A Demon's Curse: Inuyasha Fan...

By sesshomaru_itachi

82.9K 3.2K 461

A demons slayer names Nayumi crosses paths with her sister. The same sister she thought was dead. To make thi... More

Chapter Two: Spilt Blood
Chapter Three: A Long Night
Chapter Four: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter Five: Transformation at Mount Hakurei
Chapter Six: Pain, Promises, and Mischief
Chapter Seven: Sleeping Beauty Curse
Chapter Eight: A Sister's Love
Chapter Nine: Kidnapped
Chapter Ten: Naraku Escapes
Chapter Eleven: Kikyo's Last Wish
Chapter Twelve: Bitten Trance
Chapter Thirteen: Mending Wounds
Chapter Fourteen: Deadly Duo
Chapter Fifteen: Arochimaru Appears
Chapter Sixteen: Death's Grasp
Chapter Seventeen: Fateful Kiss
Chapter Eighteen: Sakura's Song
Chapter Ninteen: A Light in the Dark
Chapter Twenty: Kagua's Death, Naraku's Desires
Chapter Twenty-One: Nayumi's Decision
Chapter Twenty-Two: Broken Curse, Broken Soul

Chapter One: First Sight

9.1K 214 34
By sesshomaru_itachi

         "That'll teach ya." Nayumi smirked as the centipede demon falls dead behind her.

"Thank you so much, slayer!" the Headmaster of the village thanked her.

"All in a days job." Nayumi smiled, "Now, tell me about this Inuyasha."

"The half-demon that passed through, yes, he killed a demon similar to this one for us a few days ago. Him and his friends were very helpful." the Headmaster replied.

"Which way did they go?" Nayumi asked.

"In the direction of the Ox Tiger." he answered.

"Thank you." Nayumi said then turned to leave.

"Wait! Slayer, how can we pay you?" the Headmaster called after her.

"Don't bother. Your information is payment enough." she smiled then was gone.

"Such an odd girl, wonder what business she has with that half-demon." he Headmasters wife mumbled.

"It's none of our business." the Headmaster replied and started back for the village.

        They're still following Naraku. Nayumi thought. If I keep following them, then sooner or later I will come across Naraku myself. Then I will put an end to him once and for all. 

"At least I can put this curse to good use." Nayumi laughed to herself. 

        Two years ago, a demon cursed Nayumi. She now has blades that come in and out of her wrists, and everytime she gets a fatal wound she becomes more and more deomon. The demon who cursed her said the only way to break the curse was to fall in love with a demon. If she doesn't then she will become one. The very things she devoted her life to killing, now she either had to love one or become one. She can only die if a demon rips the blades from her wrists. Problem is, only some demons can see the strings that attach the blades to her veins, but they cannot touch them. Other demons can't even see them. 

        Nayumi's is ripped from her thoughts at the sensing of a strong demonic aurora.

"Master Jaken, catch up!" I young girl squealed.

"What have you done to this poor child." Nayumi said to Jaken, "She is only human, what manner of mind control do you use on her?"

"Mind control? She is with us willingly you stupid human!" Jaken snapped.

"Die demon!" Nayumi yelled, the blades from her wrists sliding perfectly into her hands.

"Master Jaken!" the girl screamed.

"Stay back child." Nayumi said as she launched her blade.

"Ah!" Nayumi cried as something hit her blade.

"What is the manner of this attack?" a fair haired demon asked.

He's where the demonic aurora I sensed is coming from. Nayumi thought.

"Answer me." he demanded.

"I dont' answer to demons!" Nayumi yelled, then sent her blade out again, but lost all manner of thought when she got a good look at the girl.

"Rin." Nayumi whispered, and because she was too distracted she did not realize the demon had sent her blade flying back at her, "AHH!"

        The blade sunk into her shoulder, but she could not take her eyes off the girl.

"Prepare to die." the demon said, raising his sword above her.

"Don't Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin cried.

        Without a word, he stopped. No emotions crossed his face, but Nayumi could sense a change in his aurora.

"Nayumi?" Rin asked in a quiet voice, "Mother told me you were dead."

"Leave it to her to name me dead the minute I get cursed." Nayumi smirked through the pain in her shoulder.

"You know her, Rin?" Sesshomaru asked.

"She's my sister." Rin replied.

"Demon!" Nayumi wailed, the realization of her sister being with a demon finally sank back in. "I'll kill you!"

        Without any hesitation, Nayumi thrust the blade that was in her shoulder into the demon's chest.

"Burn in hell!" she yelled as she jumped back and threw another one at him.

What?! Nayumi thought as he gripped the string that connected her to the blade.

"Very reckless of you to be throwing around something that's connected to you." he said with a cold expression, an expression that changed into an indescribable one.

        Sesshomaru released the strings and grabbed the blades. He pulled them from his flesh then let them go.

"Stop it!" Rin cried as she threw herself into Nayumi's arms.

"Rin." Nayumi whispered, but she never took her eyes off of Sesshomaru.

"There's a river ahead. Rin can take care of your shoulder there." Sesshomaru said as he walked passed the sisters.

"This isn't real!" Nayumi said as she shoved Rin away from her, "My sister was killed along with my parents! This is a sick joke, demon."

        Nayumi didn't stick around to hear anymore. She took off running.

"Nayumi!" Rin yelled after her, but she did not stop.

Rin is dead. All your family is dead. You're alone in this world. Nayumi thought to herself. "She's dead!"

