Secret Life at Boarding Schoo...

By xlovehurtsx

105K 1.1K 228

When her best friend Cody Walker left her hanging by attending St. Mary's, Washington's most prestigious scho... More

Chp.1- Living Life in Hollywood
Chp 2- Cody's Secret
Chp.3 Young, Wild and Unfree
Chp 4- Leaving My Perfect Life Behind
Chp 5- Wow.
Chp 6- Can we say "HOT"?
Chp.7- Jerk
Chp 8- Please take me away from here
Chp.9 unexpected visitor
Chp.10- Something Forgotten
Chp.11- Regrets
Chp.12- Warnings.
Chp.14- My Bad Mistake
Chp.15- Halloween is so damn scary
Chp.16- Pretty Little Liar
Chp.17- Sweet, Sweet Lullaby
Chp.18- Apology UnAccepted.
Chp.19- IT WASN'T ME!!!
Chp.21- There's no such thing as normal
Chp.22-Surprises & Crimes
Chp.23- Clues
Chp.24-Clearing My Name
Chp.25- Knights
Chp.26- Forgiven

Chp.20-Coming Home

3.2K 41 14
By xlovehurtsx

15 votes & 10 comments for the next chapter. Can you guise do it?


This is a special chapter since it''s CHAPTER 20! We finally reach 20 (:

Pic to the side is Kellie's Outfit in this chapter>>>

Chapter 20-Bringing the Boyfriend Home

It was finally Winter Break.

I sighed, replaying the events of my first 3 weeks at St. Mary's.

I remembered being accused of a crime I didn't commit,

Oh, I remembered Headmaster's exact words:

“You have two weeks after Winter Break to prove your innocence during Court. You may be dismissed, Miss Parker.”

He said, not even trying to hide the disappointment in his tone.

I wanted to cry, right then and there, but I couldn't breakdown in front of anyone, especially not Headmaster King.

But now, it was finally time for me to go home to my loving family, who were pressuring me to bring Chris home.

Chris had agreed, saying he would do anything for me and he was excited to meet my family.

However, I was worried that my parents would disapprove of Chris's bad-ass image and they would make me break up with him.

Although my parents weren't too controlling, my dad tended to be protective of me and who I dated, so hopefully Chris passed my strict dad's judgment.

Speaking of being judged, my Court date is set two weeks after Winter Break, and I didn't know if I could find enough evidence, or any at all to prove that I was, in fact, innocent.

What had I done to be accused of damaging the 10 million dollar painting in the library?

Why would I steal it?

And what's so special about it?

I needed to know, but for now, my mind was wandering off to Heather.

I remembered the Headmaster telling me the 3 other suspect:

Claire Anders

Heather Williams

Nate Armstrong

Claire? Nate? HEATHER? Why?

The Headmaster had also added that Heather and Claire were also new here, and he retold the tale of constant deaths between the new girls.

But noooooo, the most important part was:

“The painting was of one of the new students, Jackie Wills, who had been the only one to survive among the other 9 new girls. The myth of St. Mary's was only one could survive, and Jackie Wills managed to.

We never expected to have exactly 10 new girls in one semester again, but YOU came along.

YOU completed the circle. And 7 girls had already died. That leaves the three of you, meaning two of you has to die and only one will survive. Fight or Lose.”

The way he had said the whole thing so calmly made me think that he had gone through this speech before with Jackie Wills and the whole group.

Did that mean...that if I didn't watch out...I would die.

Shaking away the horrible thoughts, I continued to pack my Louis Vuitton suitcase.

I packed simple things like my hair tools, my makeup kit, and some other clothes since I had clothes at home.

I had thought about returning home and never ever setting foot in on St. Mary’s campus ever again, but I also really wanted to be a part of this “Case” even if I could die.

What if I survived?

Did that mean the next wave of new girls wouldn't have to die?

According the History of St. Mary's, it stated that if at least two remaining victims survived, then the whole legend would be broken.

Why was I so set on believing this stupid myth?

I didn't know.

All I knew was that I didn't want anybody else dying.

I knew stepping foot here was a bad thing.

Sighing, I went back to packing, hoping my mind would be clear of things.

After packing, I changed into my outfit for the airport.

Slipping on my navy OBEY crew-neck, skinny jeans, gray-and-white UGGS, and some cute diamond hoops, I was ready in no time. (Outfit on the side)

Grabbing my Louis Vuitton suitcase that I was going to check-in, my red Mulberry bag with spikes filled with my laptop, iPad, chargers, a change of clothes, and toiletries, and my camel colored shoulder bag with my phone, iPod, etc.


A girl needs her stuff.

I was still normal, even though I went to school where new girls got killed.

