Fighting Fire With Ice (COMPL...

De _Amahh

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Highest Rankings: #3 in #citylife 31/01/2019. #17 in #nigerian 31/01/2019. BASED ON TRUE EVENTS. Desperate ti... Mai multe

Chapter 1: A Complicated Beginning
Chapter 2: The Wedding 1
Chapter 3: The Groom {Edited}
Chapter 4: The wedding 2 {Edited}
Chapter 5: Tahira Muhammad {Edited}
Chapter 6: Innocent, Naive or Foolish
Chapter 7: In the Game of Chess
Chapter 8: Issues
Chapter 9: Fighting Fire with Fire
Chapter 10: The Opening
Chapter 11: Roses are Red
Chapter 12: The Welcome Home Incident
Chapter 13: Coincidence, Confrontations
Chapter 14: Reflections
Chapter 15: Dear Diary
Chapter 16: Happy Never After
Chapter 17: The Beginning of Trials
Chapter 18: Adeline and Adilah Haasim
Chapter 19: Trading Places
Age Profile
Chapter 20: So Much More Than You're Used To
Chapter 21: So Much More Than You're Used to
Chapter 22 : Blindman's Swag
Chapter 23: Pain
Chapter 24: Lost Forever/ Lost but Found
Chapter 25: Conversations
Chapter 26: Played or Betrayed
Chapter 27: Cheated, Betrayed and played
Chapter 28: The Truth Behind the Lies
Chapter 30: Journey to the Past
Chapter 31: Control {Edited}
Chapter 32 : Destructive Misfortune {Edited}
Chapter 33: Matters Arisen {Edited}
Chapter 34: The Next Seconds {Edited}
Chapter 35: A brother like mine {Edited}
Chapter 36: Regret {Edited}
Chapter 37: Masters of Chess {Edited}
Chapter 38: Aftermath
Chapter 39: Closure
Chapter 40: Forget Old Grudges
Chapter 41 : Mistakes of the present and the Past
Chapter 42: Thoughts
Chapter 43: Face Off 1
Chapter 44: The Breakup
Chapter 45 : Growth
Chapter 46 : Enough
Chapter 47: Delivery
Chapter 48 : Babies are Bae.
Chapter 49: Power
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 29: I'd Rather Die

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De _Amahh


It was 9:30 am and both the twins where bathed and dressed, their luggage packed and set to leave after extending their stay for 3 more days. They where feeling kd and didn't want to leave, Uncle Jake and Anty Jay have been spoiling them. They where having breakfast when they heard a horn from the gate and they both knew exactly whose it was ..Abdulmaleek's. They both looked at each other, Abdulmaleek and Adilah still haven't met since he found out two days ago about her interaction with Tahira.

Lala who had told Adilah that he knew asked her "Have you talked to him?"

Adilah sighs " no fa, He hasn't even called me tun ranan" she knew there was dust but she was also planning on bring her own dust. He lied and told her that he and Tahira where done, and she confirmed they where not. "if he would just forget the whole thing, it would be better for him"

Lala started to wonder what had happened to her sister, Adilah was never this troublesome or was it the effect of what they call love? She seemed high, with Abdulmaleek being her personal brand of heroin.

"but wait woo are they going broke or something? I mean i don't always believe everything i see on TV but honestly if he is going broke I'm not sure i can cope" she said taking a sip of her tea.

Lala giggled in disbelief "here i thought you loved him"

"well i do, but think about it, if he doesn't have any money then how would we go to all the romantic places i wanted to go when i get married, so nake in rinka kashewa bana tunani karewar su"

At first Lala thought she was messing around but now she saw that she was actually serious, she widen her eyes "Iyyeh!!!! Yarinya kema fa kin fara wuta 🔥So you're actually in love with the idea of him, i get the appeal. Tall, handsome, rich, neat, smart.."

"no you don't understand he is perfect, i mean forget all that. He has a sense of humour, he is out of this world responsible, he knows exactly what he's suppose to do and he does it. Don't forget generous in a romantic way and understanding.."

Lala cut her short "In other words.. Perfect? Puff Abdulmaleek is so overrated, what if he wasn't rich anymore and he had no flashy car and expensive wrist watch, would you still want him?"