        Nayumi ran all the way to the next village. She would have gone farther if she hadn't lost too much blood already.

"Nayumi?" a familiar voice asked.

"Kagome." Nayumi managed to say before collasping.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled, but he was already there.

"What happened to her?" Shippo asked as the others joined them.

"It seems she's been in a fight." Miroku said.

"You guys didn't see her face. She was running from something." Kagome said.

"That doesn't seem like her." Sango pointed out.

"Sesshomaru." Inuyasha growled.

"Is he coming?" Miroku asked.

"No, but his scent is all over her." Inuyasha replied.

"She was fighting Sesshomaru?" Sanago asked in a worried tone.

"I'd bet anything on it." Inuyasha growled again.

"Let's just get her shoulder fixed up, and we'll worry about who she was fighting later." Kagome suggested.

"Yes, Kagome is right. Her shoulder is badly wounded." Miroku agreed.

        "She's waking up!" Shippo said; bouncing up and down with joy.

"Hey Shippo." Nayumi smiled.

"How you feeling?" Kagome asked.

"I'm fine." she replied as she sat up.

"Take it easy, Nayumi." Inuyasha said.

"Mm." she flinched in pain, "I'm fine."

"You always were stubborn." Inuyasha scuffed.

"Did you fight Sesshomaru?" Miroku asked.

"Huh?" Nayumi asked.

"What were you running from?" Kagome interrupted.

"Sesshomaru? Huh, yeah I guess that was his name, but he isn't what I was runnig from. I had already gotten two blades into him. Wouldn't have been hard for me to finish off." she replied; a sad expression forming on her face.

"What were you running from then?" Kagome asked.

"The little girl he had with him was acting like she was my sister, but my whole family is dead. They died when theives broke into their house." Nayumi answered.

"He does have a human girl traveling with him now. Are you sure it isn't your sister?" Inuyasha asked.

"Positive. My sister died years before I was cursed. There's no way she could be the same girl." Nayumi replied, but doubt was filling her mind.

"How'd you hurt your shoulder?" Inuyasha asked to change tthe subject.

"The demon used his sword to deflect my blade, but I was distracted by the girl, so I didn't catch it." she answered.

"Did the girl look like your sister?" Miroku asked.

"Yes, but my sister is dead." Nayumi said; looking away.

"It's a good thing you showed up. We could really use your help with this demon that's been plagueing the village." Kagome said in an attempt to change the subject.

"She's hurt." Inuyasha said, "I can take care of it by myself."

"What demon?" Nayumi asked.

"A low level demon that I can handle alone." Inuyasha said as he stood up. "You're too hurt anyways."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Nayumi said with a smile.

        Before anyone could even reply, she already pinned Inuyasha's kimono sleeve to the wall with one of her blades.

"Don't forget I can feel the strings that attach those." Inuyasha mumbled.

"Yes, but you can't see them." she said, but pulled her blade back.

"Anyways, you're already sweating. You wouldn't be much help in a fight." Inuyasha added.

"Then I'll just protect Kagome and Shippo, and save you when you need it." Nayumi said with a smile.

"Who says I'm going to need saving?" he asked.

"Don't you always?" she replied.

"You looking for another fight?" Inuyasha said.

"Bring it, dog-boy!" Nayumi said; jumping to her feet.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome said.

"Huh? No don't!" Inuyasha pleaded.

"Sit boy!" Kagome finished and Inuyasha was on his stomach.

"Why do you do this to me?" he mumbled into the floor.

        "The demon is here!" a man yelled from outside.

        Nayumi was the first one outside. She didn't ask any questions. She ran the opposite way of the villagers, and it didn't take her long to come across the demon.

"You're a nasty one." she laughed, "I really appreciate this. I needed to blow off steeam anyways."

"Foolish human! I will devour you!" it hissed.

"Go ahead and try!" she yelled back with a smile, "Come at me, ugly!"

        The snake struck at her, but stopped short when she hit it with her blade.

"Problems?" she asked as the blade landed back between her middle and ring finger.

"For such a big demon it didn't put up much of a fight." Miroku said as it fell to the ground.

"Most dont." Nayumi laughed, "Told you I could fight, Inuyasha."

"Nayumi!" Inuyasha yelled as he dove to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Maybe she shoouldn't have been fighting." Sango said.

"Ya think!" Inuyasha snapped, "Damn, she ripped her stiches."

        "You awake?" Inuyasha asked later that night.

"Yeah." Nayumi replied, "Where is everyone?"

"A different hut. The other one was crowded." he answered.

"Why aren't you with the others?" she asked.

"It was either I stay or Miroku." he replied.

"Thanks for not letting him stay." she replied.

"It was Kagome's idea. You should thank her." Inuyasha scuffed, "Wait, where are you going! Lay back down!" 

"I'm fine. It's not like I'm going to go pick a fight or anything. I'm just leaving." Nayumi replied as she walked towards the exit. 

"Don't just assume your sister is dead." Inuyasha said; stopping her in her tracks. 

"Excuse me?" she asked. 

"The girl with Sesshomaru could be your sister. Don't just assume she's dead." he replied. 

"You don't know anything." she snapped. 

"I know the dead has a habbit of coming back, and there's no guarantee the bandits killed her. " Inuyasha said. 

"Goodbye, Inuyasha. I will see you when you find Naraku." Nayumi said and left. 

        She left in the direction she came. 

I have to know for sure. She thought.

"I have to make sure."

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