I ran outside since I was late, as usual, so I could still make it to the airport in time.

My driver helped with my luggage while Chris and I shared a quick peck. I couldn't wait for him to meet my parents!

Once inside, we rushed off to the airport, hoping to make it in time.

An Hour Later

I checked in my suitcase, leaving behind my red bag and my shoulder bag.

Chris had gone to get me some food, since I was always hungry.

After we ate and waited, it was finally time to board.

The plane was soon boarding and we left for take-off, my heart beating at a fast pace because I was scared.

I was never too fond of planes. Chris must have noticed my anxiety because he squeezed my hands, comforting me...a bit.

Finally, we took off to the sky and the plane ride was much smoother.

I sighed in relief and closed my eyes, ready for the long plane ride.

After the ride, my legs were wobbly and sleepy, and I was too tired.

“What time is it?” I said sleepily to Chris.

Chris checked his phone, and replied,

“3 AM, wanna go eat breakfast before we go to your parents?”

“Sure” yawning, we took off to the near-by cafe in LAX with our luggage.

I ordered a hot chocolate with pancakes on the side while Chris order a frappe with muffins.

Who knew cafes had pancakes?

Our food finally arrived. I sleepily ate my pancakes with Chris beside me, stuffing his muffin in his mouth.

Pig, I stifled a giggle.

“What's so funny?” Chris asked with his mouth full.

“You sure were hungry.” I teased him.

“Hey! Not my fault that you didn't wake me up while they served the food. Besides, airplane food sucks compared to this.” He said, pretending to be grumpy.

I had to agree with his last statement, airplane food DID suck, even in First Class.

“So are you excited to meet the parents?” I asked casually, even though I was kind of nervous for him to meet my parents.

At the mention of meeting my parents, his eyes lit up and his face broke in a grin, aww he's too cute.

“OF COURSE! They will love me.”

I laughed, deciding not to feed his ego more.

Rolling my eyes, I went back to eating my pancakes.

After we were done, we went outside to see if my parents were here yet.

While waiting, I was suddenly curious about Chris's parents.

“Do your parents know you're home?”

I noticed Chris's eyes darken immediately at my question.

“Chris?” I whispered, confused.

“My parents are dead.” He said coldly, glaring at me.

The look in his eyes had me afraid; it was so cold and empty.

What happened to his parents?

I wanted to ask more, but I knew I wouldn't get anything out of him right now.

Instead, I surprised him by hugging him tight, hoping I could warm the iciness in his eyes.

He hesitantly hugged me back. I could tell he was still uncomfortable with the subject of his parents.

Finally noticing my parents, I broke away from Chris's arms, and ran to them.

“DADDDYYY! MOMMMY!” I ran to hugged them, ignoring the flashes of cameras surrounding my dad, Robert Parker.

“Where is the boy?” My mommy gushed excitedly, looking like a kid on Christmas.

Dad and I broke into laughter.

My mom...oh...she was one crazy women.

I hurriedly skipped back to Chris, taking his hand and dragging him towards my parents.

“Mom, Dad, this is Chris.”

“Chris, meet my mom and dad.”

Chris mouth was opened, looking like a fish, staring at my dad probably either because my dad looked tough, or because he was the owner of Google.

I chose the latter because my dad was NOWHERE near tough-looking. He looked more like a squishy teddy-bear.

“You're....Robert....Parker.....” :O Chris gaped, mouth still open.(A/N: The actually Google owner is NOT Kellie's dad lol.)

I chuckled, closing his mouth for him.

“Kellie didn't tell you?” Dad said, raising his eyebrows.

“Actually, I did. I told him my dad was named Rob.”

“But you didn't say he owned GOOGLE!” Chris complained, poking my rib.

I laughed and screamed, trying to tickle him back.

But our little fun ended with my dad's little cough.

I turned back to them, my cheeks reddening at the sight of their amused grins.

“Kellie, he hasn't passed my test yet.” My dad warned teasingly.

Chris looked back at me with scared eyes, I laughed, squeezing his hands,

“Everything's going to be alright.” I whispered to Chris, however, I felt like I was talking to myself.

Everything would be alright. I would clear my name. I would survive. I would live. I chanted in my head.


A/N: YAAAAAYY! Chris finally met the parents. BUT the actually meeting is in the next chapter.

COMMENT, VOTE, FAN! Because I won't post anymore until we reach 15 votes & 10 comemnts.

SO ALL THOSE SILENT READERS, it's time for you TO COMMENT OR VOTE!, maybe both ;)

Even if you only comment a simple smiley face, it means a lot to me <3

Teaser: Chris gets questioned by the Google owner, himself.

Pic to the side is Kellie's Airport Outfit.

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