They never leave my person."

The Queen sighed, tapping her fingers on the arm of her chair. "Nonetheless, we must discuss the issue at hand. The sooner we do, the quicker Assassin may leave. I assume you would like to leave quickly?"

Caleb smiled under his mask. "I would, but I am willing to stay for as long as it is required. That is the will of the higher ups, and I obey them."

"Higher ups?" Zoe asked, looking at him.

Caleb didn't answer, and instead focused on the king and queen. "So, shall we begin the discussion?"


Hey guys!

I know, I missed two days. I'm sorry. This chapter was bugging me and I just now finished writing it.

Plus, yesterday, I went to see Incredibles 2 (amazing, loved it), had an early Father's Day celebration at my grandparent's house, and then went to my friends birthday party sleepover, so I had a busy day.

But anyways, what do you think of this chapter? A new look into Caleb's perspective.

I love Caleb. His backstory is going to be more in the spin-off series Monster Hunter Society, so you'll find more out about him then. It takes place ten years before this series, which takes place in 2015.

I started writing it then and only like six months have passed. A lot has happened in six months. Poor Andrea and every other person who thought they were human but were suddenly told they were angels and demons mixed together and  are Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

So yeah.

Tell me what you guys think! I love to hear feedback.


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