Redemption [3]

By Vampirediaries1996

195K 3.1K 759

Who would have thought our favorite Bass would find herself in the middle of one of the toughest love triangl... More

The Start of Something New
Back to Reality
Telling The Truth
The Spectator
Chuck and Dan Are Friends
A Not So Welcoming Shower
The Beginning of Love
Aftermath of the Crash
New Years Second Chances
The Dark Truth
Wedding Drama
Runaway Bride
Georgina Scheming Again
Picnic Dates and Plans
Valentine's Day Sucks
Forgive But Never Forget
A Party or a Wake?
KiKi Fashion or Just Kinky
Lola on a Mission
Who's Your Mother?
What Happened in Portugal?
I am Not Your Father
What is Real and What is Fake?
What Have you Done Lola?
Family Business
Old Friendship
Being a Boss
Rekindling of Lost Love
Moving Forward
Girl Talk
Getting Real
Cotillion Scandal
Phillips for Sale
Microfilms and Fashion
What Are We Thankful For?
What Do We Do Now?
Break From It All
Bart or Bastard
Goodbyes Are Never Easy
Bart's Truth
Three Words, Eight Letters
It's Just The Beginning
New Life
Merry Life
Let's Start with Forever
Falling For You Forever
The Future is Ours

Horse Shows and Drama

3K 45 13
By Vampirediaries1996

Sorry, for the long wait. I re-wrote this chapter a few times before settling on this one. I wanted to give you al the best product I could think of for this series ending. I hope you all enjoy and stay tune for more to come.

Like life couldn't get any crazier Bart had to call me when I was in the middle of class and demand that I clear my schedule. I demanded back to know what for and he broke it down for me that Chuck is putting lies out on Gossip Girl to attack Lily and he needs to stop. Bart is going to take care of things on his end but he wants to me to talk with my brother. I don't know what he expects me to do. Chuck and I have barely spoken in months and from my talk with Blair he's still upset over me siding with Bart or so he thinks.

I head over to the Empire to talk with Chuck and to just get this over with. I don't need to be annoyed with Bart's constant calling. I head straight up and run into none other than Lily.

"Ella, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Likewise, Lily. I'm guessing you're here to talk with Chuck."

"Yes, he's been avoiding my calls all day and I just need to know that he wouldn't do the things Bart is saying. Are you here about what has been posted on Gossip Girl?"

"Bart demanded that I speak with Chuck and tell him to stop. He doesn't like speaking with him on these matters. He would rather have others do it for him."

"Well, maybe together Chuck can stop avoiding things and we can move on as a family."

"If only it was that easy."

"Come, I'm going to call as we surprise him." Lily calls Chuck and we can hear his phone ringing just as we come out of the elevator. He ignores Lily's call again.

"Well, at least I know your phone is working." Lily announces herself and Chuck jumps off the couch surprised to see us. "What I don't know is why you're avoiding my calls." Chuck looks from Lily to me not knowing what to say.

"It's nothing personal. As you know I have been avoiding my father..."

"And me." I add and Chuck nods his head.

"And Ella. And as you are married to him and are close with Ella..."

"Does that mean you're behind the stories about me on Gossip Girl?" Lily asks the million-dollar question.

"Is that what he told you? Is that the reason you are both here?"

"Bart wanted me to talk to you about the stories and if you were behind them to knock it off." I say looking at my brother.

"I hope you know I would never do something like that to you." Chuck says to Lily.

"Well, I needed to hear it from you. I also needed you to end your feud with your father and sister."  Lily looked at me.

"Lily, Chuck and I don't have to do this now and..."

"You're father not being dead is even more of a reason that you two shouldn't waste time-fighting or not speaking with each other."

"It's not that simply Lily, we uh..."

"She's right Chuck. We shouldn't act this way towards each other. I'm ready to sit down and talk whenever you are."

"Uh, yeah..."

"Well, I got us tickets for the horse show, but it starts in an hour, so..." Blair walks in and Lily and I are shocked to see her. She is just as surprised to see us in the room and I try and gage Chuck's response but he's acting too calm about everything. "Oh, hello Lily, Ella." Blair greeted us.

"Oh, well you don't mean the one at the Stone Orchard Stables?" Lily asks.

"It is. I don't..." Blair is lost for words which she never is. "Chuck?" Blair looks to my brother for help.

"Oh, I haven't been in years. It's a fabulous event. And a wonderful opportunity, Charles for all of us to get together as a family. What do you say Ella are you free?"

"I mean I'm not the biggest fan of horses and..."

