Her Mafia King ✔️

By _dreams_xox

3M 76K 18.5K

Twenty-two year old Jordan Emerson finds herself involved in things she shouldn't be, in places she's not wel... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - I'm a London Girl
Chapter 2 - It's Armani
Chapter 3 - I Need Tampons
Chapter 4 - Mrs De Mancuso
Chapter 5 - It's All Yours
Chapter 6 - Antonia
Chapter 7 - Don't Mess With A Girl's Pizza
Chapter 8 - Sicily
Chapter 9 - Ruined My Family's Reunion
Chapter 10 - Keep Your Stupid Comments To Yourself
Chapter 11 - Give Me A Chance
Chapter 12 - See You In Hell
Chapter 13 - Because Of Me
Chapter 14 - You're Changing The Sheets
Chapter 15 - Congratulations
Chapter 16 - Never Good Enough To Be A De Mancuso
Chapter 17 - Give Your Husband A Message
Chapter 18 - We Need To Leave
Chapter 19 - I Love You
Chapter 20 - Leo
Chapter 21 - Stop Swearing
Chapter 23 - Your Father Is Annoying
Chapter 24 - You Can't Hide A Gun In A Nursery
Chapter 25 - She'll Always Come First
Chapter 26 - I Miss You
Chapter 27 - It's A Promise Tesoro
Chapter 28 - Worth The Wait
Chapter 29 - You're Just Being Silly
Chapter 30 - Apologise
Chapter 31 - I Didn't Fancy Spending The Night In The Middle Of The Sea
Chapter 32 - Your Morals Are Screwed Up
Chapter 33 - Our Little Family Just Got Bigger
Chapter 34 - I'm Coming For You
Chapter 35 - Shot
Chapter 36 - You Just Had To Wake That Monster Up
Chapter 37 - I'll Have That English Crap
Chapter 38 - I'm Tired Now
Chapter 39 - Your Kids Need A Father
Chapter 40 - Right Where It All Started
New Story - Know Your Worth
New Story

Chapter 22 - You Don't Fall In Love

63.3K 1.5K 420
By _dreams_xox

~ Adrian's POV ~

I watched Jordan take Leo out of the crib next to our bed, mumbling things quietly to him to calm him down while she sat down on the bed next to me to feed him. The sun was shining through the window onto the two of them causing me to smile. It was the best thing in the morning to wake up next to them, the most important people in my life.

"Jordan." Her eyes moved away from Leo who was busy feeding from her and towards me. "Sorry did I wake you up?" I shook my head and sat up a little to look at her properly. "No, I'm going to Milan today so I needed to wake up early." She frowned but nodded, she didn't like it when I went to Milan but it was important, even though I want to protect Jordan and Leo, I couldn't forget that I am the leader of the mafia, I have responsibilities which I need to fulfill.

"Are you coming home today or tomorrow?" I kissed her forehead and got up from the bed heading towards the bathroom. "I'll see, I'm not planning to stay overnight there but I may end up getting back here in the middle of the night." She nodded and turned her attention back to Leo who began to whine about something or another. He's only been back from the hospital for two days and he's been crying non stop.

I quickly took a shower and put on a black Armani suit, I was doing my neck tie up in the mirror when I caught Jordan's eye. I knew she was watching me get dressed but it's always more fun letting her watch and then teasing her about it afterwards. I slowly made my way over to her, thankfully she had put Leo down in the crib already.

I smirked at her and took her hand pulling her up off the bed before wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my hands on her perfect ass.

"Did you enjoy the show?" A blush rose on her cheeks and she tried to push me away but her attempts were useless since I just tightened my grip on her. "Adrian stop."

I leaned forward and pecked her lips once then twice and before I knew it her arms were around my shoulders while we made out. Jordan eventually pulled away and pecked my lips once more. "Control yourself Adrian." She gave me a small teasing smile before stepping out of my hold. "I can't do anything with you for at least 6 weeks, everything needs to heal first."

I frowned as I watched her walk into the bathroom. Six freaking weeks. I was already desperate for her now. If I had known it was going to be that long I would have taken her up on all the times she woke up in the middle of the night basically begging for me to take her there and then during her pregnancy, instead of giving into my need for sleep.

I sighed and decided on going downstairs to get some breakfast still trying to comprehend what she had just told me. I walked in the kitchen to see Angelo making some coffee dressed in a suit like usual - we all had to look the part. I rolled my eyes at his presence and made my way over to the fridge.

"Non puoi ignorarmi per sempre Adrian" (You can't possibly ignore me forever Adrian.) I scoffed and took out the milk to make some cereal.