They heard Anty Jay open the door for him, Anty jay who talked freely with Abdulmaleek informed him that they where in the dinning room and invited him to have breakfast to which he replied "No i just ate wallahi"

He met them on the table, while Anty Jay came and sat on the sitting room couch "Assalamu alaikum" as he enter the dinning area

"probably yes, but gaskiya sai dai in hakura" Adilah replied her knowing that he won't know what they where talking about.

Lala's eyes flickered from Adilah to him "hmmm!!! wa'alaikumussalam" lala replying to him "An tashi lafiya?"

"Alhamdulillah" and he locked eyes with Adilah "Ya kike?"

She rolled her eyes as if she was annoyed with him, trying to send across the message that he wasn't her priority at that moment in that room. "kalau nake" she managed to answer his greetings in a low voice.

"ya shirin tafiya, kun sha kd ai"

To that she just glared at him and turned away, eating her breakfast without an answer.

Lala watched them and saw the tension Adilah was trying to build between them and she instantly felt bad watching her sister treat him such. To break the ice she quickly replied to him "wallahi fa, mun sha hutu, you and su Anty Jay kept it fun ai"

Whether or not what Adilah did had upset him was not showing on his face. He just smiled and continued the conversation with Lala.

He continued to make jokes and making her laugh and Adilah sat there with a straight face, even Anty Jay was laughing from where she sat.

About 10 minutes and she still wasn't saying anything so Lala included her in the conversation "Ehen!! Adilah mun ce we would talk to them, muna so a yi pre wedding dinner ne instead of bridal shower, you guys would attend and invite you friends.. You didn't tell him ko?"

She frowned "i forgot" then she stood up and left, both of their eyes following her as she walked majestically out of the room.


"maybe i should not have come" he stood up to leave Lala also stood up as usual to walk him out

"Anty Jay bari in koma, a gaida min da Jake"

"toh Abdul! Zai ji In Shaa Allahu"

They walked and talked as Lala walked him to the porch "i don't even understand why she's mad"

"you cheated on her, that's why she's mad"

He paused thinking about it "right" they where both quiet for a few seconds "toh bari in koma, Allah ya kiyaye hanya"

"amin.. Thank you so much"
And he left.

Dear diary,

I've missed Tahira, it is so weird that we don't talk anymore. Next coming weekend is Abdulmaleek and Adilah's wedding, thinking of what she might be going through was all i could do even though i tried calling her a few times. Abdulzahir and i would be going to kano on thursday for the pre wedding dinner, and we would wai till the wedding Fatiha on saturday before coming back to kd where the reception would take place and later on sunday budan kai for the brides.

I don't know how to be there with my husband and not there for my friend, but then again Abdulzahir and Abdulmaleek have been friends probably for longer than me and Tahira, it is only right that he would be there for him and me being his wife he had to take me with him, i hope Tahira understands.

i woke up to the mint scent of his breath against my face, sweet mint with lemon scent from the shisha he had smoked the previous night. I was exhausted from last night, sometimes i wonder if drugs are added to his flavour. One day i wish i would be in a position to influence him to stop smoking. I started to move away from his bare skin and with his right arm he caught me. I didn't even realize he was awake, there was nothing i loved more than kissing him with the morning supposed to be stinking breath, though often his morning breath was amazing, and with his incredibly soft lips combined made every kiss seductive. He would call it 'my morning breakfast'

Every wife knew something special or different about her husband, i am no different, i knew exactly why Fateema didn't want to let him go, there where certain things she knew she wouldn't find else where.

I owe Abdulmaleek for talking to him. Abdulzahir has been a completely changed man ever since but most of all i owe Tahira for telling Abdulmaleek. Oh Allah Tahira my best friend, Tahira often comes to my mind, i knew what i would be missing if i lost Abdulzahir but often i wonder if Abdulmaleek knew what he lost. Sometimes i think she deserves better just like she always thought i deserved more, us girl need to stick together but alas here we are.

Overrated!!! Love, marriage, money, fame. Here i am married to a handsome intelligent lawyer, who lacks nothing, but happiness was something that seem to demand a heavy price. I met this woman online who seem to be an expert on kayan mata and she told me she could make me a love potion which would cost me about 150 thousand Naira. She told me that using it would keep my man away from any other mistress and i would keep him to myself. Money was not the problem, the problem was i thought it might be classified as shirk (associating Allah with others). For now i have decided to keep that suggestion aside and consult my friends. Though Tahira would have been in a better position to help me she was more vast in Islamic knowledge, i would have to talk to the others because they are all i have left.