"Oh, that's right you have that fear of being thrown off but you won't be riding them."

"I guess if I'm just near then I'll be fine."

"Perfect, I'll call your father to make sure he's available." Lily reaches for her phone but Chuck stops her from dialing his number.

"Oh, please. No, don't tell him. This should be a surprise." Chuck has us join him on the couch so we could talk through why we're going to a horse show. I don't understand why since it starts soon.

"I can see why you don't feel like socializing with your father, but why would you insist on keeping your attendance at an equestrian event a secret?" Lily asks Chuck who I can already tell is lying his ass off.

"I could care less about the horses. I'm looking at the property. As long as my father and well my sister are both in the real estate game in New York, there will never be peace in our family." I keep my mouth shut Chuck is up to something more than buying a horse ranch. Lily is too kind to notice how much of an ass Chuck can be.

"Stone Orchard is for sale?" Chuck nods his head. "Oh, my god. What a shame. It's been in the same family for two centuries."

"Well, I head they lost fortune in Facebook stock." Blair joins in and I raise my brow at her as she avoids my gaze.

"I'm just exploring the possibility, and don't want Bart to know until it's real."

"This is fantastic Charles. Good for you. I'm so proud of you for thinking outside of the box, and outside of Manhattan. I know the place quite well. I actually put my horse there when we first moved back out East, and I mean, I could show you around? I promise not a word of this to your father."

"As nice as that is I would like to hear the same from my sister." Everyone looks to me.

"Unlike some, I don't lie. If you want to purchase real estate who am I to stop you. Besides I care more about the international front than local. It's all yours brother." Chuck gives the fakest smile as we head out for the stable.

We head to the car as Lily calls Bart to tell him about our plans. She hands me the phone and I take the call knowing what he's going to ask.

"Ella, am I walking into something I'm not going to like?"

"Chuck just wants to get the family together." I say with a fake smile.

"That better be it."

"Just because you would go back on your word doesn't mean everyone is like you. See you at the horse show." I hang up the phone and shimmy into the awkward car ride. I know Chuck is up to something and if we were on speaking terms he would tell me but he lost trust in me just like I did him.

I honestly don't see the fascination in watching people race horses. It may also do with my fear of horses in general. All I can think about is the time Bart signed Chuck and me up for horseback riding lessons and my first time on my horse without any guidance I was bucked off and almost trampled on. Ever since then I dislike events with horses. I even must look away from the scene in Elf where the horses chase after Santa. There's only so much time a person can take and I had it up to my limit with horses.

"I know this isn't the best environment for you Ella, but thank you, for sticking it out." Lily, hugs me as we continue to walk around. "Just smell the air. So, crisp and clean. And fertilized. You know there's so much to show you. This could take all afternoon. Ella, maybe we can even work on your fear of horses."

"I don't know if one afternoon will cure that and besides what about Chuck and Bart. We need to all get together at one point and that will take up some of our time." I look to Chuck raising my brow at him signaling game on.

"You know Lily's right, maybe we should just have you ride one for the fun of it. They always say you can only get rid of your fear by facing it head-on." Chuck tries to drag me away but I rip my hand out of his.

"I don't know about that Chuck, but I do know that if you want to bid on this place when it comes to auction you're going to need a tour. Why don't we let Lily give us the grand tour?" Chuck is seething that I'm interfering with his grand plan.

"Oh, uh..." Blair distracts us and we look at her wondering what is wrong. She's getting all excited and worked up out of nowhere. "Did you see that woman over there waving at you?" She asks Lily and points to an area filled with women not giving any indication of who she was talking about.

"Which one?" Lily asks.

"The one that looks like Princess Anne. She's saying your name and waving." Blair continues.

"Are you sure? Ah, well maybe I should go say hello. I don't want to be rude. Excuse me." Lily leaves us and I turn to Blair and Chuck.

"You two want to explain what is going on here?" They give each other a nervous look.

"Nothing, I just really wanted Lily to say hi to..."

"Cut the crap, Blair. Why are we here at this horse show? You dislike horses just as much as me." I direct my attention to my brother.

"Just considering some real-estate sister. Nothing more than that."

"Why is it hard for me to believe you?"

"You are believing in me is not my issue anymore Ella."

"Wow." I shake my head seeing that Chuck is still holding onto petty things. "And here I thought you may want to move on, but let me clue you in on a little secret brother. Don't cross me. Things will never end well for you when you go against me."

"Is that a threat sister?"

