Emphatic Vampire (NCT NoMin)

By IamJi-ya

179K 8.9K 5.6K

Jeno is a heartless emphatic vampire who finds Jaemin Na. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Q and A <3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Find thyselves

Chapter 5

5.2K 315 212
By IamJi-ya

Third Person's POV

"Na Jaemin you will not like what I will tell you!" Donghyuck yelled as soon as he stepped inside their classroom making everyone stop from what they are doing and face Donghyuck who's huffing with his messy hair.

"Woah at least fix your hair first. Is it too windy outside?" Jaemin being Jaemin even threw a joke on Donghyuck's hair.

"Well whatever. You wouldn't be joking around after I tell you this" The latter said brushing his hair using his hand.

"So want me to spill the beans?" He added walking to Jaemin and Renjun's place, well they are seatmates if you forgot.

"Okay spill."

"Hina is coming back this afternoon." Donghyuck said as calm as he could.

"What?!" Jaemin stood slamming his hands on the armchair on the process while Renjun has his eyes wide because of Donghyuck's news.

"Yes Nana you're doomed again." Donghyuck walked away to put his bag down, Jeno who is Donghyuck's seatmate just listened to the conversation of the three but more focused on Jaemin's worried face.

"Fck obsessed girl is back Jaemin." Dongmyeong said chuckling seeing Jaemin spacing into a space, probably shock.

"It's been three weeks already? Time flies fast." Renjun commented looking at Jaemin who's now staring into nothingness.

"Yah! Na Jaemin spacing out can't do anything!" Donghyuck yelled pulling back Jaemin to Earth and making every person in the room look at him.

Everyone knows Hina from Class 3A. She has a crush on Jaemin and is pursuing the poor guy since they are in their second year. Jaemin on the other hand keeps on rejecting the girl but Hina is so persistent believing that one day Jaemin would learn to love her back. Jaemin's classmates are aware of the girl's obsession to their classmate and they've been helping Jaemin since Day 1, the very first day that Hina had laid her eyes on Jaemin. The school system has this so called blocked section where you have the same classmates from Day 1 until you graduate and Jaemin thanked whoever thought of this brilliant sectioning. This saved him from being near to Hina at any cost.

"What's the commotion all about Hyuckie?" The noisy one named Lucas entered the classroom.

"Well Hina will be back." One of their classmates told the newcomer.

"Oh Nana is in trouble again. Stop being so handsome, that's the only advice I--- wait! I've got an idea!" Lucas happily stated when his gaze landed on the new student named Lee Jeno. Renjun being the smartass he is already got what Lucas meant when he saw the older gazing on Jeno then back at Jaemin.

"What?" Jaemin asked already desperate to avoid Hina even though the girl didn't even arrive yet.

"Operation believe Nana & Nono." Lucas grinned looking at Donghyuck.

"Aha! Yes that we can do that!" It seems like Donghyuck got Lucas idea grinning as well.

"Huh? Do what?" Jaemin is not functioning really that well because of the mere information that Hina is coming back shut down his whole thinking skills.

"Na Jaemin, we're getting rid of Hina." Donghyuck smiled evilly putting a hand on Jaemin's shoulder then making his way in front to announce the plan against Hina. Thankfully everyone is willing to help Jaemin again.

"What?! Seriously?!" Jaemin stood up after hearing the plan.

"We are serious Nana. We can't of think anything else and we've tried all sorts of thing to get her out of your life but it didn't work." Donghyuck answered.

"But why Jeno? He's just new here we aren't even close yet. It could be Renjun."

"Well sweety, sorry to break it to you but if I am Hina I wouldn't believe you and Renjun being a 'thing.'" Jennie one of their classmates said quoting the word thing in the air.

"Huh? Isn't more believable if Renjun and I is a thing because we're best friends?" Jaemin said imitating how Jennie quoted the word thing in the air.