After we had breakfast on a cool Sunday morning, my husband and i went back to bed as its custom Sundays are lazy days. It was strange when we heard a knock on the door. When i made an effort to go to the door he stopped me kissing my forehead "don't worry i'll get it" so i let him.
It was taking too long and i was curious to see who it was so i got off bed and went to see for myself, leaving my room was the hardest part, by the door i started to hear her thin voice and i stopped half way to the door looking at them talk, completely oblivious of my presence

"dan Allah ki dena zuwa gida na, i told you not to come here again" his talked more in whispers as if he was trying not to get heard.

"when you don't pick my calls, what do you expect me to do?" she asked speaking louder.

He took her by her arm "keep your voice down, lets talk about this outside"

She pushed him away "I'm not going anywhere, till you tell me why you are avoiding me"

"because I'm married" pointing out the obvious and he added "and despite my efforts you have still refused to marry me" i heard the anger in his voice, but that wasn't why i felt my heart skip a beat, it was hearing him talk about marrying her.

"its what i have been calling to tell you, i have talked to them, zaka iya turowa yanzu"

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirrajuun that is something i would never ever agree to. Kishiya? With Fateema no less. Never. I walked angrily towards them "wallahi karya kike yi, as long as i am alive you will never marry my husband, ke karaman er iska ce wallahi, shuru shuru fa ba hauka bane" they watched me in stun surprise as i walked to them and stood just before her.

Imagine if he was married to her, he would have all the excuse to be with her and leave me to die in loneliness. This was now between me and her and to that i was completely unaware of Abdul's presence.

"i guess you would not be alive then, either way works for me" sounding sassy, a smirk like a she devil that she was, what she didn't understand was that i was serious and i was willing to go to hell myself to keep her away from him, i'd rather die than let her marry Abdul, i couldn't let her win, not after everything she put me through.

My anger turned to uncontrollable rage and i shouted "get your trash of an ass out of my house, karuwa kawai"

Abdul looked surprised, i could see the shock on his face seeing me finally defend myself, he looked from me to her "Zainab! Ya isa haka, Teemah just leave please"

She giggled and the only thing that did was to infuriate me more then she flip her uncovered hair back "karuwar mijinki ba, my trash of an ass that he has chosen over yours time without number, yes my trash of an ass he loves more than yours"

I couldn't take it anymore, she had insulted me and walked free for the last time, in my own house? Over my own husband? My hand moved so fast that none of them saw it coming, only the sound of it coming in contact with her cheeks making a clap sound.

She made a short screeching sound, clutching her face with her lips parted from one another. I knew it was painful because i could feel the pain in the base of my palms but that wasn't enough for me, i moved to give her another when Abdul quickly caught my hand so tight his grip hurt me and move me back "Zainab!!!" He cautioned.

"Ni kika mara?" her eyes burning with rage, she moved to slap me back and i was already turning away to protect my face. He shouted at her furiously "keh!!!!!"

The sound of his voice was so loud it shook us both, even i got scared. She stood half ways to her destination, i could tell she was shocked, hell even i was shocked, for the first time ever he was defending me and not her.

They glared at each other and my eyes bounced from him to her unsure of what would happen next. He was still holding me.

"Abdulzahir??" she called him in a calm soft voice that sounded confused.

"just leave, i told you not to come here" he sounded apologetic.

Her eyes got watery and without another word she turned around and left. He let me go and closed the door then he turned around without a word and walked passed me to his room. I heard her car engine roar to life and i heard the sound of the gate opening and closing. I went outside and met our gateman and warned him never to let her in my house again "wallahi idan ka sake barin wacen ta shigo min gida a bakin aikin ka"

"toh hajiya dan Allah a yi hakuri" he begged apologetically.

I came back to the parlor and collapsed on the couch, i felt relieved for finally standing up for myself but something told me that the storm wasn't over and this was just the beginning. Abdulzahir's plan to marry Fateema was never something i would accept. He could divorce me if he wanted but i'd rather die than idly watch him marry her.

Heyy guys, so from this chapter The story line of Abdulmaleek, Tahira and Adilah would be limited. To follow their detailed love triangle patiently wait for the second part of Fighting Fire with Ice.

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