"Sei fortunato che non ti abbia ancora ucciso." (You're lucky I haven't killed you yet.) I wasn't about to forgive him any time soon for what he did, I know Jordan said I should 'let them be happy', but he's my bestfriend; screwing your best friend's sister is out of order in any friendship, I don't care how much they like each other.

"Adrian." I turned toward the door to see that Matteo has just come into the kitchen, he looked half asleep still. He sent Angelo a glare before turning towards me, he's been ignoring Angelo aswell, he was just as pissed off as I was.

"What?" He took a seat at the table and let out a sigh. "We need to talk about this situation." He gestured at the room around him causing me to frown in confusion. "What's wrong with the kitchen?" Matteo groaned and shook his head, he's never been a morning person, any little thing irritates him.

"No, I mean where we are. I know you want to keep Jordan and Leo safe and she likes it in Florence but we can't stay here any longer. We need to go back to Milan. It's been a week since we last went and I bet you it's chaos already." I shook my head and sat down next to him to eat my cereal. "No."

"Adr-" I sent him a glare cutting him off instantly, I knew he was right but I also knew I had to protect my wife and son. "Let me think about it." He nodded and went quiet leaving the three of us in a tense silence which was unusual for us since we've always been very close - we talk a lot. A few minutes later Carlotta came into the kitchen holding Leo in her arms followed by Jordan who looked exhausted, she was up most of the night either feeding, changing or staying awake with Leo.

"Haven't you gone yet?" I shook my head at Jordan's question and stood up to wash my bowl but she took it from me before I could. "Go, I'll do this." I mumbled a thank you before kissing her cheek. I didn't even acknowledge my sister who I knew had been glaring at me, in the corner of my eye I saw her looking over at Angelo who was waiting for Matteo and I by the door.

"Don't you even dare Carlotta." Her eyes moved to me and her glare intensified. "I'm older than you Adrian, don't tell me what to do." I rolled my eyes and chuckled at her immaturity. "So? That worked when we were kids, I'm 27 now, it doesn't mean a thing."
I heard her mumble something but I just followed the other two out the kitchen, neither Matteo or Angelo acknowledged her as we left. If Angelo thinks that's going to get him off the hook then he's wrong. He's got a lot to do to show that he's sorry, even then I probably won't forgive him.

None of us spoke the whole way to Milan from Florence, we drove to and from the airports in silence and sat as far away from each other on the jet. I'm fine with Matteo but he just likes his space this early in the morning, he doesn't talk unless it's necessary which I understand - it's only 6am. After having to deal with Leo all night, I couldn't find it in me to speak to him either.

We pulled up to the headquarters in Milan at 10am and as soon as we got inside we were busy dealing with all the shit we should have been dealing with for the past week which we've spent working from Florence. It's been hard to manage the mafia from a completely different city where there are no mafia at all, that's why I chose Florence since it's the safest place it in Italy, but it was always my last resort because although it was the best way to protect Jordan and Leo, it was also the hardest way, because I would have to go back and forth to Milan which meant leaving them there.

Hours had passed by the time I had done most of my work and was ready to leave Milan. I spent a lot of time thinking about how I was going to make this easier because the more I spend time away from the mafia headquarters, the more I lose my grip on everything that I control. People take you less seriously when you're not there to push them, or in my case, threaten them. Matteo and Angelo handle everything that I don't and to their credit they both work extremely hard, which means that if they're not in Milan, things don't go as smoothly. It's like working from home, there's always issues.

A knock on my office door took my attention away from the papers infront of me. I glanced over at the clock to see that it was 12:38am, not many of my men ever stayed this late. "Come in." The door opened revealing a tall brunette. My eyes travelled over her long tan legs and her perfectly toned body shown off in her tight dress. She flashed me a smirk and strutted over to me behind my desk, she sat down on the desk infront of me and slipped her sandals off before placing her feet on my lap.

"Antonia." Her smirk widened at my dark tone and she used her foot to rub the inside of my leg teasingly causing her dress ride up her thigh. "Adrian. I heard you were back in Milan. I thought I'd come and see you." I tried to avoid her eyes and instead went back to staring at the papers infront of me. "Yeah I'm not staying. It's just for business, that's all."

"Well, I used to help you with your business..." I clenched my jaw as her foot moved up towards my area. "You seem tense baby..." My breathing hitched when she rested her foot on my area. "...let me make you feel better." She rubbed the area with her foot before using her other leg to push me back in my chair. I watched her in a daze as she spread her legs infront of me with lust filled eyes.

