don't | justin *postponed*

By mochahontaz

171K 6.2K 1.8K

"I'm not some random guy to you anymore because you caught feelings and I did too." He urged closer, backing... More

C A S T I N G | U P D A T E D |
1| I'm So Successful
2| Intertwined
3| Remember |R|
4| Jealous
5| Questions
6| Photos
7| It Ain't My Fault
8| Talk
9| Christian
10| Sister Sister
11| Heebiejeebies |R|
12| Baby
13| Boo'd Up
14| Studio Time |R|
15| Wedding Crashers
16| Tell The Truth
17| NYFW
18| Every Kind of Way |R|
19| Chicago
21| Mile High Club |R|
22| In Love
23| Broken Clocks
24| St. Lucia
25| Trouble in Paradise
26| Trust
27 | Papa

20| Old Friends

3.1K 152 119
By mochahontaz

Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near
And it was just a quick hello
And you had to go
And you probably will never know
You're still the one I'm after all these years

- Camila Cabello

(aka the only song of hers
that I honestly like
no tea
no shade)


| Three Days Later |

- Justin (a strictly Justin POV chapter)

"Baby, I need help!" Ashton called from inside the bathroom. It was always something about her saying babe or baby that sounded so right coming from her. She was showering for at least five minutes now, and complaining about how she couldn't reach something, and pissed about me not joining her. I laughed and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my waist before closing and locking the bedroom door.

"What is it, Ashton." I rolled my eyes playfully and went in the bathroom. Everything was foggy, so I knew she had the water set to hell and beyond. I dropped my towel on the counter of the sink and waited for her to respond.

"Don't make that face; but I left my body wash by the sink. If I get out and get it, I'm gonna be freezing; could you grab it please?" She stuck her head from out of the curtain and pouted. Her hair that was straight at one point was now insanely curly and all over her head. It made her look way younger than what she actually was.

"You really couldn't step out for three seconds to grab it? What kind is this?" I sighed and read the bottle.

"Strawberry." She stuck her hand out, reaching for it.

"I don't like that one." I mumbled and read over the other bottles, seeing a brown sugar and vanilla body wash she'd normally use. It was my favorite one that she'd use. "Use this one." I handed it to her before stepping behind her into the shower.

"I finished packing a few of the extra bags— what the fuck!" I yelled and hissed as soon as the water touched my chest. She wanted to die. For some reason, she loved when the water was hot enough to eat through her skin and mine. It's like it had no effect on her at all, she would just stand or sit in the water like it was warm. The woman was crazy.

"It's not even that hot, Jay." She frowned and turned to face me, putting her hands on her hips. "Don't be dramatic."

"Don't be dramatic?" My eyes widened. "Look at my chest, Ash." I frowned and pointed to the large red spot that was forming where the water hit it. "I don't know how you shower in this." I groaned.

She just giggled and pulled me closer to her, placing a kiss on the cross in the center of my chest. "It'll be okay. Now, what were you saying?"

"I was saying, I packed up a few of the extra bags. I know we're not leaving for two more day, but you have a shit load of clothes, Princess." I smiled "It's like you packed for a months trip." I pulled her ever closer to me, wrapping my hand around her waist.

"I like to be over prepared." She laughed and cupped my cheeks, brushing her lips against mine playfully. In all honesty, she's been teasing me since we got here and continues to limit touching to holding hands, a few kisses here and there, sitting on me, or occasionally feeling me up when no one was paying attention. But she wouldn't take it any further than that and it was killing me.

Before I could kiss her, she pulled her head away and grinned at me. I smiled and rolled my eyes at her. "If you keep teasing and playing with my affection, I'm gonna have no choice but to take you either right here in the damn shower or the bed. Your choice; I don't mind."

Ashton laughed and turned her back to me, grabbing the body wash from the corner of the shower, and put some on her loofa. "Not in my moms house." She sang and smiled back at me, not forgetting to shake her ass against me.

I smirked at her and quickly grabbed her, lifting her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. "I swear to God... Justin if we slip and fall in this shower I'm kicking the shit out of you when we get up." She laughed and kept trying to push away from me.

"If you stop squirming so much, we won't have to worry about that!" I chuckled against her shoulder. "Just kiss me."

She rolled her eyes and quickly pecked my lips, making me frown at her. "You're not gonna keep playing these games with me, Ashton. Kiss me." I pushed myself against her even further.

Her breathing instantly hitched in the throat as she gripped my shoulders. "We have to get ready for a barbecue—"

"Well, if you stop being a asshole and kiss me, maybe we can. Or, we can get into something else and miss out on it." I raised my eyebrow. "And you can't blame me; you've been holding out on me for almost a week now." I shrugged.

