By tatiann24

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Sylver Reid, is not your regular petite bodied gay boy that everyone love and want for themselves, rather he... More

Concerning Chapter 14
Concerning Chapter 15
Concerning Chapter 16
Concerning Chapter 17 (part 2)
Concerning Chapter 18
Concerning Chapter 22
Concerning Chapter 34
Authors Note
Concerning Chapter 37


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By tatiann24


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Hey my chocolate lovers, thank you all for being patient and waiting for the new chapters, so I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

Sylver’s Point of View:

I have never feel more fulfill, sore and embarrass at the same time in my life, but that is what I am feeling right now, my body is complete and utterly fulfill, My Master made sure of that earlier as he was pounding roughly inside me, while I enjoy every minute of it, he took me to heights I never knew existed, and it was glorious, but I have a feeling that I will not be able to walk for hours or the entire day after that intense session.

My back and my ass hurt like hell, but I will relive the pain joyously again if it means that I can see My Master’s face twisted in ecstasy the way it was while he was taking my body to the ultimate hight over and over in the bathroom, just thinking about it has my body stirring up for more, the pain is nothing if I can have this incredible pleasure everyday.

I know he is slowly showing me what him being a dominant and me being his Sub means, he is slowly breaking me into his lifestyle and I am loving every minute of it.

When he had wrap his hand around my neck I was a little scared at first, but when he would squeeze it tight as he trust up into me my body had shook uncontrollably as I held unto him to continue, and then when he slowly let go as he pull out had made me beg for more, that sensation was beyond amazing, it was something I have never feel or experience before, so it had nearly take me out of my mind.

I was really thankful when he had told me to cum, because I did not know how long I would have been able to hold out, it was just that good, I cannot decide if I love his sweet loving or his sweet f*ucking, but guest what I don't want to choose, I want to enjoy them both and I can barely wait for the encore of the sweet torture.

The way he had masterfully took over my body, controlling my pleasure and my every single responds, it was not like anything I have ever experience before, and I cannot wait to see the full extend of that dominant side of him, I have a feeling that I will be in bed for days though.

I know he is taking his time with me waiting for me to feel a lot more comfortable with some of the things he enjoys, and I really appreciate it, because I still don’t know if I will be able to do some of the things I have researched, some of it looks a little extreme, but I trust him to know how far to go with me, I know deep down that he will not hurt me.

“Because you love him baby” says the internal me, scaring me, I jump when I heard her voice, she has not been talking to me for the past weeks and I thought she had gone.

I guess my body movements alerted My Master because he tightens his arms around me and ask in a whispe.

“Are you ok Little One?”

Looking up into his beautiful face I smile shyly and answer “Yes Master I am ok, thanks for asking.”

Smiling down at me he kiss my lips “Is your body ok too baby?”

Nodding, I can feel the heat blaze over my face “Yes Master, its getting better, just a little pain in my back.” I confess.

“Just your back mio cioccolato? Tell me where else hurts” this is said so huskily that I gasp and look up at him hungrily, God I love it when he speaks Italian, it turns me on even more, if that is even possible.

“My ass is hurting a little too, but the pain is almost gone” I say this assuring him, because I don’t want him to hold out ever again from taking me.

“That is what you get for tempting me baby, maybe I can lick it later and make it all better, what do you think?” he ask teasing wickedly, nipping my ear, my body immediately reacts, my passion begins rekindling again and I cannot stop myself from wiggling on his lap, just imagining him licking my back then sliding down to the cheeks of my ass is something I will pay everything I have to see and experience, I shiver in appreciation of the full imagine in my mind, and he chuckles lightly as he kiss me on my nose.

“Boy we are surely getting turn on, but he is a sexy beast, who wont be turn on” tease the internal me again, I had almost forgotten about her, the I remember I was angry at her.

“Shut up Rogue” I say angrily at her, internally of course.

“Arent we testy today” she chide.

“Where have you been, Rogue I haven heard from you for a while” this came out in a huff.

“I am your conscience baby, you can only listen to me when you choose to, plus you haven needed me from the time you met your sexy beast”she answers.

I have to agree with her there, I haven needed to talk to myself since I met My Master, he is always occupying my mind and body in a good way so I never felt insecure with him.

“But you were always there with me before” I reminds her.

“Yes I was, but back then you needed me, I know people wont understand how you can talk to your conscience as if its a person, but you amplify me to the status of nearly a person when you gived me a name” she says simply.

“How is that possible? Can’t everyone talk to their conscience the way I talk to you?” I ask her in a confuse tune.

