Change (Harry Styles)

By abbieandharry

2.6K 241 44

When Abbie's dream comes true••it all changes quick, it is a search, it is a struggle and it is painful but i... More

Change (Harry Styles)
Dont look...
Three words
The answer is all that matters
I forgot
The drive
Airport chaos
Black out
Its my fault
We need to find them
The search
Found or nah
Check now you little shit ball
Wedding plans
Saved by the bell
Why would you do this to me
How it happened!
Good times
My girls
The trick
Today is the day
The wedding
It was so cute
the court case
the party
Cutting the cake
Louis and the mystery girl
Klub ice...
Authors note...
Movie marathon
New Nanny...


20 8 2
By abbieandharry

Harry's POV...

I have delivered a baby, I thought that all I could do was sing and eat tacos!

Abbie was going to rip my dick off if I didn't do it though!! what a threat.

I delivered my baby girl! I was so upset that I couldn't name her though, I would totally call her Darcy... I have always loved that name.

But i never break my promises... i was holding my girl in my arms, she was so nimble and light. She was mine and no one could ever take her away!


I knew that Abbie was eager to see her, so I gently handed her over to her amazing mummy.

"Say hello to mummy baby girl!" I whispered into her delicate ear.

"Hey baby... Hey Heidi!" She said with a soft quirk.

"Heidi... I love it!" And I really did love it!

"That is such a darling name!" Georgia inputted!

"Thank you, Heidi and Jason sitting in a tree!" I sang quietly!

"That would be so so cute! aww" Georgia said in a soft tone.

Well, I am an official Daddy!

Abbie's POV...

I am finally a mummy. I cant wait to decorate Heidi's room and buy her new pink clothes! She will be the cutest baby.

Now, no offence to all of my friends and family but... Now that I am a family I just want to move away from all of this.

Harry will still be able to do his job, and I will be a stay at home mum. We will still see all of our family and friends but... I just want it to be us!

And NOT the paparazzi!

Maybe we can move to... Wales!

Awww, I love wales! it is close to family and friends and near schools and shops! It is perfect! Harry will live it.

I hope!

I let Georgia and Justin stay the night... Obviously!

But there were baby cries all night long... but I loved them! It made me happy because it made me realise that a miracle inside my home!

But in the morning, Georgia, Justin and baby Jason headed home to welcome Jason into their family!

It was all happy families, then my mum turned up!

She just opened the door, and there was a huge smile on her face! She was happy to see Heidi... And by the looks of things Heidi liked the looks of her Nanna!

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