"Well that's the first reason why Hina wouldn't believe you. First you're best friends and she would think that you are just making things up to get rid of her and secondly she wouldn't believe because she was just away for three weeks and when she came back you're already together with your best friend and that will lead to reason number one why she wouldn't believe you." This time that was Lisa countering Jaemin. Jaemin just sighed indicating he give up making Donghyuck and Lucas smirk.

"Nana what's the fuss all about? Everyone in this classroom knew that you aren't straight." Donghyuck said chuckling who gained reactions from his classmates agreeing to what he just said. Yes, Na Jaemin isn't straight. He is bisexual that's the reason why someone named Huang Renjun is still hoping that Jaemin's affection would land into his direction. Ooops! Exposed. Sorry Injun!

"At least ask Jeno." Jaemin slumped back on his seat laying his head on Renjun's shoulder had the other wrapped his arm around the younger comforting him.

"Well Jeno?" Donghyuck called the other's attention who's just listening to them all this time.

"Well I don't mind." Jeno answered smiling as Jaemin looked at him with apologizing eyes, slightly nodding his head as he gesture of thanking Jeno. Jeno saw how Renjun balled his fist and threw glares at his direction but he just shrugged it off.

"Okay then it's settled. We are turning this class into a drama club later this afternoon but for now let's deal with History, bell's about to ring." Donghyuck ended the discussions hearing groans across the room because this class doesn't really like Mr. Yook.


"Guys! Hina and friends just went out of the office and I think they are heading here first." Dongmyeong together with Kanghyun announced and everyone went to their designated places. Donghyuck already polished it all briefing all of them what to do. He's the master mind of this.

'Just act as sweet you could and don't be awkward as fuck.'

Jaemin recalled what Donghyuck has instructed them earlier as he stood up in the aisle next to his seat. Donghyuck is seated on the chair parallel to Jaemin's seat while Renjun stayed on his place. Jeno on the other hand prepared himself to get the act done perfectly.

"Jaeminieeee~" A girly voice stopped everyone from moving as they looked at the girl entering the classroom without asking permission wearing her full smile but the smile she had earlier faded as soon as she saw the scene in front of her.

"Oh. Hi Hina!" Jaemin greeted but he received nothing from the girl. She's looking on something no someone with blonde hair who had his arms wrapped on Jaemin's waist burying his face on Jaemin's neck hiding his face as Jaemin pets his head. Hina looked down and saw Jaemin and the guy has their hands intertwined rested on Jaemin's belly.

'Fuck. These two are born to be flirts.'

Donghyuck thought as he look on the scenery in front of him.

"J-Jaem who's t-that?" Hina stuttered pointing at Jeno.

"Hey Nono someone wants to know you." Jaemin caresses Jeno's hair as if he's waking up the guy sweetly.

"Hmmm.." Jeno hummed in response facing Jaemin in the process making their faces an inch away noses almost touching. Jaemin gave off a sweet smile and Jeno did the same. It amazed Donghyuck and Renjun how both of them didn't blush on the process.

"Oh hi. I'm Lee Jeno a transferee." He introduced himself formally offering a handshake latching off Jaemin.

"Nice to meet you." Hina said but her expression says the other way around.

"So how's the school for you?" Hina asked having a emotionless face.

"Oh it's more than okay since my love is here." Jeno answered wrapping an arm to Jaemin's shoulders looking at the younger while Jaemin looked back.

"Aww how sweet." Donghyuck cooed clapping his hands slowly.

"Yah get a room!" Renjun exclaimed making the said couple laugh.

"Now Injeolmi don't be salty now. I'm sure you'll get your love life soon enough." Jaemin said smiling.

"And I just remembered that I told you to stop calling me that Nana." Renjun shot back earning a chuckle from Jaemin.

"Oh Hina what do you need again?" Jaemin asked the girl who's just watching the scene.

"Never mind. See when I see you." Hina monotonously said walking out making every soul in the room smile or grin.

"Okay! Way to go!" Donghyuck said enthusiastically making everyone laugh.


R E V I S E D: July 7, 2019

Hina bye! Wavyuu ❤ -Ji

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