"I have not." She giggled.

"Ashton, you full out grabbed my dick under the table yesterday when I was talking to your mom— pretty much tried to give me a handjob, then walked away. Then, decided to sleep next to me naked the day after. The list really goes on and on, babe. Your libido started this; not mine. But, mine can finish it." I smirked and kissed down her neck before pulling away. "Now, kiss me."

I grabbed her chin gently and brought her lips to mine. They moved slowly against each other before I ran my tongue against her bottom lip, and her lips opened happily. Her arms tightened around my neck as she tried to push herself closer to me; leaving no space in between us.

"See," I smirked "you wanted it just as bad as I did." Chuckling, I slipped my hand down to her folds, brushing my thumb against them. Her back instantly arched from the shower wall and a soft groan came from her mouth. I moved my lips back to hers and slipped one of my fingers inside her easily.

"I'm gonna kill you." She pouted against my lips and bit down on my bottom one.

"You can kill me when my hands are done, princess." I laughed at her facial expressions. She was torn in between loving it and wanting to kick me in the balls at the same time. "Want me to stop?" I stopped moving my hand and raised my eyebrow at her.

"W-what? No! It's already in now! Why—"

"Exactly; so chill with the fake attitude for a second so I can make you cum, please?"

Her eyes widened at my response before they slightly rolled back when I added another finger. My mouth went back to being on her neck, kissing lightly against it.

I knew better to not leave hickeys against her neck while we were here. I don't know what type of daughter her mom thought she had, but I wasn't going ruin Ashton's pure image so soon.

"Faster." She mumbled, dragging her nails against the back of my neck; pressing one hand against her mouth to stop her from moaning.

"Babe, you're in the shower and the doors are locked. If anything, we're gonna be the only ones to hear you." I laughed and moved her hand.


By the time we finished, we were both fully dressed and Ashton had a permanent smile on her face.

"I told you to wait until we left at least!" She 'yelled' at me while she watched me get dressed. "You know how hard it's gonna be to look at my mom when I know I just had sex in her house?"

"You has a quickie in her house." I smiled. She glared at me and chucked a pillow at my head. "I'm kidding! Come here." I pulled her over to me, standing in front of the mirror.

"You look beautiful." I smiled and kissed her shoulder. "And you smell amazing. I'm glad you and Danielle got to spend some time with your family." I wrapped my arms across her chest and she smiled at me, pecking my cheek.

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you, too. Now, let's head outside before everyone starts assuming that we did something that we actually did do—"

"Stop talking." She covered my mouth and laughed, leading me to the backyard.


They had a huge family; but they were all really welcoming. I talked to a few of her other cousins and watched as she talked to Dani and Crystal.

"I'm glad you make her happy, bro. Ashton isn't a handful, but she never openly talked about her emotions and shit like that." Her cousin; Crystals brother Trevor told me. "I'm glad she's got someone else to do that with."

"Thank you, man." I smiled at him before grabbing my phone and snapping a picture of her. "Babe!" She turned her head and smiled at me before doing the same to the phone.

justinbieber: that smile on her face? I put it there @ashglo 😊

She walked over to me and smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I know I said thank you already, but thank you again for being here." My hands went to her waist and pulled her into me.

"You don't have to thank me. Seeing you be this happy is enough for me." Her eyes skimmed my face before wandering off and widening. "What?"

"You have a hickey... on your neck." She laughed and covered it with her hand.

"It's your fault." I smirked. "Should I let your mom know that you're really not gonna be wearing all white whenever we get married? Cause I mean you sucked the hell out of my neck so I'm pretty sure she'd know about you sucking the hell out of—" she twisted the skin on my arm, making me hiss.

"Don't you dare." She pointed at me. "Finish that sentence."

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

Really, I wasn't. I was telling the truth.

"Can you two get a room please? I don't need to have all of this romance up in my face." Crystal groaned.

"Get you a man and maybe you won't have to worry about it, let them be great." Their aunt Stephanie hit Crystals arm.

"Auntie Stephanie, how about you worry about keeping a man since you're worried about me getting one—" Crystal shot back and Danielle throws a cube of ice at her.


"Don't 'Crystal' me! She started it!"

I laughed as they went back and forth with each other and Ashton kept her head on my chest.

"Look who finally decided to come back and visit after all these years." A voice came from behind me, making Ashton and I both turn around.

"Oh my God! Keith!" Ashton yelled and ran over to him, giving him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her.