"Oh, you know it's a promise." I give him and Blair one more chance to fess up but seeing as their sticking with each other I see it's my time to find Bart. "Enjoy the horse shit, I mean show."

I head towards the stables where Bart says to meet him. I don't know why he's so worried about Chuck being at this horse show. He's never shown an interest in horses ever. He barely paid attention to when Chuck and I tried out horseback riding. I see him talking on the phone as I approach him.

"What's going on?"

"Has Chuck said anything to you?"

"Barely a few words. He defiantly doesn't want me or you here. He has Blair distracting Lily."

"He's meddling in things that are not his business."

"What is he doing?" Bart's face stiffens as he tries to figure out what he is going to say.

"I can't tell you everything, Ella. I can't and I won't put you in that position."

"Fine, don't tell me but allow me to help you. If Chuck is trying to get back at you for not letting him be a part of the company let me help you."

"I've made mistakes in my past Ella. Things I wish I could take back but now it's coming back to haunt me. Your brother is trying to tear me down for my one mistake I made years ago as a vengeful way to get me out of his way."

"Whatever you did I'm sure Chuck would understand and..."

"No! Chuck will do anything to destroy me. All you need to know is that I will not let him and I need your word that you'll stand by me."

"What are partners for?" We head to into the barns hearing Chuck talking to some girl.

"Again, you are mistaken. She was sold to a family friend several years ago and put to pasture. She was worthless to anyone but me."

"Which made her priceless." Bart interrupts and the smile that spread on this unknown girl's face made Chuck and I wonder what the hell is going on. How does this girl know our father and when has anyone ever been this happy to see him?

"Uncle Bart! So, good to see you." They share a hug with each other and when in the hell has he ever been an uncle Bart to someone? He's barely been a father and this stranger calls him uncle.

"I see my son is attempting to work his charms on you." Chuck hangs his head low he obviously didn't tell this girl who he was.

"Why didn't you tell me Bart Bass is your father? He's like family. Our fathers were such good friends before his accident."

"Speaking of which, I was sorry to hear of his recent passing." We said goodbye to the girl Bart knows so well but hasn't explained how he knew her father or why we as his children never heard of her. Bart leads have us follow him acting like we're a happy family just wanting to watch the show. When he just wants to have words with Chuck.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here, talking to Iman?" So, she has a name.

"Enjoying the horses, same as you, right? Because Lily would hate to learn that you had me followed."

"You need to stop sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong and leave Lily out of this. Do we understand each other?"

"Why did you bring Ella into this?"

"Because I'm his business partner. If you're trying to get him kicked out of Bass Industries Chuck you need to stop. This is foolish. Both of you need to stop going after each other."

"I will when he starts being honest with me!" Chuck is getting fired up.

"Stop being dicks to each other!"

"Easy for you to say. You've never had to fight for your place in this family." Chuck throws one of the weakest insults at my face.

"How wrong you are Chuck. You know what, I'm done with this bullshit. You two can deal with this on your own. I want nothing to do with this. Contact me if it's business related other than that I don't want to hear from you." I inform Bart as I leave them to bicker.

When I made it back to the refreshment table I walk into a storm of drama. Everyone is whispering and I have no idea what about. Some people are looking at me and others are avoiding me.

"Did you just omit someone from our conversation?" I can hear Serena's voice before I can see her. I look at the crowd for her and I spot her with Lily, Steven, Nate, and Sage surrounding her.

"I had no idea. I gave it to my editor so I could be here with Sage and..."

"And you just failed to mention that you were posting a video of you and my best friend not to mention sister getting it on in the elevator!"

"What the hell?" Nate turns to see me behind him and the fear in his eyes are ones I haven't seen in years. "What is she talking about?" Nate is lost for words.

"Here, let me show you." Serena hands me my phone and I almost die from embarrassment. Sure, enough on the Spectator blast there is a video of me heavily making out with Nate's face blurred out. Thankfully the post stopped before it went any further. I hand her back her phone and she steps back from me to deal with Nate.

"What the hell Nate? I get to have my sex life exposed but you get a blurred face?" He holds his hands out in defense trying to calm me down but it's not going to work.

"Ella, let me explain. I was never planning to..."

"When did you even get your hands on this? Huh? And why do you get your face blurred!"

"Ella, let's uh talk about this in..."

"Oh, no! Listen here you piece of shit. Just because I ended our short-lived relationship does not give you the right to publish our private moments without my consent."

"I never meant to send this to my editor when I was drunk and I..."

"I don't' care when you sent it. Why did you have it in the first place, the only..." I remember that Chuck is the only one who had access to this video.