"Antonia..." My voice came out low and strained causing her smirk to widen. She stopped rubbing and slowly unzipped the front of her dress, her eyes never leaving mine, she pushed the straps of her shoulders down and adjusted herself so that she could slip the dress off from her feet leaving her in her panties alone. She threw her dress down somewhere on the floor and smirked at me.

"Remember what we used to do on this desk? Right here." I nodded in response and slowly stood up from my chair clearing my throat. I stepped towards her, my eyes trailing seductively over her body, I placed my hands on the desk either side of her and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Antonia.." She hummed in response leaning up towards me slightly and I ran one of my hands through her long brown hair. My hand stopped in her hair and I gripped it tightly in my fist.

"If you think that your games will work on me then you're crazy." Her eyes were wide as she stared at me, anger was pulsing through me as I glared at her. "Let go of me Adrian." Her voice was strained as I gripped her hair tightly making sure it hurt her. I had no problems making sure she knew her place.

"You're a freaking whore. Why the hell do you think I would ever choose you over Jordan?" She scoffed at the mention of Jordan's name. "Your wife is nothing Adrian. She doesn't know you like I do, she's not pretty like I am. I bet she doesn't satisfy that hunger in you like I used to."

I chuckled and let go of her hair roughly before stepping back. "You're wrong. She's the most beautiful person I've ever met, inside and out. You on the other hand...well just look at you." I gestured towards her naked body on my desk, her panties the only item of clothing that she was wearing but they were lace and see through anyway. "You're disgusting."

She glared at me and tried to get up to get her dress but I stopped her. "What? All of a sudden you have a problem with wearing no clothes in front of me?" I chuckled to myself and picked up her dress before sitting down on my chair.

"Do you think I should rip it? Or is that a bit cruel? Well actually you do like showing off your body, maybe the last few of my men would like a late night show on your way out? What do you say?" Antonia didn't like the amused tone I was using and the way I was playing with her dress in my hands was definitely worrying her. She knows very well that is something I would do to someone like her.

"Adrian stop it." My eyes met hers, all traces of humour long gone. "Or what?" I glared at her and leaned back in my chair tossing her dress infront of her. I rolled my eyes as she quickly put it on again to cover herself up; Antonia got off the desk and turned away from me with the intention of leaving. I quickly stood up and grabbed her wrist tightly to stop her.

"If you ever talk that way about Jordan again, I will kill you. Don't think I won't do it, I've let you off too many times. I never want to see your ugly face ever again puttana." (whore). She pulled her wrist out of my grip and turned towards me, her face was full of hate and anger causing me to smirk at her.

"I knew what you were doing when you first walked in. Did you really think I wouldn't realise?" I knew this girl very well, I even thought I loved her at one point, but she's just a deceitful and manipulative little bitch. She always has been and she always will be. She rolled her eyes and stepped towards me.

"What happened to you Adrian? You never used to care about anything or anyone. You were fun back then. Even though you knew what I was doing with Kaito behind your back you still slept with me; because you didn't give a damn. Now all you care about is that bitch and your son."

I clenched my teeth together but didn't say anything in response to her. She smiled in amusement and stepped towards me again.

"You know I'm right Adrian. You had no problems doing whatever you wanted with other women, you hurt who you wanted to, you treated people how you wanted to. Now you're whipped and over what? Some random girl from London who will never be like us, no matter how hard you try to make her like us or how hard you try to force yourself to accept her. You don't love her, you may care for her because I'm sure she's a sweet girl. But you're not in love with her. You're Adrian De Mancuso, you don't fall in love."

Antonia was satisfied with my silence, she knew she had planted that seed of doubt into my head about my feelings towards Jordan just by what she had said; like I said, she's deceitful and manipulative.

"Get the hell out." I pulled out my gun and pointed it at her but she didn't seem fazed in the slightest. "It's your life, do what you want, but don't say I didn't warn you. Putting love before the mafia is going to come back to bite you Adrian."

I rolled my eyes and watched as she left my office, slamming the door behind her. I dropped my gun on the table and sat down in my chair letting out a sigh. I ran a hand through my hair trying not to think about what she said but it was no use; she was right.

Eventually I decided to just leave, I was exhausted and after Antonia's little visit I wasn't going to be getting anymore work done tonight. I made my way to Angelo's office first to let him know we were going back to Florence, I stopped outside the door and frowned when I saw it was cracked open. I pushed the door open and stepped inside, my attention was instantly directed towards the body lying on the floor.

