The Unexpected Mate

By furmommyof6

891K 33.9K 2.4K

"Say your goodbye Annie, you will not be seeing him again. You will choose a mate and be marked by next week... More

The Unexpected Mate
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
The Luna's Journey

Part 23

15.8K 707 39
By furmommyof6

"How did you do that?!" I asked as I stared where the boulder used to be. He literally just made a boulder burst into a million pieces with water. I looked over at him and he was hunched over with his hands on his knees. I rushed over to him and put my arms around him. "Troy? Are you alright?"

He stood up and wrapped me in his arms, "I'm sorry I lost my temper, but just the thought of losing you now that I have you. It just makes me so angry." I could see him clenching his jaw and his hands curling into fists.

I reached up on my tip toes and kissed his nose. "I know, but try not to take it out on any more rocks okay?" I said smiling at him and I was rewarded with that knock out smile.

"So, uh, you going to tell me how you did that?" I said gesturing to the boulder that was now in pieces. "Can all mer's do that?"

"All of the males can, females can control the sea life." He said shrugging like it was no big deal.

"They can like talk to fish and dolphins?! How cool!" Seriously, why couldn't we do something cool like that?

"Hmph, I think having a wolf at your beck and call is better than a stupid dolphin." Nan scoffed at me, oh my jealous wolf.

"No." Troy laughed, "They can control them, not talk to them. Say a mermaid is hurt out in the middle of the ocean, she can command a dolphin or whale to come to her and swim her to wherever she needs to go."

"Oh... that's still cool though." I was a little disappointed they couldn't talk to them but being able to call a dolphin or whale to your rescue was still pretty neat.

"Yeah, not as cool as controlling water and breaking things though." Troy smirked.

"Yes not as cool as that." I laughed agreeing with my mate. "What's your last name?"


"Alexander.... Troy Alexander. Hmmm I like it." Annie Alexander had an even better ring to it.

"I think Annie Jean Alexander sounds better, don't you?" He asked me blushing and I'm sure my face was mirroring his. I let out another girly giggle as I nodded my head in agreement. He sat down in the grass and pulled me down to sit on his lap. We sat there for a few minutes just enjoying each other's company.

"So about your dad. What are we going to do about him? Or about the situation I guess. I can't not have you in my life Annie, now that I've found you and know what it's like to be with you I can't imagine not having you in my life. I know you feel the same way, so what do we do?" Troy now had that little line between his eyes.

"What makes you think I feel the same way?" I asked teasing him, he knew the effect he had on me. I sighed as I continued. "I don't know. I was worried about finding a mate that was going to be considered 'acceptable' to my dad and his rules. I had planned on training my mate to be an Alpha when I found him, you don't even want to know what Lily and Ellie had planned for training. But you aren't a werewolf, or even human. I didn't even know others that are different like us existed until a few hours ago. I know you said that something like this has never happened before but there has to be somewhere in history that it has. Something that can show us a glimpse of what our future looks like, do you even know what will happen when I mark you?" There had to be something that would help us figure this out.

"If something like this has happened before I don't know anything about it, and trust me, I've been searching. As soon as I felt the pull to you I started researching, digging, and trying to find something that would help us if I ended up being your mate." My heart swelled at this, he had been trying to figure this out for us. But it also raised another question.

"Troy, how did you know I was a werewolf?" I asked.

"I didn't know at first to be honest with you, do you remember my first day here?" I shook my head sheepishly, I felt bad for not remembering when he obviously did.

"I wasn't important to you yet, you weren't eighteen yet. Anyways, I felt your pull right away. I followed you around like a creeper all day just trying to catch any information I could about you. I finally got your name thanks to you friend Lily scolding you for not telling her that she had something in her teeth." Troy laughed, "'Annie Jean Rogers why didn't you tell me I had broccoli in my teeth this entire time?" He mimicked Lily complete with the hands on his hips like she does. I had to laugh, he imitated pretty well!

"Once I had your name I did some more digging to see what I could find out about you. You know typical stalker stuff." He winked at me knowing full well I wouldn't be mad that he had dug into my past. "I knew you weren't mer, I would have known you already if you were. Do you remember the day your locker was stuck shut and you couldn't get it open?"

"What day isn't my locker stuck?" I asked him, seriously, it was an everyday occurrence.

He laughed, "Fair enough. Well on this day it was really stuck, it looked like it had been bent. You looked around to see if anyone was watching before you ripped it open and unbent the metal. I knew right then you weren't human." I remember this day now, when I had gotten to my locker that morning it looked like it had been punched in by one of the corners. I hadn't been surprised, my locker mates beside me were known to get into fights a lot so it hadn't been my first time coming into school to see my locker smashed. I remember I looked around to make sure no one was looking before I ripped it open and bent my locker back into its normal shape.

"You saw me do that? I made sure that no one was watching!" I had made sure no one was watching, if we got caught using our powers it would raise questions to the humans.

"When I saw you starting to look around I ducked behind a corner real quick so you couldn't see me, I know I sound like a stalker." He scrunched up his face thinking I would be mad. Honestly if he wasn't my mate I would be a little creeped out, but he is my mate so I find it oddly cute.

"Anyways....." He cleared his throat as he continued. "I hadn't told my parents that I had found you and felt the pull towards you yet. Since I knew for sure you weren't human I told my parents about you and my dad informed me that you were a werewolf. Our fathers know each other apparently, or at least know of each other. Your dad has quite the reputation." This I was aware of, my dad was known to be one of the toughest Alpha's. Alphas from other packs across the country and world would come to my dad for advice or training, it's one of the reasons it was so important to him for my mate to be a great Alpha.

"I still don't understand why my dad and the alphas before him have kept all this a secret from us. Why hide that there are others out there?" I couldn't wrap my mind around it. Why keep it all hidden? I looked at Troy and could tell he was holding something back, "What is it?"

Troy hung his head, "When I told my parents about you they kind of freaked out."

"They freaked out?" This was just great, I hadn't even met his parents yet and they already didn't like me.

"As I said, our fathers know of each other. The Alpha's made a deal with the others a long time ago. The Alphas agreed they would keep all of us a secret as long as all of them promised to never live on their lands or come in contact with you. It was agreed and everyone went their own way. Werewolves, except for Alpha's of course, were kept in the dark about the others. Alphas were only informed about our existence in case of possible threats. In the past few decades however, there have been slip ups and werewolf research teams have discovered us and others."

"If you're not supposed to live on our land, then how are you here now?" I asked, the town and school were all our land.

Troy's face paled, "Technically, we don't live on your land. We live on the outskirts of it, but I don't think your dad is going to see it that way." We may have more issues than we thought.

He looked down at his watch and frowned. "As much as I don't want to leave you, school is almost over and I'm sure your parents are expecting you right after." I nodded and tried not to tear up at the thought of leaving him even though I would see him tomorrow at school.

"Hey little fish." He put a finger under my chin and lifted my face so he could look me in the eyes. "You have made me the happiest person today, I am so happy and honored to be your mate. We will figure all of this out I promise, nothing will tear us apart."

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