“Baby everyone can hear and use their internal voice as they see fit, we the consciences are here to tell you what is good and bad, its up to you to decide what you want to do with it, as in what route to take........................................ But you made become more important than that as your trauma grew, you made me grow with it, converting me into something more, I became the only one to hear and understand your pain” she pause for a while and I wait to hear more “But now you don’t need me anymore, you have someone else here for you, and slowly I will revert back to the status of what I was meant to be” she finish.

Loosing her has me panicking “ I don’t want you to go, you cannot leave Rogue!” I am practically screaming at her.

“I am not going anywhere baby, I will always be here, but I will not be talking to you the way we use to do before” she assure me.

“Then why say you are going to go back to being a simple conscience? I like it when you can talk back to me” This come out in a piss off tune, I guess people would thing I’m crazy for arguing with my conscience, but they would never understand how she help me when I thought I was going to become insane, she was the one to stop me every time I wanted to end my suffering.

“Because you don’t need me anymore Sylver, you have someone who is doing everything for you, he will protect and take care of you, plus you have such great friends that are always there for you, its time you speak out, and not within as you did all those past years, I will still be here, just not as much ok.”

As she say this I pull my face out of My Master’s neck and look around the room, and what I see makes my eyes welt up in tears, all around the room are my friends Steps, Mop, and Velvet, they have all been with me from the time I escape out of that hell hole, and I don’t know if I would have been stable if it was not for them, and I love them with my all, I cannot be without my loves.

Also I can see my new friends Vitto, Tony, Dorian and Collin they have begun to be just as important to me as my three babies, I also know that I have begin loving Miss Jan and Celia like I would a mother, they are so great and nice to me, and they never stop spoiling me, likewise Simmons and Angelo they hold a special place in my heart for being such great father figures.

Then I look up into the face of my man and Master, the man who has taken my  everything under his control, making me feel wanted, secure and love, and over all desired, from the moment I met him he has taken over my mind and body, making me his completely.

I have been stubborn in the past with him denying him every step of the way, but now I cannot see myself with someone else, just the mere thought of another man touching me the way he does, has shivers of disgust coursing through my body, he is slowly becoming my everything and I can no longer deny that I love him, but I really don’t have the guts to tell him so now.

After all this self discovery I know that Rogue is right and telling me the truth but I still am afraid to let go of her, What if I need her again? What would I do then? These are the questions raging inside my head, and I don’t like the feeling of her not being there to help keep me sane.

“You were never insane babe, you was just hurt to the core, but now you are slowly healing and you have the perfect one to heal with and for” she say reassuringly and I slowly feels a weight come up of my shoulders, and with that came joy so much that I lift my head and kiss My Master on his lips forgetting completely that in the room there is an audience.

“Wow cuddles, what happen in the bathroom looks like it wasn't enough” tease Mops (Bryan’s pet name), immediately I try wiggling more out of sight, because the others were looking at me too with smile and smirks on their faces.

“Maybe you should not worry too much about the little Sylver, and worry about yourself pet” this came from Collin, Mops face screw up in an angry scowl, and he turn around with a look that would have kill anyone if it was not Collin, we are talking about.

“I have told you time and time again to stop calling me a pet, I am not an animal, nor am I cute or cuddly for you to try domesticating me” he snarls, Collin just continue smiling at him.

Everyone attention is on them now, I am really curious as to what is going to happen.

“Do you want to put that theory to the test my pet?” Ask Collin with a smile on his face, and a hungry glint in his eyes, I know that look, My Master looks at me like that all the time, and I know that Mops will have his hands full with Collin, but it will be a crazy ride because Mops is so stubborn that you need to have the patient of a Saint to deal with him when he get stuck in what he wants, so Collin will also have a hard time, it is going to be explosive.

“If you dare touch me, I will rip you a new one” threatens Mops running his hands through his hair the way he usually does when he is going to whip someone’s ass, and believe me I have seen him clean the floor with lots of people, but I doubt he can go up against Collin.

Collin just smile and “I love that you have fire pet, it will make all the more pleasurable to tame you, and believe me I have the perfect methods to do it” he says seductively and begins his journey slowly over to Mops, but Angelo stop him.

“You can discipline him later Collin, I know you will enjoy it then, because there will be more time, but for now we have other things to focus on” I look at Angelo shock written on my face, can it be that he is just like all of them, but remembering the conversation with Celia and Miss Jan, I can sure imagine him to be just so.

“Yes you are right godfather, I will enjoy it thoroughly later, prepare yourself for it my wild pet, because this time I will not let your disrespect slip, I am looking forward to making you beg” Collin says this in a sweet voice, but I know he means business, I swing my gaze to Mops to see his reaction to the threat, but all he did was give Collin another killer look then flip his hair back and turn his head away.