I slowly made my way over to the body, blood was pooling around it, I breathed a sigh of relief when my eyes landed on an unfamiliar face. I frowned at the situation while looking around the room which apart from the blood was undisturbed, I quickly pulled out my gun out for protection and left the room in search of Angelo but first I went to find Matteo to see if he knew what was going on. Angelo doesn't usually shoot anyone in his office, he likes all the mess to be kept in the room we use for that sort of thing. So this mess means that something happened and he had to shoot in an emergency.

I went into Matteo's office without knocking, I stopped in my tracks at the sight of Matteo helping Angelo stitch up what looked like a bullet wound in his shoulder.
"What happened?" Matteo looked between Angelo and I before sighing. "Someone he trusted tried to double cross him. Because we haven't been here to deal with everything properly." Matteo gave me a pointed look causing me to roll my eyes, I turned to Angelo who was staring at the floor refusing to look at me.

"Are you okay?" He glanced up at me and nodded while clearing his throat. "Yeah." I nodded in response and sat down on the couch in Matteo's office before Matteo decided to speak to break the awkwardness. "We need to sort this out. We're brothers...all three of us."

"Yeah? That means one of us is into incest then." Both Matteo and Angelo found my comment funny even though I never meant for it to be funny. "Adrian I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't have done it and I definitely shouldn't have kept it from you." I shook my head and glared at him.

"How long were you screwing my sister then?" Matteo shook his head and went back to stitching up Angelo's shoulder, clearly irritated by my lack of forgiveness. "Three months."

"Three months? You kept it from me for three months?" I scoffed and stood up pacing around the room. "Adrian you need to get over it." I turned towards Matteo surprised by his sudden change in attitude. "You're okay with it?" He shrugged and put some bandages over Angelo's wound. "I'm still pissed about it but not as much. I'd rather Carlotta be with Angelo than some other bastard."

"I love her Adrian." I tensed up at the word 'love', that word has just brought me too much trouble today. I turned towards Angelo who was looking at me with sincerity in his eyes, I know he would never say that without at least meaning it a bit, because he's like me. He never falls in love.

"Okay." They both looked at me with shock written on their faces clearly not expecting me to say that. "What?" I rolled my eyes at the two of them. "Just do what you want Angelo. But if you hurt her-"

"Don't worry bro, I've already had that little chat with him." Matteo smirked and patted Angelo on the back when he was done patching him up. "Good. Let's go then, I've got shit to deal with at home."

<<<<<<< >>>>>>> <<<<<<<

I quietly went into our bedroom expecting Jordan to be fast asleep but instead she was awake holding Leo in her arms. I stared at the two of them unsure of how to feel anymore, I definitely cared about them obviously, but everything Antonia said just kept coming back to me. I've been putting Jordan before the mafia - it should be the other way round. I have no idea if I even love her or if I ever loved her to begin with now that Antonia has said what she said, that girl knows exactly how to get inside my head.

Jordan sent me a tired smile when I walked in and I had to force myself to smile back at her. "Hey baby." I mumbled a 'hey' in response and made my way to the closet to change. I felt her eyes on me but I didn't turn around, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth before getting into bed next to her. She was smiling at Leo who was busy cooing at her for her attention. "How was Milan?"

"Fine." She frowned at my cold tone and turned towards me. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and turned away from her causing her to scoff. "Adrian."

"Shut up Jordan." She went quiet for a minute before sighing, she didn't say anything else to me and instead went back to Leo who was wide awake for some reason. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep which shouldn't have been hard considering it way almost almost 5am but I just couldn't get all this shit out of my head. This morning I was so sure I loved her, just like I was sure I loved Antonia, but I was so fucking wrong about her. I don't know if I was wrong about my feelings for Jordan.

Our relationship moved so quickly - she was already my wife by the time I started feeling anything towards her and when I told her I loved her she was pregnant which obviously changed everything between us - we both felt differently about it each other. We shared a child together which was a special bond something that I definitely couldn't deny.

But I could have just been in love with the idea of her having my baby, I don't know, I was so damn sure this morning and now my head is screwed up because of Antonia telling me things which I had been telling myself long before I admitted my feelings for Jordan. I always convinced myself I didn't care for her, every time I started to feel something towards her I tried my best to push her away because I remembered who I was. A mafia leader - who never falls in love.

Eventually I fell asleep once Jordan and Leo had fallen asleep. I already knew tomorrow was going to be eventful to say the least, especially after I broke some news to Jordan which she definitely won't like.

Hey guys, not sure how I feel about this chapter 😕 Sorry it took so long I was a bit stuck on what to do next. Please vote and comment to let me know what you think 💚

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