Somebody to me.

By okaykyrstynokay

21.9K 624 180

When Laura Marano gets an offer to be in The vamps' Music video, She agrees. She meets up with the band and i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter ~4~
Chapter ~5~
Chapter ~6~
Chapter ~7~
Chapter ~8~
Chapter ~9~
Chapter ~10~
Chapter ~11~
Chapter ~!2~
Chapter ~!3~
Chapter ~!5~
chapter ~!6~
Chapter ~!7~
Chapter ~!8~
Chapter ~!9~
Chapter ~20~
Chapter ~21~
Chapter ~22~
Chapter ~23~
Chapter ~24~
Chapter ~25~
Chapter ~26~
Chapter ~27~
Chapter ~28~
Chapter ~29~
Chapter ~30~

Chapter ~!4~

660 20 14
By okaykyrstynokay


Brad’s POV (A/N It’s Thursday)

“ACTION!” Steven yelled, signalling for us to start playing volleyball. Connor tossed it up and hit it over the net.

I was looking at Laura she was wearing denim shorts with a cute floppy hat, I was so mesmerized by her that I never noticed that the ball was hurling towards me.

I turned around last second only to be met with a hard hit in the face. I felt my knees buckle and sand invade the hem of my shirt.

My eyes were getting heavy but the site of Laura hovering me, made me pry my eyes open.

“Brad! Are you okay? Here, let me help you up.” She said, worriedly. She put my right arm around her shoulders and put her petite arm on my back.

 My nose was hurting immensely but being with Laura helped me forget about the blood dripping from my nose.

She sat me down on a beach chair and opened the cooler and got ice. She placed it in a Ziploc and got some napkins.

 The napkins made it in my hands and I dabbed all the blood and blocked my nose. She took the ice and gently placed it on my nose.

“What happened? Didn’t you see the ball?” She questioned.

“Not really, I was too busy staring at you.” I whispered, causing her to blush. I suddenly felt the urge to kiss her cheeks. So, I did, Causing wolf whistles around us and turning Laura into a human tomato.

“What was that for?” She asked innocently.

“I don’t know, I just wanted to do that I guess.” I shrugged.

“Well, big boy, now that your nose is better, let’s go back to filming.” She said, taking my hand in hers and dragging me across the sand. Apparently Laura’s voice was healed.

“Hey guys! Filming’s done for the day.” Steven said.

“Wait, What? How?” I rambled.

“While Laura here was helping you fix your bloody nose, we filmed you and Laura talking. So you youngsters can enjoy the rest of the night together.” He finished while winking. I rolled my eyes.

“What’s left to film?” Laura spoke up.

“Well tomorrow filming starts at noon for the solo shots. And then we have a break from 1-5pm so we can film the sunset performance and the evening performance.” He clarified.

“Oh okay” Laura and I said simultaneously, causing her to giggle and look down.

“Is that all the questions?”

“Yes sir” I saluted, and took Laura’s hand and took her to the rocks we went to the first day of filming.

“Remember this?”

“Of course! How can I forget.” She smiled.

I lead her to the end of the rocks and sat down. She was walking to the other side of me when I yanked her arm causing her to fall on my lap.

“Oops, now I guess you have to sit on my lap.” I said, making a grin appear on her face.

“I’d be happy to.” She whispered. The sun started to set and we just sat there.

“I could stay in this moment forever.” She said almost silently.

“So could I.” I replied, causing her to turn around.

She leaned in and in a mere second, our lips were connected. I put my hands on both sides of her face to deepen the kiss. After probably 15 minutes of us kissing, I pulled away.



“I was planning to ask you this tomorrow but I just don’t think I can wait any longer,” I kneeled down and continued, “Laura Marie Marano, Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?” I asked, nervously. Her eyes started watering and in a muffled voice she said,

“Of course. Of course I will, Bradley Will Simpson.” She pulled me up and embraced me in a hug. I pulled away and cupped her face in my hands and smashed my lips onto hers. She instantly kissed back, shortly.

“Come on, boyfriend. Let’s go back to the hotel. They might be wondering where we are.”

“Can I just ask you one thing?”


“Tomorrow the crew members are planning something special so I can ask you to be my girlfriend.”


“So, can use your amazing acting skills and pretend to be as excited as possible?” I asked, causing her to playfully roll her eyes and say,

“Of course”


That was chapter 14! I made this chapter a bit longer than normal because:

1)         14 is my lucky number

2)         I was watching somebody to you behind the scenes and got inspired to write more.

3)         I ate like two full bags of mini marshmallows and I’m having a sugar rush.

Besides that, HE FINALLY ASKED!!!! This is one of my favourite chapters. And by the way, EllingtonMahoneR5, I’m planning to have your character appear in either the 15th,16th or the 17th chapter. So within 3 chapters. If  you read this, type “Boyfriend” If you’re a girl and “Girlfriend if you’re a boy.

            -Kyrstyn <3


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