"Hey, queen." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. They stayed in the hugging position for a few extra seconds before pulling away. "You still look the same. Bright smile, glowing personality, beautiful as ever with a small ass head." He joked, messing up her hair.

"Me? Look at you! You got so tall and finally got some facial hair added; even put on a little more muscle yet still miss out on leg day." She smiled at him. I looked down and noticed that he was holding both of her hands. He surely wasn't a relative.

I cleared my throat and walked over to the two. Ashton removed her hands from his and pulled me over to him. "Keith, this is my boyfriend, Justin. Justin, this is Keith. We were best friends since we were little." She smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you, Keith." I shook his hand firmly as he did the same.

"Nice to meet you, too. Crazy she's dating a celebrity now, I hope you're treating this one right. She can be a pain in the ass, but deserves nothing but the world." He said to me, but looked at her. The way he looked at her made me know that something was up.

"Trust me, I am." I pulled her into my side and kissed her temple.

"Hey, the foods in the kitchen. Let's go find my mom and tell her that you're here; I'm sure she's dying to see how grown you've gotten." She said to Keith and looked to me. "I'll be right back, baby. Do you want anything from inside?" She squeezed my hand gently.

"I'm good, sweetheart. I'm gonna be out here with Crystal and Dani." I nodded and she did the same before pecking my lips repeatedly. I could see Keith watching us with a clenched jaw. I let her hand go and watched as they walked off into the kitchen, his arm draped around her shoulder.

"I've seen that look before, the look of curiosity and jealousy." Crystal sang.

"Stop being messy!" Dani threw another cube of ice at her. "They're just friends, Justin. Nothing to worry about."

"You know damn well that's not true." Crystal rolled her eyes, making me look at her.

"They've been best friends since middle school so Ashton can't see it. I swear she's blind to it; but, Ashton see's Keith as a friend. But, Keith has always had a thing for Ashton. When he found out she got with Christian he was pissed."

"So you're just gonna ignore what the fuck I said about being messy, huh? This is why we can't have you at family gatherings." Dani rolled her eyes.

"Have they ever dated?" I questioned.

"No," Danielle said and stirred the straw in her drink. "Crystal is right about Ashton being blind to it. She couldn't notice it if someone pointed it out. She never mentioned or showed any attraction to Keith; but it's hella obvious how he feels about her. Everyone here knows it."

I nodded my head and looked inside to the kitchen, seeing the both of them laughing and standing close to each other. Whatever he was saying was apparently really funny for her to be laughing the way she was. He held his chest and clutched he cup in his hand.

If everybody else could see it, I don't know how she couldn't. I just met him and I could tell by the way he looked at her. It was the same way Christian looked at her the day we went to his wedding and the same way I look at her daily.

"Justin" Danielle called my name and titled her sunglasses down to look at me. "Don't make anything of it. Keith isn't disrespectful enough to try anything. Plus, your spot in her life is already secured, big dog." She sat next to me and patted my shoulder.

"Come on, let's go by the pool so you can cool down a little; and hopefully sober up loose lips over here." She pointed back over her shoulder to Crystal who downed her entire wine cooler that was handed to her a few minutes ago. "We worry about her." Dani rolled her eyes, making me laugh.

Even though I already have a sister, she was like the one closest to my age that I needed; and she sure as hell was helping ease my frustration.


An hour and a half passed and Ashton was still talking to Keith.  They went from sitting inside, to where we were sitting before, now by the pool with us. Ashton sat next to me with her feet in the water while Keith was standing in it watching her. I knew he could feel me glaring at him whenever his hands got too close to her.

He would put his hand on her leg, her waist, on her chin, and knees; she'd move them of course, by it would make him frown a little bit. "So how long have you two been together?" He finally asked, looking at me.

"A few months now. Seven and a half?" I looked at her and smiled.

"Seven and a half." She repeated, taking my hand and kissing my cheek. "What about you? When are you finally gonna settle down with somebody Keith? You've been single for years now."

"Well, I kinda have a thing for somebody— I have for years now, but she's been preoccupied with other guys." He smirked at her.

"Bold as hell." Crystal commented under her breath next to Trevor and took another sip from another wine cooler.

"If you don't shut your ass up." He rolled his eyes. "Imma push your drunk ass into the pool."

Ashton rolled her eyes at Keith and smiled. "Such a ladies man." She mumbled

"What was that?" He smirked and cupped his ear. "You still mumble shit under your breath but never say it aloud."

"I said such a ladies man."

He nodded his head before pulling her legs down fully into the water, making her entire body go under. "Keith!" She yelled when she came back up. I sighed and looked at the two of them, not knowing who I should be frustrated with the most.

