illegirl ⌮ lee felix


937K 42K 67.2K

❝Aren't you lesbian?❞ He asked me with his deep raspy voice. ❝Excuse me?❞ I'm straight as fuck. Mmh, but wait... More

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We dropped off my girl at the airport. By we, I meant Jennie, Hyunjin and I. It's so weird having Jennie around because I always feel like I have competition whenever she's here.

"We'll call everyday, alright?" I whispered as she hugged me goodbye.

"Of course, don't worry..." she gave me one last kiss on the lips before going on the escalator, "I love you!" She yelled.

"I love you too..." I whimpered. I know it's only two weeks, but I'll still miss her like crazy.

"Love you too!" Jennie yelled. This girl thinks it's for her... pfft.

Just like that, she's gone.

"She can use this time alone to properly think. She'll regret choosing Felix over me." Jennie told Hyunjin as if I wasn't there.

"Woah! Did you see that earlier? She kissed me, not you!" I glared at her and she just rolled her eyes.

"Doesn't mean anything." She scoffed.

"Oh no, that's where you're wrong. That kiss meant the whole world to me."



I already miss Felix.

This is the first year where I'm not spending Christmas and New Year with him and friends. It feels rather lonely... but I know I'll feel way better when I finally see my parents again.

Almost fourteen days- thirteen days in Canada, plus about eighteen hours and forty minutes in flight, in total. I'm already so done.

After a long ten hours flight, I finally arrived at YVR airport. Home sweet home. I guess I'm kinda glad to finally be back after eleven years.

After going through the customs and security, I finally got my baggages and immediately went out to find my parents.

"Kang Jiyeon!" I heard someone yell, and when I looked... it was my mother.

"Mom!" I ran and immediately went to embrace her. It feels so good to finally be back in my mother's arms.

"I missed you so much, baby." She cooed me.

"Wow, I see nothing has changed. Maybe you grew a centimeter tall?" My dad teased and I started crying. I missed my parents so much.

"Dad!" I hugged him too. Oh dad, so much things have changed. I almost got pregnant, I dated a girl, I'm currently dating my best friend- you know! They don't need to know all that though...

Ah, I almost forgot how extremely cold it is here! Thank goodness my parents brought me an extra jacket. I could have just freezed to death right there.

After an hour of driving from the airport to our house, we finally arrived. It still looks the same- except I noticed that we got a new door. It probably broke, since my dad always 'accidentally' breaks things all the time.

First thing I smelt when I came in, was the scent of my mother's cooking. I'm already craving the food she made, even by just smelling it from afar.

I went inside my old room, and it's still exactly the same, except a bit more tidy. The color fuchsia covered the walls of my small, box like bedroom- the walls covered with Bigbang and One Direction posters. Why in the world did I ever think that putting those two groups together was such a great idea? And oh gosh... my Hannah Montana bed sheets. Holy shit, those are ancient.

I scavenged the drawer beside my bed and after a few minutes of digging, I found the real treasure. My diary.

"Dear diary, today I saw two girls kissing. It looks weird but cool and I would like to try it someday. It's okay to do that, right? By the way, Mark Lee took my fruit roll up today, so I called him a bucket-dumper and he cried. So funny. Boys are annoying. I hate boys. I prefer girls. Okay, bye."

Wow, it seems like little Jiyeon was already bisexual to begin with...

"The food is ready!" My mom yelled from outside my room and I immediately halted towards the dinning area in a flash.

After paying respects to the food and a prayer, which my mom likes to do every meal- we finally got to eat.

"So good!" I moaned while eating my mother's cooking. Yes, I did moan- grow up, you immature people.

"So, does our little princess have a boyfriend yet?" My dad asked and I choked on my rice. "Better not, or else I'll make him drink soju with me until he's knocked out."

Ahaha... dad, we shall not talk about alcohol once it comes to me and my boyfriend. I'd rather let him beat Felix up than make him drunk.

"Haha... funny," I looked down and started fiddling with my fingers. "I actually do have a boyfriend..."

"What?!" They both screamed in shock while also choking on their food. I quickly went up and started hitting their backs to let them breathe.

"Yeah... ahaha..." I looked away, a bit guilty.


"Lee Felix," I replied.

"Yongbok-ie? I love that guy!" My dad smiled widely while going back to enjoying his meal. I'm glad...

"Yeah, I don't think he likes being called Yongbok... but I'm glad you like him," I blushed.

"Do you really like him?" My mom randomly asked.

"I love him so much." I mumbled, and my mom gave me a smile of satisfactory in return.

"Is he nice to you?" Here comes a Q & A segment...

"Treats me like a queen. He takes such good care of me."

"I'm relieved to hear that," my dad sighed. "We're happy for you. Just remember, always stay responsible. Don't do things that you'll later on regret." Aka, he's talking about sex.

"I know..."

Sorry father, but your little princess isn't as innocent anymore.


It's finally Friday thank goodness

Song: J-hope — Airplane

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