I storm away from Nate and search for my brother. When I spot him his eyes go wide? He tries to run away from me by heading towards the stables where no one was but I eventually caught up to him and tackled him to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I did nothing but support you in every shit thing you've done. I covered for you with Bass Industries and I made sure to always have your back. And you go on and do this to me! What did I ever do to deserve this?"

"You chose him!" Chuck yells at me. We stop fighting and look at each other. I stand up and brush the dirt off the best I could as I help Chuck up. I tackled him hard so he has a cut on his face from where he fell on the ground. "I thought of all the people who would leave me you would never be one of them. But there you were leaving me alone."

"I never left you, Chuck..."

"By choosing our father you did! He has never done anything for us for you to turn your back on me the way you did! I thought you were my sister!"

"And I thought you were my brother! The one person who would never lie to me or hurt me. You did both of those things. You played with my emotions and used them against me. You betrayed my trust!"

"That doesn't give you the right to side with Bart!"

"Get over me being Bart's partner. It's strictly business. I rarely see him."

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Why did you agree to partner with him when he cut me out? The Ella I knew would have fought for me or cared that I wasn't blindsided."

"The old Ella may have but..."

"What you became selfish and desperate for daddy's attention?"

"I'm anything but desperate!"

"Then why follow a man who has barely been in our vies with such blind faith?"

"Because it's nice to feel wanted for once in my life. Bart said he was proud of the work I've done and that's all I've wanted him to say and to finally..."

"So, he played you to get you on his side and..."

"Why does there have to be a side? I can be in business with our father and still be your sister. We're family at the end of the day, Chuck. Why spend our one life fighting and hating one another?"

"I don't hate you, Ella."

"Then why have you been avoiding me and better yet why would you share the video of Nate and I in the elevator?" The look of regret washed over his face. "What did I do to deserve that? No matter how much I was mad at you I would never have even thought to do what you've done to me." I feel the tears streaming down my face as I look at my brother.

"I was upset that he took you from me. I was angry when I sent that to Nate. I never meant for him to..."

"What did you think he was going to do with it? A video like that would embarrass me and you knew that or you wouldn't have shared it!"

"I didn't handle things correctly Ella. I was distraught from our fight and..."

"Grow up Chuck. Own your shit!"

"Fine here's me owning my shit. I hated you that night more than I've ever hated someone in my life. I've despised you leaving me these past months..." Chuck is crying too which shocks me. "But above all I missed you."

"Did you ever think that once I missed you too?" I ask wiping away my own tears.

"You had everything you wanted how could you miss your screw up of a brother."

"It's because you're my brother that I miss you, Chuck. It killed me not speaking to you every day. It killed me that I couldn't tell you about my day or what made me happy. You were the one constant thing in my life that I could always count on. I..." Chuck shut me up by bringing me to a deep bug. We held onto each other like there was no tomorrow.

"I hated what I've done to you. I wish I can say it was because I was jealous or some other childish reason, but all I can say is that I'm an ass. I don't' deserve you as my sister and I don't' expect you to forgive me..."

"Shut up and hug me again." Chuck nods his head. I rest my chin on his shoulder. "I've never needed you to prove your worth to me or make everything up to me all I ever wanted was for you to love me again."

"You're my sister Ella. I could never not love you."

"I'm sorry for anything I've ever done to harm you or make you not trust me I..."

"Chuck, I'm ready to put the past behind us if you are."

"Of course. I would love nothing more." I lift my head up and I smile at my brother for the first time in forever.

"But before we move on, I need to know besides the sex tape you leaked to the Spectator is there anything else I need to be worried about?" Chuck tilts his head back.

"I will put a call in first thing for them to pull the story about you and Baizen sneaking around and having sex in Central Park." I smack his shoulder.

"I told no one other than..." My mouth drops open as." Blair told you, didn't she?"

"She shares a lot of gossip when we're rolling arou..." I cover his mouth.

"We may be on good terms now, but that doesn't change the fact that I want no part of your sex life."

"Just like old times." Chuck and I walk arm in arm as we figure out what we're going to do. We've made up for now but what's the next scandal to break us apart or has this time hating each other made us stronger than ever. I wish I could know what the future has in store for us but that's the thing about life. Everything is unknown until it hits you in the face.

I can't wait for the next chapter. Cotillion is always fun to write some of the best scenes from Gossip Girl has happened at them and this one is sure to add to the drama. Thank you, all again for your support. I love writing this series and I love hearing from each and everyone one of you.

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