Love At First Sight

Por MrsMalfoy2004

722 96 62

It's Madison's first year at Hogwarts and she's read up on everything about Hogwarts but she's nervous about... Más

Kings Cross Station
Platform: 9 3/4
Hogwarts Express
Hogwarts Platform
The Great Hall
Hogswing Common Room
Morning Run
My New Home
The Perfect Sunrise
Like mother like daughter
The Letter
The News
The Warning
I know he knows we both do
The Room of Requirement
A/N- Tagged
The Girls Lavatory
The Accident
The Secret Comes Out Part 1
The Secret Comes Out Part 2
Inside the Forbidden Forest
His Spot
A/N Tagged
Wishes Come True
The Visit
The Bet
A Winters Ball
My Infinity Friendship
The Train Disaster
Uncle Ron's The Best
The Perfect Dress
So Many Answers
500 Reads Special Chapter
The Unbreakable Love
And that was it
Till Then

Christmas at the Malfoys

7 2 1
Por MrsMalfoy2004

After we finished with the showers we went to one section of the room at a time. I started with hair and then moved on to makeup. I wanted to wear exactly what my mom did at her Yule Ball so that's exactly what I did. She still had the shoes and the hair pieces and everything so I did the exact same hair and makeup that she did.

Everything came out perfect until finally I was left with nothing but me and the dress. Before I did anything to it, I just stared at the dress laying on my bed. That dress. Oh how I longed to wear that dress. Starring at it for years just looking at it. Now it was finally my turn to fulfill the destiny the dress contains. Now it's my time to be the princess.

"Madi, you ready?" My mom asked.

"Yeah come on in." All the girls walked in.

"Madi you look beautiful!" Emily said.

"You look like a princess!!" Lily said.

"Luke's gonna think you look pretty!" Rose said.

"Well we won't know unless we find out. The party's going to start without us so let's go." Ginny said.

"Wait let me just do one final touch." I said as I put on the bracelet Albus gave me. "Just in case" I whispered and walked out of the room.

"Are you guys ready yet?!" Albus shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah come on we're getting impatient!" Draco yelled.

"Ok here we come!" Hermione said coming down the stairs.

"Hermione, you look beautiful!" Draco said.

"I know!" She said leaning in taking his arm.

After all the girls were down my mom said,
"Oh and we did a small makeover surprise on Madi that will take us back to when we were kids." She said looking at Ron and Harry.

"Come out Madi!" Ginny said.

That was my cue. And so I walked to the foot of the stairs.

"Oh my god!" Ron said.

"Is that-" Harry said.

"My Yule Ball dress!" Hermione said.

"I didn't even know she had that!" Draco said to Ron and Harry who were raising their eyebrows at him.

"What happened to my cousin?!" Albus said. "Now she looks hot!"

"Watch it Potter!" Draco said.

"Luke?" Emily said.

"Luke?" James said.

"I think we broke him." Albus said. He wasn't saying anything all he was doing was staring at me with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"She looks like a goddess." He finally said as I reached him.

"You look-there are no words!"

"Thanks! You look handsome to." I said smiling. Then he started to turn red. Wait a second. Is he blushing?! Oh my god I made him blush!

"Shall we proceed to the ballroom then?" Harry said.

"After you." He said to Ginny.

"After you as well." Like told me.

"What a gentleman" I said under my breath.

"I heard that." He said.


After dinner and a few dances, Luke took me to the living room where the tree was.

"I wanna give you your present now if that's alright."

"Yeah go ahead." I said.

"Close your eyes." I closed them.

"Now open." I opened them to reveal a small box with a thin silver ring and a green emerald.

"Luke, it's beautiful! I love it!" I said as he put it on me and I hugged him.

"I'm glad you do!" He said as we pulled away.

"Wait! Let me give you yours." I said getting his and handing it to him.

"It was the best I could do last minute."

He opened it to reveal, I'll just let him say it.

"A FIREBOLT 10.0?!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!!!!!" He screamed.

"I take it you love it!"

"THIS IS THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!! I love you!" He said and then we walked back in to continue the ball.

A couple dances later we were still all having fun until all of a sudden-


Our parents looked at each other with an expression.

"Bellatrix Lestrange!"

"KIDS RUN!" Harry yelled as we all pulled our our wands.

An entire gang of death eaters gate crashed into the ballroom and started attacking. We all started running out the secret door I opened for them and one by one we all went.

"QUICK GRAB THEM BEFORE THEY LEAVE!" She yelled to a death eater pointing straight to me and Albus.

"ALBUS RUN!" I said.

"MADISON!!" Luke said looking at me run.

"Expelliarmus!" They yelled. I looked back. They got Albus. I screamed. But I had to keep going as they were throwing spells at me. Come on Madi. Almost there. Only a few more steps to reach Luke's hand. I wasn't gonna make it in time so I threw him my wand. Run. And I sealed the passage.

Hexes everywhere Albus captured and they were still going for me.

"DADDY!" I screamed and my father saw the death eaters going after me and him and Harry went after me until.

"CRUCIO" I screamed at the top of my lungs like if I was getting murdered. I felt my insides scorching in pain as I screamed of pain.

"NOOOOO!" My father yelled.

"STUPEFY!" I was hit to the ground.

"Accio!" Bellatrix yelled as I flew to her and the dissapparated out of sight.

"MADISON!" Was the last thing I heard before I left. It was Luke.

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