Like mother like daughter

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When we were dressed and ready to go, Marley had to get Luke to drag me out of the common room because I kept going in and out and making sure I had everything I needed for today.

As we walked into the common room I just kept worrying about my classes.

"What if I'm missing one of my books and I get humiliated or what if I'm not able to complete all my classes because I signed up for all of them? Do you think I should've cut off from Muggle Studies and Divination? I mean it's never too early to start-"


"Yeah, she's right you're being way too stressed out and we haven't even sat down for breakfast yet. You're gonna be fine and remember you got us to watch your back. We're here for you." He said giving me a little nudge.

Just then McGonagall walked up to the stand and told us to take our seats for some morning announcements.

"Good morning students. I would like to just go over some announcements for the week."

The great hall became looked at her with their eyes and ears waiting to hear what she had to say.

"Once breakfast is finished your prefects will give you each your schedule for the week. Some of you will have different schedules and others will not have as many classes. And yes Max Quidditch tryouts will be this Thursday." She said looking at a Hufflepuff. "I wish you all the best of luck and have a good day!"

Once we left the great hall, Joseph gave us our schedules and we were off to our classes. Well, all except me. I was told to go to the Headmasters office after breakfast.

"Headmaster, you wanted to see me?"

"Ah, yes. Mrs.Malfoy come in." She said. "I wanted to talk to you about your schedule. Because of the fact that you have signed up for more classes than you should, the Ministry has permitted you to have a Time Turner. Do you know what that is?" She questioned me.

"Yes. My mother had the same issue that I did therefore she had to use a Time Turner that the Ministry provided for her. A Time Turner is used to go back into time."

"Yes indeed Mrs.Malfoy so you know what happens to those who meddle with time?" She said and I nodded my head in agreement. "Time is a very delicate thing. The slightest change can damage the present and future. You are very fortunate to use this and you must be very careful do you understand?"


"You are to use this for school purposes and ONLY school purposes do you accept these rules?"


"You're so much like your mother you know that right?"

"So I've been told." I chuckled.

"Now run along and have a good day!" She smiled and I left her office.

She gave me my schedule and with that I was off to my first class.

Her schedule is down below:
1. Charms- 9:00 am
Professor Flitwick

2. Potions- 9:00 am
Professor Slughorn

3. Care of magical creatures-
9:30 am
Professor Hagrid

4. Herbology- 10:30 am
Professor Longbottom

5. Defense Against the Dark
Arts- 10:30 am
Professor Vasconcelos

6. Astronomy- 11:00 am
Professor Sinistra

7.Flying- 11:00 am
Madame Hooch
8. Transfiguration- 1:00 pm
Professor McGonagall

9. History of Magic- 1:30 pm
Professor Binns

10. Divination- 2:00 pm
Professor Trelawney

11. Ancient Runes- 2:00 pm
Professor Babbling

12. Muggle Studies- 2:00 pm
Professor Patil

13. Alchemy- 2:30 pm
Professor Firenze

14. Frog Choir- 3:30 pm
Professor Flitwick

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