He pulled Ashton in front of him and wrapped his arms around her waist and putting his head on her shoulder, making eye contact with me.

"Now that was hella bold." Trevor coughed.

"Get out the pool, Ashton." I told her but looked directly at him.

She pushed his hands away and walked over to me, putting her hands on my knees. "Huh? What's wrong, Justin?"

"Get. Out. The. Pool." I said slowly, not taking my eyes off of him, a small smirk playing on his lips.

Her eyes widened a little as she got out and sat next to me. "Babe—"

"What the fuck is your deal?" I snapped at Keith and he crossed his arms against his chest.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not about to cause a scene at her family function, but I'm not fucking stupid." I laughed. "You've been touching on her since you saw her and when she stated that she has a boyfriend. And the slick ass comments that've been coming out your mouth aren't helping your case."


"Ashton, don't." I cut her off, sending her a look that kept her quiet. "If she's got a boyfriend, there's no point in you even trying to like her like that anymore. This isn't middle school, high school, or college."

Danielle watched from the other side of the pool with her mouth wide open in shock.

"Justin, go relax for a minute." Ashton mumbled to me, pressing her hand on my shoulder. "You need a breather, let me talk to him."

"I'm giving you three minutes, Ashton. In three minutes I want you back in the room." I stood up to walk into the house.

"So he speaks for you now, Queen?" Keith interjected.

"You need to stop because you aren't helping anyone's case right now, Keith. This is a family event—"

"How exactly did you even get invited to a family event, friend?" I asked him.

"Justin!" Ashton rolled her eyes and Danielle laughed loudly.

"Shaaaaade..." Crystal looked from me to Keith.

Before matters could get worse, I decided to walk off and just go inside to calm myself down for a minute. I couldn't look at him or Ashton right now.


I laid across the bed with my hands over my eyes when I head knocking at the door and saw Ashton poke her head in. It was three minutes. She had a large towel wrapped around her body and her curls were more defined now that they're wet.

"We need to talk." She mumbled and closed the door, locking it.

"To be honest, Ashton... I don't wanna talk." I mumbled and felt the bed dip.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked and straddled my waist. "Frustrated" I corrected her.

She sat quietly not saying anything, but I could tell that even with my hands cover my eyes, she was looking at me. "What did you two talk about when I walked away?"

"He told me that he's always had feelings for me. How he wanted and still wants to be with me; how he can't see anyone else with me but him." She mumbled, I moved my hands and glared at her.

"So you're telling me that you never noticed that at all?"

"I had a feeling he did when we were younger, but I thought that maybe I was wrong and if I brought it up, it would ruin our friendship." She defended herself.

"Some friendship." I sighed.

"Are you jealous?" She asked and cupped my face, I tried to push her hands away but it only made her touch me more. "Baby, you don't have to be jealous of Keith."

"Do you think he's cute?" I asked.

"Keith is... cute—"

"Wow. So fuck me, huh?"

"If you shut up and let me finish." She snapped. "Keith is cute. So is Za and Khalil and Ryan—"

"Deadass? Not helping your case right now, babe."

"I'm trying to say that yeah, they're cute. But just because someone is cute doesn't mean that I'm gonna want to be with them. Keith will always consider me the one that got away but I never wanted him. Then or now." She placed her hands on my chest.

"I obviously only want you, or I wouldn't have came up here after the three minutes that you told me to— three minutes on the dot to be exact." She smiled. "And I also wanna apologize." She sighed. "I always overlooked his touching and things like that because of us being close friends, and I knew I should've said something about it to him sooner, so I'm sorry, Justin." She leaned forward, making her curls curtain over the sides of our faces.

I gave in and held her waist, making the smile appear on her face again. "It's fine. Just don't let it happen again." I pecked her lips.

"It won't. It was cute seeing you jealous though. You get really aggressive. It's sexy." She purred against my cheek. "You put quite a bit of bass in your voice; I wouldn't let you take me right there if there wasn't any family around."

"I could always take you here." I smirked and gripped her ass.

"Nah. I just wanna cuddle now."

"So where'd Kevin go?"

"Keith decided to go home." She laughed and kissed across my face. "My mom saw us talking and heard about what happened from loose lips Crystal, so he decided that I'd be best for him to go."

"Well, he's a smart one; I'll give him that."

She smiled and continued to nuzzle into my chest, running her thumb in circles against my neck.

"I love you, Jay."

"You have no choice. But, I love you too, babygirl."

Something deep inside of me still wanted to see Keith before we left, but I wasn't going to keep going back to old situations. I was still going to respect her moms family and house.


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