"In your dreams Collin" he huffs out tuning back to Velvet, starting a conversation, I really have to admire his poise, and I can see Collin is itching to get his hands on him, but he is holding back, these two will really be intertaining and steamy to watch.

“I thought I hands my full, but I see Collin is going to have a hard time taming his little demon, its going to be fun to watch” My Master whisper, I immediately swing my head back into his direction and find his eyes on my with an evil gleam in them, now I wonder what have I done.

“What is it Master?” I ask to be sure that I have done nothing.

“Nothing Little One, only that I am happy that Collin has found someone, I only hope he has just as much fun I am having with my little innocent demon” he whisper this in my ear and I shiver again.

“I love how sensitive you are baby” he growls lowly.

“Only for you Master, only you can make my body reacts you like this” I whisper back, his eyes grew dark with hunger and his hold on me tightens and I feel the evidence of his desire pushing against my ass, and I wiggle more unto him, I really don’t know where these words and actions come from, but any time I am with him my wanton whorish side comes out to play and it looks like he enjoys it.

“Little one stop teasing so much, because I have no qualms shoving my hands inside your pant, and make you cum here in front of everyone to see” the glint in his eyes shows me that he is serious and I immediately decease from my movements, because I certainly don’t want the others to see me turn into the begging whore I become whenever he touches me.

Looking up I see Angelo’s eyes on me and I try sitting up, but gasp out as a sharp pain run up my back, seems that Angelo understand what happen and his eyes shines with mirth, my face heat up again, looking away from him I try to act normal, as if everything is ok, but I have too say I am very embarrass by the way I reacted when he touch me earlier.

But I had gotten so scared, that I reacted in a drastic manner, it was so much that I felt that I would have suffered a heart attack, it just like if you are watching a really scary movie and all of a sudden someone whisper in your ear, and your only reaction is to scream, well that is what happen to me with Angelo earlier and I still cannot look him into his eyes.

I still cannot believe that ‘he’ called me, and what scares me the most is that I know what he wants, and I terrified that he may get it, the only thing I know is if he ever have the chance and is able to get his wish, I wont be able to deal with it, it would be too much for me, and I wont ever be able to enjoy My Master anymore, and that has me panicking.

But I will not show the others how terrified I am right now, because I know they will only worry more and more, and they will smother me even more than now, just because I am younger than they are, but me knowing the man I once call father, I have a feeling that he is planning something despicable, and I am gross out just thinking about it.

But I also know that My Master is going to protect me and I am glad that I am his, this though has me smiling, I did not know I had voice this until I feel a hand under my chin pulling my head up.

“I am glad that you are mine too baby, and I always want you to remember that no matter what it is, I will be here to take care of you Little One, with my life or to take one if that is what I have to do to achieve it” this is said with so much possessiveness that I cannot hold back the little tear that slip from my eyes, he reach down and kiss me again passionately on my lips stealing my breath away, then he trail up licking my tears away.

And at that moment I could not hold it in any more I just have to say it, “Master I lo......................” before I could finish saying it my phone ring once again.

My Master turn it on for me pressing the speaker, and what came from there made my blood run cold....................................................................................

“Sylver baby daddy wants you, I want to feel my c*ock deep down inside your throat again, I want to enjoy that tight feeling again, remember how you use to enjoy the way it feel? It will be the same when I f*uck you tight ass” he says this sickly, groaning and moaning, and I knew immediately what he is doing, the thought of him playing with himself as he talk to me is so revolting, makes me want to throw up, my mind is blank, and I am being suck in by fear, but I am drag out of my daze by My Masters sexy voice.

“Tyler you dared too much, it will be my pleasure, to take you out of your misery, you sick f*uck” this is said calmly, too calmly, I can feel him holding back his arms are tight around me and his eyes are stormy, stating he is ready for battle, and that is when I knew that ‘he’ had gone too far, he must have felt it too beacuse the phone went dead just as everyone quiet down in the room.

I pick up the offending device and threw it against the wall wishing for the first time in my life as I see it brakes into pieces, that is was Tyler Reid that shatter and splinters all over the floor.

What did I do so terrible in my past life, to deserve that sick creature as a parent?

Is having a normal life too much to fucking ask?

Hey guys I received a question about ‘Rogue’ Sylver’s internal voice, asking me if she was a werewolf or some metical being; the answer is no she is not a werewolf or anything of the sorts, she is just his conscience, whom he happens to create a name for, he named her Rouge as in “red and impish”, I know people usually associate Red with the french word Rouge, but I like the word Rogue better :D

Hey my chocolate babies, I hope you enjoy this chapter, please don’t forget to tell me what you think of the story so far.

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